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Island arc
Powers and Abilities
- Dodged an attack from a Wadatsumi (HP E5: 10:35)
- Withstood attacks from a Wadatsumi off-screen, though was bleeding (HP E5: 15:05)
- Was stated to be strong by Tenza (HP E5: 15:10)
Standard Equipment
Lord Tensen arc
Powers and Abilities
- Flipped out of the way of Zhu Jin’s attack (HP E8: 05:01)
- Restored Sagiri’s tao by touching her (HP E13: 06:14)
- Dodged an attack from Kishikai Mu Dan (HP E13: 07:26)
- Dodged an attack from Kishikai Mu Dan (HP E13: 07:57)
- Dodged an attack from Kishikai Mu Dan (HP E13: 07:59)
- Dodged an attack from Kishikai Mu Dan (HP E13: 08:00)
- Dodged an attack from Kishikai Mu Dan (HP E13: 08:01)
- Dodged an attack from Kishikai Mu Dan (HP E13: 08:02)
- Cut off Kishikai Mu Dan’s stingers with a sword strike (HP E13: 08:04)
- Stabbed Kishikai Mu Dan’s hand with a sword strike (HP E13: 10:37)
- Wounded a Soshin with a sword strike (HP E10: 16:04)
- Cut off a Soshin’s arm with a sword strike (HP E10: 16:08)
- Dodged an attack from Yang Zhu Jin (HP E8: 05:01)
- Dodged an attack from Yang Zhu Jin (HP E8: 05:04)
- Tenza stated that they were all going to be killed by Yin Zhu Jin (HP E8: 19:36)
- Shion stated that they couldn’t beat Yin Zhu Jin (HP E8: 22:28)
- Shion stated that if they hadn’t run, they would’ve been killed by Yin Zhu Jin (HP E8: 22:30)
Standard Equipment