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Skypiea arc
Powers and Abilities
Explosion Manipulation
- Created an explosion with a cannonball (OP E166: 03:38)
Free Movement
- Skated on the surface of sea clouds with his Shooters (OP E164: 09:48)
- Drew blood from several Divine Soldiers off-screen (OP E171: 14:36)
- Knocked several Divine Soldiers unconscious with a cannonball (OP E171: 14:53)
- Gode stated that the Shandia’s main forces were strong enough to compete with the Priests (OP E169: 11:01)
- Gode stated that the Shandia’s main forces were strong enough to compete with the Priests (OP E169: 11:01)
- Was stated to be one of the main forces of the Shandia (OP E171: 15:39)
- Gode stated that the Shandia’s main forces were strong enough to compete with the Priests (OP E169: 11:01)
- Withstood an attack from Yama, though was bleeding (OP E171: 15:59)
- Was stated to be tough by Yama (OP E171: 16:29)
- Raki stated the Shandia could never defeat Enel (OP E176: 15:26)
- Yama overpowered a cannonball from Genbo (OP E171: 15:50)
- Yama wounded Genbo with an Axe Mountain (OP E171: 16:56)
Standard Equipment