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Powers and Abilities


  • Were stated to have harnessed the incredible power of a comet (A:TLA E8: 17:54)
  • Were stated to have become much stronger than Aang could even imagine because of Sozin’s comet (A:TLA E8: 18:03)

Fire Manipulation

  • Projected streams of fire from their hands (A:TLA E1: 00:29)


Aang (Book One: Water)

  • Roku stated that Sozin’s army became stronger than Aang could even imagine while empowered by Sozin’s Comet (A:TLA E8: 18:03)


Roku (Pre-BoS)

  • Katara stated that only Roku could stop the ruthless firebenders (A:TLA E1: 00:35)

Standard Equipment



Book One: Water



  • Dented a steel catapult with an attack (A:TLA E19: 08:54)

Powers and Abilities

Fire Manipulation

  • Projected a stream of fire from his hand (A:TLA E1: 15:01)
  • Created a shield of fire in front of himself (A:TLA E1: 15:36)

Forcefield Creation

  • Created a shield of fire in front of himself (A:TLA E1: 15:36)

Resistance to Heat

  • Was unaffected by the heat of Zuko’s fire (A:TLA E9: 02:26)


Aang (Book One: Water)

  • Withstood a blast of wind from Aang (A:TLA E2: 13:08)
  • Withstood a barrage of coal shots from Aang (A:TLA E6: 21:22)
  • Withstood a blast of wind from Aang (A:TLA E13: 17:25)
  • Withstood a blast of wind from Aang (A:TLA E13: 17:33)
  • Withstood a blast of wind from Aang (A:TLA E19: 08:42)
  • Withstood a blast of wind from Aang (A:TLA E19: 09:08)

Earthbenders (Book One: Water)

  • Withstood a blast of coal from an Earthbender (A:TLA E6: 20:39)
  • Withstood a blast of coal from an Earthbender (A:TLA E6: 20:41)
  • Withstood a barrage of coal shots from an Earthbender (A:TLA E6: 20:44)

Haru (Book One: Water)

  • Withstood a shot of coal from Haru (A:TLA E6: 20:14)

Kyoshi Warriors (Book One: Water)

  • Withstood a kick from a Kyoshi Warrior (A:TLA E4: 18:48)
  • Withstood an attack from a Kyoshi Warrior (A:TLA E4: 18:52)

Roku (Book One: Water)

  • Withstood a blast of fire from Avatar State Roku (A:TLA E8: 20:19)

Tyro (Book One: Water)

  • Blocked a barrage of coal shots from Tyro with shields of fire (A:TLA E6: 20:33)

Waterbenders (Book One: Water)

  • Blocked a barrage of icicles from several waterbenders (A:TLA E20: 10:46)

Zuko (Book One: Water)

  • Blocked a blast of fire from Zuko (A:TLA E1: 15:02)
  • Withstood a blast of fire from Zuko (A:TLA E1: 15:36)
  • Restrained Zuko (A:TLA E3: 11:28)
  • Restrained Zuko (A:TLA E8: 17:17)
  • Clashed with Zuko (A:TLA E13: 18:23)
  • Clashed with Zuko (A:TLA E13: 18:24)
  • Withstood a kick from Zuko (A:TLA E13: 18:33)
  • Blocked an attack from Zuko (A:TLA E13: 18:34)


Aang (Book One: Water)

  • Aang dodged a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E2: 14:47)
  • Aang dodged a blast of fire from two Fire Nation Soldiers (A:TLA E9: 17:31)
  • Aang dodged a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E9: 18:02)
  • Aang dodged an attack from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E13: 17:31)
  • Aang dodged an attack from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E13: 18:16)
  • Aang dodged an attack from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E13: 18:17)
  • Aang one-shot a Fire Nation soldier with a blast of wind (A:TLA E13: 18:23)
  • Aang one-shot two Fire Nation soldiers with a blast of wind (A:TLA E13: 18:24)
  • Aang one-shot two Fire Nation soldiers with a blast of wind (A:TLA E13: 18:35)
  • Aang one-shot several Fire Nation soldiers with a blast of wind (A:TLA E13: 18:37)
  • Aang one-shot several Fire Nation soldiers with a blast of wind (A:TLA E13: 18:42)
  • Aang blocked a blast of fire from several Fire Nation soldiers with a shield of wind (A:TLA E13: 19:12)
  • Aang dodged a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E17: 18:54)
  • Aang dodged a series of fire blasts from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E17: 19:34)
  • Aang dodged a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E17: 19:35)
  • Aang dodged a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E17: 19:37)
  • Aang dodged a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E17: 19:38)
  • Aang deflected a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E17: 19:52)
  • Aang deflected a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E17: 19:54)
  • Aang deflected a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E17: 20:18)
  • Aang deflected a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E17: 20:19)
  • Aang dodged an attack from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E19: 08:49)
  • Aang dodged an attack from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E19: 08:54)
  • Aang dodged an attack from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E19: 08:56)
  • Aang dodged an attack from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E19: 09:36)
  • Aang dodged an attack from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E19: 09:37)
  • Aang’s water avatar tanked a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier while in the Avatar State and merged with La (A:TLA E20: 17:34)
  • Aang’s water avatar tanked a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier while in the Avatar State and merged with La (A:TLA E20: 17:36)
  • Aang’s water avatar tanked a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier while in the Avatar State and merged with La (A:TLA E20: 19:35)

Earthbenders (Book One: Water)

  • Several Earthbenders blocked a blast of fire from several Fire Nation soldiers with a wall of coal (A:TLA E6: 20:27)
  • An Earthbender dodged a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E6: 20:40)

Haru (Book One: Water)

  • Haru blocked a blast of fire from several Fire Nation soldiers with a wall of coal (A:TLA E6: 20:27)

Iroh (Book One: Water)

  • Iroh dodged a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E20: 16:07)
  • Iroh one-shot several Fire Nation soldiers with a series of fire blasts (A:TLA E20: 16:08)

Jeong Jeong (Book One: Water)

  • Jeong Jeong blocked a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E16: 17:41)
  • Jeong Jeong blocked a blast of fire from several Fire Nation soldiers (A:TLA E16: 19:44)

Jet (Book One: Water)

  • Jet one-shot two Fire Nation soldiers with a kick (A:TLA E10: 04:22)
  • Jet one-shot two Fire Nation soldiers with an attack (A:TLA E10: 04:25)
  • Jet overpowered a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E10: 04:34)
  • Jet one-shot a Fire Nation soldier with a kick (A:TLA E10: 04:57)
  • Jet blocked an attack from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E10: 05:15)
  • Jet one-shot two Fire Nation soldiers with an attack (A:TLA E10: 05:19)
  • Jet blocked an attack from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E10: 05:23)
  • Jet blocked an attack from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E10: 05:29)
  • Jet one-shot a Fire Nation soldier with a kick (A:TLA E10: 05:30)

Katara (Book One: Water)

  • Katara froze several Fire Nation soldiers (A:TLA E2: 18:52)

Kyoshi Warriors (Book One: Water)

  • A Kyoshi Warrior dodged an attack from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E4: 18:51)
  • A Kyoshi Warrior blocked a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E4: 20:33)
  • A Kyoshi Warrior knocked a Fire Nation soldier unconscious with an attack (A:TLA E4: 20:34)

Oh (Book One: Water)

  • Oh dodged a blast of fire from two Fire Nation soldiers (A:TLA E9: 17:31)

Pakku (Book One: Water)

  • Pakku dodged a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E20: 10:51)
  • Pakku dodged a series of fire blasts from several Fire Nation soldiers (A:TLA E20: 11:02)
  • Pakku blocked a series of fire blasts from several Fire Nation soldiers with a waterspout (A:TLA E20: 11:03)
  • Pakku dodged a series of fire blasts from several Fire Nation soldiers (A:TLA E20: 11:04)
  • Pakku dodged a series of fire blasts from several Fire Nation soldiers (A:TLA E20: 11:05)
  • Pakku blocked a series of fire blasts from several Fire Nation soldiers with a waterspout (A:TLA E20: 11:06)

Pipsqueak (Book One: Water)

  • Pipsqueak bent two Fire Nation soldiers’ swords with an attack (A:TLA E10: 05:08)

Pirates (Book One: Water)

  • Several pirates dodged a blast of fire from two Fire Nation soldiers (A:TLA E9: 17:31)

Roku (Book One: Water)

  • Roku overpowered a blast of fire from several Fire Nation soldiers while in the Avatar State (A:TLA E8: 20:10)

Sneers (Book One: Water)

  • Sneers dodged an attack from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E10: 04:46)
  • Sneers overpowered a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E10: 04:48)

Sokka (Book One: Water)

  • Sokka broke a Fire Nation soldier’s spear in half with an attack (A:TLA E6: 20:47)
  • Sokka dodged a blast of fire from two Fire Nation soldiers (A:TLA E9: 17:31)

Tyro (Book One: Water)

  • Tyro blocked a blast of fire from a warden with a wall of coal (A:TLA E6: 20:18)
  • Tyro blocked a blast of fire from several Fire Nation soldiers with a wall of coal (A:TLA E6: 20:27)

Waterbenders (Book One: Water)

  • A Waterbender blocked a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier with a shield of water (A:TLA E20: 10:44)

Zuko (Book One: Water)

  • Zuko dodged a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E1: 15:01)
  • Zuko dodged a blast of fire from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E1: 15:02)
  • Zuko overpowered a shield of fire from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E1: 15:36)
  • Zuko blocked an attack from two Fire Nation soldiers (A:TLA E13: 17:31)
  • Zuko blocked an attack from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E13: 17:33)
  • Zuko deflected an attack from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E13: 18:02)
  • Zuko deflected an attack from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E13: 18:04)
  • Zuko deflected an attack from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E13: 18:05)
  • Zuko deflected an attack from a Fire Nation soldier (A:TLA E13: 18:06)

Standard Equipment

