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Universe Survival Saga
Powers and Abilities
- Traded blows with Hyssop (DBS E97: 08:40)
- Was stated to be strong by Krillin (DBS E96: 20:12)
- Was stated to be ridiculously strong by Quitela (DBS E97: 18:19)
- Restrained Goku (DBS E97: 18:10)
- Withstood a punch from Goku (DBS E97: 18:47)
- Withstood a punch from Goku (DBS E97: 18:48)
- Withstood a punch from Goku (DBS E97: 18:49)
- Was stated to be strong by Tien (DBS E96: 20:12)
- Goku broke free from Nink’s grip while in his Super Saiyan Blue Form (DBS E97: 19:35)
Standard Equipment