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Kaima Capture Mission arc
Powers and Abilities
Breath Attack
- Launched a blast of water from her mouth, while in her Kaima Form (Naruto E172: 05:40)
Non-Standard Breathing
- Could breathe underwater while in her Kaima Form (Naruto E171: 04:38)
- Amachi stated that Isaribi had the ability to breathe underwater (Naruto E171: 15:12)
- Transformed into her Kaima Form (Naruto E170: 16:41)
Water Manipulation
- Launched a blast of water from her mouth, while in her Kaima Form (Naruto E172: 05:40)
- Withstood a Suiton: Taihodan from Kaima Amachi while in her Kaima Form (Naruto E172: 12:59)
- Withstood a rock from a kid (Naruto E170: 08:34)
- One-shot a member of Hitode's crew with a blast of water while in her Kaima Form (Naruto E172: 05:40)
- Withstood a punch from Misumi (Naruto E169: 14:23)
- Intercepted a punch from Naruto (Naruto E171: 16:06)
- Harmed Naruto with an attack while in her Kaima Form (Naruto E172: 07:32)
- Dissipated Naruto's Kage Bunshin with a punch while in her Kaima Form (Naruto E172: 08:31)
- Dissipated Naruto's Kage Bunshin with a punch while in her Kaima Form (Naruto E172: 08:32)
- Dissipated Naruto's Kage Bunshin with a punch while in her Kaima Form (Naruto E172: 08:33)
- Harmed Naruto with a blast of water while in her Kaima Form (Naruto E172: 09:26)
- Withstood a slap from Naruto while in her Kaima Form (Naruto E172: 09:51)
Standard Equipment