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Soul Society: The Sneak Entry arc
- Propelled himself to the top of a wall (Bleach E26: 17:57)
- Propelled himself into the air (Bleach E28: 08:26)
Powers and Abilities
Enhanced Senses
- Could see Ichigo and Ganju (Bleach E26: 04:52)
- Sensed Kenpachi’s Reiatsu (Bleach E39: 15:42)
Non-Physical Interaction
- Slashed at Ganju’s Reishukuaku barrier with his Zanpakuto (Bleach E26: 18:36)
Statistics Amplification
- Cut into Ganju’s Reishukaku barrier after releasing Fuji Kujaku, which he was unable to do beforehand (Bleach E26: 19:17)
- Temporarily increased his speed, disappearing from Ganju’s vision, with a Shunpo (Bleach E28: 07:02)
- Transformed the blade of his Zanpakuto into a multi-bladed sickle after releasing Fuji Kujaku (Bleach E26: 19:06)
- Ikakku stated that Ganju ran because Ikkaku’s and Yumichika’s strength was greater than his (Bleach E26: 09:50)
- Cut Ganju’s Reishukaku barrier with an attack after releasing Fuji Kujaku (Bleach E26: 19:17)
- Tanked the explosion of Ganju’s Reishukaku barrier after releasing Fuji Kujaku (Bleach E26: 19:28)
- Was stated to be tough by Ganju after releasing Fuji Kujaku (Bleach E26: 19:59)
- Ichigo stated that Ganju probably couldn’t handle Yumichika on his own (Bleach E28: 02:06)
- Wounded Ganju off-screen after releasing Fuji Kujaku (Bleach E28: 03:07)
- Withstood an explosion from Ganju after releasing Fuji Kujaku (Bleach E28: 05:28)
- Harmed Ganju with a kick after releasing Fuji Kujaku (Bleach E28: 06:03)
- Blitzed Ganju with a Shunpo after releasing Fuji Kujaku (Bleach E28: 07:02)
- Ganju stated that he couldn’t dodge a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika (Bleach E28: 07:08)
- Wounded Ganju with an attack after releasing Fuji Kujaku (Bleach E28: 07:09)
- Ganju stated that Yumichika had way greater spiritual power than an ordinary Shinigami (Bleach E26: 08:48)
- Ganju stated that Renji’s Reiatsu was on a completely different level from the earlier guys (Bleach E30: 13:25)
- Ichigo stated that Yumichka was the 5th strongest in the 11th Division, from the Captain on down (Bleach E28: 02:02)
- Ichigo stated that Yumichka was the 5th strongest in the 11th Division, from the Captain on down (Bleach E28: 02:02)
- Stated that Ikkaku was the 3rd best fighter of the 11th Division (Bleach E28: 05:24)
- Ganju’s Reishukaku barrier tanked an attack from Yumichika (Bleach E26: 18:36)
- Ganju dodged an attack from a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika (Bleach E27: 13:41)
- Ganju dodged an attack from a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika (Bleach E27: 13:43)
- Ganju dodged an attack from a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika (Bleach E27: 17:58)
- Ganju dodged an attack from a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika (Bleach E27: 18:02)
- Ganju dodged an attack from a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika (Bleach E28: 03:53)
- Ganju cut a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika’s cheek with a Senpen Banka (Bleach E28: 05:39)
- Ganju dodged an attack from a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika (Bleach E28: 06:25)
- Ganju defeated a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika with an explosion (Bleach E28: 08:44)
- Ichigo stated that Yumichka was the 5th strongest in the 11th Division, from the Captain on down (Bleach E28: 02:02)
Standard Equipment
Soul Society: The Rescue arc
Powers and Abilities
- Was stated to have drained Shuhei of all of his Reiryoku after releasing his Shikai, Ruri’iro Kujaku (Bleach E56: 05:11)
Enhanced Senses
- Could see Orihime (Bleach E45: 15:57)
- Felt Genryusai’s Reiatsu (Bleach E56: 04:00)
- Healed the wounds he received during his fight against Shuhei off-screen after releasing his Shikai, Ruri’iro Kujaku (Bleach E56: 04:09)
Statistics Amplification
- Temporarily increased his speed, disappearing in a blur, with a Shunpo (Bleach E51: 17:41)
- Withstood attacks from Shuhei off-screen after releasing Fuji Kujaku, though was bleeding (Bleach E53: 12:16)
- Shuhei stated that a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika had lost against him (Bleach E53: 12:19)
- Kenpachi stated that he would kill Yumichika if he got in his way (Bleach E51: 16:58)
Standard Equipment
The Bount arc
Powers and Abilities
Enhanced Senses
- Could see Kenpachi and Yachiru (Bleach E74: 07:56)
- Transformed the blade of his Zanpakuto after releasing his Shikai, Fuji Kujaku (Bleach E88: 20:05)
- Blocked a Phalanx from Gesell (Bleach E88: 16:14)
- Blocked a Phalanx from Gesell (Bleach E88: 16:21)
- Blocked a Phalanx from Gesell (Bleach E88: 16:22)
- Blocked a Phalanx from Gesell (Bleach E88: 16:23)
- One-shot Gesell’s Wachter with an attack after releasing Fuji Kujaku (Bleach E88: 20:11)
- Withstood an attack from Gesell after releasing Fuji Kujaku, though was bleeding (Bleach E88: 20:38)
- Gesell caught a fleeing Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika (Bleach E88: 20:35)
Standard Equipment