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Universe 6 Saga



  • Lifted the stage off of the ground after landing on it (DBS E35: 14:39)
  • Destroyed part of the stage while pushing against Super Saiyan Vegeta (DBS E36: 19:01)

Powers and Abilities

Afterimage Creation

  • Created afterimages of himself while spinning around like a top (DBS E35: 18:05)

Body Control

  • Rotated his torso around (DBS E35: 17:58)

Breath Attack

  • Projected a stream of magma from his mouth (DBS E35: 19:01)

Earth Manipulation

  • Created a pillar of igneous rock after cooling his magma (DBS E36: 10:03)

Explosion Manipulation

  • Created an explosion after detonating his intestinal gas with a stream of magma (DBS E36: 06:46)

Magma Manipulation

  • Projected a stream of magma from his mouth (DBS E35: 19:01)

Statistics Amplification

  • Powered up after increasing the heat within his body (DBS E35: 17:22)
  • Increased his power after increasing the heat within his body (DBS E36: 08:57)

Temperature Manipulation

  • Increased the temperature of the air with his body heat (DBS E35: 20:49)
  • Generated stream from his head (DBS E36: 06:44)

Resistance to Heat

  • Drank from a cup filled with lava (DBS E35: 14:56)



  • His speed and power were stated to have increased after increasing the heat within his body (DBS E35: 17:22)
  • Was stated to be powering up by Vegeta (DBS E35: 20:49)

Son Goku (Universe 6 Saga)

  • Was stated to be pretty tough by Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken x10 Goku (DBS E40: 07:37)

Vegeta (Universe 6 Saga)

  • Withstood a kick from Vegeta (DBS E35: 16:17)
  • Withstood a kick from Vegeta (DBS E35: 16:19)
  • Withstood a kick from Vegeta (DBS E35: 16:20)
  • Was stated to be tough by Vegeta (DBS E35: 17:17)
  • Vegeta stated that close combat was too risky against Magetta (DBS E35: 17:47)
  • Tanked a barrage of energy blasts from Vegeta (DBS E35: 18:44)
  • Matched a barrage of energy blasts from Vegeta with a stream of magma (DBS E35: 19:01)
  • His body was stated to be strong by Super Saiyan Vegeta (DBS E35: 20:40)
  • Tanked a Gyallic Ho from Super Saiyan Vegeta (DBS E36: 09:51)
  • Overpowered a Gyallic Ho from Super Saiyan Vegeta with a stream of magma (DBS E36: 10:03)
  • Harmed Super Saiyan Vegeta with an attack (DBS E36: 10:27)
  • Withstood a Final Flash from Super Saiyan Vegeta (DBS E36: 17:52)
  • Blocked a punch from Super Saiyan Vegeta (DBS E36: 18:45)


Champa (Universe 6 Saga)

  • Champa threatened to destroy Magetta (DBS E40: 19:58)

Hit (Universe 6 Saga)

  • Goku stated that Hit was the best of Team Universe 6 (DBS E40: 07:44)

Vados (Universe 6 Saga)

  • Vados’ barrier tanked a stream of magma from Magetta (DBS E35: 19:48)
  • Vados’ barrier tanked a stream of magma from Magetta (DBS E36: 06:26)

Vegeta (Universe 6 Saga)

  • Vegeta dodged a punch from Magetta (DBS E35: 15:56)
  • Vegeta dodged a barrage of punches from Magetta (DBS E35: 16:09)
  • Vegeta dodged a series of punches from Magetta (DBS E35: 17:34)
  • Vegeta dodged a barrage of punches from Magetta (DBS E35: 17:36)
  • Vegeta dodged an attack from Magetta (DBS E35: 17:40)
  • Vegeta dodged an attack from Magetta (DBS E35: 17:58)
  • Vegeta dodged an attack from Magetta (DBS E35: 18:05)
  • Vegeta dodged a stream of magma from Magetta (DBS E35: 19:48)
  • Vegeta overpowered a stream of magma from Magetta after transforming into his Super Saiyan Form (DBS E35: 20:16)
  • Vegeta dodged a stream of magma from Magetta while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBS E36: 06:26)
  • Vegeta dodged a stream of magma from Magetta while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBS E36: 06:31)
  • Vegeta dodged a stream of magma from Magetta while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBS E36: 06:33)
  • Vegeta dodged a stream of magma from Magetta while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBS E36: 06:40)
  • Vegeta cut through a blast of magma from Magetta while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBS E36: 10:15)
  • Vegeta overpowered a stream of magma from Magetta with his ki while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBS E36: 14:05)
  • Vegeta overpowered a stream of magma from Magetta with a Final Flash while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBS E36: 17:52)

Standard Equipment



  • Was stated to be extraordinarily sensitive and the right insult during combat could reduce him to a puddle, rendering him helpless (DBS E36: 20:34)


Universe Survival Saga


Powers and Abilities

Breath Attack

  • Projected a blast of lava from his mouth (DBS E99: 11:34)

Magma Manipulation

  • Projected a blast of lava from his mouth (DBS E99: 11:34)


Frost (Universe Survival Saga)

  • Was stated to be nearly impervious by Final Form Frost (DBS E107: 17:26)

Kachi Katchin (Universe Survival Saga)

  • Damaged the Kachi Katchin stage with a punch (DBS E105: 03:13)
  • Damaged the Kachi Katchin stage with an attack (DBS E107: 16:29)

Kale (Universe Survival Saga)

  • Outran a barrage of energy blasts from Legendary Super Saiyan Kale (DBS E100: 18:45)

Krillin (Universe Survival Saga)

  • Was stated to be strong by Krillin (DBS E96: 20:12)

Tien Shinhan (Universe Survival Saga)

  • Was stated to be strong by Tien (DBS E96: 20:12)

Top (Universe Survival Saga)

  • Clashed with Top (DBS E97: 09:08)

Vegeta (Universe Survival Saga)

  • Harmed Super Saiyan Vegeta with a punch (DBS E99: 09:21)
  • Tanked a punch from Super Saiyan Vegeta (DBS E100: 03:37)
  • Tanked a punch from Super Saiyan Vegeta (DBS E100: 03:38)
  • Tanked a punch from Super Saiyan Vegeta (DBS E100: 03:39)
  • Clashed with Super Saiyan Vegeta (DBS E107: 16:36)
  • Traded blows with Super Saiyan Vegeta (DBS E107: 16:38)
  • Blocked a Big Bang Attack from Super Saiyan Vegeta (DBS E107: 16:46)
  • Intercepted and tanked a barrage of energy blasts from Super Saiyan Vegeta (DBS E107: 17:18)


Rabanra (Universe Survival Saga)

  • Rabanra dodged a punch from Magetta (DBS E105: 03:13)

Vegeta (Universe Survival Saga)

  • Vegeta dodged a blast of lava from Magetta while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBS E99: 11:34)
  • Vegeta dodged a barrage of lava blasts from Magetta while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBS E100: 03:34)
  • Vegeta dodged a punch from Magetta while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBS E100: 03:37)
  • Vegeta dodged a blast of lava from Magetta while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBS E100: 03:39)
  • Vegeta dodged a punch from Magetta while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBS E100: 03:45)
  • Vegeta dodged a punch from Magetta while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBS E100: 03:46)

Standard Equipment

