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Gosunkugi Capture Mission arc
- Survived a large fall (Naruto E161: 15:09)
Powers and Abilities
Martial Arts
- Charged towards Guy and Lee in an attempt to tackle them, with a Super Excellent Great Hyper Attack (Naruto E161: 19:25)
- Withstood a punch from Mondai (Naruto E161: 03:47)
- Withstood a punch from Mondai (Naruto E161: 04:21)
- Guy overpowered a Super Excellent Great Hyper Attack from Mondai and Potcha and one-shot them with a Double Dynamic Entry alongside Lee (Naruto E161: 19:25)
- Lee overpowered a Super Excellent Great Hyper Attack from Mondai and Potcha and one-shot them with a Double Dynamic Entry alongside Guy (Naruto E161: 19:25)
Standard Equipment