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Season 1


  • A large droid tanked crashing into the Earth from outer space (B10 E1: 12:47)
  • Ben tanked a fall, which created a large crater while in his Four Arms Form (B10 E2: 16:49)
  • Ben withstood getting launched into a wall by a large ball of rubber bands while in his Four Arms Form (B10 E8: 06:57)
  • Ben tanked a gas explosion while in his Four Arms Form (B10 E9: 02:47)
  • Two members of Rojo's gang withstood getting launched into the side of a truck by Four Arms (B10 E9: 02:55)
  • Max survived being buried underneath rubble from the roof of a gas station (B10 E9: 03:47)
  • Rojo tanked an oil explosion while in her Mechadroid Form (B10 E9: 11:59)
  • Ben, while in his Four Arms Form, and Clancy, while covering himself with his bugs, tanked a building collapsing on them (B10 E12: 13:14)
  • Vilgax survived the self-destruction of his Chimerian Hammer (B10 E13: 21:53)


  • Xylene's ship created a crater after shooting a pod down to the Earth (B10 E1: 06:32)
  • Jonah destroyed Shaw’s boat with a bomb (B10 E3: 13:53)
  • Tetrax created a large explosion with a beam of energy (B10 E5: 05:30)
  • Rojo blew a hole through a pillar with a beam of energy (B10 E9: 02:16)


  • The Chimerian Hammer created explosions visible in Saturn’s rings (B10 E1: 00:04)
  • Ben punched a hole through a tree with a fireball while in his Heatblast Form (B10 E1: 08:31)
  • Ben shot three trees in half with a fireball while in his Heatblast Form (B10 E1: 08:40)
  • A small droid destroyed a tree with a beam of energy (B10 E1: 15:34)
  • A large droid destroyed a camper van with a beam of energy (B10 E1: 18:31)
  • A large droid obliterated a camper van with a beam of energy (B10 E1: 19:08)
  • A large droid destroyed a small building with a beam of energy (B10 E1: 20:25)
  • Ben blew a hole through a wall with a stream of fire while in his Heatblast Form (B10 E2: 00:38)
  • Acid Breath melted a metal bar and an anvil with his breath (B10 E6: 04:24)
  • Acid Breath melted the exterior of a car with his breath (B10 E6: 07:25)
  • Ben melted a railroad switch with a blast of fire while in his Heatblast Form (B10 E7: 15:56)
  • Ben created a tornado of fire around himself while in his Heatblast Form (B10 E7: 16:07)
  • Ben created a large column of fire while in his Heatblast Form (B10 E8: 17:44)
  • Ben melted several ambulances with a stream of fire while in his Heatblast Form (B10 E9: 10:39)
  • Ben destroyed a bridge with a blast of fire while in his Heatblast Form (B10 E9: 11:20)
  • Hex implied that he was going to destroy a city while using all of the Charms of Bezel (B10 E10: 18:04)
  • Hex's gargoyle lifted a boulder (B10 E10: 20:18)
  • Ben created an ice structure with a blast of ice while in his Heatblast Form (B10 E12: 18:51)
  • Ben froze a supercritical nuclear reactor with a blast of ice while in his Heatblast Form (B10 E12: 19:29)
  • A small droid created a large explosion and destroyed a car with a beam of energy (B10 E13: 05:14)
  • Ben created a crater with a blast of mucus while in his Stinkfly Form (B10 E13: 10:31)
  • Vilgax stated that he would destroy the Earth once in orbit (B10 E13: 14:22)
  • The Chimerian Hammer created a large explosion with its self-destruction (B10 E13: 21:53)


  • The Chimerian Hammer and Xylene's ship flew out of Saturn’s rings and away from Saturn within seconds (B10 E1: 00:27)
  • Xylene's ship propelled a pod, containing the Omntirix, to the Earth (B10 E1: 05:32)
  • Ben ran to his school from his campsite, hung JT and Cash to a tree before they could react, and ran back within a short amount of time while in his XLR8 Form (B10 E1: 22:00)
  • Animo's mutant parrot flew to the Washington Monument within seconds (B10 E2: 17:16)
  • Ben ran on the surface of a lake while in his XLR8 Form (B10 E3: 08:21)
  • Ben dodged a harpoon from Shaw (B10 E3: 12:45)
  • Ben dodged a barrage of bullets from Jonah’s boat while in his Stinkfly Form (B10 E3: 14:38)
  • Ben dodged a barrage of bullets from Jonah’s boat while in his Stinkfly Form (B10 E3: 15:27)
  • Tetrax intercepted a missile from SixSix (B10 E5: 18:32)
  • Ben dodged a series of gunshots from a SWAT while in his Stinkfly Form (B10 E7: 10:17)
  • Ben dodged a gunshot from a SWAT while in his Stinkfly Form (B10 E7: 10:39)
  • Ben blitzed several Nosedeenians, while they were transformed into electricity, while in his Heatblast Form (B10 E8: 19:41)
  • Max dodged a beam of energy from Rojo’s rifle (B10 E9: 02:16)
  • Ben dodged a beam of energy from Rojo’s rifle while in his Four Arms Form (B10 E9: 02:47)
  • Max dodged a beam of energy from Rojo’s rifle (B10 E9: 03:45)


  • Ben jumped to the top of the Rust Bucket while in his Wildmutt Form (B10 E1: 14:54)
  • A small droid broke a tree in half with an attack (B10 E1: 16:01)
  • A large droid propelled itself into the air (B10 E1: 19:25)
  • A large droid created a crater with an attack (B10 E1: 19:29)
  • Ben caught a pile of falling rubble while in his Heatblast Form (B10 E2: 00:15)
  • Ben bent a car door between his hands (B10 E2: 03:13)
  • Ben ragdolled a mammoth, before launching it across a room (B10 E2: 15:49)
  • Ben propelled himself into the air while in his Four Arms Form (B10 E2: 16:32)
  • The Krakken launched Four Arms across a lake (B10 E3: 02:24)
  • The Krakken destroyed a dock with an attack (B10 E3: 07:38)
  • The Krakken lifted a boat (B10 E3: 08:53)
  • Ben created a tornado of water by running in a circle while in his XLR8 Form (B10 E3: 09:16)
  • Jonah created a shockwave that destroyed a sunken ship while wearing his Diving Suit (B10 E3: 20:50)
  • A Limax stopped a speeding golf cart (B10 E4: 08:27)
  • Several Limaxes lifted a car (B10 E4: 13:54)
  • Several Limaxes threw a car (B10 E4: 14:04)
  • Tetrax created a crater with an attack (B10 E5: 18:06)
  • SixSix created a crater with an attack (B10 E5: 19:57)
  • Thumbskull bent a metal bar over his head (B10 E6: 03:59)
  • Frightwig bent a metal bar with her hair (B10 E6: 04:11)
  • Frightwig ripped an ATM out of a wall with her hair (B10 E6: 07:38)
  • Ben tore off the roof of a car while in his Wildmutt Form (B10 E6: 08:23)
  • Ben created a small tornado while running in a circle while in his XLR8 Form (B10 E7: 05:56)
  • Ben launched Kevin through several pillars with a punch while in his Four Arms Form (B10 E7: 20:01)
  • Kevin lifted a piece of rubble off himself while in his Four Arms Form (B10 E7: 20:07)
  • Ben pried open the roof of a truck while in his Stinkfly Form (B10 E8: 02:49)
  • Ben lifted a large ball of rubber bands while in his Four Arms Form (B10 E8: 06:11)
  • A Nosedeenian lifted Max into the air (B10 E8: 11:20)
  • Rojo lifted and threw a tank while in her Mechadroid Form (B10 E9: 15:38)
  • Ben created a crater with an attack while in his XLR8 Form (B10 E10: 03:24)
  • Max destroyed a gargoyle statue with an attack (B10 E10: 19:52)
  • Ben crushed the head of a gargoyle statue in his grip while in his Four Arms Form (B10 E10: 20:25)
  • Ben jumped to the top of a cabinet while in his Grey Matter Form (B10 E11: 07:40)
  • Ben lifted a large piece of rubble off himself while in his Four Arms Form (B10 E12: 13:27)
  • Vilgax launched Heatblast through several buildings (B10 E13: 07:48)
  • Vilgax propelled himself to the other side of several buildings, where he threw Heatblast (B10 E13: 08:06)
  • Vilgax created a crater upon landing from a jump (B10 E13: 08:09)
  • Vilgax propelled himself to Stinkfly from a building in the distance (B10 E13: 10:19)
  • Vilgax propelled himself into the air with a jump (B10 E13: 10:36)
  • Vilgax created a crater after landing from a jump (B10 E13: 10:41)
  • Vilgax created a large explosion that destroyed several buildings with a tackle (B10 E13: 11:01)
  • Vilgax propelled himself from the ground to the top of Mount Rushmore (B10 E13: 18:09)
  • Vilgax destroyed one of the heads of Mount Rushmore with an attack while using his Stimulants (B10 E13: 18:51)

Season 2


  • Vilgax survived a nuclear explosion, though was presumed deceased for decades (B10 E14: 03:16)
  • Two Vulpimancers tanked getting launched into a wall by a forklift (B10 E14: 13:19)
  • The Graet One tanked crashing into the ground from outer space (B10 E15: 02:17)
  • The Great One survived the explosion of a planet (B10 E15: 07:12)
  • Steel tanked a fall from a great height (B10 E16: 16:25)
  • Ben survived a fall from a great height (B10 E18: 17:59)
  • Ben tanked a long fall (B10 E20: 20:37)
  • A Forever Knight tanked falling out of a moving car (B10 E21: 10:13)
  • Enoch survived the collapse of a Mayan temple (B10 E21: 21:22)
  • Animo withstood getting sent flying by an impact (B10 E25: 06:56)


  • Vilgax implied one of the US' nukes would destroy a city (B10 E14: 01:20)
  • A SECT member launched Tetramand Kevin through a wall with a beam of energy (B10 E16: 03:15)
  • SixSix created a large explosion with a series of missiles (B10 E19: 16:24)
  • A Forever Knight created an explosion with a bomb (B10 E21: 12:54)
  • Max created an explosion with a series of miniature bombs (B10 E21: 19:34)
  • Charmcaster created an explosion with a sphere of energy (B10 E23: 00:04)
  • Charmcaster destroyed a steel door with a series of explosions (B10 E23: 00:17)
  • Gwen created a large explosion with a grenade (B10 E26: 16:03)
  • Gwen created a large explosion with a grenade (B10 E26: 20:58)


  • The Great One created a small crater with a beam of energy (B10 E15: 14:45)
  • Kevin blew a hole through a wall with a blast of fire while in his Pyronite Form (B10 E16: 06:07)
  • Synaptak held up the falling columns of a building (B10 E19: 06:24)
  • When Element X is combined with Bicenthium Alloy, the resulting alloy creates an explosion powerful enough to destroy an entire solar system (B10 E19: 08:52)
  • Synaptak caught a falling truck (B10 E19: 13:32)
  • Synaptak tore open a hole in the roof of a steel mill (B10 E19: 18:05)
  • Ultimos froze a large amount of molten steel with his breath (B10 E19: 21:08)
  • The Mask of Ah Puch created a crater and a tornado of flames (B10 E21: 00:13)
  • Charmcaster launched a steel door off its hinges with a Fallum Quarca Daminigan (B10 E23: 00:28)
  • Hex blew a hole in a wall with a beam of energy (B10 E23: 01:17)


  • Vilgax blocked a beam of energy from Max’s rifle (B10 E14: 00:50)
  • A Havoc Beast dodged a beam of energy from Phil’s rifle (B10 E14: 06:50)
  • Ben ran to Mount Rushmore with a short period of time while in his XLR8 Form (B10 E14: 15:09)
  • The Great One burrowed its appendages into one side of a planet, into the core, and to the other side within a short period of time (B10 E15: 07:12)
  • A SECT member projected a beam of energy hundreds of meters in under a second (B10 E16: 20:35)
  • Ben dodged a missile from SixSix while in his Four Arms Form (B10 E19: 04:32)
  • Ben dodged a missile from SixSix while in his Four Arms Form (B10 E19: 04:33)
  • Ben dodged a missile from SixSix while in his Four Arms Form (B10 E19: 04:34)
  • Ben dodged a missile from SixSix while in his Four Arms Form (B10 E19: 04:35)
  • Ben caught a series of missiles from SixSix while in his Four Arms Form (B10 E19: 04:48)
  • SixSix dodged his own missiles that were redirected back at him (B10 E19: 04:51)
  • Ultimos dodged a series of energy bullets from SixSix’s gun (B10 E19: 05:33)
  • Ultimos dodged a bullet of energy from SixSix’s gun (B10 E19: 05:34)
  • Zs'Skayr barely dodged a beam of light from Max’s Sun Gun (B10 E20: 13:34)
  • Zs'Skayr dodged a beam of light from Max (B10 E20: 13:43)
  • Gwen intercepted a hurtling helicopter blade while using the Keystone of Bezel (B10 E23: 06:16)


  • Vilgax launched himself into the air (B10 E14: 01:06)
  • Kevin lifted a police car while in his Tetramand Form (B10 E16: 01:13)
  • A Vulpimaner cracked the ground with an attack (B10 E14: 11:14)
  • A Vulpimancer broke a link in a metal chain (B10 E14: 11:48)
  • A Wigzelian Org Beast cracked the ground with an attack (B10 E14: 16:24)
  • A Wigzelian Org Beast lifted and threw a piece of rubble (B10 E14: 17:42)
  • Kevin ripped a light pole out of the ground while in his Tetramand Form (B10 E16: 02:32)
  • Kevin lifted and threw a car while in his Tetramand Form (B10 E16: 02:45)
  • Ben launched the propeller of a wind turbine at Kevin while in his Diamondhead Form (B10 E18: 01:04)
  • Technorg rag-dolled Four Arms and Mutated Kevin, before launching them into a wall (B10 E18: 09:36)
  • Technorg created a large explosion with an attack (B10 E18: 10:09)
  • Technorg shattered restraints around his hands (B10 E18: 17:14)
  • Vulkanus created a crater with an attack (B10 E19: 03:44)
  • Ben held up the falling columns of a building while in his Four Arms Form, alongside Tini (B10 E19: 06:21)
  • Vulkanus threw a truck into the air (B10 E19: 13:28)
  • Vulkanus lifted and threw a crane (B10 E19: 13:53)
  • Ben created a tornado by running in a circle while in his XLR8 Form (B10 E19: 14:32)
  • Tini smashed the ground with an attack (B10 E19: 20:02)
  • Thumbskull ripped up a bleacher (B10 E20: 06:25)
  • The Sword of Ek Chuaj was rumored to have leveled cities with just one swipe (B10 E21: 02:45)
  • A Forever Knight dented the top of the Rust Bucket with a mace (B10 E21: 09:36)
  • Ben lifted and slammed a pillar down on Ah Puch while in his Four Arms Form (B10 E21: 18:50)
  • The Mycelium lifted a bulldozer with its tendrils (B10 E22: 09:59)
  • The Mycelium threw a bulldozer with its tendrils (B10 E22: 10:05)
  • Gwen launched one of the Mycelium’s living mushrooms into the sky with an attack (B10 E22: 17:53)
  • Ben pulled up a falling bus while in his Four Arms Form (B10 E23: 02:42)
  • Ben stopped a falling roller coaster cart while in his Wildvine Form (B10 E23: 19:45)
  • The Robotic Squid Aliens' power core destroyed Donovan’s underwater resort after exploding (B10 E24: 20:46)
  • Ben lifted a giant frog while in his Stink Arms Form (B10 E25: 06:17)
  • Vilgax lifted and threw a large metal pillar (B10 E26: 04:34)
  • Vilgax ragdolled Mutated Kevin while using his Stimulants (B10 E26: 04:53)