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Powers and Abilities
Existence Erasure
- Stated that everyone who had ever seen his Venuzdonoa, had been wiped out, source and all (TMoDKA E4: 18:58)
Forcefield Creation
- Put up walls between the Infernal Realm, the Human Realm, the Spirit Realm, and the Heavenly Realm, and installed a door that wouldn't open for at least a thousand years (TMoDKA E2: 01:07)
- Stated that he would be reincarnated two thousand years from then (TMoDKA E2: 01:28)
Life Manipulation
- Was stated to have used his own blood to create seven subordinates (TMoDKA E3: 04:48)
- Put up walls between the Infernal Realm, the Human Realm, the Spirit Realm, and the Heavenly Realm, and installed a door that wouldn't open for at least a thousand years (TMoDKA E2: 01:07)
Power Nullification
- Stated that everyone who had ever seen his Venuzdonoa, had been wiped out, source and all (TMoDKA E4: 18:58)
- Was stated to have reincarnated those who couldn't keep up with the fighting as it raged on (TMoDKA E1: 09:14)
- Stated that he would be reincarnated two thousand years from then (TMoDKA E2: 01:28)
- Put up walls between the Infernal Realm, the Human Realm, the Spirit Realm, and the Heavenly Realm, and installed a door that wouldn't open for at least a thousand years (TMoDKA E2: 01:07)
Soul Manipulation
- Stated that everyone who had ever seen his Venuzdonoa, had been wiped out, source and all (TMoDKA E4: 18:58)
- Was stated to have killed off the gods (TMoDKA E1: 00:11)
- Kanon impaled Anos with an attack (TMoDKA E2: 02:08)
Standard Equipment
Demon King Academy arc
- Slightly altered the formula for Emilia's Gyze spell, boosting its effects by twice as much, despite there not being a flaw found in the formula for the past 2000 years (TMoDKA E2: 07:16)
- Deduced that Sasha's betrayal of him and Misha was an act and was just too tame (TMoDKA E3: 17:50)
- Deduced that Sasha's hate and animosity towards Misha was an act, due to her Magic Eyes of Destruction not activating, which were stated to activate when her emotions ran high (TMoDKA E3: 19:55)
- Deduced that Misha and Sasha were originally one and the same, due to Sasha having unilaterally destroyed their Zecht, which would normally be impossible (TMoDKA E4: 00:14)
- Obliterated a colosseum with a blast of magic power (TMoDKA E1: 20:24)
- Lifted a castle (TMoDKA E2: 14:08)
- Threw Sasha's castle into the air (TMoDKA E2: 14:20)
- Caught Sasha's falling castle with one hand (TMoDKA E2: 14:24)
- Spun Sasha's castle on his fingertip (TMoDKA E2: 14:29)
- Threw Sasha's spinning castle, creating a crater on impact (TMoDKA E2: 14:36)
- Created a large crater in a wall with an attack (TMoDKA E4: 12:42)
Powers and Abilities
Air Manipulation
- Snuffed out Zepes' flame with his breath (TMoDKA E1: 02:33)
- Created a shockwave with a snap of his fingers (TMoDKA E1: 06:27)
- Activated his own Magic Eyes of Destruction, after Sasha tried to use hers on him (TMoDKA E2: 10:05)
Durability Negation
- Amplified the sound of his heartbeat, reverberating it into Zepes' body and causing him to bleed profusely from within (TMoDKA E1: 05:28)
Empathic Manipulation
- Forced Zepes to regret his actions against Anos (TMoDKA E1: 02:54)
- Stated that the zombie, resurrected by his Igrum, acquires devastating magic power while burning with hatred for having been killed in exchange (TMoDKA E1: 18:25)
Energy Projection
- Created a pillar of magic power, obliterating a colosseum (TMoDKA E1: 20:24)
Existence Erasure
- Stated that his Venuzdonoa annihilates everything (TMoDKA E4: 19:04)
- Stated that he annihilated the sources of Eugo and the demon that was controlling Ivis, while wielding Venuzdonoa (TMoDKA E4: 19:56)
Explosion Manipulation
- Caused Leorg and his guards' magic to go out of control, and explode in their faces with his eyes (TMoDKA E1: 16:16)
- Created an explosion with a Grega (TMoDKA E2: 16:30)
- Sensed Zepes' magic power (TMoDKA E1: 02:16)
Fire Manipulation
- Projected a small flame from his fingertip, with a Grega (TMoDKA E2: 16:12)
- Launched a large sphere of flames from his hand, with a Jio Graze (TMoDKA E4: 12:28)
Forcefield Creation
- Created a barrier around falling rubble (TMoDKA E1: 20:17)
- Healed Misha after she had been stabbed by Sasha (TMoDKA E3: 19:42)
Illusion Creation
- Created an illusion of Misha's wounded body, deceiving Sasha (TMoDKA E3: 19:42)
- Was unaffected after being impaled and his heart crushed by Ivis (TMoDKA E4: 12:27)
- Resurrected himself from his source after being aged to dust by Ivis (TMoDKA E4: 15:07)
- Forced Zepes' body to seize up with a command, preventing him from moving (TMoDKA E1: 02:47)
Memory Manipulation
- Stated that he rewound time locally and extracted the memories Ivis had lost from two thousand years ago, with a Rivide (TMoDKA E3: 08:01)
- Restored Ivis' memories from 2000 years ago (TMoDKA E4: 20:27)
Mind Manipulation
- Was stated to use compulsion magic to bend things to his will (TMoDKA E1: 06:01)
- Resurrected Zepes as a zombie with an Igrum (TMoDKA E1: 17:56)
Paralysis Inducement
- Forced Zepes' body to seize up with a command, preventing him from moving (TMoDKA E1: 02:47)
- Paralyzed Sasha with a glare (TMoDKA E3: 20:34)
Power Bestowal
- Stated that the zombie, resurrected by his Igrum, acquires devastating magic power while burning with hatred for having been killed in exchange (TMoDKA E1: 18:25)
Power Nullification
- Caused Leorg and his guards' magic to go out of control, and explode in their faces with his eyes (TMoDKA E1: 16:16)
- Destroyed Eugo's and Ivis' black field, which stopped time for everything caught within it, while wielding Venuzdonoa (TMoDKA E4: 18:51)
- Left a lasting wound after impaling Eugo and Ivis through the head, which they implied should have healed, while wielding Venuzdonoa (TMoDKA E4: 19:16)
- Stated that he annihilated the sources of Eugo and the demon that was controlling Ivis, while wielding Venuzdonoa (TMoDKA E4: 19:56)
- Resurrected Zepes from a drop of his blood, with an Ingall (TMoDKA E1: 06:36)
- Resurrected himself from his source after being aged to dust by Ivis (TMoDKA E4: 15:07)
Soul Manipulation
- Stated that he annihilated the sources of Eugo and the demon that was controlling Ivis, while wielding Venuzdonoa (TMoDKA E4: 19:56)
Sound Manipulation
- Amplified the sound of his heartbeat, reverberating it into Zepes' body and causing him to bleed profusely from within (TMoDKA E1: 05:28)
Statistics Amplification
- Casted Gyze, which boosts a group's overall combat power while assigning them different classes, one of which, the King, constantly supplying his subordinates with magic power, and is thus weaker on his own (TMoDKA E2: 12:16)
- Stated that Gyze was a team spell that maximized each member's unique abilities, while increasing everyone's magic power more than tenfold (TMoDKA E2: 15:44)
Statistics Reduction
- Casted Gyze, which boosts a group's overall combat power while assigning them different classes, one of which, the King, constantly supplying his subordinates with magic power, and is thus weaker on his own (TMoDKA E2: 12:16)
- Read Misha's mind (TMoDKA E2: 05:04)
- Hijacked the signal for Sasha's team's Leaks and listened in on their conversation (TMoDKA E2: 13:31)
- Teleported to his house with a Gatom (TMoDKA E1: 10:26)
Time Manipulation
- Stated that he rewound time locally and extracted the memories Ivis had lost from two thousand years ago, with a Rivide (TMoDKA E3: 08:01)
- Stated that he would send Sasha's and Misha's sources back in time 15 years, allowing them to fuse with the sources of their past selves, with a Rivide (TMoDKA E4: 11:10)
Weapon Control
- Summoned Venuzdonoa to his hand (TMoDKA E4: 18:35)
Resistance to Deconstruction
- Was unaffected by Sasha's Magic Eyes of Destruction (TMoDKA E2: 09:55)
Resistance to Time Manipulation
- Was unaffected after being caught within Eugo's and Ivis' black field, which stopped time for everything in its range (TMoDKA E4: 15:52)
- Penetrated Sasha's team's barrier (TMoDKA E2: 14:06)
- Sasha stated that unless they used Jio Graze, she and her teammates would never defeat Anos (TMoDKA E2: 15:07)
- Overpowered a Jio Graze from Sasha and her teammates with a Grega (TMoDKA E2: 16:02)
- Harmed Sasha's teammates with a Grega (TMoDKA E2: 16:30)
- Blocked a blade of energy from an Ivis-fused Eugo with a barrier (TMoDKA E4: 14:29)
- Blocked an attack from an Ivis-fused Eugo with a barrier (TMoDKA E4: 16:45)
- Overpowered an Ivis-fused Eugo (TMoDKA E4: 17:04)
- Impaled an Ivis-fused Eugo with an attack while wielding Venuzdonoa (TMoDKA E4: 19:10)
- Wounded an Ivis-fused Eugo with an attack while wielding Venuzdona (TMoDKA E4: 19:27)
- Wounded an Ivis-fused Eugo with an attack while wielding Venuzdona (TMoDKA E4: 19:28)
- Wounded an Ivis-fused Eugo with a series of attacks while wielding Venuzdona (TMoDKA E4: 19:29)
- Wounded an Ivis-fused Eugo with a series of attacks while wielding Venuzdona (TMoDKA E4: 19:30)
- Wounded an Ivis-fused Eugo with an attack while wielding Venuzdona (TMoDKA E4: 19:31)
- Harmed Ivis with a Jio Graze (TMoDKA E4: 12:28)
- Impaled Ivis with an attack (TMoDKA E4: 12:42)
- Blocked a blade of energy from a Eugo-fused Ivis with a barrier (TMoDKA E4: 14:29)
- Blocked an attack from a Eugo-fused Ivis with a barrier (TMoDKA E4: 16:45)
- Overpowered a Eugo-fused Ivis (TMoDKA E4: 17:04)
- Impaled a Eugo-fused Ivis with an attack while wielding Venuzdonoa (TMoDKA E4: 19:10)
- Wounded a Eugo-fused Ivis with an attack while wielding Venuzdona (TMoDKA E4: 19:27)
- Wounded a Eugo-fused Ivis with an attack while wielding Venuzdonoa (TMoDKA E4: 19:28)
- Wounded a Eugo-fused Ivis with a series of attacks while wielding Venuzdonoa (TMoDKA E4: 19:29)
- Wounded a Eugo-fused Ivis with a series of attacks while wielding Venuzdonoa (TMoDKA E4: 19:30)
- Wounded a Eugo-fused Ivis with an attack while wielding Venuzdonoa (TMoDKA E4: 19:31)
- Implied that he outclassed Leorg (TMoDKA E1: 16:49)
- Tanked a Jirasd from Leorg (TMoDKA E1: 17:15)
- Penetrated Sasha's team's barrier (TMoDKA E2: 14:06)
- Was stated to have so much power by Sasha (TMoDKA E2: 14:16)
- Stated that he was just that much stronger than Sasha (TMoDKA E2: 14:19)
- Sasha stated that unless they used Jio Graze, she and her teammates would never defeat Anos (TMoDKA E2: 15:07)
- Overpowered a Jio Graze from Sasha and her teammates with a Grega (TMoDKA E2: 16:02)
- Shattered Sasha's barrier with a Grega (TMoDKA E2: 16:25)
- Shattered several of Sasha's barriers with a Grega (TMoDKA E2: 16:26)
- Shattered several of Sasha's barriers with a Grega (TMoDKA E2: 16:27)
- Shattered several of Sasha's barriers with a Grega (TMoDKA E2: 16:29)
- Harmed Sasha with a Grega (TMoDKA E2: 16:30)
- Stated that he was that much stronger than Sasha (TMoDKA E2: 16:54)
- Sasha stated that she didn't stand a chance against Anos (TMoDKA E2: 17:41)
- Stated that Zepes' magic power was feeble (TMoDKA E1: 02:16)
- Snuffed out Zepes' flame with his breath (TMoDKA E1: 02:33)
- Snuffed out the flame of Zepes' Zephrid with his breath (TMoDKA E1: 04:49)
- Wounded Zepes with his heartbeat (TMoDKA E1: 05:28)
- Wounded Zepes with his heartbeat (TMoDKA E1: 05:40)
- Wounded Zepes with his heartbeat (TMoDKA E1: 05:45)
- Wounded Zepes with his heartbeat (TMoDKA E1: 05:46)
- Wounded Zepes with his heartbeat (TMoDKA E1: 05:47)
- Wounded Zepes with his heartbeat (TMoDKA E1: 05:48)
- Wounded Zepes with his heartbeat (TMoDKA E1: 05:49)
- Harmed Zepes with a kick (TMoDKA E1: 06:04)
- Killed Zepes with a snap of his fingers (TMoDKA E1: 06:27)
- Killed Zepes with a snap of his fingers (TMoDKA E1: 06:53)
- Killed Zepes with a snap of his fingers (TMoDKA E1: 07:26)
- Killed Zepes with a snap of his fingers (TMoDKA E1: 07:32)
- Killed Zepes with a snap of his fingers (TMoDKA E1: 07:37)
- Was stated to be a monster by Zepes (TMoDKA E1: 20:44)
- Eugo intercepted a series of Jio Grazes from Anos while fused with Eugo (TMoDKA E4: 14:15)
- Eugo shattered one of Anos' barriers with a blade of energy while fused with Ivis (TMoDKA E4: 14:41)
- Eugo shattered one of Anos' barriers with a series of energy blades while fused with Ivis (TMoDKA E4: 14:47)
- Eugo shattered one of Anos' barriers with a blade of energy while fused with Ivis (TMoDKA E4: 14:53)
- Eugo impaled Anos with an attack while fused with Ivis (TMoDKA E4: 15:01)
- Eugo shattered Anos' barrier with an attack while fused with Ivis (TMoDKA E4: 16:25)
- Eugo shattered Anos' barrier with an attack while fused with Ivis (TMoDKA E4: 16:33)
- Ivis impaled Anos with an attack (TMoDKA E4: 12:00)
- Ivis intercepted a series of Jio Grazes from Anos while fused with Eugo (TMoDKA E4: 14:15)
- Ivis shattered one of Anos' barriers with a blade of energy while fused with Eugo (TMoDKA E4: 14:41)
- Ivis shattered one of Anos' barriers with a series of energy blades while fused with Eugo (TMoDKA E4: 14:47)
- Ivis shattered one of Anos' barriers with a blade of energy while fused with Eugo (TMoDKA E4: 14:53)
- Ivis impaled Anos with an attack while fused with Eugo (TMoDKA E4: 15:01)
- Ivis shattered Anos' barrier with an attack while fused with Eugo (TMoDKA E4: 16:25)
- Ivis shattered Anos' barrier with an attack while fused with Eugo (TMoDKA E4: 16:33)
Standard Equipment
Magic Power
- His magic power was too high to be measured, shattering the crystal used (TMoDKA E1: 08:32)
- Stated that he would handicap himself against Zepes (TMoDKA E1: 05:07)
- Stated that he was holding back against Zepes (TMoDKA E1: 06:29)
- Wondered if he went too easy on Sasha's team (TMoDKA E2: 14:47)