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Final Selection arc



  • Realized that he couldn’t beat Giyu, so before he hid behind a tree, he threw a rock at Giyu and simultaneously tossed an axe into the air. Then hid his hands as he pretended to attack so Giyu wouldn’t realize he was unarmed, in an attempt to take him down after was struck (DS E1: 17:20)


  • Cut a boulder in half with an attack (DS E3: 21:08)

Powers and Abilities


  • Delivered a vertical circling slash while in mid-air (DS E4: 14:43)

Air Manipulation

  • Created a shockwave with a headbutt (DS E2: 08:18)

Enhanced Senses

  • Could tell that a plate was broken by a cat due to its smell (DS E1: 04:40)
  • Noticed the smell of blood coming from his home at the top of a mountain (DS E1: 07:40)
  • Knew that there was another person at his home when his family were murdered from their smell (DS E1: 10:52)
  • Ran down a mountain while using his sense of smell to avoid Sakonji’s traps (DS E2: 18:22)
  • Detected the scent of the thread that ran from his sword to his opponent’s opening (DS E4: 02:36)

Information Analysis

  • Detected the scent of the thread that ran from his sword to his opponent’s opening (DS E4: 02:36)

Weapon Mastery

  • Delivered a series of consecutive slashes in a flowing fashion to decapitate two Demons with a Mizu no kokyu – Shi no kata: Uchishio (DS E4: 11:15)
  • Cut off the Hand Demon’s arm with a vertical circling slash with a Mizu no kokyu – Ni no kata: Mizu Guruma (DS E4: 14:43)
  • Delivered a single horizontal slash to a demon’s head with a Mizu no kokyu – Ichi no kata: Minamo Giri (DS E4: 21:07)


Demons (Final Selection arc)

  • Cut a Demon’s throat with an attack (DS E2: 05:53)
  • Harmed a Demon with a headbutt (DS E2: 08:18)
  • His head was stated to be crazy hard by a Demon (DS E2: 08:23)
  • Harmed a Demon with a headbutt (DS E2: 08:26)
  • Dodged an attack from a Demon (DS E4: 10:25)
  • Blocked an attack from a Demon (DS E4: 10:37)
  • Blocked an attack from a Demon (DS E4: 11:02)
  • Clashed with a Demon (DS E4: 11:04)
  • Blocked a kick from a Demon, though was pushed back (DS E4: 11:05)
  • Decapitated a couple of Demons with a Mizu no kokyu – Shi no kata: Uchishio (DS E4: 11:15)
  • Cut off the Hand Demon’s arm with a Mizu no kokyu – Ni no kata: Mizu Guruma (DS E4: 14:43)
  • Cut off the Hand Demon’s arms with a barrage of attacks (DS E4: 18:01)
  • Dodged an attack from the Hand Demon (DS E4: 18:57)
  • Cut off the Hand Demon’s arm with an attack (DS E4: 19:17)
  • Cut off the Hand Demon’s arms with a series of attacks (DS E4: 19:18)
  • Dodged a punch from the Hand Demon (DS E4: 19:19)
  • Cut off the Hand Demon’s arm with an attack (DS E4: 19:46)
  • Cut off the Hand Demon’s arm with an attack (DS E4: 19:57)
  • Cut off the Hand Demon’s arm with an attack (DS E4: 19:58)
  • Cut off the Hand Demon’s arm with an attack (DS E4: 19:59)
  • Dodged an attack from the Hand Demon (DS E4: 20:01)
  • Deflected an attack from the Hand Demon with a headbutt (DS E4: 20:45)
  • Cut off the Hand Demon’s arms with a barrage of attacks (DS E4: 20:51)
  • Decapitated the Hand Demon with a Mizu no kokyu – Ichi no kata: Minamo Giri (DS E4: 21:07)
  • Decapitated a Demon with an attack (DS E5: 07:27)


  • Stated that he had become stronger after Sakonji’s training (DS E4: 11:47)

Kamado Nezuko (Final Selection arc)

  • Wrestled with Nezuko (DS E1: 10:14)

Sabito (Final Selection arc)

  • Blocked an attack from Sabito (DS E3: 13:14)
  • Withstood a kick from Sabito (DS E3: 13:16)
  • Blocked an attack from Sabito (DS E3: 14:30)
  • Blocked an attack from Sabito (DS E3: 14:45)
  • Withstood an attack from Sabito (DS E3: 14:52)
  • Blocked an attack from Sabito (DS E3: 15:29)
  • Traded blows with Sabito (DS E3: 15:34)
  • Traded blows with Sabito (DS E3: 15:38)
  • Clashed with Sabito (DS E3: 15:46)
  • Blocked a series of attacks from Sabito (DS E3: 15:48)
  • Blocked an attack from Sabito (DS E3: 15:50)
  • Withstood an attack from Sabito (DS E3: 15:59)
  • Withstood an attack from Sabito (DS E3: 16:00)
  • Withstood an attack from Sabito (DS E3: 16:01)
  • Clashed with Sabito (DS E3: 16:04)
  • Clashed with Sabito (DS E3: 16:05)
  • Dodged an attack from Sabito (DS E3: 16:06)

Shinazugawa Genya (Final Selection arc)

  • Crushed Genya’s arm within his grip (DS E5: 11:24)

Urokodoki Sakonji (Final Selection arc)

  • Withstood an attack from Sakonji (DS E2: 13:32)
  • Withstood an attack from Sakonji (DS E3: 07:57)
  • Withstood a barrage of attacks from Sakonji (DS E3: 08:12)


Demons (Final Selection arc)

  • A Demon vanished from Tanjiro’s sight (DS E2: 06:28)
  • A Demon strangled Tanjiro (DS E2: 06:29)
  • A Demon caught an attack from Tanjiro (DS E2: 07:47)
  • The Hand Demon knocked Tanjiro unconscious with a punch (DS E4: 18:13)
  • The Hand Demon stated that Tanjiro couldn’t slash through his neck (DS E4: 21:03)

Haganezuka Hotaru (Final Selection arc)

  • Hotaru put Tanjiro in a hold (DS E5: 20:13)

Kamado Nezuko (Final Selection arc)

  • Nezuko was stated to be too strong by Tanjiro (DS E1: 11:25)

Sabito (Final Selection arc)

  • Sabito stated that Tanjiro was too slow and too weak (DS E3: 13:22)
  • Sabito stated that he was stronger than Tanjiro (DS E3: 14:36)
  • Sabito dodged an attack from Tanjiro (DS E3: 16:09)
  • Sabito knocked Tanjiro unconscious with an attack (DS E3: 16:11)
  • Stated that he just couldn’t beat Sabito (DS E3: 19:12)

Tomioka Giyu (Final Selection arc)

  • Giyu blitzed Tanjiro (DS E1: 12:48)
  • Giyu blocked an attack from Tanjiro (DS E1: 16:46)
  • Giyu dodged an attack from Tanjiro (DS E1: 16:56)
  • Giyu one-shot Tanjiro with an attack (DS E1: 17:05)

Standard Equipment



  • Was unable to cut through a boulder with an attack (DS E3: 11:30)


Kidnapper's Bog arc



  • Launched himself into the air (DS E6: 12:17)

Powers and Abilities


  • Flipped in the air while delivering a circling slash with a Mizu no kokyu – Ni no kata: Mizu Guruma (DS E6: 16:53)

Air Manipulation

  • Created a whirlpool of air that shredded apart the Demon that was caught within its current with a Mizu no kokyu – Roku no kata: Nejire Uzu (DS E7: 06:43)

Enhanced Senses

  • Smelled the faint traces of a demon (DS E6: 07:33)
  • Sensed the Swamp Demon’s appearance (DS E6: 12:12)
  • Sensed the Swamp Demon’s opening (DS E7: 06:38)
  • Smelled the Swamp Demon’s fear of Muzan (DS E7: 11:31)

Free Movement

  • Created a foothold while underwater, allowing himself to twist his body (DS E7: 06:43)

Information Analysis

  • Sensed the Swamp Demon’s opening (DS E7: 06:38)

Weapon Mastery

  • Delivered a downward strike with a Mizu no kokyu – Hachi no kata: Takitsubo (DS E6: 15:03)
  • Flipped in the air while delivering a circling slash with a Mizu no kokyu – Ni no kata: Mizu Guruma (DS E6: 16:53)

Resistance to Heat

  • His uniform was stated to be made of a special fiber that wouldn’t burn easily (DS E6: 02:22)

Resistance to Water Manipulation

  • His uniform was stated to be made of a special fiber that would repel moisture (DS E6: 02:22)


Demons (Kidnapper’s Bog arc)

  • Cut the Swamp Demon’s arm with an attack (DS E6: 13:10)
  • Dodged an attack from the Swamp Demon and his clones (DS E6: 14:56)
  • Cut off the arms of the Swamp Demon and his clones with a Mizu no kokyu – Hachi no kata: Takitsubo (DS E6: 15:03)
  • Wounded the Swamp Demon with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ni no kata: Mizu Guruma (DS E6: 16:53)
  • Dodged an attack from the Swamp Demon (DS E6: 19:13)
  • Cut off the Swamp Demon’s arm with an attack (DS E6: 19:15)
  • Killed the Swamp Demon and its clone with a Mizu no kokyu – Roku no kata: Nejire Uzu (DS E7: 06:43)
  • Intercepted an attack from the Swamp Demon and cut off its arm with an attack (DS E7: 08:57)
  • Cut off the Swamp Demon’s arm with an attack (DS E7: 09:10)
  • Cut the Swamp Demon’s mouth with an attack (DS E7: 09:52)
  • Dodged an attack from the Swamp Demon (DS E7: 11:39)
  • Cut off the Swamp Demon’s head and arms with an attack (DS E7: 11:41)


Demons (Kidnapper’s Bog arc)

  • The Swamp Demon dodged an attack from Tanjiro (DS E6: 17:06)
  • The Swamp Demon dodged an attack from Tanjiro (DS E6: 17:07)

Standard Equipment



Asakusa arc


Powers and Abilities


  • Flipped out of the way of Yahaba’s attacks (DS E9: 09:14)
  • Ran on the side of a house (DS E9: 11:07)

Air Manipulation

  • Enveloped Yahaba’s arrows with the air pressure from his sword with a Mizu no Kokyu: Nejire Uzu – Ryuryu (DS E9: 20:34)

Damage Reduction

  • Lightened the impact of a large fall by striking the ground with a Mizu no Kokyu – Hachi no Kata: Takitsubo (DS E9: 16:28)

Enhanced Senses

  • Sensed that Tamayo was a demon from her scent (DS E8: 05:18)
  • Stated that the scent Tamayo was giving off was pure and devoid of deception (DS E8: 16:39)
  • Smelled Yahaba’s opening thread (DS E9: 15:37)

Weapon Mastery

  • Delivered a quick sword thrust at an angle to nullify the momentum of Susamaru’s handball with a Mizu no Kokyu – Shichi no Kata: Shizuku Hamon Tsuki – Kyoku (DS E9: 05:41)
  • Swung and bent his blade in a winding motion along with his body and danced in a flowing pattern, slicing everything within his path with a Mizu no Kokyu – San no Kata: Ryuryu Mai (DS E9: 11:26)
  • Delivered a downward strike with a Mizu no Kokyu – Hachi no Kata: Takitsubo (DS E9: 16:28)
  • Enveloped Yahaba’s arrows and used the flowing footwork of his San no Kata to close in on him with a Mizu no Kokyu: Nejire Uzu – Ryuryu (DS E9: 20:34)
  • Leapt towards Yahaba and performed a horizontal spin, releasing a singular horizontal slash in a circular motion with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ni no Kata Kai: Yoko Mizu Guruma (DS E9: 20:49)
  • Delivered a single horizontal slash with a Mizu no Kokyu – Shi no Kata: Uchishio (DS E10: 03:17)
  • Performed a front flip, releasing a singular vertical slash in a circular motion with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ni no Kata: Mizu Guruma (DS E10: 03:35)
  • Released a singular, horizontal slash with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ichi no Kata: Minamo Giri (DS E10: 03:47)
  • Performed a precise, fast and accurate thrust with his blade with a Mizu no Kokyu – Shichi no Kata: Shizuku Hamon Tsuki (DS E10: 03:50)
  • Twisted his body and used his blade to perform a fierce whirling motion which generated a whirlpool of air with a Mizu no Kokyu – Roku no Kata: Nejire Uzu (DS E10: 03:52)


Demons (Asakusa arc)

  • Restrained a Demon (DS E8: 02:24)

Susamaru (Asakusa arc)

  • Stopped an attack from Susamaru with a Mizu no Kokyu – Shichi no Kata: Shizuku Hamon Tsuki – Kyoku (DS E9: 05:41)
  • Dodged an attack from Susamaru (DS E9: 08:32)
  • Cut Susamaru’s temari in half with an attack (DS E9: 09:01)
  • Cut Susamaru’s temari in half with an attack (DS E9: 09:02)
  • Cut off Susamaru’s arms with a Mizu no Kokyu – San no Kata: Ryuryu Mai (DS E9: 11:26)
  • Dodged an attack from Susamaru (DS E9: 14:49)

Yahaba (Asakusa arc)

  • Withstood an attack from Yahaba (DS E9: 06:20)
  • Dodged an attack from Yahaba (DS E9: 08:54)
  • Deflected a series of attacks from Yahaba (DS E9: 08:55)
  • Withstood an attack from Yahaba (DS E9: 09:06)
  • Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Yahaba (DS E9: 09:13)
  • Dodged a barrage of attacks from Yahaba (DS E9: 09:16)
  • Dodged an attack from Yahaba (DS E9: 09:31)
  • Blocked an attack from Yahaba (DS E9: 09:32)
  • Blocked an attack from Yahaba (DS E9: 09:34)
  • Blocked an attack from Yahaba (DS E9: 09:35)
  • Dodged a barrage of attacks from Yahaba (DS E9: 10:18)
  • Dodged a series of attacks from Yahaba (DS E9: 10:26)
  • Dodged a barrage of attacks from Yahaba (DS E9: 11:01)
  • Withstood an attack from Yahaba (DS E9: 16:03)
  • Withstood a barrage of attacks from Yahaba (DS E9: 16:05)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Yahaba (DS E9: 16:15)
  • Dodged a barrage of attacks from Yahaba (DS E9: 18:59)
  • Withstood an attack from Yahaba (DS E9: 19:19)
  • Dodged an attack from Yahaba (DS E9: 19:28)
  • Dodged a barrage of attacks from Yahaba (DS E9: 20:26)
  • Dodged a barrage of attacks from Yahaba (DS E9: 20:31)
  • Decapitated Yahaba with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ni no Kata Kai: Yoko Mizu Guruma (DS E9: 20:49)
  • Overpowered an attack from Yahaba with a Mizu no Kokyu – Shi no Kata: Uchishio (DS E10: 03:17)
  • Overpowered an attack from Yahaba with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ni no Kata: Mizu Guruma (DS E10: 03:35)
  • Overpowered an attack from Yahaba with a Mizu no Kokyu – Hachi no Kata: Takitsubo (DS E10: 03:44)
  • Overpowered an attack from Yahaba with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ichi no Kata: Minamo Giri (DS E10: 03:47)
  • Overpowered an attack from Yahaba with a Mizu no Kokyu – Shichi no Kata: Shizuku Hamon Tsuki (DS E10: 03:50)
  • Overpowered an attack from Yahaba with a Mizu no Kokyu – Roku no Kata: Nejire Uzu (DS E10: 03:52)
  • Overpowered a barrage of attacks from Yahaba with a barrage of attacks (DS E10: 04:08)

Yushiro (Asakusa arc)

  • Withstood a punch from Yushiro (DS E8: 13:19)
  • Withstood a punch from Yushiro (DS E8: 15:59)
  • Withstood a punch from Yushiro (DS E8: 16:00)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Yushiro (DS E8: 16:03)
  • Withstood an attack from Yushiro (DS E8: 18:05)


Yahaba (Asakusa arc)

  • Yahaba stated that his arrow would twist Tanjiro’s arm off (DS E9: 19:30)
  • Stated that his body was going to get smashed by Yahaba’s arrow (DS E10: 03:12)

Standard Equipment




  • Stated that he didn’t even have the energy to grip onto his sword (DS E10: 05:12)

Tsuzumi Mansion arc



  • Appeared completely fine despite having a broken rib and leg from his previous battle (DS E11: 14:38)
  • Fought against Kyogai with injuries that he stated hurt so badly that he could hardly stand it (DS E12: 19:09)


  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E12: 03:21)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E12: 18:18)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E12: 18:34)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E12: 18:49)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E12: 19:39)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 03:42)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 04:11)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 04:37)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 07:26)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 07:28)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 07:41)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 07:43)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 08:01)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 08:14)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 08:16)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 08:17)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 08:18)

Powers and Abilities


  • Flipped to his feet (DS E12: 18:08)
  • Shifted himself in mid-air to avoid Kyogai’s attack (DS E12: 18:49)
  • Ran on the side of a wall and the ceiling with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ku no Kata: Suiryu Shibuki – Ran (DS E13: 08:27)

Air Manipulation

  • Created a blast of air pressure by dashing forward (DS E12: 17:57)

Automatic Translation

  • Communicated with Zenitsu’s sparrow (DS E11: 02:21)

Enhanced Senses

  • Smelled the scents of demons coming from a mansion (DS E11: 07:54)
  • Smelled the scent of blood coming from a mansion (DS E11: 08:11)
  • Sensed Inosuke’s presence by his scent (DS E11: 20:15)
  • Stated that he could tell just how kind Zenitsu was by his scent (DS E14: 18:05)

Information Analysis

  • Sensed that Kyogai was the strongest demon in the mansion by the intensity of his scent (DS E11: 16:36)
  • Detected Kyogai’s opening thread (DS E13: 08:57)
  • Stated that he could tell just how strong Zenitsu was by his scent (DS E14: 18:05)

Statistics Amplification

  • Used his breathing to reinforce the muscles around his broken leg (DS E13: 07:58)


Agatsuma Zenitsu (Tsuzumi Mansion arc)

  • Knocked Zenitsu unconscious with an attack (DS E14: 11:22)
  • Harmed Zenitsu with an attack (DS E14: 14:01)

Hashibira Inosuke (Tsuzumi Mansion arc)

  • Dodged an attack from Inosuke (DS E12: 02:54)
  • Broke Inosuke’s ribs with a punch (DS E14: 02:12)
  • Dodged a kick from Inosuke (DS E14: 03:12)
  • Dodged a series of punches from Inosuke (DS E14: 03:13)
  • Dodged a punch from Inosuke (DS E14: 03:14)
  • Dodged a punch from Inosuke (DS E14: 03:15)
  • Dodged a kick from Inosuke (DS E14: 03:16)
  • Dodged a kick from Inosuke (DS E14: 03:22)
  • Dodged a kick from Inosuke (DS E14: 03:36)
  • Withstood a kick from Inosuke (DS E14: 03:38)
  • Withstood a punch from Inosuke (DS E14: 03:45)
  • Withstood an attack from Inosuke (DS E14: 03:57)
  • Harmed Inosuke with a headbutt (DS E14: 03:59)
  • Dodged a series of kicks from Inosuke (DS E14: 04:03)
  • Blocked a headbutt from Inosuke (DS E14: 04:04)
  • Blocked a punch from Inosuke (DS E14: 04:07)
  • Blocked a barrage of punches from Inoskue (DS E14: 04:10)
  • Dodged a kick from Inosuke (DS E14: 04:29)
  • Withstood a kick from Inosuke, though was bleeding (DS E14: 04:38)
  • Dodged a series of punches from Inosuke (DS E14: 05:19)
  • Dodged a kick from Inosuke (DS E14: 05:21)
  • Blocked and dodged a series of attacks from Inosuke (DS E14: 05:22)
  • Blocked a punch from Inosuke (DS E14: 05:23)
  • Withstood a kick from Inosuke (DS E14: 05:24)
  • Drew blood from Inosuke with a headbutt (DS E14: 05:29)

Humans (Tsuzumi Mansion arc)

  • Restrained a girl (DS E11: 03:31)

Kyogai (Tsuzumi Mansion arc)

  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E12: 03:21)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E12: 18:18)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E12: 18:34)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E12: 18:49)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E12: 19:39)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 03:42)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 04:11)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 07:26)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 07:28)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 07:41)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 07:43)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 08:01)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 08:14)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 08:16)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 08:17)
  • Dodged a ranged attack from Kyogai (DS E13: 08:18)
  • Decapitated Kyogai with an attack (DS E13: 09:07)


Hashibira Inosuke (Tsuzumi Mansion arc)

  • Inosuke dodged a kick from Tanjiro (DS E14: 03:41)
  • Inosuke dodged a punch from Tanjiro (DS E14: 03:56)
  • Inosuke dodged a kick from Tanjiro (DS E14: 04:08)
  • Inosuke dodged a kick from Tanjiro (DS E14: 04:32)

Kyogai (Tsuzumi Mansion arc)

  • Stated that Kyogai’s ranged attack would slice him into rings (DS E12: 19:59)

Standard Equipment




  • Stated that he wasn’t at full strength (DS E12: 19:50)

Mount Natagumo arc



  • Launched a Demon Slayer into a tree (DS E16: 09:04)
  • Cut a tree in half with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ni no Kata Kai: Yoko Mizu Guruma (DS E18: 04:17)

Powers and Abilities


  • Performed a front flip while delivering a sword strike (DS E17: 21:10)
  • Flipped to his feet after being launching backwards by a demon (DS E18: 03:26)

Air Manipulation

  • Unleashed a horizontal slash in a circular motion, launching a blade of compressed air through a tree with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ni no Kata: Yoko Mizu Guruma (DS E18: 04:17)

Damage Boost

  • Charged towards Rui while performing a continuous flowing attack with his blade, gaining more and more force with each rotation with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ju no Kata: Seisei Ruten (DS E19: 16:30)

Enhanced Senses

  • Sensed a wounded Demon Slayer from his scent (DS E15: 07:54)
  • Stated that the Mother Spider Demon gave off the scent of terror and suffering (DS E17: 00:58)

Information Analysis

  • Sensed an opening to decapitate Rui (DS E19: 20:11)

Perception Manipulation

  • Delivered a single flowing strike that decapitated the Mother Spider Demon with no pain, making her fell as though she were being showered by a gentle rain, with a Mizu no Kokyu – Go no Kata: Kanten no Jiu (DS E16: 18:01)

Weapon Mastery

  • Delivered a single horizontal slash with a Mizu no Kokyu – Shi no Kata: Uchishio (DS E16: 15:34)
  • Delivered a single flowing strike that decapitated the Mother Spider Demon with no pain with a Mizu no Kokyu – Go no Kata: Kanten no Jiu (DS E16: 18:01)
  • Leapt forward into the air and performed a front flip, releasing a singular vertical slash in a circular motion with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ni no Kata: Mizu Guruma (DS E17: 21:10)
  • Released a singular, horizontal slash with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ichi no Kata: Minamo Giri (DS E18: 21:19)
  • Charged towards Rui while performing a continuous flowing attack with his blade, gaining more and more force with each rotation with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ju no Kata: Seisei Ruten (DS E19: 16:04)
  • Performed a singular downwards vertical slash in an arcing motion with a Hinokami Kagura: Enbu (DS E19: 19:17)


Demon Slayer Corps (Mount Natagumo arc)

  • Was stated to have unbelievable strength by a Demon Slayer (DS E16: 09:09)

Demons (Mount Natagumo arc)

  • Dodged an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon Slayer puppet (DS E15: 16:21)
  • Dodged an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon Slayer puppet (DS E15: 16:22)
  • Dodged an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon Slayer puppet (DS E15: 16:42)
  • Dodged an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon Slayer puppet (DS E15: 16:56)
  • Cut the Mother Spider Demon’s threads with an attack (DS E15: 17:20)
  • Cut the Mother Spider Demon’s threads with an attack (DS E15: 18:03)
  • Dodged an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon Slayer puppet (DS E15: 18:58)
  • Dodged an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon Slayer puppet (DS E15: 19:04)
  • Dodged an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon Slayer puppet (DS E15: 19:05)
  • Blocked an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon Slayer puppet (DS E15: 19:10)
  • Blocked an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon Slayer puppet (DS E15: 20:19)
  • Dodged an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon Slayer puppet (DS E16: 06:43)
  • Blocked a series of attacks from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon Slayer puppet (DS E16: 07:05)
  • Blocked an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon Slayer puppet (DS E16: 07:06)
  • Blocked an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon slayer puppet (DS E16: 07:08)
  • Blocked an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon Slayer puppet (DS E16: 07:09)
  • Blocked an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon Slayer puppet (DS E16: 07:10)
  • Blocked an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon Slayer puppet (DS E16: 07:11)
  • Dodged an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon Slayer puppet (DS E16: 07:13)
  • Blocked an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon Slayer puppet (DS E16: 07:15)
  • Blocked an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon Slayer puppet (DS E16: 08:05)
  • Dodged an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon puppet (DS E16: 13:52)
  • Blocked an attack from the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon puppet (DS E16: 14:35)
  • Cut the Mother Spider Demon’s threads with an attack (DS E16: 14:46)
  • Cut off the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon puppet’s legs with a Mizu no Kokyu – Shi no Kata: Uchishio (DS E16: 15:34)
  • Decapitated the Mother Spider Demon with a Mizu no Kokyu – Go no Kata: Kanten no Jiu (DS E16: 18:01)
  • Cut the Father Spider Demon’s arm with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ni no Kata: Mizu Guruma (DS E17: 21:10)
  • Dodged a punch from the Father Spider Demon (DS E18: 03:39)

Hashibira Inosuke (Mount Natagumo arc)

  • Withstood a headbutt from Inosuke (DS E15: 03:59)
  • Restrained Inosuke (DS E15: 05:30)
  • Withstood a headbutt from Inosuke (DS E15: 16:59)
  • His Mizu no Kokyu – Ju no Kata: Seisei Ruten was stated to be out of this world by Inosuke (DS E18: 05:20)


  • Stated that his Mizu no Kokyu – Ju no Kata: Seisei Ruten was the final and most powerful form (DS E18: 05:09)

Rui (Mount Natagumo arc)

  • Blocked a series of threads from Rui (DS E18: 14:16)
  • Dodged a thread from Rui (DS E18: 20:45)
  • Dodged a thread from Rui (DS E18: 20:48)
  • Dodged a thread from Rui (DS E18: 20:49)
  • Dodged a thread from Rui (DS E18: 21:16)
  • Dodged a thread from Rui (DS E19: 05:52)
  • Dodged a thread from Rui (DS E19: 05:59)
  • Dodged a thread from Rui (DS E19: 06:04)
  • Dodged a thread from Rui (DS E19: 06:06)
  • Dodged a thread from Rui (DS E19: 06:07)
  • Dodged a series of threads from Rui (DS E19: 12:44)
  • Withstood a kick from Rui, though was bleeding (DS E19: 13:40)
  • Withstood a punch from Rui, though was bleeding (DS E19: 13:45)
  • Withstood a punch from Rui, though was bleeding (DS E19: 14:14)
  • Withstood a punch from Rui, though was bleeding (DS E19: 14:15)
  • Withstood a kick from Rui (DS E19: 14:30)
  • Deflected a thread from Rui with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ju no Kata: Seisei Ruten (DS E19: 16:11)
  • Deflected a series of threads from Rui with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ju no Kata: Seisei Ruten (DS E19: 16:16)
  • Deflected a thread from Rui with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ju no Kata: Seisei Ruten (DS E19: 16:17)
  • Cut through a series of threads from Rui with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ju no Kata: Seisei Ruten (DS E19: 16:23)
  • Rui stated that Tanjiro’s Mizu no Kokyu – Ju no Kata: Seisei Ruten could spell trouble (DS E19: 16:33)
  • Cut through a thread from Rui with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ju no Kata: Seisei Ruten (DS E19: 16:36)
  • Cut through a thread from Rui with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ju no Kata: Seisei Ruten (DS E19: 16:37)
  • Cut through a thread from Rui with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ju no Kata: Seisei Ruten (DS E19: 16:38)
  • Cut through a Kekkijutsu: Kokushiro from Rui with a Hinokami Kagura: Enbu (DS E19: 19:17)
  • Dodged a series of Kekkijutsu-enhanced threads from Rui while using the Hinokami Kagura (DS E19: 19:31)
  • Cut through a series of Kekkijutsu-enhanced threads from Rui with a series of attacks while using the Hinokami Kagura (DS E19: 19:55)
  • Cut through a series of Kekkijutsu-enhanced threads from Rui with a barrage of attacks while using the Hinokami Kagura (DS E19: 20:02)
  • Would have decapitated Rui with an attack while using the Hinokami Kagura (DS E19: 21:05)

Kanao Tsuyuri (Mount Natagumo arc)

  • Withstood a kick from Kanao (DS E21: 15:30)
  • Intercepted an attack from Kanao (DS E21: 15:48)


Demons (Mount Natatgumo arc)

  • Inosuke stated that they were going to go down if they got caught napping against the Mother Spider Demon’s Demon Slayer puppets (DS E16: 08:26)
  • The Mother Spider Demon’s Demon puppet dodged an attack from Tanjiro (DS E16: 14:42)
  • Stated that his Mizu no Kokyu – Ni no Kata: Mizu Guruma wasn’t strong enough to cut through the Father Spider Demon’s arm (DS E18: 03:09)
  • The Father Spider Demon overpowered Tanjiro (DS E18: 03:26)
  • Stated that even his techniques couldn’t cut through the Father Spider Demon (DS E18: 03:30)

Rui (Mount Natagumo arc)

  • Rui cut Tanjiro’s cheek with his threads (DS E18: 14:15)
  • Rui overpowered a Mizu no Kokyu – Ichi no Kata: Minamo Giri from Tanjiro and cut through his sword with a thread (DS E18: 21:19)
  • Rui cut Tanjiro’s face with a thread (DS E19: 00:03)
  • Stated that he was getting overwhelmed by Rui’s attacks (DS E19: 06:14)
  • Rui dodged an attack from Tanjiro (DS E19: 14:13)
  • Rui tanked an attack from Tanjiro (DS E19: 14:16)
  • Rui stated that Tanjiro didn’t stand a chance against him (DS E19: 14:27)
  • Stated that he couldn’t cut through a Kekkijutsu: Kokushiro from Rui with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ju no Kata: Seisei Ruten (DS E19: 17:00)
  • Rui would have killed Tanjiro with a Kekkijutsu: Kokushiro (DS E19: 17:10)
  • Rui cut Tanjiro with a series of threads while using his Kekkijutsu (DS E19: 19:28)
  • Rui dodged a barrage of Hinokami Kagura-enhanced attacks from Tanjiro (DS E19: 20:02)

Tsuyuri Kanao (Mount Natagumo arc)

  • Kanao knocked Tanjiro unconscious with a kick (DS E21: 15:58)

Standard Equipment



  • Stated that the backlash from forcibly switching between breathing forms would prevent him from being able to move for a while (DS E19: 19:35)


Rehabilitation Training arc



  • Was stated to have mastered Zen Shuchu Jochu (DS E26: 16:48)


  • Tore apart a rope binding (DS E23: 03:13)

Powers and Abilities

Air Manipulation

  • Blew up a small gourd with his breath (DS E25: 04:29)
  • Blew up a giant gourd with his breath (DS E26: 16:17)

Enhanced Senses

  • Could tell that Shinobu was angry by her scent (DS E24: 18:20)

Instinctive Action

  • Kept up his Breathing Technique while he was asleep (DS E25: 00:24)


Haganezuka Hotaru (Rehabilitation Training arc)

  • Dodged an attack from Hotaru (DS E25: 14:12)
  • Dodged a barrage of attacks from Hotaru (DS E25: 14:43)


  • Stated that he had gotten even stronger (DS E25: 20:19)

Iguro Obanai (Rehabilitation Training arc)

  • Withstood an attack from Obanai (DS E22: 20:30)

Shinazugawa Sanemi (Rehabilitation Training arc)

  • Dodged an attack from Sanemi (DS E22: 10:48)
  • Drew blood from Sanemi with a headbutt (DS E22: 10:54)

Tokito Muichiro (Rehabilitation Training arc)

  • Withstood a series of attacks from Muichiro (DS E23: 08:38)

Tomioka Giyu (Rehabilitation Training arc)

  • Giyu vanished from Tanjiro’s sight (DS E26: 17:18)

Tsuyuri Kanao (Rehabilitation Training arc)

  • Caught Kanao (DS E25: 17:00)


Himejima Gyomei (Rehabilitation Training arc)

  • Gyomei stated that Tanjiro was weak (DS E23: 02:52)

Iguro Obanai (Rehabilitation Training arc)

  • Obanai restrained Tanjiro (DS E23: 02:19)

Kocho Shinobu (Rehabilitation Training arc)

  • Shinobu vanished from Tanjiro’s sight (DS E24: 21:01)

Tsuyuri Kanao (Rehabilitation Training arc)

  • Kanao’s reflexes were stated to be way faster than Tanjiro’s (DS E24: 11:27)
  • Kanao dodged an attack from Tanjiro (DS E25: 16:53)

Standard Equipment



  • Shinobu stated that if Tanjiro used any breathing techniques while his lungs were being squeezed, his veins would burst (DS E23: 02:34)


Mugen Train arc


Powers and Abilities


  • Shifted his body in mid-air to attack Enmu (DS E30: 16:26)

Air Manipulation

  • Created a blast of air pressure (DS E30: 12:37)

Enhanced Senses

  • Stated that he could remember Kyojuro’s scent (DS E28: 00:40)
  • Stated that he could pick up a strong sense of justice from Kyojuro’s scent (DS E28: 07:04)

Illusion Creation

  • Created an illusionary water dragon with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ju no Kata: Seisei Ruten (DS E30: 14:55)


  • Used his breathing to stop the bleeding of a stab wound (DS E32: 09:10)

Supernatural Willpower

  • Continuously committed suicide instantly within his dream every time he was put to sleep by Enmu, which was stated to take incredible willpower (DS E30: 16:03)

Weapon Mastery

  • Charged towards Enmu’s false body whilst performing a continuous flowing attack with his blade with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ju no Kata: Seisei Ruten (DS E30: 14:55)
  • Unleashed a singular, horizontal slash with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ichi no Kata: Minamo Giri (DS E31: 05:45)
  • Twisted his body, using his blade to perform a fierce whirling motion before generating a whirlpool of air to shred apart anything caught within it with a Mizu no Kokyu – Roku no Kata: Nejire Uzu (DS E31: 12:49)
  • Delivered a downward slash in a flowing motion with a Mizu no Kokyu – Hachi no Kata: Takitsubo (DS E31: 13:45)
  • Spun and twisted his upper body in a circular motion before releasing a 360 degree slash with a Hinokami Kagura: Heki-ra no Ten (DS E31: 18:25)


Akaza (Mugen Train arc)

  • Stabbed Akaza with an attack while using Hinakami Kagura (DS E33: 09:47)

Enmu (Mugen Train arc)

  • Decapitated Enmu’s false body with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ju no Kata: Seisei Ruten (DS E30: 17:54)
  • Cut apart Enmu’s flesh tendrils with a Mizu no Kokyu – Ichi no Kata: Minamo Giri (DS E31: 05:45)
  • Cut apart Enmu’s flesh tendril with an attack (DS E31: 08:22)
  • Cut apart Enmu’s flesh tendril with an attack (DS E31: 08:24)
  • Cut apart Enmu’s flesh tendril with an attack (DS E31: 08:27)
  • Dodged an attack from Enmu (DS E31: 08:39)
  • Cut apart Enmu’s flesh tendril with an attack (DS E31: 08:40)
  • Dodged an attack from Enmu and cut apart his flesh tendril with an attack (DS E31: 08:41)
  • Cut apart Enmu’s flesh arms and cut through his body with a Mizu no Kokyu – Roku no Kata: Nejire Uzu (DS E31: 12:49)
  • Cut through Enmu’s flesh tendril with a Mizu no Kokyu – Hachi no Kata: Takitsubo (DS E31: 13:45)
  • Dodged a barrage of attacks from Enmu (DS E31: 17:07)
  • Cut through Enmu’s flesh arm with an attack (DS E31: 17:11)
  • Cut through Enmu’s flesh arm with an attack (DS E31: 17:13)
  • Cut through Enmu’s flesh arm with an attack (DS E31: 17:25)
  • Dodged an attack from Enmu (DS E31: 17:26)
  • Dodged an attack from Enmu (DS E31: 17:40)
  • Dodged an attack from Enmu (DS E31: 17:47)
  • Cut through Enmu’s flesh tendril with an attack (DS E31: 17:48)
  • Cut apart Enmu’s flesh tendril with a series of attacks (DS E31: 17:53)
  • Decapitated Enmu with a Hinokami Kagura: Heki-ra no Ten (DS E31: 18:25)

Humans (Mugen Train arc)

  • Dodged an attack from a girl (DS E30: 08:29)
  • Knocked a boy unconscious with an attack (DS E30: 09:34)
  • Knocked a girl unconscious with an attack (DS E30: 09:37)
  • Dodged an attack from a girl (DS E30: 09:43)
  • Knocked a girl unconscious with an attack (DS E30: 09:44)
  • Intercepted an attack from a man (DS E31: 16:28)
  • Knocked a man unconscious with an attack (DS E31: 16:41)


Akaza (Mugen Train arc)

  • Stated that he couldn’t follow Akaza’s movements (DS E32: 14:53)

Enmu (Mugen Train arc)

  • Enmu’s false body dodged a series of attacks from Tanjiro (DS E30: 15:29)
  • Enmu’s false body dodged a Mizu no Kokyu – Ju no Kata: Seisei Ruten from Tanjiro (DS E30: 16:06)
  • Enmu’s false body dodged a Mizu no Kokyu – Ju no Kata: Seisei Ruten from Tanjiro (DS E30: 16:07)
  • Enmu’s false body dodged a Mizu no Kokyu – Ju no Kata: Seisei Ruten from Tanjiro (DS E30: 16:10)
  • Enmu’s false body dodged an attack from Tanjiro (DS E30: 16:26)
  • Enmu’s false body dodged an attack from Tanjiro (DS E30: 16:27)
  • Enmu’s false body dodged an attack from Tanjiro (DS E30: 16:29)
  • Enmu’s false body dodged a series of attacks from Tanjiro (DS E30: 16:35)
  • Enmu’s false body dodged an attack from Tanjiro (DS E30: 16:36)
  • Enmu’s false body dodged an attack from Tanjiro (DS E30: 16:37)
  • Enmu dodged an attack from Tanjiro (DS E30: 20:22)
  • Enmu intercepted a Mizu no Kokyu – Hachi no Kata: Takitsubo from Tanjiro (DS E31: 13:45)

Humans (Mugen Train arc)

  • A man stabbed Tanjiro with an attack (DS E31: 16:28)

Rengoku Kyojuro (Mugen Train arc)

  • Stated that he couldn’t even see Kyojuro move (DS E31: 10:08)
  • Stated that he couldn’t follow Kyojuro’s movements (DS E32: 14:53)

Standard Equipment



Entertainment District arc



  • Continued to fight and make violent moves against Daki, which would normally rupture his body on the spot due to his deep wounds (DS E39: 13:35)

Powers and Abilities


  • Ran up the side of a pillar (DS E34: 32:42)
  • Flipped into the air while cutting apart Daki’s sashes (DS E39: 15:29)

Afterimage Creation

  • Created an afterimage to evade Daki’s attack with a Hinokami Kagura: Gen’nichi Ko (DS E38: 07:01)

Air Manipulation

  • Created a blast of air pressure with a leap (DS E39: 04:01)


  • Stated that he was at the top of his game when he had a fever (DS E38: 09:17)

Enhanced Senses

  • Detected Daki by her scent (DS E37: 13:03)
  • Sensed Gyutaro’s bloodlust (DS E41: 15:09)

Illusion Creation

  • Left illusions of waves with his strikes (DS E37: 19:32)

Information Analysis

  • Detected Daki’s opening thread (DS E38: 07:12)

Power Nullification

  • Prevented Daki from regenerating like she was supposed to while using Hinokami Kagura (DS E39: 13:26)

Rage Power

  • Gained an explosive increase in speed and power after being enraged by Daki (DS E39: 06:28)


  • Was stated to have stopped the bleeding of a deep wound on his shoulder (DS E41: 19:16)

Statistics Amplification

  • Forcefully summoned 100 times the force of all of his might while using his Demon Slayer Mark (DS E43: 17:48)

Temperature Manipulation

  • Caused Daki to feel a burning pain after cutting her while using Hinokami Kagura (DS E39: 13:17)

Weapon Mastery

  • Performed a multitude of slashes in a flowing fashion to release multiple consecutive slashes with a Mizu no Kokyu – Shi no Kata: Uchishio (DS E34: 34:01)
  • Performed a multitude of slashes in a flowing fashion to release multiple consecutive slashes while increasing the quantity of consecutive strikes and slashes along with improving its accuracy with a Mizu no Kokyu – Shi no Kata: Uchishio – Ran (DS E37: 19:32)
  • Unleashed two consecutive horizontal arcing slashes around himself with a Hinokami Kagura: Retsujitsu Kokyo (DS E38: 06:32)
  • Performed a singular downwards vertical slash in an arcing motion with a Hinokami Kagura: Enbu (DS E38: 06:50)
  • Flipped into the air behind Daki before unleashing a singular vertical slash in a circular motion with a Hinokami Kagura: Kasha (DS E38: 07:18)
  • Performed a singular slash utilizing a spiraling motion which extended in front of himself to defend from Daki’s imminent frontal attack with a Hinokami Kagura: Shakkotsu En’yo (DS E39: 13:17)
  • Cut Daki’s sashes vertically in a flowing motion with a Mizu no Kokyu – Hachi no Kata: Takitsubo (DS E42: 14:56)
  • Swung and bent his blade in a winding motion along with his body and danced in a flowing pattern, slicing everything in his path with a Mizu no Kokyu – San no Kata: Ryuryu Mai (DS E42: 17:40)

Resistance to Poison Manipulation

  • Attempted to slow the circulation of Gyutaro’s poison with his breathing (DS E43: 20:28)


Daki (Entertainment District arc)

  • Withstood an attack from Daki (DS E37: 17:30)
  • Deflected a series of attacks from Daki with a Mizu no Kokyu – Shi no Kata: Uchishio – Ran (DS E37: 19:32)
  • Blocked an attack from Daki, though was pushed back (DS E37: 19:47)
  • Deflected an attack from Daki (DS E37: 19:57)
  • Deflected an attack from Daki (DS E37: 19:58)
  • Deflected an attack from Daki (DS E37: 20:00)
  • Deflected an attack from Daki (DS E37: 20:01)
  • Cut through Daki’s sash with an attack (DS E37: 20:02)
  • Blocked a punch from Daki, though was pushed back (DS E37: 20:06)
  • Cut through Daki’s sashes with a Hinokami Kagura: Retsujitsu Kokyo (DS E38: 06:32)
  • Dodged an attack from Daki with a Hinokami Kagura: Gen’nichi Ko (DS E38: 07:01)
  • Withstood an attack from Daki (DS E38: 07:28)
  • Blocked an attack from Daki (DS E38: 07:56)
  • Deflected a barrage of attacks from Daki (DS E38: 08:09)
  • Blocked an attack from Daki (DS E38: 08:21)
  • Deflected a barrage of attacks from Daki (DS E38: 08:23)
  • Dodged an attack from Daki (DS E39: 03:16)
  • Deflected an attack from Daki (DS E39: 03:17)
  • Deflected an attack from Daki (DS E39: 03:18)
  • Blocked an attack from Daki (DS E39: 03:19)
  • Dodged an attack from Daki (DS E39: 03:22)
  • Traded blows with Daki (DS E39: 03:39)
  • Clashed with Daki (DS E39: 03:42)
  • Caught a fleeing Awakened Daki (DS E39: 09:30)
  • Dodged a kick from Awakened Daki (DS E39: 09:39)
  • Cut through a Kekkijutsu: Yae Obigiri from Awakened Daki with a Hinokami Kagura: Shakkotsu En’yo (DS E39: 13:17)
  • Cut through Awakened Daki’s sash with an attack while using Hinokami Kagura (DS E39: 13:36)
  • Cut through Awakened Daki’s sash with an attack while using Hinokami Kagura (DS E39: 13:37)
  • Cut through Awakened Daki’s sash with an attack while using Hinokami Kagura (DS E39: 13:43)
  • Blocked an attack from Awakened Daki while using Hinokami Kagura (DS E39: 13:49)
  • Traded blows with Awakened Daki while using Hinokami Kagura (DS E39: 14:00)
  • Deflected an attack from Awakened Daki while using Hinokami Kagura (DS E39: 14:12)
  • Dodged a series of attacks from Awakened Daki (DS E39: 14:35)
  • Stated that Awakened Daki’s attacks were awfully slow (DS E39: 14:49)
  • Deflected a series of attacks from Awakened Daki (DS E39: 14:54)
  • Deflected a barrage of attacks from Awakened Daki (DS E39: 14:58)
  • Pierced Awakened Daki’s sashes with an attack (DS E39: 15:11)
  • Cut apart Awakened Daki’s sashes with a barrage of attacks while using Hinokami Kagura (DS E39: 15:29)
  • Was stated to be so fast by Awakened Daki while using Hinokami Kagura (DS E39: 15:39)
  • Deflected and blocked a series of attacks from Awakened Daki (DS E41: 15:55)
  • Dodged a series of attacks from Awakened Daki (DS E41: 17:37)
  • Pierced Awakened Daki’s sash with an attack (DS E41: 19:00)
  • Blocked an attack from Awakened Daki, though was pushed back (DS E41: 19:32)
  • Dodged an attack from Awakened Daki (DS E41: 19:36)
  • Dodged a series of attacks from Awakened Daki (DS E41: 19:37)
  • Blocked and dodged a series of attacks from Awakened Daki (DS E41: 19:55)
  • Deflected a series of attacks from Awakened Daki (DS E42: 09:07)
  • Deflected a series of attacks from Awakened Daki (DS E42: 09:13)
  • Overpowered an attack from Awakened Daki with a Mizu no Kokyu – Hachi no Kata: Takitsubo (DS E42: 14:56)
  • Deflected an attack from Awakened Daki (DS E42: 15:27)
  • Deflected a series of attacks from Awakened Daki (DS E42: 16:11)
  • Deflected an attack from Awakened Daki (DS E42: 16:14)
  • Dodged a barrage of attacks from Awakened Daki (DS E42: 17:00)
  • Deflected and dodged a barrage of attacks from Awakened Daki (DS E42: 17:06)
  • Deflected an attack from Awakened Daki (DS E42: 17:17)
  • Deflected an attack from Awakened Daki (DS E42: 17:27)
  • Deflected a barrage of attacks from Awakened Daki with a Mizu no Kokyu – San no Kata: Ryuryu Mai (DS E42: 17:40)
  • Deflected an attack from Awakened Daki (DS E42: 19:35)
  • Deflected an attack from Awakened Daki (DS E42: 19:43)

Demons (Entertainment District arc)

  • Dodged an attack from a demon (DS E34: 32:38)
  • Wounded and decapitated a demon with a Mizu no Kokyu – Shi no Kata: Uchishio (DS E34: 34:01)

Gyutaro (Entertainment District arc)

  • Intercepted and blocked a Kekkijutsu: Tobi Chigama from Gyutaro (DS E41: 17:39)
  • Cut off Gyutaro’s hand with an attack while blending Hinokami Kagura and Mizu no Kokyu (DS E42: 09:48)
  • His attack was stated to be lightning-fast by Gyutaro while blending Hinokami Kagura and Mizu no Kokyu (DS E42: 10:05)
  • Dodged an attack from Gyutaro (DS E42: 11:22)
  • Blocked an attack from Gyutaro (DS E42: 11:23)
  • Dodged a Kekkijutsu: Enzan Senkai – Tobi Chigama from Gyutaro (DS E42: 15:09)
  • Deflected a Kekkijutsu: Enzan Senkai – Tobi Chigama from Gyutaro (DS E42: 15:10)
  • Deflected a Kekkijutsu: Enzan Senkai – Tobi Chigama from Gyutaro (DS E42: 15:11)
  • Withstood a kick from Gyutaro (DS E43: 08:00)
  • Withstood a kick from Gyutaro, though was bleeding (DS E43: 08:45)
  • Stabbed Gyutaro with a kunai (DS E43: 10:35)
  • Cut into Gyutaro’s neck with an attack while using Hinokami Kagura (DS E43: 12:35)
  • Blocked a Kekkijutsu: Enzan Senkai – Tobi Chigama from Gyutaro, though was being pushed back (DS E43: 14:20)
  • Blocked a series of attacks from Gyutaro, though was being pushed back (DS E43: 14:25)
  • Blocked a Kekkijutsu: Tobi Chigama from Gyutaro, though was being pushed back (DS E43: 14:29)
  • Blocked a series of attacks from Gyutaro, though was pushed back (DS E43: 14:33)
  • Decapitated Gyutaro with an attack while using Hinokami Kagura and his Demon Slayer Mark (DS E43: 17:57)

Hashibira Inosuke (Entertainment District arc)

  • Withstood a barrage of attacks from Inosuke (DS E37: 07:20)


  • His swordsmanship was stated to be sharper than before while using Hinokami Kagura (DS E38: 06:42)
  • Stated that he was at the top of his game when he had a fever (DS E38: 09:17)
  • Was stated to be faster than before against Awakened Daki while using Hinokami Kagura (DS E39: 14:04)
  • Stated that blending Hinokami Kagura and Mizu no Kokyu would give him more attack power than he’d have with just Mizu no Kokyu (DS E42: 10:31)

Kamado Nezuko (Entertainment District arc)

  • Intercepted an attack from Awakened Nezuko and restrained her (DS E40: 05:50)
  • Withstood an attack from Awakened Nezuko (DS E40: 06:44)
  • Withstood an attack from Awakened Nezuko (DS E40: 10:07)
  • Withstood a headbutt from Awakened Nezuko, though was bleeding (DS E40: 10:59)
  • Withstood a headbutt from Awakened Nezuko, though was bleeding (DS E40: 11:01)

Rengoku Shinjuro (Entertainment District arc)

  • Withstood a punch from Shinjuro, though was bleeding (DS E34: 18:31)
  • Blocked a punch from Shinjuro (DS E34: 18:51)
  • Blocked a punch from Shinjuro (DS E34: 18:52)
  • Blocked a punch from Shinjuro (DS E34: 18:53)
  • Blocked a punch from Shinjuro (DS E34: 18:55)
  • Knocked Shinjuro unconscious with a headbutt (DS E34: 18:58)


Daki (Entertainment District arc)

  • Stated that he never saw Daki’s attack coming (DS E37: 17:46)
  • Daki dodged a Hinokami Kagura: Enbu from Tanjiro (DS E38: 06:50)
  • Daki stated that Tanjiro’s Hinokami Kagura: Enbu was nothing to write home about (DS E38: 06:58)
  • Daki stated that Tanjiro’s Hinokami Kagura: Kasha was so slow (DS E38: 07:18)
  • Daki dodged an attack from Tanjiro and vanished from his sight while in her Awakened Form (DS E39: 04:01)
  • Daki wounded Tanjiro with an attack while in her Awakened Form (DS E39: 05:18)
  • Daki blocked an attack from Tanjiro while in her Awakened Form (DS E39: 09:36)
  • Daki stated that Tanjiro had no chance against her Kekkijutsu attacks while in her Awakened Form (DS E39: 13:01)
  • Daki tanked a Hinokami Kagura-enhanced attack from Tanjiro while in her Awakened Form (DS E39: 14:14)

Gyutaro (Entertainment District arc)

  • Stated that if he took Gyutaro’s Kekkijutsu: Tobi Chigama head-on, his blade would snap in two (DS E41: 17:52)
  • Gyutaro was stated to not see Tanjiro as a threat, due to him being weak (DS E42: 09:09)
  • Gyutaro blocked an attack from Tanjiro (DS E42: 13:12)
  • Stated that he couldn’t slash Gyutaro’s head even if he went for it (DS E43: 05:56)
  • Gyutaro broke Tanjiro’s fingers within his grip (DS E43: 06:46)
  • Gyutaro caught up to a fleeing Tanjiro (DS E43: 08:00)
  • Gyutaro tanked a headbutt from Tanjiro (DS E43: 10:13)
  • Gyutaro stated that Tanjiro was a weakling (DS E43: 10:56)
  • Gyutaro stated that he had superior strength to Tanjiro (DS E43: 10:59)
  • Gyutaro tanked a Hinokami Kagura-enhanced attack from Tanjiro (DS E43: 11:12)
  • Stated that he couldn’t cut through Gyutaro’s neck with an attack while using Hinokami Kagura (DS E43: 13:51)
  • Gyutaro’s neck was stated to be too hard by Tanjiro (DS E43: 13:53)
  • Gyutaro overpowered a Hinokami Kagura-enhanced attack from Tanjiro with a Kekkijutsu: Enzan Senkai – Tobi Chigama (DS E43: 14:04)
  • Gyutaro stated that Tanjiro was too slow (DS E43: 17:09)
  • Gyutaro stabbed Tanjiro’s jaw with an attack (DS E43: 17:11)
  • Gyutaro tanked a Hinokami Kagura-enhanced attack from Tanjiro (DS E43: 17:24)

Kamado Nezuko (Entertainment District arc)

  • Nezuko cut Tanjiro’s face with an attack while in her Awakened Form (DS E40: 06:11)
  • Gyutaro stated that Tanjiro was weaker than Nezuko (DS E43: 06:27)

Rengoku Shinjuro (Entertainment District arc)

  • Shinjuro restrained Tanjiro (DS E34: 16:07)
  • Shinjuro blocked a kick from Tanjiro (DS E34: 16:29)
  • Shinjuro caught a punch from Tanjiro (DS E34: 18:26)

Twelve Kizuki (Entertainment District arc)

  • Tengen stated that Tanjiro couldn’t handle an Upper Rank demon (DS E37: 05:05)

Uzui Tengen (Entertainment District arc)

  • Tengen dodged a headbutt from Tanjiro (DS E34: 34:01)
  • Tengen vanished from Tanjiro’s sight (DS E37: 05:30)

Standard Equipment




  • Stated that he had gone way past his stamina threshold (DS E39: 16:29)
  • Was stated to be all banged up (DS E42: 15:54)
  • Stated that he had no strength (DS E43: 05:54)

Swordsmith Village arc



  • Dodged a blast of lightning from Sekido (DS E50: 04:22)


  • Trained against the Yoriichi Type Zero for several days without food, water, or sleep (DS E46: 17:19)

Powers and Abilities

Accelerated Development

  • Was stated to have the ability to adapt himself in combat (DS E50: 08:12)
  • Was stated to display explosive growth when he’s on the brink (DS E50: 08:20)


  • Flipped into the air (DS E50: 19:22)

Enhanced Senses

  • Sensed that there was a hot spring nearby from its scent (DS E45: 31:53)
  • Sensed that Muichiro didn’t have a whiff of malice (DS E46: 13:09)
  • Detected the path of the Yoriichi Type Zero’s five swords from their scent (DS E46: 18:43)
  • Detected Hantengu’s position within Urami’s heart from his scent (DS E55: 21:08)

Power Nullification

  • His attack on Hantengu’s emotion clones left them unable to regenerate (DS E50: 02:15)


  • Detected the path of the Yoriichi Type Zero’s five swords from their scent (DS E46: 18:43)
  • Stated that he could see how the Yoriichi Type Zero was going to move (DS E46: 19:38)
  • Stated that he could tell by the scent where the Yoriichi Type Zero was going to strike (DS E46: 19:47)


  • Recovered from the numerous deep wounds he received during his fight against Daki and Gyutaro, within two months (DS E45: 27:16)

Statistics Amplification

  • Increased his physical abilities while using his Demon Slayer Mark (DS E49: 19:32)
  • Collected all of his strength into his legs giving himself an explosive increase in speed with a Hinokami Kagura: Enbu Issen (DS E55: 05:27)

Stealth Mastery

  • Climbed up a tree and got behind Kotetsu without making a sound (DS E46: 11:14)

Temperature Manipulation

  • His attack on Hantengu’s emotion clones left them with scorching pain and unable to regenerate (DS E50: 02:15)

Weapon Mastery

  • Performed a singular thrust utilizing the tip of his blade in an attempt to strike Hantengu with a Hinokami Kagura: Yokatotsu (DS E47: 14:45)
  • Assumed a high stance before unleashing a number of consecutive slashes in a fluid motion, in the form of a Japanese dragon made of solar flames with a Hinokami Kagura: Nichiun no Ryu Kaburimai (DS E49: 19:41)
  • Performed a two-strike combo which started with a downward vertical slash before leading into a horizontal slash with a Hinokami Kagura: Enbu (DS E54: 19:25)
  • Inhaled huge amounts of oxygen, increasing the pumping of blood through his entire body, focusing it on his legs, and releasing it all to assault Hantengu with a slash with a Hinokami Kagura: Enbu Issen (DS E55: 05:38)


Haganezuka Hotaru (Swordsmith Village arc)

  • Wrestled with Hotaru (DS E47: 03:47)

Hantengu (Swordsmith Village arc)

  • Withstood a discharge of electricity from Sekido (DS E47: 16:49)
  • Withstood a blast of sound from Urogi, though was bleeding (DS E47: 19:02)
  • Cut off Urogi’s leg with an attack while using Hinokami Kagura (DS E47: 19:04)
  • Cut Urogi’s head in half with an attack (DS E48: 06:38)
  • Withstood a blast of sound from Urogi (DS E48: 06:54)
  • Stabbed Urogi’s throat with an attack (DS E48: 07:29)
  • Stabbed Urogi’s throat with an attack (DS E48: 07:33)
  • Dodged a blast of sound from Urogi (DS E48: 07:41)
  • Withstood a kick from Urogi (DS E48: 08:15)
  • Cut Urogi’s face with an attack (DS E48: 08:28)
  • Blocked an attack from Urogi (DS E48: 09:17)
  • Clashed with Urogi (DS E48: 14:52)
  • Dodged an attack from Urogi (DS E48: 14:56)
  • Dodged an attack from Urogi (DS E48: 16:39)
  • Stabbed Urogi with an attack (DS E48: 16:45)
  • Harmed Urogi with an attack (DS E48: 17:12)
  • Dodged an attack from Sekido (DS E48: 17:47)
  • Cut Sekido’s mouth with an attack (DS E48: 18:21)
  • Withstood a blast of wind from Karaku (DS E48: 19:21)
  • Withstood a blast of lightning from Sekido (DS E49: 08:35)
  • Dodged an attack from Urogi (DS E49: 08:54)
  • Withstood a blast of wind from Karaku (DS E49: 09:31)
  • Decapitated Urogi with a Hinokami Kagura: Nichiun no Ryu Kaburimai while using his Demon Slayer Mark (DS E49: 19:41)
  • Decapitated Karaku with a Hinokami Kagura: Nichiun no Ryu Kaburimai while using his Demon Slayer Mark (DS E49: 19:50)
  • Decapitated Sekido with a Hinokami Kagura: Nichiun no Ryu Kaburimai while using his Demon Slayer Mark (DS E49: 19:58)
  • Dodged a blast of lightning from Sekido (DS E50: 04:22)
  • Blocked an attack from Urogi (DS E50: 05:48)
  • Blocked an attack from Urogi (DS E50: 06:03)
  • Blocked an attack from Urogi (DS E50: 06:05)
  • Dodged an attack from Urogi (DS E50: 06:12)
  • Dodged an attack from Urogi (DS E50: 06:15)
  • Clashed with Urogi (DS E50: 06:21)
  • Withstood a blast of wind from Karaku (DS E50: 06:23)
  • Cut off Sekido’s hand with an attack while using his Demon Slayer Mark (DS E50: 07:52)
  • Dodged an attack from Urogi while using his Demon Slayer Mark (DS E50: 07:59)
  • Wounded Urogi with an attack while using his Demon Slayer Mark (DS E50: 08:03)
  • Was stated to have unbelievable reflexes by Sekido (DS E50: 08:12)
  • Cut off Urogi’s wing with an attack while using his Demon Slayer Mark (DS E50: 08:15)
  • Withstood a blast of wind from Karaku while using his Demon Slayer Mark, though was bleeding (DS E50: 08:39)
  • Cut Urogi’s arm in half with an attack while using his Demon Slayer Mark (DS E50: 08:49)
  • Dodged an attack from Karaku (DS E50: 08:55)
  • Withstood a kick from Karaku, though was bleeding (DS E50: 09:18)
  • Cut off Sekido’s hand with an attack (DS E50: 19:22)
  • Dodged an attack from Zohakuten’s wood dragon (DS E51: 03:39)
  • Pierced Zohakuten’s wood dragon with an attack (DS E51: 03:42)
  • Dodged an attack from Zohakuten’s wood dragon (DS E51: 03:44)
  • Dodged an attack from Zohakuten’s wood dragon (DS E51: 03:47)
  • Dodged an attack from Zohakuten’s wood dragon (DS E53: 17:12)
  • Withstood a blast of sound from Zohakuten’s wood dragon (DS E53: 17:28)
  • Dodged a blast of wind from Zohakuten’s wood dragon (DS E53: 18:15)
  • Dodged an attack from Zohakuten’s wood dragon (DS E53: 18:37)
  • Intercepted a punch from Zohakuten (DS E54: 11:07)
  • Cut Zohakuten’s wooden burl to pieces with a Hinokami Kagura: Enbu while using his Demon Slayer Mark (DS E54: 19:25)
  • Caught up to a fleeing Hantengu with a Hinokami Kagura: Enbu Issen (DS E55: 05:38)
  • Withstood a blast of sound from Urami (DS E55: 06:53)
  • Cut Urami’s neck with an attack (DS E55: 07:43)
  • Decapitated Urami with a Hinokami Kagura: Enbu Issen while using his Demon Slayer Mark (DS E55: 12:32)
  • Cut Urami’s hand off with an attack while using his Demon Slayer Mark (DS E55: 21:47)
  • Cut Urami in half with an attack while using his Demon Slayer Mark (DS E55: 21:52)
  • Decapitated Hantengu with an attack while using Hinokami Kagura and his Demon Slayer Mark (DS E55: 23:58)


  • Was stated to be far stronger than he ever was before (DS E45: 40:43)
  • Was stated to be even faster than before while using Hinokami Kagura and his Demon Slayer Mark (DS E50: 08:04)

Kamado Nezuko (Swordsmith Village arc)

  • Outpaced Awakened Nezuko with a Hinokami Kagura: Enbu Issen (DS E55: 05:38)

Kotetsu (Swordsmith Village arc)

  • Harmed Kotetsu with a flick (DS E46: 11:16)

Shinazugawa Genya (Swordsmith Village arc)

  • Outpaced Demon Genya with a Hinokami Kagura: Enbu Issen (DS E55: 05:38)

Tokito Muichiro (Swordsmith Village arc)

  • Withstood an attack from Muichiro (DS E46: 00:48)

Yoriichi Typer Zero (Swordsmith Village arc)

  • Dodged a series of attacks from the Yoriichi Type Zero (DS E46: 14:50)
  • Dodged a series of attacks from the Yoriichi Type Zero (DS E46: 14:52)
  • Dodged an attack from the Yoriichi Type Zero (DS E46: 15:41)
  • Blocked an attack from the Yoriichi Type Zero (DS E46: 15:56)
  • Dodged an attack from the Yoriichi Type Zero (DS E46: 15:58)
  • Withstood an attack from the Yoriichi Type Zero (DS E46: 15:59)
  • Withstood an attack from the Yoriichi Type Zero (DS E46: 16:45)
  • Dodged a series of attacks from the Yoriichi Type Zero (DS E46: 17:49)
  • Dodged an attack from the Yoriichi Type Zero (DS E46: 17:50)
  • Dodged an attack from the Yoriichi Type Zero (DS E46: 17:51)
  • Dodged an attack from the Yoriichi Type Zero (DS E46: 19:02)
  • Dodged a series of attacks from the Yoriichi Type Zero (DS E46: 19:34)
  • Dodged an attack from the Yoriichi Type Zero (DS E46: 19:35)
  • Blocked an attack from the Yoriichi Type Zero (DS E46: 19:36)
  • Dodged an attack from the Yoriichi Type Zero (DS E46: 19:38)
  • Dodged a barrage of attacks from the Yoriichi Type Zero (DS E46: 19:42)
  • Dodged an attack from the Yoriichi Type Zero (DS E46: 20:01)
  • Dodged an attack from the Yoriichi Type Zero (DS E46: 20:27)
  • Destroyed the Yoriichi Type Zero’s head with an attack (DS E46: 20:38)


Hantengu (Swordsmith Village arc)

  • Hantengu dodged a Hinokami Kagura: Yokatotsu from Tanjiro (DS E47: 14:45)
  • Urogi wounded Tanjiro with an attack (DS E48: 08:03)
  • Urogi wounded Tanjiro with an attack (DS E48: 08:13)
  • Urogi wounded Tanjiro with a series of attacks (DS E48: 08:20)
  • Urogi wounded Tanjiro with an attack (DS E48: 08:24)
  • Urogi wounded Tanjiro with an attack (DS E48: 08:28)
  • Urogi dodged an attack from Tanjiro (DS E48: 09:08)
  • Urogi dodged an attack from Tanjiro and cut his cheek with an attack (DS E48: 14:21)
  • Urogi cut Tanjiro’s back with an attack (DS E48: 16:49)
  • Karaku knocked Tanjiro unconscious with a blast of wind (DS E48: 19:38)
  • Urogi dodged an attack from Tanjiro (DS E50: 05:49)
  • Urogi dodged an attack from Tanjiro (DS E50: 06:12)
  • Urogi dodged an attack from Tanjiro (DS E50: 06:15)
  • Urogi dodged an attack from Demon Slayer Mark Tanjiro (DS E50: 08:01)
  • Hantengu’s neck was stated to be too hard by Tanjiro (DS E51: 02:53)
  • Zohakuten’s wood dragon crushed Tanjiro’s foot with a blast of wind (DS E53: 18:09)
  • Stated that he couldn’t handle Zohakuten’s attacks anymore (DS E53: 18:41)
  • Zohakuten’s wood dragon crushed Tanjiro within its grip (DS E53: 19:24)
  • Zohakuten’s wooden burl cut Tanjiro’s foot with an attack (DS E54: 19:06)
  • Zohakuten’s wooden burl cut Tanjiro’s leg with an attack (DS E54: 19:07)
  • Hantengu tanked a Hinokami Kagura: Enbu Issen from Demon Slayer Mark Tanjiro (DS E55: 05:49)
  • Urami crushed Tanjiro’s head within his grip (DS E55: 06:19)

Kanroji Mitsuri (Swordsmith Village arc)

  • Stated that Mitsuri’s sword was too fast to follow with the eye (DS E54: 03:37)

Tokito Muichiro (Swordsmith Village arc)

  • Muichiro stated that Tanjiro was quite weak (DS E46: 00:52)
  • Muichiro knocked Tanjiro unconscious with an attack (DS E46: 04:58)

Yoriichi Type Zero (Swordsmith Village arc)

  • Stated that he was going to die against the Yoriichi Type Zero (DS E46: 14:55)
  • The Yoriichi Type Zero tanked an attack from Tanjiro (DS E46: 19:04)

Standard Equipment




  • Was stated to have not healed enough yet to hunt down demons (DS E45: 34:28)
  • Stated that he wasn’t at full strength (DS E45: 43:09)