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Androids Saga
- Destroyed a pair of handcuffs (DBZ E138: 18:32)
Powers and Abilities
- Levitated in the air (DBZ E134: 13:11)
Inorganic Physiology
- Stated that he was constructed from nothing (DBZ E134: 20:01)
Standard Equipment
Imperfect Cell Saga
Powers and Abilities
- Flipped to his feet (DBZ E152: 04:36)
Body Control
- Fired his fist from his arm (DBZ E152: 05:29)
Energy Projection
- Projected two beams of energy from his eyes (DBZ E151: 20:10)
- Projected two waves of energy from his arms with a Hell’s Flash (DBZ E152: 06:44)
- Sensed Cell and Piccolo’s ki (DBZ E142: 16:31)
- Flew into the air (DBZ E147: 20:59)
Inorganic Physiology
- Was stated to be completely robotic (DBZ E151: 18:37)
Light Manipulation
- Generated light from his arm (DBZ E152: 05:29)
- Generated light with a Hell’s Flash (DBZ E152: 06:44)
Temperature Manipulation
- Burned Cell’s shoulders with his energy beams (DBZ E151: 20:10)
- Was stated to dissipate even the slightest of ki (DBZ E144: 17:26)
- Harmed Imperfect Cell with a punch (DBZ E151: 14:55)
- Stated that his power was about equal to Imperfect Cell’s (DBZ E151: 15:55)
- Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Imperfect Cell (DBZ E151: 16:31)
- Clashed with Imperfect Cell (DBZ E151: 17:34)
- Withstood a punch from Imperfect Cell (DBZ E151: 17:46)
- Harmed Imperfect Cell with an attack (DBZ E151: 18:51)
- His speed was complimented by Imperfect Cell (DBZ E151: 19:15)
- Withstood a kick from Imperfect Cell (DBZ E151: 19:30)
- Harmed Imperfect Cell with a headbutt (DBZ E151: 19:35)
- Pierced Imperfect Cell’s shoulders with a beam of energy (DBZ E151: 20:10)
- Harmed Imperfect Cell with a kick (DBZ E151: 20:13)
- Harmed Imperfect Cell with a kick (DBZ E151: 20:27)
- Ripped off Imperfect Cell’s tail (DBZ E151: 20:38)
- WIthstood a kick from Imperfect Cell (DBZ E152: 04:29)
- Withstood a punch from Imperfect Cell (DBZ E152: 04:41)
- Harmed Imperfect Cell with a punch (DBZ E152: 05:29)
- Harmed Imperfect Cell with a punch (DBZ E152: 05:44)
- Harmed Imperfect Cell with an attack (DBZ E152: 05:51)
- Harmed Imperfect Cell with a Hell’s Flash (DBZ E152: 06:44)
- Withstood a blast of energy from Semi-Perfect Cell, though was damaged (DBZ E152: 15:06)
- Goku stated that there was no way he could win against the Androids (DBZ E147: 07:47)
- Cell was stated to possess an even greater power than the Androids while in his Imperfect Form (DBZ E140: 21:31)
- Stated that Cell would be beyond anyone’s control in his Semi-Perfect Form (DBZ E150: 14:23)
- Cell blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Android 16 while in his Imperfect Form (DBZ E151: 16:19)
- Cell blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Android 16 while in his Imperfect Form (DBZ E151: 16:31)
- Cell pierced Android 16’s neck with his tail while in his Imperfect Form (DBZ E151: 17:49)
- Cell dodged a punch from Android 16 while in his Imperfect Form (DBZ E151: 19:39)
- Cell dodged a kick from Android 16 while in his Imperfect Form (DBZ E152: 04:26)
- Cell tanked a punch from Android 16 while in his Semi-Perfect Form (DBZ E152: 14:38)
Standard Equipment
Perfect Cell Saga
Powers and Abilities
- Flew into the air (DBZ E153: 05:04)
- Withstood an attack from Semi-Perfect Cell (DBZ E159: 10:27)
- Stated that Semi-Perfect Cell already had enough power to make himself invincible (DBZ E154: 18:09)
- Stated that there was no one in the entire universe that could stand up to Semi-Perfect Cell (DBZ E154: 18:12)
- Cell tanked a punch from Android 16 while in his Semi-Perfect Form (DBZ E159: 10:12)
- Cell tanked a barrage of punches from Android 16 while in his Semi-Perfect Form (DBZ E159: 10:15)
- Cell moved too fast for Android 16 to see while in his Perfect Form (DBZ E164: 20:05)
- Trunks moved too fast for Android 16 to see while in his Super Saiyan Grade 3 Form (DBZ E164: 20:05)
Standard Equipment
Cell Games Saga
- His self-destruction was stated to be able to blow up the Earth (DBZ E183: 16:14)
Powers and Abilities
- Was stated to have a device that can detect ki (DBZ E172: 05:43)
- Flew through the air (DBZ E175: 14:47)
- Was alive as a disembodied head (DBZ E184: 15:42)
Inorganic Physiology
- Was stated to be completely machine based, and was built from nothing (DBZ E167: 04:08)
- Stated that the was going to blow himself up (DBZ E183: 11:53)
- Was stated to not have a presence to detect due to being a robot (DBZ E183: 11:37)
- Stated that he was going to blow Perfect Cell to bits with his self-destruction (DBZ E183: 12:33)
- Restrained Perfect Cell (DBZ E183: 11:22)
- Cell blew Android 16 to pieces with a blast of energy while in his Perfect Form (DBZ E183: 17:10)
- Cell crushed Android 16’s head underneath his foot while in his Perfect Form (DBZ E184: 20:31)
- Goku stated that if Gohan lost to Cell then there wouldn’t be anyone else around who could beat him (DBZ E181: 07:00)
Standard Equipment