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Enies Lobby arc
Powers and Abilities
Air Manipulation
- Created a shockwave with a stomp (OP E266: 05:51)
Large Size
- Dwarfed the Kairiki Destroyers (OP E265: 18:30)
- Stated that he was a pirate up until 100 years ago (OP E270: 10:10)
- One-shot several Cipher Pol agents with an attack (OP E271: 11:38)
- One-shot a Cipher Pol agent with a stomp (OP E274: 16:10)
- One-shot two Cipher Pol agents with a stomp (OP E274: 16:11)
- One-shot two Cipher Pol agents with a stomp (OP E274: 16:12)
- One-shot several Cipher Pol agents with an attack alongside Kashii (OP E294: 10:55)
- One-shot several Franky Family members with an attack (OP E266: 06:25)
- One-shot several Franky Family members with an attack (OP E266: 06:49)
- Withstood an attack from Gomorrah (OP E266: 20:16)
- Harmed Gomorrah with an attack (OP E266: 20:21)
- Overpowered a cannonball from a Kairiki Destroyer with an attack (OP E265: 19:59)
- One-shot a Kairiki Destroyer with an attack (OP E265: 20:01)
- One-shot a Kairiki Destroyer with a kick alongside Kashii (OP E265: 20:05)
- Knocked Kashii unconscious with an attack (OP E266: 09:13)
- One-shot several Marines with an attack (OP E271: 11:38)
- One-shot a Marine with a stomp (OP E274: 16:10)
- One-shot a Marine with a stomp (OP E274: 16:11)
- One-shot a Marine with a stomp (OP E274: 16:12)
- One-shot several Marines with an attack (OP E294: 10:17)
- One-shot several Marines with an attack (OP E294: 10:37)
- One-shot several Marines with an attack alongside Kashii (OP E294: 10:55)
- Tanked a series of explosions from several Marines (OP E294: 11:29)
- Withstood a cannonball from a Marine battleship (OP E307: 17:03)
- Paulie stated that he and the other foremen didn’t have enough energy left to fight against Kashii and Oimo (OP E271: 10:48)
- Tilestone wondered if it was the end for him and the other foremen after seeing Kashii and Oimo (OP E271: 10:53)
- Paulie stated that he and the other foremen didn’t have enough energy left to fight against Kashii and Oimo (OP E271: 10:48)
- Tilestone wondered if it was the end for him and the other foremen after seeing Kashii and Oimo (OP E271: 10:53)
- Withstood an attack from Sodom, though was bleeding (OP E266: 08:34)
- Paulie stated that he and the other foremen didn’t have enough energy left to fight against Kashii and Oimo (OP E271: 10:48)
- Tilestone wondered if it was the end for him and the other foremen after seeing Kashii and Oimo (OP E271: 10:53)
- Harmed a Watchdog Unit member with an attack (OP E271: 11:38)
- Lulu dodged an attack from Oimo (OP E266: 09:13)
- Tilestone dodged an attack from Oimo (OP E266: 09:13)
- A Watchdog Unit member stabbed Oimo with an attack (OP E267: 18:29)
- Zambai dodged an attack from Oimo (OP E266: 09:13)
Standard Equipment
Post-Enies Lobby arc
- Lifted a large structure alongside Kashii (OP E313: 08:23)
Powers and Abilities
Large Size
- Towered over several Galley-La shipwrights (OP E313: 08:24)
- Was stated to have unbelievable superhuman strength by a Galley-La shipwright (OP E313: 08:36)
Standard Equipment