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Universe Survival Saga
Powers and Abilities
Resistance to Empathic Manipulation
- Unaffected by the Kamikaze Fireball’s Ai no Hikari (DBS E102: 10:25)
- Withstood a kick from Android 17 (DBS E100: 02:56)
- Withstood an Otome no Tosshin from Ribrianne (DBS E102: 12:34)
- Was stated to be strong by Krillin (DBS E96: 20:12)
- Was stated to be strong by Tien (DBS E96: 20:12)
- Brianne burned Dyrasem with an Otome no Tosshin while in her Ribrianne Form (DBS E102: 12:34)
- Piccolo dodged a kick from Dyrasem (DBS E102: 10:25)
Standard Equipment