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Universe Survival Saga
Powers and Abilities
Air Manipulation
- Created a shockwave in a clash with Krillin (DBS E99: 18:38)
Energy Projection
- Projected a blast of energy from his hand (DBS E99: 18:51)
Enhanced Senses
- Accurately attacked Krillin and 18 through Krillin’s 100x Taiyoken (DBS E99: 16:20)
- Was stated to be tracking Krillin and 18 by their scents (DBS E99: 17:08)
Light Manipulation
- Generated light with a blast of energy (DBS E99: 18:51)
- Withstood a kick from Android 18 (DBS E99: 15:35)
- Harmed Android 18 with a kick (DBS E99: 16:33)
- Was stated to be strong by Krillin (DBS E96: 20:12)
- Harmed Krillin with a kick (DBS E99: 15:25)
- Harmed Krillin with a kick (DBS E99: 16:29)
- Clashed with Krillin (DBS E99: 18:38)
- Traded blows with Krillin (DBS E99: 18:39)
- Withstood a Kamehameha from Krillin (DBS E99: 19:13)
- Was stated to be strong by Tien (DBS E96: 20:12)
- Krillin dodged a series of energy blasts from Majora (DBS E99: 18:51)
Standard Equipment