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Heavenly Training Saga
- Crushed the barrel of a rifle within his grip (DB E125: 11:15)
Powers and Abilities
Electricity Manipulation
- Released sparks of electricity from his hands (DB E126: 02:21)
Energy Projection
- Set a house on fire with beams of energy (DB E123: 20:16)
- Projected a blast of energy from his hands (DB E124: 11:33)
Free Movement
- Stood on the surface of the ocean (DB E126: 02:05)
Light Manipulation
- Created a flash of light with a blast of energy (DB E124: 11:33)
- Stopped bullets in mid-air (DB E125: 11:29)
Temperature Manipulation
- Set a house on fire with beams of energy (DB E123: 20:16)
- Was stated to have been endowed with even greater strength than before (DB E126: 08:45)
Standard Equipment
- He and Kami are one, if one dies then so does the other (DB E126: 09:56)
Piccolo Jr. Saga
- Created a large explosion with a blast of energy (DB E142: 10:23)
- Destroyed a mountain range with a Bakurikimaha (DB E144: 11:58)
- Created an explosion across Papaya Island with a Chobakuretsumaha (DB E147: 08:16)
- Created a massive explosion with a Bakurikimaha (DB E148: 06:49)
Powers and Abilities
- Flipped to his feet (DB E142: 12:56)
Afterimage Creation
- Created an afterimage of himself with a Zanzoken (DB E138: 06:52)
Air Manipulation
- Created a gust of wind by concentrating his ki (DB E144: 06:15)
- Created a gust of wind with a swipe of his arm while in his Giant Form (DB E145: 12:03)
Attack Reflection
- Redirected Kami’s Mafuba back at him with a Mafuba Gaeshi (DB E142: 18:25)
- Created an aura of ki around himself (DB E138: 03:06)
Breath Attack
- Created a blast of wind with his breath (DB E145: 14:11)
Chi Manipulation
- Used his ki to fire a beam of energy (DB E133: 16:55)
- Stretched his arm towards Krillin (DB E138: 06:08)
Electricity Manipulation
- Created sparks of electricity around his body while concentrating his ki (DB E144: 06:24)
Energy Projection
- Projected a beam of energy from his fingertip (DB E133: 16:55)
Explosion Manipulation
- Created an explosion with a blast of energy (DB E142: 10:23)
- Released a massive explosion from his body with a Chobakuretsumaha (DB E147: 08:16)
- Levitated to the ground (DB E136: 19:03)
Homing Attack
- His energy blast followed Goku’s movements (DB E146: 15:32)
Large Size
- Towered over Goku after increasing his size (DB E145: 10:16)
- Regenerated his severed arm (DB E146: 18:10)
- Sealed Kami within a bottle with a Mafuba (DB E142: 18:25)
Size Manipulation
- Greatly increased his size (DB E145: 10:16)
Stealth Mastery
- Suppressed his ki while fighting Kami (DB E142: 12:17)
- Caused small rocks to levitate into the air while concentrating his ki (DB E145: 09:32)
- Read Kami’s mind (DB E142: 13:57)
Temperature Manipulation
- Set a floating leaf on fire with his ki (DB E144: 06:24)
Underground Mobility
- Tunneled underneath the stage after being sent through it by Kami (DB E142: 10:52)
Weather Manipulation
- Created a thunderstorm with his ki (DB E138: 05:31)
- Darkened the sky while charging his Chobakuretsumaha (DB E147: 03:16)
- Stated that he was on a completely different level than Chi-Chi (DB E146: 13:09)
- His strength was stated to be far greater than the first Piccolo’s (DB E135: 03:36)
- Was stated to be far stronger than the first Piccolo (DB E143: 11:41)
- Stated that his current strength makes his strength from three years ago look like nothing (DB E143: 15:00)
- Stated that his power was many times greater than it was when he fought Goku three years ago (DB E146: 15:16)
- Was stated to have significantly increased his strength while in his Giant Form (DB E145: 20:31)
- Withstood his own energy blast, though his arm was disabled (DB E146: 16:35)
- Harmed a Kami-possessed Shen with an attack (DB E142: 10:39)
- Withstood an attack from a Kami-possessed Shen (DB E142: 10:49)
- Withstood a punch from a Kami-possessed Shen (DB E142: 12:56)
- Dodged a punch from a Kami-possessed Shen (DB E142: 13:00)
- Traded blows with a Kami-possessed Shen (DB E142: 13:04)
- Caught a kick from a Kami-possessed Shen (DB E142: 13:09)
- His power was stated to be far too great by a Kami-possessed Shen (DB E142: 14:02)
- Moved too fast for Kami to see (DB E146: 06:22)
- Stated that he was on a completely different level than Kami (DB E146: 13:09)
- Dodged two waves of energy from Krillin (DB E137: 16:25)
- Canceled out two waves of energy from Krillin with a beam of energy (DB E137: 16:40)
- Withstood a punch from Krillin (DB E137: 16:47)
- Dodged an attack from Krillin (DB E137: 17:48)
- Blocked a barrage of punches from Krillin (DB E137: 17:55)
- Drew blood from Krillin with a kick (DB E137: 18:03)
- Harmed Krillin with a punch (DB E138: 06:23)
- Dodged a punch from Krillin (DB E138: 06:31)
- Harmed Krillin with a kick (DB E138: 06:34)
- Dodged a Kamehameha from Krillin (DB E138: 06:52)
- Harmed Krillin with an attack (DB E138: 07:24)
- Was stated to be insanely strong by Krillin (DB E143: 13:54)
- Tien stated that he, Yamcha, and Krillin wouldn’t stand a chance against Piccolo even if they attacked him all at once (DB E143: 14:02)
- Stated that he was on a completely different level than Krillin (DB E146: 13:09)
- Roshi stated that Piccolo might be one of the 4 best fighters in the world (DB E139: 12:21)
- His ki was stated to be tremendous by Roshi (DB E144: 17:17)
- Stated that he was on a completely different level than Roshi (DB E146: 13:09)
- Stated that Goku defeating him was an absolute impossibility (DB E134: 14:30)
- Stated that Goku had no hope of standing up to him (DB E140: 03:59)
- Clashed with Goku (DB E143: 17:52)
- Matched a punch from Goku with a punch (DB E143: 17:59)
- Traded blows with Goku (DB E143: 18:02)
- Caught a punch from Goku (DB E143: 18:14)
- Harmed Goku with a punch (DB E143: 18:16)
- Withstood a kick from Goku (DB E143: 18:23)
- Was stated to be evenly matched against Goku (DB E143: 18:41)
- Withstood a shockwave from Goku (DB E143: 19:12)
- Harmed Goku with a blast of energy (DB E143: 19:19)
- Harmed Goku with a blast of energy (DB E143: 19:25)
- Harmed Goku with a barrage of energy blasts (DB E143: 19:28)
- Was stated to be strong by Goku (DB E144: 04:06)
- Clashed with Goku (DB E144: 06:36)
- Clashed with Goku (DB E144: 06:54)
- Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Goku (DB E144: 07:01)
- Harmed Goku with a punch (DB E144: 07:08)
- Withstood a punch from Goku (DB E144: 07:09)
- Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Goku (DB E144: 07:10)
- Matched Goku (DB E144: 07:18)
- Withstood a kick from Goku (DB E144: 07:45)
- Harmed Goku with an attack (DB E144: 07:48)
- Harmed Goku with an attack (DB E144: 07:49)
- Withstood an attack from Goku (DB E144: 07:52)
- Harmed Goku with an attack (DB E144: 08:58)
- Withstood a kick from Goku (DB E144: 09:24)
- Withstood a punch from Goku (DB E144: 09:29)
- Withstood a barrage of punches from Goku (DB E144: 09:31)
- Withstood a kick from Goku (DB E144: 09:41)
- Matched a Cho Kamehameha from Goku with a Bakurikimaha (DB E144: 19:01)
- Withstood a Cho Kamehameha from Goku (DB E144: 19:42)
- Harmed Goku with an attack while in his Giant Form (DB E145: 12:53)
- Withstood a kick from Goku while in his Giant Form (DB E145: 14:20)
- Harmed Goku with a beam of energy while in his Giant Form (DB E145: 16:26)
- Matched Goku while in his Giant Form (DB E145: 17:26)
- Harmed Goku with a punch (DB E146: 06:37)
- Withstood a punch from Goku (DB E146: 06:40)
- Harmed Goku with an attack (DB E146: 06:41)
- Traded blows with Goku (DB E146: 06:42)
- Withstood a barrage of punches from Goku (DB E146: 06:47)
- Harmed Goku with a barrage of punches (DB E146: 06:52)
- Withstood a barrage of punches from Goku (DB E146: 06:54)
- Traded blows with Goku (DB E146: 06:58)
- Harmed Goku with a barrage of punches (DB E146: 07:04)
- Withstood a punch from Goku (DB E146: 07:24)
- Harmed Goku with a beam of energy (DB E146: 08:08)
- Harmed Goku with a punch (DB E146: 11:01)
- Was stated by Goku to have tremendous ki energy while charging his Chobakuretsumaha (DB E147: 03:39)
- Goku stated that he had never felt power as intense as Piccolo’s while he was charging his Chobakuretsumaha (DB E147: 03:42)
- Harmed Goku with a Chobakuretsumaha (DB E147: 08:16)
- Withstood an attack from Goku (DB E147: 12:35)
- Withstood a barrage of kicks from Goku (DB E147: 12:41)
- Withstood a punch from Goku (DB E147: 12:53)
- Withstood a Cho Kamehameha from Goku (DB E147: 13:15)
- Blew a hole through Goku’s chest with a blast of energy (DB E147: 16:08)
- Harmed Goku with a kick (DB E147: 18:30)
- Harmed Goku with a barrage of kicks (DB E147: 18:33)
- Withstood a punch from Goku (DB E148: 01:14)
- Harmed Goku with a kick (DB E148: 01:19)
- Harmed Goku with an attack (DB E148: 02:33)
- Broke Goku’s legs with an attack (DB E148: 02:48)
- Disabled Goku’s arm with a beam of energy (DB E148: 03:19)
- Tien stated that Piccolo was at a level far beyond what seems logically possible (DB E142: 13:53)
- Tien stated that he, Yamcha, and Krillin wouldn’t stand a chance against Piccolo even if they attacked him all at once (DB E143: 14:02)
- Was stated to be unbelievable by Tien (DB E144: 04:25)
- Stated that he was on a completely different level than Tien (DB E146: 13:09)
- Harmed a Fighter with an attack (DB E135: 03:03)
- Knocked a Fighter unconscious with a kick (DB E135: 03:16)
- Was implied to be fast by Yamcha (DB E142: 12:09)
- Yamcha stated that there was no way he could have won against Piccolo (DB E142: 13:49)
- Tien stated that he, Yamcha, and Krillin wouldn’t stand a chance against Piccolo even if they attacked him all at once (DB E143: 14:02)
- Stated that he was on a completely different level than Yamcha (DB E146: 13:09)
- Kami dodged a blast of energy from Piccolo while possessing Shen (DB E142: 10:23)
- Kami dodged an attack from Piccolo while possessing Shen (DB E142: 10:47)
- Kami dodged an attack from Piccolo while possessing Shen (DB E142: 12:51)
- Kami dodged a kick from Piccolo while possessing Shen (DB E142: 13:02)
- Kami dodged a punch from Piccolo while possessing Shen (DB E142: 13:07)
- Kami deflected a blast of energy from Piccolo while possessing Shen (DB E142: 13:19)
- Kami intercepted and blocked a punch from Piccolo (DB E146: 08:53)
- Goku blocked a punch from Piccolo (DB E143: 18:01)
- Goku dodged an attack from Piccolo (DB E143: 18:59)
- Goku blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Piccolo (DB E144: 07:01)
- Goku blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Piccolo (DB E144: 07:10)
- Goku dodged a beam of energy from Piccolo (DB E144: 07:42)
- Goku dodged a Bakurikimaha from Piccolo (DB E144: 11:58)
- Goku overpowered a Bakurikimaha from Piccolo with a Cho Kamehameha (DB E144: 19:42)
- Goku dodged a punch from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 12:02)
- Goku dodged an attack from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 12:03)
- Goku dodged an attack from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 12:08)
- Goku dodged a punch from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 12:09)
- Goku dodged an attack from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 12:20)
- Goku dodged an attack from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 12:21)
- Goku dodged an attack from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 12:22)
- Goku dodged a punch from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 12:27)
- Goku dodged a kick from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 12:32)
- Goku dodged a kick from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 12:36)
- Goku dodged a kick from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 12:39)
- Goku dodged a kick from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 12:45)
- Goku dodged a kick from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 12:48)
- Goku dodged a blast of air from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 14:11)
- Goku dodged a punch from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 15:33)
- Goku dodged a punch from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 15:35)
- Goku dodged an attack from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 15:37)
- Goku dodged a punch from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 15:38)
- Goku dodged a punch from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 15:40)
- Goku dodged a punch from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 15:46)
- Goku dodged a punch from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 15:48)
- Goku dodged a punch from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 15:49)
- Goku dodged a punch from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 15:55)
- Goku dodged a punch from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 15:56)
- Goku dodged a punch from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 15:59)
- Goku dodged a barrage of attacks from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 16:00)
- Goku overpowered Giant Form Piccolo (DB E145: 18:21)
- Goku dodged a kick from Giant Form Piccolo (DB E146: 02:56)
- Goku dodged a blast of energy from Piccolo (DB E146: 15:32)
- Goku dodged a blast of energy from Piccolo (DB E146: 15:44)
- Goku dodged a blast of energy from Piccolo (DB E146: 15:50)
- Goku dodged a punch from Piccolo (DB E148: 01:11)
- Goku dodged a Bakurikimaha from Piccolo (DB E148: 06:49)
- Goku knocked Piccolo unconscious with a headbutt (DB E148: 10:37)
Standard Equipment
- His Chobakuretsumaha was stated to be his last resort (DB E146: 18:42)
Giant Form
- His speed didn’t change one bit despite growing in size (DB E145: 13:57)
- Implied that he initially wasn’t even using a little of his true strength against Krillin (DB E137: 19:24)
- The start of his fight against Goku was stated to be a warm-up fight (DB E143: 18:41)
- Was stated to have just been testing the waters at the start of his fight against Goku (DB E144: 03:50)
Dead Zone Saga
Powers and Abilities
- Flipped in the air (DBZ DZ: 31:25)
- Caused smell rocks to levitate into the air and shattered two rock formations with his ki (DBZ DZ: 00:09)
Chi Manipulation
- Used his ki to fire an energy blast (DBZ DZ: 24:16)
Energy Projection
- Projected a blast of energy from his hand (DBZ DZ: 24:16)
Explosion Manipulation
- Created an explosion with his ki (DBZ DZ: 00:09)
- Levitated in the air (DBZ DZ: 00:20)
Light Manipulation
- Generated light with a blast of energy (DBZ DZ: 24:16)
- Caused small rocks to levitate into the air and shattered two rock formations with his ki (DBZ DZ: 00:09)
- Blocked an attack from Makyan Form Garlic Jr. (DBZ DZ: 28:25)
- Withstood an attack from Makyan Form Garlic Jr. (DBZ DZ: 28:28)
- Dodged a blast of energy from Makyan Form Garlic Jr. (DBZ DZ: 28:33)
- Blocked a punch from Makyan Form Garlic Jr. (DBZ DZ: 29:01)
- Dodged a punch from Makyan Form Garlic Jr. (DBZ DZ: 31:19)
- Harmed Makyan Form Garlic Jr. with a kick (DBZ DZ: 31:25)
- Harmed Makyan Form Garlic Jr. with a barrage of punches (DBZ DZ: 31:27)
- Harmed Makyan Form Garlic Jr. with a blast of energy (DBZ DZ: 31:40)
- Withstood an attack from Makyan Form Ginger (DBZ DZ: 00:51)
- Withstood a barrage of attacks from Makyan Form Ginger (DBZ DZ: 00:56)
- Withstood an energy blast from Makyan Form Sansho, Makyan Form Ginger, and Makyan Form Nicky (DBZ DZ: 01:11)
- Stated that Makyan Form Ginger was insignificant (DBZ DZ: 24:13)
- Withstood a kick from Makyan Form Nicky (DBZ DZ: 00:49)
- Withstood a barrage of attacks from Makyan Form Nicky (DBZ DZ: 00:56)
- Withstood an energy blast from Makyan Form Sansho, Makyan Form Ginger, and Makyan Form Nicky (DBZ DZ: 01:11)
- Stated that Makyan Form Nicky was insignificant (DBZ DZ: 24:13)
- Withstood an attack from Makyan Form Sansho (DBZ DZ: 00:46)
- Withstood a barrage of attacks from Makyan Form Sansho (DBZ DZ: 00:56)
- Withstood an energy blast from Makyan Form Sansho, Makyan Form Ginger, and Makyan Form Nicky (DBZ DZ: 01:11)
- Harmed Makyan Form Sansho with an attack (DBZ DZ: 23:24)
- Blocked a punch from Makyan Form Sansho (DBZ DZ: 23:39)
- Dodged a punch from Makayn Form Sansho (DBZ DZ: 23:40)
- Dodged a barrage of punches from Makyan Form Sansho (DBZ DZ: 23:41)
- Dodged a punch from Makyan Form Sansho (DBZ DZ: 23:45)
- Blocked a punch from Makyan Form Sansho (DBZ DZ: 23:46)
- Harmed Makyan Form Sansho with a barrage of punches (DBZ DZ: 23:55)
- Harmed Makyan Form Sansho with a punch (DBZ DZ: 24:01)
- Was stated to be a monster by Makyan Form Sansho (DBZ DZ: 24:08)
- Stated that Makyan Form Sansho was insignificant (DBZ DZ: 24:13)
- Killed Makyan Form Sansho with a blast of energy (DBZ DZ: 24:16)
- Garlic Jr. blocked a punch from Piccolo while in his Makyan Form (DBZ DZ: 28:50)
- Garlic Jr. blocked a barrage of punches from Piccolo while in his Makyan Form (DBZ DZ: 28:53)
- Garlic Jr. tanked a punch from Piccolo while in his Makyan Form (DBZ DZ: 28:58)
- Garlic Jr. tanked a barrage of kicks from Piccolo while in his Makyan Form (DBZ DZ: 30:08)
- Garlic Jr. dodged a punch from Piccolo while in his Makyan Form (DBZ DZ: 31:17)
- Garlic Jr. dodged a kick from Piccolo while in his Makyan Form (DBZ DZ: 31:21)
Standard Equipment
Weighted Clothing
- Was initially wearing weighted clothing during his fight against Garlic Jr. (DBZ DZ: 30:39)
Raditz Saga
Powers and Abilities
- Flipped to his feet (DBZ E4: 06:25)
- Created an aura of ki around himself (DBZ E4: 11:38)
Chi Manipulation
- Used his ki to fire an energy blast (DBZ E1: 20:13)
Damage Boost
- His Makankosappo takes quite a bit of time in order to build up enough ki, further increasing its power (DBZ E4: 10:06)
Electricity Manipulation
- Created sparks of electricity while charging his Makankosappo (DBZ E4: 11:46)
Energy Projection
- Projected a blast of energy from his hand (DBZ E1: 20:13)
Enhanced Senses
- Could make out Raditz from a far distance (DBZ E1: 19:06)
Explosion Manipulation
- Created an explosion with a blast of energy (DBZ E1: 20:13)
- Sensed Raditz’ power (DBZ E1: 18:54)
- Levitated in the air (DBZ E3: 09:26)
Light Manipulation
- Generated light with a blast of energy (DBZ E1: 20:13)
- Regenerated his severed arm (DBZ E6: 05:25)
- Levitated Gohan into the air (DBZ E6: 06:54)
- Was stated to have a great power by Raditz (DBZ E1: 07:57)
- Withstood an attack from Raditz (DBZ E3: 20:46)
- His defense was stated to be pretty strong by Raditz (DBZ E3: 21:21)
- Withstood a kick from Raditz (DBZ E4: 06:23)
- Wounded Raditz’ shoulder and pierced his armor with a Makankosappo (DBZ E4: 15:03)
- Raditz stated that Piccolo’s Makankosappo would have taken him out (DBZ E4: 16:02)
- Killed Raditz and pierced his armor with a Makankosappo (DBZ E5: 09:37)
- Killed Goku with a Makankosappo (DBZ E5: 09:37)
- Raditz stated that Piccolo was no match for him (DBZ E1: 19:53)
- Raditz tanked a blast of energy from Piccolo (DBZ E1: 20:13)
- Raditz was stated to be an opponent that Piccolo couldn’t stand up to (DBZ E3: 10:15)
- Raditz blitzed Piccolo (DBZ E3: 20:44)
- Stated that the difference in their levels were great (DBZ E3: 21:36)
- Raditz dodged a barrage of attacks from Piccolo (DBZ E4: 06:10)
- Raditz dodged an attack from Piccolo (DBZ E4: 06:30)
- Raditz blew off Piccolo’s arm with a blast of energy (DBZ E4: 06:56)
- Raditz stated that he would obliterate Piccolo in an instant with a blast of energy (DBZ E4: 16:19)
- Gohan was stated to have a battle power far higher than Piccolo (DBZ E5: 05:38)
Standard Equipment
Weighted Clothing
- Removed his weighted clothing before his fight with Raditz (DBZ E3: 19:13)
- Has a battle power of 322 (DBZ E1: 19:43)
- His battle power rose to 408 after removing his weighted clothing (DBZ E3: 19:36)
- His battle power rose to 1020 while charging his Makankosappo (DBZ E4: 12:46)
- His battle power rose to 1330 while charging his Makankosappo (DBZ E4: 14:48)
- His battle power rose to 1485 while charging his Makankosappo (DBZ E5: 08:46)
Vegeta Saga
- Destroyed the moon with a blast of energy (DBZ E8: 20:11)
- Levitated a pyramid into the air (DBZ E12: 11:14)
- Created an earthquake that reached Gohan and Tien (DBZ E12: 12:59)
- Created a tornado with his ki which moved the surrounding mountains (DBZ E14: 05:10)
- Sent a blast of energy to the moon within a few seconds (DBZ E8: 20:11)
Powers and Abilities
- Flipped away from Gohan (DBZ E18: 07:47)
Air Manipulation
- Created a tornado around himself with his ki (DBZ E14: 04:37)
- Created a blast of wind with his ki (DBZ E24: 09:50)
- Created an aura of ki around himself (DBZ E14: 05:10)
Breath Attack
- Projected a blast of energy from his mouth (DBZ E24: 07:35)
Chi Manipulation
- Used his ki to fire an energy blast (DBZ E8: 20:11)
- Created clothes and a sword for Gohan (DBZ E8: 21:45)
- Createda duplicate of himself with the Shishin no Ken (DBZ E15: 05:40)
Durability Negation
- Electrocuted Gohan down to his bones with a beam of energy (DBZ E17: 03:52)
Electricity Manipulation
- Created sparks of electricity while charging a Makankosappo (DBZ E15: 16:24)
- Electrocuted Gohan down to his bones with a beam of energy (DBZ E17: 03:52)
- Projected a web of electricity from his hands (DBZ E18: 08:41)
Energy Projection
- Projected a blast of energy from his hand (DBZ E8: 20:11)
Enhanced Senses
- Sensed Gohan’s departure from the island (DBZ E15: 20:07)
Explosion Manipulation
- Created an explosion with a blast of energy (DBZ E15: 12:22)
- Sensed the arrival of the Saiyans (DBZ E21: 21:16)
- Sensed Nappa and Vegeta heading towards Gohan and himself (DBZ E22: 07:42)
- Sensed the approach of Krillin, Nappa, and Vegeta (DBZ E22: 13:28)
- Sensed Goku’s ki (DBZ E27: 14:52)
- Flew into the air (DBZ E7: 05:39)
Homing Attack
- His clone’s energy blast followed his movements (DBZ E15: 12:10)
Light Manipulation
- Generated light with a blast of energy (DBZ E8: 20:11)
- Sensed that Kami’s life would end within a year (DBZ E7: 07:48)
- Levitated a pyramid into the air (DBZ E12: 11:14)
- Created an earthquake that reached Gohan and Tien (DBZ E12: 12:59)
Temperature Manipulation
- Burned Nappa’s back with a blast of energy (DBZ E27: 13:50)
- Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from himself (DBZ E15: 06:10)
- Dodged a blast of energy from himself (DBZ E15: 12:10)
- Dodged a blast of energy from himself (DBZ E15: 12:14)
- Dodged a blast of energy from himself (DBZ E15: 12:17)
- Blocked a blast of energy from himself (DBZ E15: 12:20)
- Dodged a blast of energy from himself (DBZ E15: 12:22)
- Dodged a barrage of energy blasts from himself (DBZ E15: 12:37)
- Dodged a beam of energy from himself (DBZ E15: 12:44)
- Dodged a Makankosappo from himself (DBZ E15: 16:25)
- Dodged and blocked a barrage of attacks from himself (DBZ E15: 19:55)
- His strength was stated to be incomparable to what it was a year ago (DBZ E22: 13:22)
- Was stated to have large ki by Krillin (DBZ E22: 07:31)
- Withstood a kick from Nappa (DBZ E24: 10:03)
- Harmed Nappa with an attack (DBZ E25: 09:26)
- Blocked a punch from Nappa (DBZ E25: 14:05)
- Blocked a barrage of punches from Nappa (DBZ E25: 14:06)
- Withstood a series of attacks from Nappa (DBZ E25: 14:08)
- Withstood a kick from Nappa (DBZ E25: 14:09)
- Withstood a series of attacks from Nappa (DBZ E25: 14:10)
- Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Nappa (DBZ E25: 15:08)
- Harmed Nappa with a blast of energy (DBZ E27: 13:50)
- Intercepted a blast of energy from Nappa (DBZ E27: 21:06)
- Caught an attack from a Saibaman (DB E23: 03:46)
- Dodged a stream of acid from a Saibaman (DB E23: 09:51)
- Restrained a Saibaman (DBZ E24: 07:11)
- Harmed a Saibaman with a punch (DBZ E24: 07:28)
- Killed a Saibaman with a blast of energy (DBZ E24: 07:35)
- Dodged a barrage of attacks from Gohan (DBZ E17: 03:22)
- Harmed Gohan with an attack (DBZ E17: 03:27)
- Dodged a series of attacks from Gohan (DBZ E17: 03:33)
- Harmed Gohan with a kick (DBZ E17: 03:36)
- Gohan stated that he couldn’t see Piccolo’s attacks (DBZ E17: 03:42)
- Harmed Gohan with a beam of energy (DBZ E17: 03:52)
- Harmed Gohan with a kick (DBZ E17: 04:29)
- Harmed Gohan with a kick (DBZ E17: 21:40)
- Blocked an attack from Gohan (DBZ E18: 03:31)
- Dodged a barrage of attacks from Gohan (DBZ E18: 03:34)
- Harmed Gohan with an attack (DBZ E18: 03:36)
- Harmed Gohan with a punch (DBZ E18: 03:37)
- Harmed Gohan with an attack (DBZ E18: 04:01)
- Harmed Gohan with an attack (DBZ E18: 06:28)
- Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Gohan (DBZ E18: 06:30)
- Harmed Gohan with a punch (DBZ E18: 06:35)
- Dodged an attack from Gohan (DBZ E18: 06:36)
- Harmed Gohan with an attack (DBZ E18: 06:38)
- Barely dodged an attack from Gohan (DBZ E18: 06:44)
- Blocked a barrage of attacks from Gohan (DBZ E18: 07:42)
- Blocked a barrage of attacks from Gohan (DBZ E18: 07:58)
- Withstood a kick from Gohan (DBZ E18: 08:01)
- Withstood a series of kicks from Gohan (DBZ E18: 08:02)
- Withstood a series of kicks from Gohan (DBZ E18: 08:32)
- Harmed Gohan with a discharge of electricity (DBZ E18: 08:41)
- Dodged an attack from Great Ape Gohan (DBZ E18: 13:03)
- Withstood an attack from Great Ape Gohan (DBZ E18: 13:16)
- Blocked a barrage of kicks from Gohan (DBZ E19: 15:39)
- Withstood a punch from Gohan (DBZ E19: 15:45)
- Harmed Gohan with a punch (DBZ E19: 15:54)
- Harmed Gohan with a barrage of attacks (DBZ E19: 16:09)
- Harmed Gohan with an attack (DBZ E20: 09:02)
- Harmed Gohan with a blast of energy (DBZ E20: 09:18)
- Blocked a barrage of attacks from Gohan (DBZ E20: 21:52)
- Harmed Gohan with a beam of energy (DBZ E21: 13:22)
- Was stated to have enormous ki by Goku (DBZ E27: 16:23)
- Stated that the power he had wouldn’t do any good against the Saiyans (DBZ E18: 12:47)
- Nappa dodged a blast of wind from Piccolo (DBZ E24: 09:50)
- Nappa dodged a blast of energy from Piccolo (DBZ E25: 10:02)
- Nappa blocked a barrage of attacks from Piccolo (DBZ E25: 13:39)
- Stated that there was nothing they could do against Nappa (DBZ E25: 14:49)
- Nappa blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Piccolo (DBZ E25: 15:08)
- Nappa knocked Piccolo unconscious with an attack (DBZ E27: 06:01)
- Nappa killed Piccolo with a blast of energy (DBZ E27: 21:06)
- A Saibaman caught an attack from Piccolo (DB E23: 03:45)
- Gohan dodged a kick from Piccolo (DBZ E17: 04:26)
- Gohan dodged a punch from Piccolo (DBZ E17: 04:28)
- Gohan dodged a barrage of attacks from Piccolo (DBZ E17: 21:27)
- Gohan dodged an attack from Piccolo (DBZ E17: 21:35)
- Gohan dodged a beam of energy from Piccolo (DBZ E18: 06:40)
- Gohan cut Piccolo’s cheek with an attack (DBZ E18: 06:44)
- Gohan dodged a beam of energy from two Piccolos (DBZ E18: 07:38)
- Gohan overpowered a discharge of electricity from Piccolo while in his Great Ape Form (DBZ E18: 09:36)
- Stated that he was done for against Great Ape Gohan (DBZ E18: 10:16)
- Gohan caught a blast of energy from Piccolo while in his Great Ape Form (DBZ E18: 12:30)
- Gohan restrained Piccolo while in his Great Ape Form (DBZ E18: 13:06)
- Gohan blocked a barrage of punches from Piccolo (DBZ E19: 15:42)
- Gohan dodged an attack from Piccolo (DBZ E20: 09:06)
- Gohan dodged a punch from Piccolo (DBZ E20: 09:09)
- Gohan dodged a blast of energy from Piccolo (DBZ E21: 12:56)
- Gohan dodged a blast of energy from Piccolo (DBZ E21: 12:59)
- Gohan dodged a series of energy blasts from Piccolo (DBZ E21: 13:01)
- Gohan dodged a blast of energy from Piccolo (DBZ E21: 13:07)
- Gohan dodged a barrage of energy blasts from Piccolo (DBZ E21: 13:11)
- Stated that Gohan’s power was even greater than his own (DBZ E26: 20:29)
- Stated that the power he had wouldn’t do any good against the Saiyans (DBZ E18: 12:47)
Standard Equipment
- Kami’s death means death for Piccolo (DBZ E7: 08:17)
- Implied that he was holding back against Gohan (DBZ E21: 13:31)
- Has a battle power of 1220 (DBZ E22: 19:06)
- Was stated to be the best that the Earth had to offer by Nappa (DBZ E27: 06:52)
- The people that he kills are no longer stuck between the Other World and the Living World (DBZ E7: 06:58)
Namek Saga
- Traveled to the end of Serpent Road in far less time than Goku did (DBZ E51: 20:26)
Powers and Abilities
- Created a fissure in King Kai’s planet with his ki (DBZ E63: 17:06)
- Stretched his arm (DBZ E55: 16:54)
- Sensed Gohan’s distress (DBZ E63: 16:15)
- Levitated in the air (DBZ E53: 09:40)
- King Kai stated that he didn’t need to panic about getting hurt because he was already dead (DBZ E55: 17:09)
- Caught Bubbles (DBZ E52: 16:31)
- King Kai stated that a one-on-one fight between Chiaotzu and Piccolo would be absurd (DBZ E55: 15:40)
- Harmed Chiaotzu with an attack (DBZ E55: 17:01)
- King Kai stated that a one-on-one fight between Tien and Piccolo would be absurd (DBZ E55: 15:40)
- Dodged a barrage of attacks from Tien (DBZ E55: 16:17)
- Dodged a punch from Tien (DBZ E55: 16:44)
- Harmed Tien with an attack (DBZ E55: 16:46)
- Withstood a kick from Tien (DBZ E55: 16:49)
- Dodged a barrage of attacks from Tien (DBZ E55: 17:56)
- Harmed Tien with an attack (DBZ E55: 18:04)
- Withstood a punch from Tien (DBZ E55: 18:08)
- King Kai stated that a one-on-one fight between Yamcha and Piccolo would be absurd (DBZ E55: 15:40)
- Dodged a barrage of attacks from Yamcha (DBZ E55: 16:11)
- Dodged a punch from Yamcha (DBZ E55: 16:44)
- Harmed Yamcha with an attack (DBZ E55: 16:46)
- Withstood a kick from Yamcha (DBZ E55: 16:50)
- Dodged a barrage of attacks from Yamcha (DBZ E55: 17:56)
- Withstood a punch from Yamcha (DBZ E55: 18:12)
- Tien dodged a kick from Piccolo (DBZ E55: 16:26)
- Yamcha blocked a punch from Piccolo (DBZ E55: 16:24)
Standard Equipment
Weighted Clothing
- Took off his weights after fighting Chiaotzu, Tien, and Yamcha (DBZ E55: 18:32)
Frieza Saga
Powers and Abilities
- Created an aura of ki around himself (DBZ E76: 17:43)
Chi Manipulation
- Used his ki to fire an energy beam (DBZ E81: 06:44)
- Stretched his arm (DBZ E81: 12:33)
Energy Projection
- Projected a beam of energy from Piccolo (DBZ E81: 06:44)
Explosion Manipulation
- Created an explosion with a blast of energy (DBZ E81: 21:00)
- Sensed Frieza’s ki (DBZ E76: 17:20)
- Flew into the sky (DBZ E76: 17:43)
- Fused with Nail (DBZ E77: 11:49)
Light Manipulation
- Generated light with a beam of energy (DBZ E81: 06:44)
- Caused several small rocks to orbit around himself (DBZ E81: 14:39)
- Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Second Form Frieza (DBZ E81: 05:48)
- Traded blows with Second Form Frieza (DBZ E81: 05:58)
- Clashed with Second Form Frieza (DBZ E81: 06:06)
- Harmed Second Form Frieza with a kick (DBZ E81: 06:48)
- Harmed Second Form Frieza with a punch (DBZ E81: 06:49)
- Harmed Second Form Frieza with a kick (DBZ E81: 07:18)
- Blocked a punch from Second Form Frieza (DBZ E81: 07:22)
- Blocked a barrage of punches from Second Form Frieza (DBZ E81: 07:23)
- Dodged a barrage of energy blasts from Second Form Frieza (DBZ E81: 07:38)
- Traded blows with Second Form Frieza (DBZ E81: 10:41)
- Clashed with Second Form Frieza (DBZ E81: 11:05)
- Pushed back Second Form Frieza with a barrage of energy blasts (DBZ E81: 12:11)
- Clashed with Second Form Frieza (DBZ E81: 12:24)
- Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Second Form Frieza (DBZ E81: 12:26)
- Withstood an attack from Second Form Frieza (DBZ E81: 12:30)
- Withstood a blast of energy from Second Form Frieza (DBZ E81: 13:43)
- Dodged a punch from Second Form Frieza (DBZ E81: 15:36)
- Dodged an attack from Second Form Frieza (DBZ E81: 15:38)
- Dodged an attack from Second Form Frieza (DBZ E81: 15:40)
- Dodged an attack from Second Form Frieza (DBZ E81: 15:41)
- Dodged an attack from Second Form Frieza (DBZ E81: 15:42)
- Harmed Second Form Frieza with a punch (DBZ E81: 19:39)
- Harmed Second Form Frieza with a headbutt (DBZ E81: 19:44)
- Harmed Second Form Frieza with a punch (DBZ E81: 19:48)
- Harmed Second Form Frieza with an attack (DBZ E81: 19:55)
- Harmed Second Form Frieza with a kick (DBZ E81: 19:57)
- Harmed Second Form Frieza with a headbutt (DBZ E81: 19:58)
- Withstood an attack from Second Form Frieza (DBZ E81: 20:00)
- Deflected a blast of energy from Second Form Frieza (DBZ E81: 20:20)
- Harmed Second Form Frieza with a blast of energy (DBZ E81: 21:00)
- Withstood a punch from Second Form Frieza (DBZ E82: 05:16)
- Withstood an attack from Second Form Frieza (DBZ E82: 05:19)
- Withstood a punch from Second Form Frieza (DBZ E82: 05:21)
- Dodged a punch from Second Form Frieza (DBZ E82: 05:31)
- Withstood an attack from Second Form Frieza, though was bleeding (DBZ E82: 05:47)
- Blitzed Second Form Frieza and harmed him with an attack (DBZ E82: 09:27)
- Harmed Second Form Frieza with an attack (DBZ E82: 09:50)
- Harmed Second Form Frieza with an attack (DBZ E82: 10:13)
- Withstood a blast of energy from Third Form Frieza (DBZ E82: 18:46)
- Withstood a kick from Third Form Frieza (DBZ E82: 19:08)
- Withstood a kick from Third Form Frieza (DBZ E82: 19:13)
- Withstood a series of kicks from Third Form Frieza (DBZ E82: 19:14)
- Withstood a series of kicks from Third Form Frieza (DBZ E82: 19:16)
- Withstood a kick from Third Form Frieza (DBZ E82: 19:17)
- Withstood a kick from Third Form Frieza (DBZ E82: 19:18)
- Withstood a beam of energy from Third Form Frieza, though was bleeding (DBZ E82: 19:46)
- Withstood a beam of energy from Third Form Frieza (DBZ E82: 19:51)
- Withstood a barrage of energy beams from Third Form Frieza, though was bleeding (DBZ E82: 19:53)
- Withstood a barrage of energy beams from Third Form Frieza, though was bleeding (DBZ E82: 20:02)
- Harmed Final Form Frieza with a kick (DBZ E93: 20:30)
- Withstood being squeezed by Final Form Frieza (DBZ E94: 07:01)
- Withstood an attack from Final Form Frieza (DBZ E94: 07:10)
- Withstood an attack from Final Form Frieza (DBZ E94: 07:11)
- Withstood an attack from Final Form Frieza (DBZ E94: 12:54)
- Withstood a punch from Final Form Frieza (DBZ E94: 12:57)
- Withstood a kick from Final Form Frieza (DBZ E94: 12:58)
- Withstood an attack from Final Form Frieza (DBZ E94: 12:59)
- Withstood a kick from Final Form Frieza (DBZ E94: 13:00)
- Was stated to have powered up several levels after King Kai’s training (DBZ E76: 05:52)
- His power would be increased several times over after fusing with Nail (DBZ E77: 09:07)
- Stated that he had gained unbelievably fearsome power after fusing with Nail (DBZ E77: 13:36)
- Stated that he had obtained the ultimate power after fusing with Nail (DBZ E77: 13:52)
- His ki was stated to have increased considerably after fusing with Nail (DBZ E81: 03:23)
- His ki was stated to have surged yet again (DBZ E81: 16:16)
- His power increased several times over after fusing with Nail (DBZ E81: 17:52)
- His ki was stated to have gotten stronger again after taking off his weighted clothing (DBZ E82: 08:54)
- Harmed King Kai with his grip (DBZ E76: 07:47)
- Krillin stated that Piccolo had greater power than he could imagine (DBZ E81: 10:51)
- Was stated to have gained incredible power by Nail (DBZ E77: 07:55)
- Krillin stated that Piccolo had greater power than Gohan could imagine (DBZ E81: 10:51)
- Deflected a blast of energy from Gohan with a blast of energy (DBZ E83: 06:24)
- Was stated to have an enormous ki by Goku (DBZ E80: 21:21)
- His strength was stated to be the real thing by Goku (DBZ E82: 08:54)
- Stated that he could beat Vegeta (DBZ E83: 18:36)
- Frieza blocked an attack from Piccolo while in his Second Form (DBZ E81: 05:46)
- Frieza blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Piccolo while in his Second Form (DBZ E81: 05:48)
- Frieza dodged a punch from Piccolo while in his Second Form (DBZ E81: 05:49)
- Frieza blocked an attack from Piccolo while in his Second Form (DBZ E81: 05:55)
- Frieza caught a series of punches from Piccolo while in his Second Form (DBZ E81: 06:37)
- Frieza dodged a beam of energy from Piccolo while in his Second Form (DBZ E81: 06:44)
- Frieza blocked a series of attacks from Piccolo while in his Second Form (DBZ E81: 07:10)
- Frieza blocked a barrage of attacks from Piccolo while in his Second Form (DBZ E81: 07:15)
- Frieza blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Piccolo while in his Second Form (DBZ E81: 12:26)
- Vegeta stated that Piccolo was no match for Second Form Frieza’s power (DBZ E81: 15:24)
- Frieza dodged an attack from Piccolo while in his Second Form (DBZ E81: 19:54)
- Frieza dodged an attack from Piccolo while in his Second Form (DBZ E82: 09:37)
- Frieza dodged a barrage of energy blasts from Piccolo while in his Second Form (DBZ E82: 10:59)
- Frieza was implied to have the advantage in power over Piccolo while in his Third Form (DBZ E82: 17:23)
- Was stated to have lost his speed advantage over Third Form Frieza (DBZ E82: 17:41)
- Frieza dodged a punch from Piccolo while in his Third Form (DBZ E82: 18:36)
- Frieza dodged a barrage of punches from Piccolo while in his Third Form (DBZ E82: 18:39)
- Frieza dodged a barrage of punches from Piccolo while in his Third Form (DBZ E82: 18:40)
- Frieza dodged a punch from Piccolo while in his Third Form (DBZ E82: 19:02)
- Frieza stated that it would be a simple matter to blow Piccolo to pieces while in his Third Form (DBZ E83: 09:55)
- Stated that he couldn’t possibly beat Third Form Frieza (DBZ E83: 18:36)
- Frieza’s beam of energy moved too fast for Piccolo to see while in his Final Form (DBZ E84: 06:17)
- Frieza vanished from Piccolo’s sight while in his Final Form (DBZ E84: 07:28)
- Frieza dodged a barrage of attacks from Piccolo while in his Final Form (DBZ E84: 08:52)
- Frieza dodged a blast of energy from Piccolo while in his Final Form (DBZ E84: 09:31)
- Stated that he felt as if he was going to be crushed by Final Form Frieza’s tremendous ki alone (DBZ E90: 05:58)
- Stated that Final Form Frieza’s power was particularly greater than anything he could comprehend (DBZ E90: 06:14)
- Frieza’s power was stated to be impossibly greater than Piccolo could have thought while in his Final Form (DBZ E91: 10:51)
- Frieza tanked a blast of energy from Piccolo while in his Final Form (DBZ E94: 06:07)
- Frieza tanked a barrage of energy blasts from Piccolo while in his Final Form (DBZ E94: 06:21)
- Frieza dodged an attack from Piccolo while in his Final Form (DBZ E94: 12:51)
- Frieza pierced Piccolo’s chest with a beam of energy while in his Final Form (DBZ E95: 15:37)
- Goku moved too fast for Piccolo to see (DBZ E86: 11:48)
- Stated that he felt as if he was going to be crushed by Goku’s tremendous ki alone (DBZ E90: 05:58)
- Stated that Goku’s power was particularly greater than anything he could comprehend (DBZ E90: 06:14)
- Stated that Super Saiyan Goku’s power far exceeded his own (DBZ E102: 09:08)
Standard Equipment
Weighted Clothing
- Took off his weighted clothing after being overpowered by Second Form Frieza (DBZ E82: 07:44)
- Was stated to be unable to survive in the vacuum of space (DBZ E97: 15:57)
- Was stated to have probably used up the greater part of his power in his attack on Frieza (DBZ E94: 05:17)
- Implied that he hadn’t been fighting seriously against Second Form Frieza (DBZ E82: 08:04)
Garlic Jr. Saga
- Threw Gohan into the sky (DBZ E112: 08:49)
Powers and Abilities
Chi Manipulation
- Used his ki to fire a Makankosappo (DBZ E108: 08:50)
Energy Projection
- Projected a beam of energy from his fingertips with a Makankosappo (DBZ E108: 08:50)
Explosion Manipulation
- Created an explosion with a blast of energy (DBZ E109: 21:27)
- Split himself into 4 with the Shishin no Ken (DBZ E108: 08:25)
- Split himself into 3 with the Shishin no Ken (DBZ E112: 17:46)
- Stretched his arm towards Garlic Jr. (DBZ E113: 14:59)
- Flew into the air (DBZ E108: 08:32)
Light Manipulation
- Generated light with a Makankosappo (DBZ E108: 08:50)
Size Manipulation
- Increased his size (DBZ E114: 15:52)
- Regenerated the holes in his neck (DBZ E112: 21:29)
Resistance to Corruption
- Was unaffected by the effects of the Aqua Mist (DBZ E112: 20:53)
- Harmed Demon Clan Form Bulma with a blast of energy (DBZ E110: 11:54)
- Withstood a blast of energy from Garlic Jr. (DBZ E112: 10:36)
- Deflected a blast of energy from Garlic Jr. (DBZ E113: 11:21)
- Harmed Garlic Jr. with an attack (DBZ E113: 11:39)
- Harmed Garlic Jr. with a barrage of punches (DBZ E113: 11:41)
- Withstood a punch from Garlic Jr., though was bleeding (DBZ E113: 11:48)
- Withstood a punch from Garlic Jr. (DBZ E113: 11:50)
- Clashed with Garlic Jr. (DBZ E113: 14:05)
- Dodged a beam of energy from Garlic Jr. (DBZ E113: 15:10)
- Drew blood from Garlic Jr. with an attack (DBZ E113: 17:44)
- Dodged an attack from Giant Form Garlic Jr. (DBZ E114: 06:31)
- Dodged a punch from Giant Form Garlic Jr. (DBZ E114: 06:41)
- Dodged a kick from Giant Form Garlic Jr. (DBZ E114: 06:47)
- Traded blows with Giant Form Garlic Jr. (DBZ E114: 07:03)
- Withstood a punch from Giant Form Garlic Jr. (DBZ E114: 13:24)
- Withstood an attack from Giant Form Garlic Jr. (DBZ E114: 13:29)
- Withstood an attack from Giant Form Garlic Jr. (DBZ E114: 13:32)
- Harmed Giant Form Garlic Jr. with an attack while in his Giant Form (DBZ E114: 15:59)
- Harmed Giant Form Garlic Jr. with an attack while in his Giant Form (DBZ E114: 16:14)
- Harmed Giant Form Garlic Jr. with an attack while in his Giant Form (DBZ E114: 16:15)
- Harmed Giant Form Garlic Jr. with an attack while in his Giant Form (DBZ E114: 16:16)
- Withstood a kick from Giant Form Garlic Jr. (DBZ E114: 19:12)
- Harmed Giant Form Garlic Jr. with a barrage of punches (DBZ E114: 19:28)
- Withstood an attack from Giant Form Garlic Jr. (DBZ E114: 20:21)
- Withstood an attack from Giant Form Garlic Jr. (DBZ E114: 21:05)
- Harmed Giant Form Garlic Jr. with a kick (DBZ E115: 08:51)
- Harmed Giant Form Garlic Jr. with a kick (DBZ E115: 16:38)
- Matched Giant Form Garlic Jr. with a blast of energy (DBZ E116: 15:36)
- Was implied to be able to kill Gasshu with a blast of energy (DBZ E112: 05:31)
- Harmed Gasshu with a kick (DBZ E113: 06:18)
- Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from his clones (DBZ E108: 08:36)
- Overpowered a Makankosappo from his clones with a blast of energy (DBZ E108: 08:50)
- Harmed Demon Clan Form Roshi with a blast of energy (DBZ E110: 11:54)
- Harmed Gohan with a punch (DBZ E111: 21:33)
- Harmed Gohan with an attack (DBZ E112: 04:50)
- Harmed Gohan with a kick (DBZ E112: 04:52)
- Harmed Gohan with an attack (DBZ E112: 05:38)
- Harmed Gohan with an attack (DBZ E112: 05:39)
- Harmed Gohan with a punch (DBZ E112: 06:03)
- Harmed Gohan with a barrage of punches (DBZ E112: 06:05)
- Harmed Gohan with an attack (DBZ E112: 07:09)
- Harmed Gohan with an attack (DBZ E112: 07:11)
- Harmed Gohan with a barrage of punches (DBZ E112: 07:53)
- Withstood a punch from Gohan (DBZ E112: 08:45)
- Harmed Gohan with an attack (DBZ E112: 08:55)
- Matched a blast of energy from Gohan with a blast of energy (DBZ E112: 15:09)
- Matched Gohan with a blast of energy (DBZ E112: 15:12)
- Overpowered Gohan with a blast of energy (DBZ E112: 15:35)
- Harmed Gohan with a punch (DBZ E112: 16:51)
- Harmed Gohan with an attack (DBZ E112: 16:52)
- Harmed Gohan with a kick (DBZ E112: 16:53)
- Harmed Gohan with a barrage of punches (DBZ E112: 16:59)
- Harmed Gohan with a punch (DBZ E112: 17:26)
- Harmed Gohan with an attack (DBZ E112: 18:04)
- Harmed Gohan with a kick (DBZ E112: 18:05)
- Harmed Gohan with an attack (DBZ E112: 18:08)
- Harmed Gohan with a kick (DBZ E112: 18:15)
- Harmed Gohan with a kick (DBZ E112: 18:16)
- Harmed Gohan with a barrage of punches (DBZ E112: 20:13)
- Knocked Gohan unconscious with a kick (DBZ E112: 20:34)
- Was implied to be able to kill Vinegar with a blast of energy (DBZ E112: 05:31)
- Withstood a blast of energy from Demon Clan Form Yamcha (DBZ E110: 08:04)
- Traded blows with Demon Clan Form Yamcha (DBZ E110: 08:18)
- Harmed Demon Clan Form Yamcha with a kick (DBZ E110: 09:38)
- Withstood an attack from Demon Clan Form Yamcha (DBZ E110: 09:45)
- Blocked a punch from Demon Clan Form Yamcha (DBZ E110: 10:23)
- Harmed Demon Clan Form Yamcha with a kick (DBZ E110: 10:24)
- Harmed Demon Clan Form Yamcha with a punch (DBZ E110: 11:32)
- Bulma bit into Piccolo’s body while in her Demon Clan Form (DBZ E110: 11:37)
- Bulma bit into Piccolo’s neck while in her Demon Clan Form (DBZ E110: 12:42)
- Garlic Jr. caught an attack from Piccolo (DBZ E112: 20:42)
- Garlic Jr. dodged a Makankosappo from Piccolo (DBZ E113: 15:14)
- Garlic Jr. blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Piccolo (DBZ E113: 16:59)
- Garlic Jr. caught a punch from Piccolo while in Giant Form (DBZ E114: 06:48)
- Garlic Jr. stated that his and Piccolo’s powers were far too unlike while in his Giant Form (DBZ E114: 13:57)
- Garlic Jr. tanked a punch from Piccolo while in his Giant Form (DBZ E115: 14:19)
- Gasshu dodged a blast of energy from Piccolo (DBZ E109: 21:27)
- Krillin intercepted an attack from Piccolo (DBZ E112: 11:24)
- Roshi bit into Piccolo’s body while in his Demon Clan Form (DBZ E110: 11:37)
- Roshi bit into Piccolo’s neck while in his Demon Clan Form (DBZ E110: 12:42)
- Gohan dodged a barrage of energy blasts from Piccolo (DBZ E112: 05:15)
- Gohan overpowered Piccolo with a Kiai (DBZ E112: 10:36)
- Gohan overpowered a blast of energy from Piccolo (DBZ E112: 15:47)
- Gohan blocked a barrage of attacks from Piccolo (DBZ E112: 17:19)
- Gohan blocked a punch from Piccolo (DBZ E112: 18:03)
- Gohan dodged a kick from Piccolo (DBZ E112: 18:05)
- Gohan blocked a barrage of attacks from Piccolo (DBZ E112: 18:06)
- Gohan dodged a kick from Piccolo (DBZ E112: 18:10)
- Gohan dodged a punch from Piccolo (DBZ E112: 18:11)
- Gohan dodged a punch from Piccolo (DBZ E112: 18:12)
- Gohan dodged a punch from Piccolo (DBZ E112: 18:14)
- Gohan dodged a kick from Piccolo (DBZ E112: 18:15)
- Vinegar dodged an attack from Piccolo (DBZ E110: 07:51)
- Yamcha bit into Piccolo’s neck while in his Demon Clan Form (DBZ E110: 10:59)
- Yamcha bit into Piccolo’s neck while in his Demon Clan Form (DBZ E110: 12:41)
Standard Equipment
Weighted Clothing
- Removed his weighted clothing before fighting the Four Monarchs (DBZ E110: 07:32)
Trunks Saga
- Lifted a falling bus alongside Goku (DBZ E125: 18:48)
Powers and Abilities
Chi Manipulation
- Used his ki to fire an energy blast (DBZ E123: 20:28)
- Stretched his arms towards Salza (DBZ CR: 26:58)
Energy Projection
- Projected a blast of energy from his hand (DBZ E123: 20:28)
Enhanced Senses
- Could make out Trunks fight against Frieza from a far distance (DBZ E121: 04:18)
- Overheard Trunks and Goku’s conversation from a far distance (DBZ E122: 15:47)
Explosion Manipulation
- Created an explosion with a beam of energy (DBZ E124: 13:24)
- Sensed Frieza’s ki (DBZ E118: 20:50)
- Levitated in the air (DBZ E118: 20:45)
Light Manipulation
- Generated light with a blast of energy (DBZ E123: 20:28)
Stealth Mastery
- Masked his ki, enough that Chiaotzu, Tien, and Yamcha were unable to sense his presence (DBZ E119: 08:38)
- Withstood a series of energy blasts from Cooler (DBZ CR: 28:01)
- Harmed Dore with a blast of energy (DBZ CR: 24:13)
- Dodged a punch from Dore (DBZ CR: 24:43)
- Harmed Dore with an attack (DBZ CR: 24:49)
- Killed Dore with a blast of energy (DBZ CR: 25:36)
- Blocked a series of attacks from Neiz (DBZ CR: 24:51)
- Dodged a barrage of attacks from Neiz (DBZ CR: 24:58)
- Harmed Neiz with a kick (DBZ CR: 25:20)
- Drew blood from Neiz with a kick (DBZ CR: 25:33)
- Withstood a blast of energy from Neiz (DBZ CR: 26:01)
- Burned Neiz to death with a blast of energy (DBZ CR: 26:20)
- Dodged a punch from Salza and drew blood from him with a kick (DBZ CR: 25:34)
- Blocked a punch from Salza (DBZ CR: 25:58)
- Drew blood from Salza with a kick (DBZ CR: 26:35)
- Harmed Salza with a kick (DBZ CR: 26:37)
- Dodged a series of energy blasts from Salza (DBZ CR: 26:40)
- Dodged a series of attacks from Salza (DBZ CR: 27:20)
- Caught an attack from Salza (DBZ CR: 27:30)
- Harmed Salza with a kick (DBZ CR: 27:34)
- Killed Salza with a Makankosappo (DBZ CR: 44:35)
- Harmed Gohan with a punch (DBZ E123: 20:32)
- Cut Goku’s cheek with a punch (DBZ E124: 13:57)
- Traded blows with Goku (DBZ E124: 14:17)
- Cooler impaled Piccolo with a beam of energy (DBZ CR: 27:44)
- Stated that there was nothing he could do against Final Form Frieza (DBZ E119: 13:35)
- Neiz dodged a blast of energy from Piccolo (DBZ CR: 25:10)
- Salza deflected a series of energy blasts from Piccolo (DBZ CR: 26:26)
- Salza blocked a punch from Piccolo (DBZ CR: 26:36)
- Salza dodged a series of attacks from Piccolo (DBZ CR: 26:58)
- Gohan blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Piccolo (DBZ E123: 20:15)
- Gohan overpowered a blast of energy from Piccolo (DBZ E123: 20:28)
- Goku dodged a beam of energy from Piccolo (DBZ E124: 13:24)
- Goku cut Piccolo’s cheek with a punch (DBZ E124: 13:56)
- Goku was stated to be the strongest man in the universe by Piccolo (DBZ E125: 07:20)
Standard Equipment
Weighted Clothing
- Removed his weighted clothing before fighting the Cooler Armored Corps (DBZ CR: 24:35)
Androids Saga
Powers and Abilities
Chi Manipulation
- Used his ki to fire an energy blast (DBZ E131: 18:39)
Energy Projection
- Projected a blast of energy from his hand (DBZ E131: 18:39)
- Flew through the sky (DBZ E126: 03:14)
Light Manipulation
- Generated light with a blast of energy (DBZ E137: 07:35)
Stealth Mastery
- Was stated to be suppressing his ki (DBZ E127: 19:45)
- Spoke into Gohan’s mind (DBZ E131: 07:45)
Resistance to Cold
- Was unaffected by the northern wind that was freezing Krillin (DBZ E133: 10:11)
- Stated that he was sure he could beat the Androids that Trunks talked about (DBZ E126: 03:50)
- Withstood a kick from Android 17 (DBZ E136: 05:36)
- Withstood an attack from Android 17, though was bleeding (DBZ E136: 07:54)
- Stated that he was sure he could beat the Androids that Trunks talked about (DBZ E126: 03:50)
- Tanked a beam of energy from Gero (DBZ E129: 07:44)
- Harmed Gero with an attack (DBZ E131: 11:24)
- Dodged an attack from Gero (DBZ E131: 12:43)
- Harmed Gero with an attack (DBZ E131: 12:51)
- Dodged an attack from Gero (DBZ E131: 14:38)
- Harmed Gero with a kick (DBZ E131: 14:40)
- Harmed Gero with an attack (DBZ E131: 14:41)
- Blocked an attack from Gero (DBZ E131: 16:45)
- Blocked an attack from Gero (DBZ E131: 16:47)
- Harmed Gero with an attack (DBZ E131: 16:48)
- Dodged an attack from Gero (DBZ E131: 16:50)
- Harmed Gero with a kick (DBZ E131: 16:51)
- Caught an attack from Gero (DBZ E131: 17:06)
- Tore off Gero’s arm with an attack (DBZ E131: 17:41)
- Harmed Gero with an attack (DBZ E131: 18:32)
- Was implied to be stronger than Krillin by Gero (DBZ E131: 06:27)
- Was implied to be stronger than Gohan by Gero (DBZ E131: 06:27)
- Was implied to be stronger than Tien by Gero (DBZ E131: 06:27)
- Yamcha stated that he was the least use to anyone in the area (DBZ E129: 10:17)
- Android 17 dodged an attack from Piccolo (DBZ E136: 07:49)
- Android 17 was stated to be too strong by Piccolo (DBZ E137: 04:49)
- Android 18 was stated to be too strong by Piccolo (DBZ E137: 04:49)
- Gero dodged a kick from Piccolo (DBZ E129: 07:43)
- Trunks dodged a blast of energy from Piccolo (DBZ E137: 07:35)
- Vegeta was implied to be stronger than Piccolo by Gero (DBZ E131: 06:27)
Standard Equipment
Weighted Clothing
- Removed his weighted clothing before attacking Gero (DBZ E131: 10:33)
- Stated that he was only acting as if he were hurt by Gero’s attack in order to save Goku (DBZ E129: 09:08)
Imperfect Cell Saga
Powers and Abilities
- Flipped over Android 17’s kick (DBZ E149: 05:43)
Afterimage Creation
- Created an afterimage of himself (DBZ E142: 19:23)
Air Manipulation
- Created a gust of wind with his ki (DBZ E142: 11:24)
Breath Attack
- Projected a blast of energy from his mouth (DBZ E149: 13:34)
Chi Manipulation
- Used his ki to fire an energy blast (DBZ E142: 15:08)
- Used his ki to fire a Bakurikimaha (DBZ E148: 11:08)
Electricity Manipulation
- Created sparks of electricity with his ki (DBZ E142: 12:45)
Energy Projection
- Projected a blast of energy from his hand (DBZ E142: 15:08)
- Projected a blast of energy from his hand with a Bakurikimaha (DBZ E148: 11:08)
Explosion Manipulation
- Created an explosion with a blast of energy (DBZ E142: 15:08)
- Sensed Cell’s ki (DBZ E142: 04:39)
- Flew into the air (DBZ E141: 17:22)
- Merged with Kami (DBZ E141: 15:17)
Light Manipulation
- Created a blast of light with his ki (DBZ E142: 11:41)
- Regenerated his severed arm (DBZ E143: 21:39)
- Was stated to have a giant power by Android 16 (DBZ E142: 16:31)
- His power was stated to rival Android 17’s (DBZ E142: 16:56)
- Harmed Android 17 with an attack (DBZ E148: 08:51)
- Harmed Android 17 with a punch (DBZ E148: 08:55)
- Harmed Android 17 with a punch (DBZ E148: 08:56)
- Harmed Android 17 with an attack (DBZ E148: 08:57)
- Harmed Android 17 with a barrage of attacks (DBZ E148: 08:58)
- Harmed Android 17 with a punch (DBZ E148: 09:01)
- Withstood an attack from Android 17 (DBZ E148: 09:12)
- Traded blows with Android 17 (DBZ E148: 09:25)
- Clashed with Android 17 (DBZ E148: 09:29)
- Dodged an attack from Android 17 (DBZ E148: 09:59)
- Harmed Android 17 with an attack (DBZ E148: 10:04)
- Harmed Android 17 with a kick (DBZ E148: 10:09)
- Blocked a barrage of attacks from Android 17 (DBZ E148: 14:04)
- Dodged a punch from Android 17 (DBZ E148: 14:09)
- Was stated to have fantastic power by Android 17 (DBZ E149: 03:42)
- Withstood an attack from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 05:36)
- Withstood a punch from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 05:39)
- Withstood an attack from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 05:40)
- Dodged a kick from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 05:43)
- Dodged a kick from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 05:49)
- Withstood an attack from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 06:34)
- Harmed Android 17 with a kick (DBZ E149: 06:36)
- Withstood a punch from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 06:39)
- Harmed Android 17 with a headbutt (DBZ E149: 06:42)
- Was stated to be evenly matched with Android 17 (DBZ E149: 07:22)
- Withstood a punch from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 07:57)
- Harmed Android 17 with an attack (DBZ E149: 08:05)
- Clashed with Android 17 (DBZ E149: 08:15)
- Blocked a kick from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 08:19)
- Matched Android 17 (DBZ E149: 08:39)
- Harmed Android 17 with a punch (DBZ E149: 13:40)
- Harmed Android 17 with an attack (DBZ E149: 13:41)
- Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 15:21)
- Blocked an attack from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 18:21)
- Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 18:24)
- Withstood a Kiai Ho from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 18:31)
- Dodged a punch from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 18:48)
- Harmed Android 17 with an attack (DBZ E149: 18:49)
- Blocked a kick from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 19:08)
- Deflected a series of kicks from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 19:13)
- Withstood an attack from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 19:18)
- Harmed Android 17 with an attack (DBZ E149: 19:21)
- Withstood a punch from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 19:42)
- Harmed Android 17 with a punch (DBZ E149: 19:50)
- Withstood a punch from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 19:54)
- Harmed Android 17 with a punch (DBZ E149: 19:55)
- Withstood a punch from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 19:57)
- Harmed Android 17 with a punch (DBZ E149: 19:58)
- Withstood a punch from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 19:59)
- Harmed Android 17 with a punch (DBZ E149: 20:00)
- Withstood a punch from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 20:01)
- Harmed Android 17 with a kick (DBZ E149: 20:02)
- Withstood a kick from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 20:03)
- Withstood a kick from Android 17 (DBZ E149: 20:11)
- Harmed Android 17 with a blast of energy (DBZ E149: 20:13)
- His power was stated to rival Android 18’s (DBZ E142: 16:56)
- Was stated to be strong by Android 18 (DBZ E149: 07:18)
- Harmed Imperfect Cell with a blast of energy (DBZ E142: 15:08)
- Dodged a punch from Imperfect Cell (DBZ E142: 18:00)
- Harmed Imperfect Cell with a kick (DBZ E142: 18:04)
- Harmed Imperfect Cell with a kick (DBZ E142: 18:20)
- Deflected a Makankosappo from Imperfect Cell (DBZ E142: 18:44)
- Blocked and dodged a series of attacks from Imperfect Cell (DBZ E142: 19:08)
- Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Imperfect Cell (DBZ E142: 19:12)
- Harmed Imperfect Cell with a punch (DBZ E142: 19:18)
- Dodged an attack from Imperfect Cell (DBZ E142: 19:23)
- Harmed Imperfect Cell with a kick (DBZ E142: 19:25)
- Dodged a Kamehameha from Imperfect Cell (DBZ E143: 03:50)
- Harmed Imperfect Cell with a headbutt (DBZ E143: 10:48)
- Stated that his power was much greater than Imperfect Cell’s (DBZ E144: 04:49)
- Harmed Imperfect Cell with a kick (DBZ E150: 10:45)
- Withstood a punch from Imperfect Cell (DBZ E150: 13:09)
- Withstood a kick from Imperfect Cell (DBZ E150: 13:39)
- His power-up was stated to be amazing after fusing with Kami (DBZ E142: 14:13)
- Was stated to be able to raise his ki much much higher (DBZ E148: 07:05)
- Was stated to have a far greater power than Kami (DBZ E141: 13:28)
- Was stated to be incredible by Krillin (DBZ E144: 17:45)
- Was stated to be incredibly strong by Gohan (DBZ E146: 18:43)
- Was stated to have incredibly powerful ki by Trunks (DBZ E142: 13:23)
- Was stated to have an incredibly large battle power by Super Saiyan Vegeta (DBZ E144: 17:17)
- His battle power was stated to be higher than Super Saiyan Vegeta’s (DBZ E144: 18:53)
- Android 17 dodged a punch from Piccolo (DBZ E148: 09:34)
- Android 17 dodged a kick from Piccolo (DBZ E148: 09:35)
- Android 17 dodged a barrage of attacks from Piccolo (DBZ E148: 09:36)
- Android 17 dodged a Bakurikimaha from Piccolo (DBZ E148: 11:08)
- Android 17 dodged a kick from Piccolo (DBZ E148: 14:11)
- Android 17 dodged a blast of energy from Piccolo (DBZ E148: 14:19)
- Android 17 dodged a barrage of energy blasts from Piccolo (DBZ E148: 14:38)
- Android 17 deflected a blast of energy from Piccolo (DBZ E148: 15:00)
- Android 17 dodged a blast of energy from Piccolo (DBZ E148: 17:16)
- Android 17 dodged a blast of energy from Piccolo (DBZ E148: 17:18)
- Android 17 dodged a series of energy blasts from Piccolo (DBZ E148: 17:19)
- Android 17 dodged a barrage of energy blasts from Piccolo (DBZ E148: 17:27)
- Android 17 blocked a barrage of energy blasts from Piccolo with a barrier (DBZ E148: 18:41)
- Android 17 dodged an attack from Piccolo (DBZ E149: 05:38)
- Android 17 dodged an attack from Piccolo (DBZ E149: 06:32)
- Android 17 dodged a kick from Piccolo (DBZ E149: 06:38)
- Android 17 blocked a punch from Piccolo (DBZ E149: 08:17)
- Android 17 blocked a punch from Piccolo (DBZ E149: 13:32)
- Android 17 blocked a blast of energy from Piccolo (DBZ E149: 13:34)
- Android 17 blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Piccolo (DBZ E149: 15:21)
- Cell dodged a kick from Piccolo while in his Imperfect Form (DBZ E142: 18:12)
- Cell restrained Piccolo while in his Imperfect Form (DBZ E143: 04:25)
- Cell pierced Piccolo’s arm with his tail while in his Imperfect form (DBZ E143: 04:41)
- Cell blocked a punch from Piccolo while in his Imperfect Form (DBZ E150: 13:06)
- Cell caught a kick from Piccolo while in his Imperfect Form (DBZ E150: 13:07)
- Cell was stated to be too strong for Piccolo while in his Imperfect Form (DBZ E150: 14:06)
- Cell tanked a blast of energy from Piccolo while in his Imperfect Form (DBZ E150: 15:47)
- Cell broke Piccolo’s neck with a punch while in his Imperfect Form (DBZ E150: 18:55)
- Cell blew a hole through Piccolo’s abdomen with a blast of energy while in his Imperfect Form (DBZ E150: 19:36)
Standard Equipment
Weighted Clothing
- Removed his weighted clothing before fighting Android 17 (DBZ E147: 22:09)
- Implied that he hadn’t used his full power against Imperfect Cell (DBZ E144: 05:55)
Perfect Cell Saga
Powers and Abilities
- Created his weighted clothing around himself (DBZ E155: 16:25)
Enhanced Senses
- Watched Krillin destroy the Androids’ shutdown remote from the Heavenly Realm (DBZ E160: 09:44)
- Sensed Vegeta’s ki (DBZ E155: 16:09)
- Stated that no one would be able to beat Semi-Perfect Cell (DBZ E153: 20:46)
- Cell was stated to be of a different dimension by Piccolo while in his Semi-Perfect Form (DBZ E155: 06:31)
Standard Equipment
Cell Games Saga
Powers and Abilities
Chi Manipulation
- Used his ki to fire a blast of energy (DBZ E170: 12:37)
- Created a new set of clothes around Gohan (DBZ E168: 15:26)
- Created a duplicate of himself with a Shishin no Ken (DBZ E170: 12:15)
Electricity Manipulation
- Created sparks of electricity with his ki (DBZ E166: 06:19)
Energy Projection
- Projected a blast of energy from his hands (DBZ E170: 12:37)
Explosion Manipulation
- Created an explosion with a blast of energy (DBZ E170: 12:37)
- Sensed Goku and Gohan’s ki (DBZ E168: 06:52)
- Flew through the air (DBZ E175: 11:03)
Light Manipulation
- Generated light with a blast of energy (DBZ E170: 12:37)
- Deflected a blast of energy from Bojack with a Makankosappo (DBZ BU: 33:37)
- WIthstood an attack from Bojack (DBZ BU: 34:16)
- Withstood a punch from Bojack (DBZ BU: 34:17)
- Harmed Bojack with a kick (DBZ BU: 34:18)
- Overpowered a blast of energy from Bojack (DBZ BU: 34:24)
- Withstood a blast of energy from Bojack (DBZ BU: 34:30)
- Dodged a kick from a Cell Junior (DBZ E184: 04:52)
- Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from a Cell Junior (DBZ E184: 05:13)
- Blocked and dodged a series of attacks from a Cell Junior (DBZ E184: 06:51)
- Withstood a punch from a Cell Junior (DBZ E184: 07:14)
- Harmed a Cell Junior with an attack (DBZ E184: 07:16)
- Caught a punch from a Cell Junior (DBZ E184: 07:30)
- Harmed two Cell Juniors with an attack (DBZ E184: 07:32)
- Harmed a Cell Junior with a kick (DBZ E184: 07:36)
- Harmed a Cell Junior with a punch (DBZ E184: 08:44)
- Withstood a barrage of punches from a Cell Junior (DBZ E184: 09:41)
- Blocked and dodged a series of attacks from a Cell Junior (DBZ E184: 12:23)
- Withstood a kick from a Cell Junior (DBZ E185: 06:06)
- Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from himself (DBZ E170: 12:23)
- Matched a blast of energy from himself with a blast of energy (DBZ E170: 12:37)
- His power was stated to have risen exceptionally after training in the Room of Spirit and Time (DBZ E172: 04:17)
- Was stated to have risen his powers before the Cell Games (DBZ E181: 05:01)
- Bojack dodged a punch from Piccolo (DBZ BU: 34:13)
- Bojack dodged an attack from Piccolo (DBZ BU: 34:21)
- Was stated to be of no use against Perfect Cell (DBZ E172: 18:02)
- Cell stated that Piccolo was no match for him while in his Perfect Form (DBZ E181: 05:09)
- Cell was stated to not be the sort of opponent that Piccolo could handle while in his Perfect Form (DBZ E183: 07:14)
- Cell dodged a punch from Piccolo while in his Perfect Form (DBZ E183: 09:51)
- Cell tanked a blast of energy from Piccolo while in his Super Perfect Form (DBZ E191: 11:06)
- Cell tanked a Makankosappo from Piccolo while in his Super Perfect Form (DBZ E191: 13:50)
- Cell stated that there was absolutely no way Piccolo would beat the Cell Juniors (DBZ E183: 21:37)
- A Cell Junior blocked an attack from Piccolo (DBZ E184: 04:53)
- A Cell Junior dodged a barrage of attacks from Piccolo (DBZ E184: 05:13)
- A Cell Junior dodged an attack from Piccolo (DBZ E184: 06:51)
- A Cell Junior dodged a series of attacks from Piccolo (DBZ E184: 12:23)
- A Cell Junior dodged a barrage of energy blasts from Piccolo (DBZ E184: 17:41)
- Goku stated that if Gohan lost to Cell then there wouldn’t be anyone else around who could beat him (DBZ E181: 07:00)
- Goku was stated to be one or two paces removed from the others while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBZ E177: 20:53)
- Was stated to be inferior to Super Saiyan Goku (DBZ E181: 05:01)
Standard Equipment
Great Saiyaman Saga
Powers and Abilities
Electricity Manipulation
- Created sparks of electricity with his ki (DBZ E206: 03:55)
- Levitated in the air (DBZ E206: 03:43)
- Was stated to have an incredible ki by Dende (DBZ E206: 04:12)
Standard Equipment
- Effortlessly scored a 210 on the Punch Machine (DBZ E209: 21:35)
World Tournament Saga
Powers and Abilities
- Flew into the air (DBZ E219: 13:42)
- Spoke into Gohan’s mind (DBZ E218: 20:06)
- Shin’s and Piccolo’s dimensions were stated to be too different (DBZ E215: 19:57)
- Was stated to be powerless against Shin (DBZ E215: 22:20)
Standard Equipment
Babidi Saga
Powers and Abilities
- Flew through the air (DBZ E220: 04:15)
Stealth Mastery
- Suppressed his ki to avoid detection by Babidi (DBZ E220: 14:42)
- Gohan was implied to have more power than Piccolo (DBZ E221: 05:04)
- Goku was implied to have more power than Piccolo (DBZ E221: 05:04)
- Vegeta was implied to have more power than Piccolo (DBZ E221: 05:04)
Standard Equipment
Majin Buu Saga
- Pushed a large boulder off of himself (DBZ E236: 15:41)
Powers and Abilities
Air Manipulation
- Blew away Babidi’s slime with a Kiai (DBZ E237: 08:50)
Enhanced Senses
- Could hear Vegeta’s words from miles away (DBZ E235: 16:01)
- Sensed Buu’s ki (DBZ E235: 11:09)
- Levitated in the air (DBZ E237: 07:19)
- Stated that he could regenerate as long as his head is unharmed (DBZ E235: 11:29)
- Regenerated after he was broken into large pieces (DBZ E235: 10:37)
- Stated that he could kill Babidi (DBZ E237: 08:08)
- Destroyed Babidi’s barrier with an attack (DBZ E237: 09:31)
- Cut Babidi in half with an attack (DBZ E237: 10:15)
- Stated that Babidi was weak (DBZ E238: 15:49)
- Harmed Goten with an attack (DBZ E249: 13:23)
- Harmed Trunks with an attack (DBZ E249: 13:23)
- Babidi blocked an attack from Piccolo with a barrier (DBZ E237: 08:12)
- Buu was stated to be an opponent that not even Piccolo could match up against while in his Innocent Form (DBZ E235: 12:26)
- Stated that Innocent Buu was too much for him (DBZ E237: 08:08)
- Buu’s strength was stated to be beyond Piccolo’s imagination while in his Innocent Form (DBZ E240: 03:46)
Standard Equipment
Fusion Saga
Powers and Abilities
Chi Manipulation
- Used his ki to fire a beam of energy (DBZ E256: 11:37)
- Created an hourglass out of thin air (DBZ E256: 16:59)
Energy Projection
- Projected a beam of energy from his fingertip (DBZ E256: 11:37)
Enhanced Senses
- Watched the events between Buu and Mister Satan from the Heavenly Realm (DBZ E254: 08:22)
- Felt a tremendously evil ki coming from Evil Buu (DBZ E255: 05:05)
- Flew into the air (DBZ E257: 09:43)
Light Manipulation
- Generated light with a beam of energy (DBZ E256: 11:37)
- Spoke into the minds of Goten and Trunks (DBZ E257: 17:01)
Resistance to Cold
- Unaffected by the temperatures in the ROSAT (DBZ E257: 18:44)
Resistance to Heat
- Unaffected by the temperatures in the ROSAT (DBZ E257: 18:44)
- Dodged a blast of energy from Super Buu (DBZ E263: 20:33)
- Was implied to be stronger than Goten (DBZ E267: 18:51)
- Was implied to be stronger than Trunks (DBZ E267: 18:51)
- Stated that everyone would be done in by Evil Buu (DBZ E255: 06:43)
Standard Equipment
Kid Buu Saga
Powers and Abilities
- Sensed the collision of ki between Buu and Goku (DBZ E286: 09:12)
- Flew down to a city (DBZ E285: 13:50)
- Spoke into Gohan’s mind (DBZ E286: 09:04)
Standard Equipment
The Return of Son Goku and Friends Saga
Powers and Abilities
Energy Projection
- Projected a beam of energy from his fingertips with a Makankosappo (DB TRoSGaF: 27:36)
- Sensed Tarble’s arrival (DB TRoSGaF: 10:10)
- Flew into the air (DB TRoSGaF: 06:12)
- Deflected a Wahaha no Ha from Abokado with a Makankosappo (DB TRoSGaF: 27:36)
Standard Equipment
God of Destruction Beerus Saga
Powers and Abilities
- Sensed Goku’s ki (DBS E13: 16:40)
- Levitated in the air (DBS E7: 09:18)
- Withstood a blast of air pressure from Beerus (DBS E7: 09:53)
- Beerus dodged a barrage of attacks from Piccolo (DBS E7: 09:33)
Standard Equipment
Golden Frieza Saga
Powers and Abilities
Energy Projection
- Projected a beam of energy from his fingertips with a Makankosappo (DBS E21: 15:55)
- Sensed a bad energy (DBS E19: 10:15)
- Flew through the air (DBS E20: 20:12)
Light Manipulation
- Generated light with a Makankosappo (DBS E21: 15:55)
- Regenerated his severed arm (DBS E22: 05:04)
- Restarted Gohan’s heart with a blast of energy (DBS E21: 19:09)
- Intercepted a beam of energy from First Form Frieza (DBS E22: 20:58)
- Gohan stated that the Frieza Soldiers were weaker than them (DBS E21: 07:54)
- One-shot a Frieza Soldier with a kick (DBS E21: 08:24)
- Caught a punch from a Frieza Soldier and one-shot one with a kick (DBS E21: 08:25)
- Blocked a punch from a Frieza Soldier (DBS E21: 08:27)
- One-shot a Frieza Soldier with an attack (DBS E21: 08:28)
- One-shot a Frieza Soldier with a punch (DBS E21: 10:58)
- One-shot a Frieza Soldier with a punch (DBS E21: 13:58)
- Withstood a punch from Ginyu in Tagoma’s body (DBS E22: 12:12)
- Withstood a series of attacks from Tagoma (DBS E22: 04:56)
- Frieza killed Piccolo with a beam of energy while in his First Form (DBS E22: 20:58)
- Ginyu blitzed Piccolo while in Tagoma’s body (DBS E22: 12:12)
- Tagoma stated that Piccolo was a lightweight and that he could kill him in under three minutes (DBS E22: 04:29)
- Tagoma tanked a punch from Piccolo (DBS E22: 04:38)
- Tagoma ripped off Piccolo’s arm (DBS E22: 04:46)
Standard Equipment
Universe 6 Saga
Powers and Abilities
- Flipped out of the way of Frost’s attack (DBS E34: 10:08)
- Created dozens of duplicates with a Shishin no Ken (DBS E34: 10:59)
- Stretched his arm towards Gohan (DBS E30: 17:21)
Electricity Manipulation
- Created sparks of electricity while charging up a Makankosappo (DBS E34: 09:31)
Energy Projection
- Projected a blast of energy from his hand (DBS E34: 10:07)
- Projected a beam of energy from his antennae (DBS E34: 10:19)
- Projected a beam of energy from his fingertips with a Makankosappo (DBS E34: 14:33)
- Flew through the air (DBS E30: 17:16)
Light Manipulation
- Generated light while charging up a Makankosappo (DBS E34: 09:31)
- Regenerated a hole in his chest (DBS E34: 18:55)
- Dodged a punch from Final Form Frost (DBS E34: 09:27)
- Dodged a beam of energy from Final Form Frost (DBS E34: 10:03)
- Dodged a series of energy beams from Final Form Frost (DBS E34: 10:04)
- Dodged a beam of energy from Final Form Frost (DBS E34: 10:08)
- Dodged a barrage of energy beams from Final Form Frost (DBS E34: 10:09)
- Matched a beam of energy from Final Form Frost with a beam of energy (DBS E34: 10:28)
- Dodged a barrage of energy beams from Final Form Frost (DBS E34: 10:35)
- Withstood a wave of energy from Final Form Frost (DBS E34: 11:58)
- Blocked a barrage of punches from Final Form Frost (DBS E34: 12:05)
- Withstood a kick from Final Form Frost (DBS E34: 12:21)
- Withstood a punch from Final Form Frost (DBS E34: 12:25)
- Withstood a kick from Final Form Frost (DBS E34: 12:29)
- Restrained Final Form Frost (DBS E34: 12:35)
- Frost stated that he would have lost for sure if he had taken Piccolo’s Makankosappo while in his Final Form (DBS E34: 14:20)
- Goku stated that Piccolo could help them right away unlike Gohan, who was way too rusty (DBS E30: 09:11)
- Harmed Gohan with an attack (DBS E30: 17:21)
- Traded blows with Gohan (DBS E30: 17:26)
- Withstood a punch from Gohan and harmed him with a punch (DBS E30: 17:34)
- Pierced Vados’ barrier with a Makankosappo (DBS E34: 14:33)
- Goku stated that Piccolo probably had no hope of winning against Final Form Frost (DBS E34: 07:45)
- Vegeta stated that Piccolo was too weak to win against Final Form Frost (DBS E34: 09:40)
- Frost dodged a beam of energy from Piccolo while in his Final Form (DBS E34: 10:19)
- Vegeta stated that a beam of energy from Piccolo wouldn’t do much against Final Form Frost (DBS E34: 10:25)
- Frost pierced Piccolo’s leg with a beam of energy while in his Final Form (DBS E34: 10:42)
- Frost one-shot several of Piccolo’s duplicates with a series of energy beams while in his Final Form (DBS E34: 11:34)
- Frost one-shot several of Piccolo’s duplicates with a series of energy beams while in his Final Form (DBS E34: 11:44)
- Frost one-shot Piccolo’s duplicates with a wave of energy while in his Final Form (DBS E34: 11:58)
- Frost blew a hole through Piccolo’s abdomen with a blast of energy while in his Final Form (DBS E34: 14:25)
- Vegeta stated that a beam of energy from Piccolo was a feeble attack (DBS E34: 10:25)
Standard Equipment
Weighted Clothing
- Removed his weighted clothing before fighting Final Form Frost (DBS E34: 08:35)
- Purposely allowed Frost to shoot him in the leg in order to lower his guard (DBS E34: 13:31)
Copy-Vegeta Saga
Powers and Abilities
- Stretched his arm (DBS E42: 16:40)
- Withstood an attack from Beerus (DBS E42: 16:54)
- Goku stated that he would probably lose to Piccolo (DBS E43: 12:38)
Standard Equipment
"Future" Trunks Saga
Powers and Abilities
- Flew into the air (DBS E49: 10:18)
- Sealed something inside of a pitcher with a Mafuba (DBS E64: 12:47)
Standard Equipment
Universe Survival Saga
Powers and Abilities
Air Manipulation
- Created a shockwave with a punch (DBS E88: 08:38)
- Created a fissure with a swing of his arm (DBS E88: 15:12)
Body Control
- Projected a blast of energy from his severed hand (DBS E88: 18:29)
Breath Attack
- Projected a blast of energy from his mouth (DBS E119: 10:44)
- Created several duplicates of himself with a Shishin no Ken (DBS E88: 17:53)
- Stretched his arms toward Gohan (DBS E88: 15:18)
Energy Projection
- Projected a blast of energy from his hand (DBS E88: 18:05)
- Projected a beam of energy from his fingertips with a Makankosappo (DBS E97: 15:17)
Enhanced Senses
- Dodged a barrage of attacks from Damom despite being unable to see him (DBS E119: 14:10)
Explosion Manipulation
- Created an explosion with a barrage of energy blasts (DBS E103: 16:22)
- Sensed Vegeta’s ki (DBS E92: 12:15)
- Levitated in the air (DBS E88: 03:05)
Light Manipulation
- Generated light with a blast of energy (DBS E88: 18:29)
- Regenerated his severed arm (DBS E88: 18:33)
Stealth Mastery
- Implied that he could suppress his energy (DBS E106: 05:25)
Resistance to Empathic Manipulation
- Unaffected by the Kamikaze Fireball’s Ai no Hikari (DBS E102: 09:50)
Temperature Manipulation
- Melted Kachi Katchin with a series of energy beams (DBS E106: 10:37)
- Blocked an attack from Damom (DBS E119: 12:38)
- Blocked a barrage of attacks from Damom (DBS E119: 12:40)
- Blocked a barrage of attacks from Damom (DBS E119: 14:04)
- Dodged a barrage of attacks from Damom (DBS E119: 14:10)
- Dodged an attack from Damom (DBS E119: 14:17)
- Dodged an attack from Damom (DBS E119: 14:21)
- Dodged a series of attacks from Damom (DBS E119: 14:24)
- Withstood an attack from Damom (DBS E119: 14:42)
- Dodged a barrage of attacks from Damom (DBS E119: 14:43)
- Withstood a barrage of attacks from Damom (DBS E119: 15:03)
- Dodged a blast of energy from Dium (DBS E99:10:07)
- Dodged a kick from Dyrasem (DBS E102: 10:25)
- Harmed Gamisalas with a punch (DBS E119: 10:17)
- Dodged a barrage of attacks from Gamisalas (DBS E119: 10:26)
- Harmed Gamisalas with a kick (DBS E119: 10:29)
- Harmed Gamisalas with a blast of energy (DBS E119: 10:30)
- Harmed Gamisalas with an attack (DBS E119: 10:33)
- Stated that Gamisalas was kind of pathetic without his invisibility (DBS E119: 10:39)
- Harmed Gamisalas with a blast of energy (DBS E119: 10:44)
- Intercepted a concentrated beam of energy from Harmira reflected by Prum (DBS E106: 04:23)
- Dodged a concentrated beam of energy from Harmira reflected by Prum (DBS E106: 08:16)
- Intercepted a beam of energy from Harmira reflected by Prum (DBS E106: 08:36)
- Damaged the Kachi Katchin stage with a punch (DBS E106: 06:53)
- Destroyed a boulder of Kachi Katchin with a blast of energy (DBS E106: 07:28)
- Dodged a blast of energy from Super Saiyan 2 Kefla (DBS E116: 16:39)
- Deflected a blast of energy from Pilina (DBS E111: 08:11)
- Dodged a barrage of energy blasts from Pilina (DBS E115: 06:03)
- Withstood a punch from Pilina (DBS E118: 05:07)
- Clashed with Pilina (DBS E118: 08:15)
- Clashed with Pilina (DBS E118: 08:16)
- Harmed Pilina with a Makankosappo (DBS E118: 11:47)
- Pierced Pilina with a Makankosappo (DBS E118: 17:37)
- Destroyed an orb from Prum with an attack (DBS E106: 08:31)
- Withstood a punch from Rubalt (DBS E103: 14:19)
- Withstood a barrage of punches from Rubalt (DBS E103: 16:02)
- Harmed Rubalt with a barrage of energy blasts (DBS E103: 16:22)
- Harmed Rubalt with a blast of energy (DBS E103: 16:42)
- Traded blows with Saonel (DBS E112: 05:09)
- Blocked and dodged a series of punches from Saonel (DBS E112: 05:11)
- Withstood a kick from Saonel (DBS E112: 05:15)
- Harmed Saonel with a blast of energy (DBS E112: 05:19)
- Dodged a barrage of energy blasts from Saonel (DBS E115: 06:03)
- Pierced Saonel with a Makankosappo (DBS E118: 17:37)
- Dodged a punch and blocked a kick from Gohan (DBS E88: 03:04)
- Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Gohan (DBS E88: 03:05)
- Harmed Gohan with a kick (DBS E88: 03:14)
- Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Super Saiyan Gohan (DBS E88: 05:20)
- Harmed Super Saiyan Gohan with a punch (DBS E88: 05:24)
- Blocked a barrage of attacks from Super Saiyan Gohan (DBS E88: 08:36)
- Harmed Super Saiyan Gohan with a punch (DBS E88: 08:38)
- Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (DBS E88: 14:55)
- Withstood a kick from Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (DBS E88: 15:05)
- Dodged a kick from Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (DBS E88: 15:11)
- Strangled Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (DBS E88: 15:18)
- Harmed Potential Unleashed Gohan with a blast of energy (DBS E88: 18:30)
- Was stated to be top-notch by Gohan (DBS E108: 05:41)
- Matched Goku with a Chobakuretsumaha (DBS E90: 08:47)
- Was stated to be one of the ten mightiest warriors in Universe 7 (DBS E89: 20:45)
- Harmed Xiangca with a blast of energy (DBS E119: 13:41)
- Botamo tanked a Kienzan from Krillin, a Kamehameha from MAX Power Roshi, a Makankosappo from Piccolo, and a series of energy blasts from Gohan alongside Comfrey, Dercori, Lavender, and Shosa (DBS E97: 15:17)
- Comfrey tanked a Kienzan from Krillin, a Kamehameha from MAX Power Roshi, a Makankosappo from Piccolo, and a series of energy blasts from Gohan alongside Botamo, Dercori, Lavender, and Shosa (DBS E97: 15:17)
- Dercori tanked a Kienzan from Krillin, a Kamehameha from MAX Power Roshi, a Makankosappo from Piccolo, and a series of energy blasts from Gohan alongside Comfrey, Botamo, Lavender, and Shosa (DBS E97: 15:17)
- Harmira blew off Piccolo’s arm with a concentrated beam of energy reflected by Prum (DBS E106: 05:35)
- Harmira blew off both of Piccolo’s arms with a concentrated beam of energy reflected by Prum (DBS E106: 08:36)
- Lavender tanked a Kienzan from Krillin, a Kamehameha from MAX Power Roshi, a Makankosappo from Piccolo, and a series of energy blasts from Gohan alongside Comfrey, Dercori, Botamo, and Shosa (DBS E97: 15:17)
- Pilina dissipated a blast of energy from Piccolo with a blast of energy (DBS E112: 05:22)
- Pilina dodged a blast of energy from Piccolo (DBS E118: 08:20)
- Pilina tanked a barrage of energy blasts from Piccolo (DBS E118: 08:28)
- Pilina knocked Piccolo unconscious with a blast of energy (DBS E118: 11:55)
- Rubalt dodged a blast of energy from Piccolo (DBS E103: 16:05)
- Shosa tanked a Kienzan from Krillin, a Kamehameha from MAX Power Roshi, a Makankosappo from Piccolo, and a series of energy blasts from Gohan alongside Comfrey, Dercori, Lavender, and Botamo (DBS E97: 15:17)
- Gohan dodged an attack from Piccolo (DBS E88: 03:13)
- Gohan blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Piccolo while in his Super Saiyan 2 Form (DBS E88: 14:55)
- Gohan blocked a kick from Piccolo while in his Super Saiyan 2 Form (DBS E88: 15:08)
- Gohan dodged an attack from Piccolo while in his Super Saiyan 2 Form (DBS E88: 15:18)
- Gohan one-shot Piccolo’s clone with a kick while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS E88: 18:01)
- Gohan one-shot Piccolo’s clone with a punch while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS E88: 18:02)
- Gohan one-shot Piccolo’s clones with an attack while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS E88: 18:03)
- Gohan dodged a punch from Piccolo’s clone and one-shot him with a kick while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS E88: 18:04)
- Gohan deflected a series of energy blasts from Piccolo’s clones while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS E88: 18:05)
- Gohan cut off Piccolo’s arm with an attack while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS E88: 18:09)
- Champa stated that Piccolo was weaker than Goku (DBS E103: 08:46)
Standard Equipment
- Implied that he was warming up against Gohan (DBS E88: 14:19)
- Removed his weighted clothing against Dium (DBS E99: 10:06)
Broly Saga
Powers and Abilities
- Sensed Frieza’s and Broly’s ki (DBS Broly: 1:10:30)
- Spoke into Goku’s mind (DBS Broly: 1:10:27)
- Stated that he would just be in the way if he went to fight Ikari State Broly (DBS Broly: 1:10:48)
Standard Equipment
Super Hero Saga
- Levitated a small mountaintop into the air (DBS SH: 15:37)
- Brought down a massive metal pipe on Cell Max while in his Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:19:56)
Powers and Abilities
Air Manipulation
- Created a shockwave with a punch alongside Gamma 2 (DBS SH: 1:00:50)
- Created a set of weighted clothing around Gohan (DBS SH: 17:57)
- Stretched his arm towards Cell Max (DBS SH: 1:26:33)
Electricity Manipulation
- Created sparks of electricity with a Makankosappo(DBS SH: 1:01:07)
Enhanced Senses
- Heard a phone ringing while at the top of a mountain (DBS SH: 15:31)
Energy Projection
- Projected a barrage of energy blasts from his hands (DBS SH: 21:07)
- Projected a beam of energy from his fingertip with a Makankosappo (DBS SH: 1:01:07)
Explosion Manipulation
- Created explosions with a barrage of energy blasts (DBS SH: 21:07)
- Implied that he should be able to sense Gamma 2’s ki (DBS SH: 20:01)
- Flew down from the top of a mountain (DBS SH: 15:50)
Large Size
- Became comparable in size to Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:19:40)
Light Manipulation
- Generated light while transforming into his Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:02:11)
- Regenerated his severed arm (DBS SH: 1:27:05)
Size Manipulation
- Increased the size of his body (DBS SH: 1:19:40)
- Levitated a small mountaintop into the air (DBS SH: 15:37)
- Transformed into his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 59:40)
- Transformed into his Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:02:11)
- Harmed Cell Max with a kick while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 1:12:19)
- Harmed Cell Max with a blast of energy while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 1:13:41)
- Dodged a barrage of energy beams from Cell Max while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 1:13:58)
- Intercepted and matched a stomp from Cell Max while in his Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:18:51)
- Harmed Cell Max with an attack while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:19:56)
- Withstood a punch from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:21:10)
- Harmed Cell Max with a kick while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:21:18)
- Harmed Cell Max with a kick while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:21:20)
- Harmed Cell Max with a kick while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:21:21)
- Withstood a punch from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:21:24)
- Withstood an attack from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:21:25)
- Withstood a series of attacks from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:21:26)
- Withstood an attack from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:21:27)
- Withstood an attack from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:21:28)
- Dodged an attack from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:21:34)
- Harmed Cell Max with a blast of energy while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:21:36)
- Matched Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:22:53)
- Withstood an attack from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:22:55)
- Withstood a punch from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:22:56)
- Withstood an attack from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:22:57)
- Withstood an attack from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:22:58)
- Withstood an attack from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:23:00)
- Withstood an attack from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form, though was bleeding (DBS SH: 1:23:04)
- Harmed Cell Max with a punch and withstood a punch from him while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:23:16)
- Withstood an attack from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form, though was bleeding (DBS SH: 1:23:23)
- Withstood an attack from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:23:24)
- Withstood a punch from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form, though was bleeding (DBS SH: 1:23:25)
- Withstood an attack from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form, though was bleeding (DBS SH: 1:23:32)
- Withstood a kick from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form, though was bleeding (DBS SH: 1:23:33)
- Withstood a series of attacks from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:23:34)
- Withstood a punch from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form, though was bleeding (DBS SH: 1:23:35)
- Withstood an attack from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:24:05)
- Withstood a kick from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:24:06)
- Withstood an attack from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form, though was bleeding (DBS SH: 1:24:07)
- Caught an attack from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:24:08)
- Harmed Cell Max with an attack while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:24:10)
- Withstood a barrage of attacks from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:24:15)
- Withstood an attack from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:24:29)
- Withstood a punch from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form, though was bleeding (DBS SH: 1:24:30)
- Withstood an attack from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:24:35)
- Withstood a barrage of energy blasts from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:24:36)
- Restrained Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:26:33)
- Withstood a kick from Cell Max while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:26:48)
- Withstood a barrage of energy blasts from Gamma 2 (DBS SH: 18:35)
- Dodged a punch from Gamma 2 (DBS SH: 20:33)
- Harmed Gamma 2 with a punch (DBS SH: 20:34)
- Harmed Gamma 2 with a kick (DBS SH: 20:35)
- Withstood a punch from Gamma 2 (DBS SH: 20:37)
- Withstood a kick from Gamma 2 (DBS SH: 20:41)
- Withstood an attack from Gamma 2 (DBS SH: 20:59)
- Withstood an attack from Gamma 2 (DBS SH: 21:01)
- Harmed Gamma 2 with an attack (DBS SH: 21:03)
- Harmed Gamma 2 with a kick (DBS SH: 21:04)
- Dodged a blast of energy from Gamma 2 (DBS SH: 21:14)
- Caught a punch from Gamma 2 while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 59:55)
- Harmed Gamma 2 with an attack while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 59:56)
- Harmed Gamma 2 with a punch while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 59:57)
- Clashed with Gamma 2 while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 1:00:48)
- Withstood a punch from Gamma 2 while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 1:00:49)
- Withstood a kick from Gamma 2 and blocked a punch from him while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 1:00:50)
- Withstood a punch from Gamma 2 while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 1:00:51)
- Withstood a kick from Gamma 2 while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 1:01:29)
- Harmed Gamma 2 with a kick while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 1:01:33)
- Dodged an attack from Gamma 2 while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 1:01:36)
- Withstood a punch from Gamma 2 while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 1:01:37)
- Withstood a kick from Gamma 2 while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 1:01:38)
- Dodged a punch from Gamma 2 while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 1:01:39)
- Harmed Gamma 2 with an attack while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 1:01:40)
- Withstood a punch from Gamma 2 while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 1:01:51)
- Withstood a punch from Gamma 2 while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 1:01:52)
- Withstood a punch from Gamma 2 while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 1:01:53)
- Withstood an attack from Gamma 2 while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 1:02:00)
- Tanked a punch from Gamma 2 while in his Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:02:42)
- Tanked a series of punches from Gamma 2 while in his Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:02:45)
- Tanked a series of punches from Gamma 2 while in his Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:02:46)
- Tanked a barrage of punches from Gamma 2 while in his Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:02:47)
- Knocked Gamma 2 unconscious with a punch while in his Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:02:55)
- His ki was stated to have gone through the roof while in his Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:08:36)
- Stated that his strength wasn’t much different than before while in his Giant Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:20:12)
- Harmed Pan with an attack (DBS SH: 13:28)
- Knocked a soldier unconscious with a series of attacks (DBS SH: 22:12)
- Tanked a barrage of gunshots from several soldiers while in his Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:03:13)
- Harmed Gohan with a punch (DBS SH: 17:51)
- His ki was stated to have gone through the roof by Gohan while in his Orange Form (DBS SH: 1:08:36)
- Gamma 2 stated that Cell Max’s self-destruction would kill any of them who triggered it (DBS SH: 1:12:54)
- Cell Max tanked a blast of energy from Potential Unleashed Piccolo (DBS SH: 1:13:13)
- Cell Max tanked a barrage of energy blasts from Potential Unleashed Piccolo (DBS SH: 1:17:25)
- Krillin stated that Cell Max was going to kill Giant Orange Piccolo during their fight (DBS SH: 1:23:28)
- Cell Max blew off Giant Orange Piccolo’s arm with a blast of energy (DBS SH: 1:24:13)
- Gamma 2 stated that he was disappointed by Piccolo (DBS SH: 20:53)
- Gamma 2 dodged a punch from Piccolo (DBS SH: 20:57)
- Gamma 2 blocked a punch from Piccolo (DBS SH: 20:58)
- Gamma 2 dodged a barrage of energy blasts from Piccolo (DBS SH: 21:07)
- Gamma 2 stated that Piccolo was a big disappointment (DBS SH: 24:54)
- Gamma 2 stated that Potential Unleashed Piccolo was still no match for him (DBS SH: 1:00:23)
- Gamma 2 blocked a kick from Potential Unleashed Piccolo (DBS SH: 1:00:49)
- Gamma 2 blocked a punch from Potential Unleashed Piccolo (DBS SH: 1:00:51)
- Stated that he still couldn’t keep up with Gamma 2 while in his Potential Unleashed Form (DBS SH: 1:00:54)
- Gamma 2 blocked a Makankosappo from Potential Unleashed Piccolo with a barrier (DBS SH: 1:01:07)
- Pan dodged a kick from Piccolo (DBS SH: 13:25)
- Gohan blocked an attack from Piccolo (DBS SH: 17:47)
Standard Equipment
- Removed his weighted clothing against Gamma 2 (DBS SH: 20:56)
Peaceful World Saga
Powers and Abilities
Enhanced Senses
- Supposedly overheard Goku and Vegeta’s conversation (DBZ E290: 09:56)
- Stated that there wasn’t any way he could fight against Goku anymore (DBZ E289: 16:48)
Standard Equipment