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Powers and Abilities
- Traded blows with the Shandia (OP E168: 16:09)
- Clashed with a Shandia (OP E189: 18:04)
- Enel stated that the Divine Squad weren’t as strong as he expected (OP E180: 12:01)
- Gedatsu defeated the Divine Squad off-screen (OP E180: 11:55)
- Kalgara deflected a series of arrows from several Divine Squad members (OP E189: 17:54)
- Kalgara one-shot a Divine Squad member with an attack (OP E189: 18:01)
- Kalgara one-shot a Divine Squad member with an attack (OP E189: 18:03)
- Kalgara one-shot a Divine Squad member with an attack (OP E189: 18:08)
- Kalgara one-shot a Divine Squad member with an attack (OP E189: 18:09)
- Ohm defeated the Divine Squad off-screen (OP E180: 11:55)
- Satori defeated the Divine Squad off-screen (OP E180: 11:55)
- Shura defeated the Divine Squad off-screen (OP E180: 11:55)
- Wyper one-shot a Divine Squad member with a punch (OP E168: 16:30)
- Wyper one-shot a Divine Squad member with a punch (OP E168: 16:31)
- Wyper one-shot a Divine Squad member with a kick (OP E168: 16:33)
Standard Equipment
Skypiea arc
Powers and Abilities
- Were stated to be very strong by Enel (OP E171: 06:08)
- Enel one-shot a Divine Squad member with an El Thor (OP E178: 21:17)
- Enel implied that he defeated the entire Divine Squad off-screen (OP E180: 08:49)
Standard Equipment