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Trunks Saga
Powers and Abilities
- Flipped away from Trunks (DBZ THoT: 19:25)
Energy Projection
- Projected a beam of energy from her fingertip (DBZ THoT: 02:59)
Enhanced Senses
- Noticed a person that was outside her line of sight and attacked him without looking (DBZ THoT: 27:53)
Explosion Manipulation
- Created an explosion with a beam of energy (DBZ THoT: 02:59)
- Levitated in the air (DBZ THoT: 18:59)
Light Manipulation
- Generated light with a beam of energy (DBZ THoT: 03:19)
- Killed Krillin with a beam of energy (DBZ THoT: 03:19)
- Dodged an attack from Piccolo (DBZ THoT: 03:08)
- Killed Piccolo with an attack (DBZ THoT: 03:10)
- Was stated to be incredibly strong by Gohan (DBZ THoT: 11:10)
- Harmed Super Saiyan Gohan with an attack (DBZ THoT: 18:52)
- Harmed Super Saiyan Gohan with an attack (DBZ THoT: 19:13)
- Withstood a kick from Super Saiyan Gohan (DBZ THoT: 20:13)
- Harmed Super Saiyan Gohan with a blast of energy (DBZ THoT: 20:18)
- Blew off Super Saiyan Gohan’s arm with a blast of energy (DBZ THoT: 21:08)
- Harmed Super Saiyan Gohan with an attack (DBZ THoT: 29:37)
- Matched a blast of energy from Super Saiyan Gohan with a blast of energy alongside Android 17 (DBZ THoT: 29:45)
- Withstood an attack from Super Saiyan Gohan (DBZ THoT: 30:10)
- Withstood an attack from Super Saiyan Gohan (DBZ THoT: 30:13)
- Harmed Super Saiyan Gohan with a punch (DBZ THoT: 31:26)
- Harmed Super Saiyan Gohan with an attack (DBZ THoT: 31:45)
- Killed Super Saiyan Gohan with a barrage of energy blasts (DBZ THoT: 31:50)
- Killed Tien with a punch (DBZ THoT: 03:18)
- Harmed Trunks with a blast of energy (DBZ THoT: 19:19)
- Dodged a barrage of attacks from Trunks (DBZ THoT: 19:35)
- Harmed Trunks with a series of attacks (DBZ THoT: 19:39)
- Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Trunks (DBZ THoT: 19:41)
- Harmed Trunks with a punch (DBZ THoT: 19:47)
- Withstood an attack from Trunks (DBZ THoT: 19:48)
- Harmed Trunks with a punch (DBZ THoT: 19:51)
- Harmed Super Saiyan Trunks with a punch (DBZ THoT: 36:50)
- Dodged a blast of energy from Super Saiyan Trunks (DBZ THoT: 36:53)
- Caught a punch from Super Saiyan Trunks (DBZ THoT: 36:57)
- Harmed Super Saiyan Trunks with a punch (DBZ THoT: 37:03)
- Dodged a sword strike from Super Saiyan Trunks (DBZ THoT: 37:08)
- Dodged a sword strike from Super Saiyan Trunks (DBZ THoT: 37:10)
- Dodged a sword strike from Super Saiyan Trunks (DBZ THoT: 37:12)
- Dodged a sword strike from Super Saiyan Trunks (DBZ THoT: 37:21)
- Harmed Super Saiyan Trunks with a blast of energy (DBZ THoT: 37:45)
- Withstood a kick from Super Saiyan Trunks (DBZ THoT: 37:55)
- Withstood an attack from Super Saiyan Trunks (DBZ THoT: 37:56)
- Tanked an energy blast from Super Saiyan Trunks (DBZ THoT: 37:59)
- Dodged a barrage of energy blasts from Super Saiyan Trunks (DBZ THoT: 38:37)
- Harmed Super Saiyan Trunks with a kick (DBZ THoT: 40:13)
- Tanked a barrage of punches from Super Saiyan Trunks (DBZ THoT: 42:36)
- Harmed Super Saiyan Trunks with a punch (DBZ THoT: 42:46)
- Harmed Super Saiyan Trunks with an attack (DBZ THoT: 42:51)
- Harmed Super Saiyan Trunks with an attack (DBZ THoT: 42:52)
- Drew blood from Super Saiyan Trunks with a punch (DBZ THoT: 42:55)
- Knocked Trunks unconscious with a blast of energy (DBZ THoT: 43:31)
- Was stated to be a monster with unthinkable power by Trunks (DBZ E122: 11:27)
- Was stated to be too strong by Trunks (DBZ E122: 15:33)
- Piccolo stated that he was sure he could beat the Androids that Trunks talked about (DBZ E126: 03:50)
- Gohan blocked a series of energy blasts from Android 18 with a barrier while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBZ THoT: 29:26)
- Gohan blocked a punch from Android 18 while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBZ THoT: 29:34)
- Gohan overpowered a blast of energy from Android 18 and Android 17 with a blast of energy while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBZ THoT: 29:56)
- Gohan dodged a kick from Android 18 while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBZ THoT: 30:09)
- Gohan dodged an attack from Android 18 while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBZ THoT: 31:24)
- Gohan blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Android 18 while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBZ THoT: 31:27)
- Trunks blocked a series of attacks from Android 18 (DBZ THoT: 19:38)
- Trunks dodged a barrage of energy blasts from Android 18 while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBZ THoT: 37:48)
Standard Equipment
- Stated that she was going to fight Super Saiyan Gohan at full power (DBZ THoT: 28:52)
Androids Saga
Powers and Abilities
- Was stated to have unlimited energy by Trunks (DBZ E132: 12:20)
- Trunks stated that there wasn’t any way he could match up against Android 18 (DBZ E132: 16:06)
- Android 18 was stated to have unbelievable strength compared to her future self (DBZ E137: 06:42)
Standard Equipment
Cell Games Saga
Powers and Abilities
Energy Projection
- Projected a blast of energy from her hand (DBZ E194: 04:07)
Explosion Manipulation
- Created an explosion with a blast of energy (DBZ E194: 04:07)
- Flew towards Trunks (DBZ E194: 10:15)
Light Manipulation
- Generated light with a blast of energy (DBZ E194: 04:07)
- Withstood a punch from Super Saiyan Trunks (DBZ E194: 10:03)
- Withstood an attack from Super Saiyan Trunks (DBZ E194: 10:24)
- Trunks dodged a blast of energy from Android 18 while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBZ E194: 09:55)
- Trunks dodged a punch from Android 18 while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBZ E194: 10:15)
- Trunks dodged a kick from Android 18 while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBZ E194: 10:18)
- Trunks caught a punch from Android 18 while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBZ E194: 10:23)
- Trunks dodged a blast of energy from Android 18 while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBZ E194: 10:25)
- Trunks dodged an attack from Android 18 while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBZ E194: 11:10)
- Trunks deflected a series of energy blasts from Android 18 while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBZ E194: 11:19)
- Trunks killed Android 18 with a blast of energy while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBZ E194: 11:25)
Standard Equipment