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From Feat DirectoryPre-BoSFeatsIntelligence
Powers and AbilitiesAbsorption
Enhanced Senses
Non-Physical Interaction
Soul Manipulation
ScalingHimself (The Bount arc)
Hollows (Pre-BoS)
Ichinose Maki (Pre-BoS)
Anti-ScalingStandard EquipmentLimitationsMiscellaneousThe Bount arcFeatsIntelligence
Powers and AbilitiesAcrobatics
Air Manipulation
Enhanced Senses
Forcefield Creation
Life Manipulation
Non-Physical Interaction
Resistance to Heat
ScalingAyasegawa Yumichika (The Bount arc)
Ban (The Bount arc)
Fried (The Bount arc)
Goethe (The Bount arc)
Himself (Pre-BoS)
Ho (The Bount arc)
Ishida Uryu (The Bount arc)
Koga Go (The Bount arc)
Kurosaki Ichigo (The Bount arc)
Mabashi (The Bount arc)
Sawatari (The Bount arc)
Soma Yoshino (The Bount arc)
Ugaki (The Bount arc)
Utagawa Ryo (The Bount arc)
Yoshi (The Bount arc)
Anti-ScalingIshida Uryu (The Bount arc)
Kurosaki Ichigo (The Bount arc)
Soma Yoshino (The Bount arc)
Standard EquipmentLimitationsMiscellaneousCategories: