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Island arc
Powers and Abilities
Air Manipulation
- Created air pressure with a swing of an axe (HP E4: 19:46)
Enhanced Senses
- Sensed Ju Fa and Tao Fa (HP E6: 22:15)
- Killed Matagoro with an attack (HP E2: 11:21)
- Ripped off Horubo’s arms (HP E3: 11:53)
- Crushed Horubo’s head within his grip (HP E3: 11:59)
- Killed a Soshin with an attack (HP E4: 17:42)
- Killed a Soshin with an attack (HP E4: 18:57)
- Dodged an attack from a Soshin (HP E4: 19:07)
- Dodged an attack from a Soshin (HP E4: 19:08)
- Harmed Soshin with a kick (HP E4: 19:09)
- Cut a Soshin in half with an attack (HP E4: 19:46)
- Withstood an attack from a Soshin, though was bleeding (HP E4: 20:02)
- Cut a Soshin in half with an attack (HP E4: 20:53)
- Cut a Soshin in half with an attack (HP E4: 20:57)
- Killed a Soshin with an attack (HP E4: 21:00)
- Killed a Soshin with an attack (HP E4: 21:04)
- Decapitated a Soshin with an attack (HP E6: 21:16)
- Strangled a criminal (HP E2: 11:05)
- Killed a criminal with an attack (HP E2: 13:08)
- Killed a criminal with an attack (HP E2: 13:09)
- Horubo strangled Chobei (HP E3: 09:42)
Standard Equipment
Lord Tensen arc
- Determined that the Tensen’s weakness was their lower body due to the way Ju Fa regenerated after being cut in half (HP E10: 18:37)
Powers and Abilities
Accelerated Development
- The size of his tao increased while fighting against a Doshi (HP E11: 03:01)
- His tao was stated to be continuing to grow during his fight against a Doshi (HP E11: 03:30)
- His tao was stated to keep getting bigger during his fight against a Doshi (HP E11: 05:05)
Air Manipulation
- Created a blast of air pressure with a kick (HP E10: 20:52)
Enhanced Senses
- Perceived a blast of tao from a Doshi (HP E11: 05:10)
- Sensed a strange vibe from a Doshi, which was stated to be it’s tao (HP E11: 02:41)
Light Manipulation
- Generated light with his tao (HP E11: 06:04)
Reactive Evolution
- Instead of becoming Tan from the vines within the Tensen’s pit, his body adapted and became something that wasn’t human (HP E11: 03:30)
- Regenerated after having his throat ripped out (HP E11: 02:11)
- Regenerated his arms after they were broken (HP E11: 03:22)
Statistics Amplification
- Covered his hand with tao (HP E11: 06:04)
- Withstood a punch from a Doshi, though was bleeding (HP E10: 20:56)
- Ripped off a Doshi’s arm (HP E10: 21:01)
- Was stated to be strong by a Doshi (HP E10: 21:03)
- Was stated to be strong by a Doshi (HP E10: 22:01)
- Blew a hole through a Doshi’s arm with a punch (HP E10: 22:24)
- Withstood an attack from a Doshi, though was bleeding (HP E10: 22:32)
- Wounded a Doshi with an attack (HP E11: 02:11)
- Was stated to be dangerous by a Doshi (HP E11: 03:08)
- Withstood a Toate from a Doshi, though was bleeding (HP E11: 03:11)
- Blocked an attack from a Doshi (HP E11: 03:15)
- Dodged a punch from a Doshi (HP E11: 03:27)
- Harmed a Doshi with a punch (HP E11: 03:28)
- Withstood a barrage of Toate from a Doshi, though was bleeding (HP E11: 04:52)
- Drew blood from a Doshi with a punch (HP E11: 04:54)
- Dodged a Toate from a Doshi (HP E11: 05:10)
- Crushed a Doshi’s hand with a kick (HP E11: 05:40)
- Blew a hole through a Doshi’s abdomen with a punch while using Tao (HP E11: 06:09)
- Cut Yang Ju Fa in half off-screen (HP E7: 12:46)
- Withstood attacks from Yang Ju Fa off-screen, though was bleeding (HP E7: 12:49)
- A Doshi dodged a kick from Chobei (HP E10: 20:52)
- A Doshi dodged a punch from Chobei (HP E10: 22:09)
- A Doshi blocked a punch from Chobei (HP E10: 22:12)
- A Doshi blocked a kick from Chobei (HP E10: 22:14)
- A Doshi dodged a punch from Chobei (HP E10: 22:34)
- A Doshi dodged an attack from Chobei (HP E10: 22:42)
- A Doshi wounded Chobei with an attack (HP E10: 22:43)
- A Doshi broke Chobei’s arms with an attack (HP E11: 03:22)
- Ju Fa blocked an attack from Chobei while in his Yang Form and using Tao (HP E7: 13:09)
- Ju Fa defeated Chobei off-screen while in his Yang Form (HP E7: 13:36)
- Stated that his attacks were practically ineffective against a Tao-enhanced Yang Ju Fa (HP E11: 05:54)
Standard Equipment