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Soul Society: The Sneak Entry arc
- His Reishukaku barrier tanked impacting into the Seireitei’s barrier (Bleach E25: 18:14)
- Created an explosion with his Reishukaku barrier (Bleach E26: 19:28)
- Swung Hanataro around before launching him into the air (Bleach E40: 05:33)
- Threw Hanataro into the air (Bleach E40: 20:59)
Powers and Abilities
- Flipped over Ichigo before kicking him in the back (Bleach E23: 18:40)
Damage Reduction
- Turned the ground to sand, landing in it and breaking his fall with a Seppa (Bleach E26: 04:16)
Energy Manipulation
- Channeled his Reiryoku into a Reishukaku, creating a barrier around himself (Bleach E24: 04:45)
Enhanced Senses
- Could see and interact with Ichigo’s group (Bleach E22: 16:05)
Explosion Manipulation
- Created an explosion after his Reishukaku barrier was cut (Bleach E26: 19:28)
- Threw a handful of exploding fireworks at Yumichika with a Senpen Banka (Bleach E28: 05:39)
- Sensed that Ikkaku and Yumichika had greater spiritual powers than the average Shinigami (Bleach E26: 08:48)
- Levitated in the air within his Reishukaku barrier (Bleach E26: 18:28)
Forcefield Creation
- Channeled his Reiryoku into a Reishukaku, creating a barrier around himself (Bleach E24: 04:45)
Light Manipulation
- Generated light with his Reiryoku (Bleach E24: 04:45)
Non-Physical Interaction
- Patted Ichigo’s cheek (Bleach E22: 16:23)
Sand Manipulation
- Turned the ground underneath Ichigo’s Zanpakuto into quicksand with a Seppa (Bleach E22: 19:55)
- Slammed the palm of his hand onto the ground, turning the ground several feet underneath the surface that he touched into sand, with a Renkan Seppa Sen (Bleach E28: 08:09)
Smoke Manipulation
- Created a cloud of chili pepper smoke, irritating Yumichika’s eyes (Bleach E27: 14:14)
Status Effect Inducement
- Created a cloud of chili pepper smoke, irritating Yumichika’s eyes (Bleach E27: 14:14)
- Turned the ground underneath Ichigo’s Zanpakuto into quicksand with a Seppa (Bleach E22: 19:55)
- Turned the ground to sand, landing in it and breaking his fall with a Seppa (Bleach E26: 04:16)
- Slammed the palm of his hand onto the ground, turning the ground several feet underneath the surface that he touched into sand, with a Renkan Seppa Sen (Bleach E28: 08:09)
Vector Manipulation
- Stated that the second spell of the Kakaku Shaho Niban: Nagizaki controls the acceleration and axis adjustment of the fired projectile (Bleach E25: 13:09)
- His Reishukaku barrier tanked an attack from Yumichika (Bleach E26: 18:36)
- Dodged an attack from a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika (Bleach E27: 13:41)
- Dodged an attack from a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika (Bleach E27: 13:43)
- Dodged an attack from a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika (Bleach E27: 17:58)
- Dodged an attack from a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika (Bleach E27: 18:02)
- Dodged an attack from a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika (Bleach E28: 03:53)
- Harmed a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika with an explosion (Bleach E28: 05:28)
- Cut a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika’s cheek with a Senpen Banka (Bleach E28: 05:39)
- Withstood a kick from a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika (Bleach E28: 06:03)
- Dodged an attack from a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika (Bleach E28: 06:25)
- Was stated to be tough by a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika (Bleach E28: 06:30)
- Yumichika stated that he marveled at Ganju’s physical strength (Bleach E28: 06:41)
- Defeated a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika with an explosion (Bleach E28: 08:44)
- Withstood an attack from Bonnie (Bleach E23: 02:04)
- Withstood an attack from Bonnie (Bleach E23: 02:31)
- Withstood the explosion of his Reishukaku barrier (Bleach E26: 19:28)
- Withstood a punch from Ichigo (Bleach E22: 16:37)
- Harmed Ichigo with a tackle (Bleach E22: 17:47)
- Withstood a kick from Ichigo (Bleach E22: 18:18)
- Clashed with Ichigo (Bleach E22: 19:46)
- Harmed Ichigo with a kick (Bleach E22: 20:12)
- Withstood a punch from Ichigo (Bleach E22: 20:21)
- Was stated to be pretty tough by Ichigo (Bleach E22: 20:29)
- Withstood a punch from Ichigo (Bleach E22: 20:36)
- Harmed Ichigo with a punch (Bleach E22: 20:38)
- Withstood an attack from Ichigo (Bleach E22: 20:39)
- Withstood a series of punches from Ichigo (Bleach E22: 20:41)
- Withstood a punch from Ichigo (Bleach E22: 20:44)
- Withstood a series of punches from Ichigo (Bleach E22: 20:45)
- Withstood an attack from Ichigo (Bleach E22: 20:46)
- Dodged a kick from Ichigo (Bleach E22: 20:49)
- Harmed Ichigo with a punch and withstood a punch from him (Bleach E23: 17:58)
- Withstood an attack from Ichigo (Bleach E23: 18:05)
- Withstood an attack from Ichigo (Bleach E23: 18:07)
- Harmed Ichigo with a kick (Bleach E23: 18:15)
- Withstood an attack from Ichigo (Bleach E23: 18:25)
- Blocked a series of punches from Ichigo (Bleach E23: 18:32)
- Harmed Ichigo with a punch and blocked a series of punches from him (Bleach E23: 18:33)
- Blocked a punch from Ichigo and withstood an attack from him (Bleach E23: 18:34)
- Harmed Ichigo with a punch (Bleach E23: 18:38)
- Harmed Ichigo with a kick (Bleach E23: 18:41)
- Harmed Ichigo with a kick (Bleach E23: 18:44)
- Withstood a kick from Ichigo (Bleach E26: 04:41)
- Knocked Ichigo unconsciouss with a punch (Bleach E34: 09:55)
- Withstood a blast of fire from Kukaku (Bleach E23: 18:54)
- Withstood a kick from Kukaku (Bleach E24: 03:19)
- Withstood an attack from Kukaku (Bleach E24: 04:40)
- Withstood a punch from Kukaku (Bleach E24: 18:16)
- One-shot a Shinigami with an attack (Bleach E40: 12:33)
- Stated that Hanataro was just a weakling (Bleach E40: 20:38)
- Yoruichi stated that the members of Ichigo’s group should not think and just run, if they encountered any Captains (Bleach E25: 10:40)
- Ikakku stated that Ganju ran because Ikkaku’s and Yumichika’s strength was greater than his (Bleach E26: 09:50)
- Yumichika cut into Ganju’s Reishukaku barrier with an attack after releasing Fuji Kujaku (Bleach E26: 19:17)
- Yumichika tanked the explosion of Ganju’s Reishukaku barrier after releasing Fuji Kujaku (Bleach E26: 19:28)
- Ichigo stated that Ganju probably couldn’t handle Yumichika on his own (Bleach E28: 02:06)
- Yumichika wounded Ganju off-screen after releasing Fuji Kujaku (Bleach E28: 03:07)
- Yumichika blitzed Ganju with a Shunpo after releasing Fuji Kujaku (Bleach E28: 07:02)
- Stated that he couldn’t dodge a Fuji Kujaku-released Yumichika (Bleach E28: 07:08)
- Yumichika wounded Ganju with an attack after releasing Fuji Kujaku (Bleach E28: 07:09)
- Yoruichi stated that the members of Ichigo’s group should not think and just run, if they encountered any Captains (Bleach E25: 10:40)
- Yoruichi stated that the members of Ichigo’s group should not think and just run, if they encountered any Captains (Bleach E25: 10:40)
- Yoruichi stated that the members of Ichigo’s group should not think and just run, if they encountered any Captains (Bleach E25: 10:40)
- Yoruichi stated that the members of Ichigo’s group should not think and just run, if they encountered any Captains (Bleach E25: 10:40)
- Stated that there was no way he and Hanataro could win against Byakuya (Bleach E40: 18:37)
- Ganju stated that there was no way he and Hanataro could handle Byakuya (Bleach E40: 19:53)
- Byakuya stated that Ganju was only a tick (Bleach E41: 09:55)
- Rukia stated that Ganju would be killed by Byakuya (Bleach E41: 10:08)
- Byakuya was stated to be a superior power by Ganju (Bleach E41: 10:34)
- Byakuya blitzed Ganju (Bleach E41: 10:54)
- Byakuya wounded Ganju with an attack (Bleach E41: 10:59)
- Byakuya wounded Ganju with an attack after releasing Senbonzakura (Bleach E41: 12:24)
- Ichigo blocked an attack from Ganju (Bleach E22: 20:18)
- Ichigo dodged a punch from Ganju (Bleach E22: 20:35)
- Ichigo blocked a punch from Ganju (Bleach E22: 20:40)
- Ichigo dodged a punch from Ganju (Bleach E22: 20:41)
- Ichigo blocked a series of punches from Ganju (Bleach E22: 20:42)
- Ichigo blocked a series of punches from Ganju (Bleach E22: 20:43)
- Ichigo blocked a series of punches from Ganju (Bleach E22: 20:44)
- Ichigo blocked and dodged a series of punches from Ganju (Bleach E22: 20:45)
- Ichigo stated that he was probably the strongest in his group (Bleach E27: 20:22)
- Yoruichi stated that the members of Ichigo’s group should not think and just run, if they encountered any Captains (Bleach E25: 10:40)
- Yoruichi stated that the members of Ichigo’s group should not think and just run, if they encountered any Captains (Bleach E25: 10:40)
- Ikakku stated that Ganju ran because Ikkaku’s and Yumichika’s strength was greater than his (Bleach E26: 09:50)
- Yoruichi stated that the members of Ichigo’s group should not think and just run, if they encountered any Captains (Bleach E25: 10:40)
- Yoruichi stated that the members of Ichigo’s group should not think and just run, if they encountered any Captains (Bleach E25: 10:40)
- Yoruichi stated that the members of Ichigo’s group should not think and just run, if they encountered any Captains (Bleach E25: 10:40)
- Yoruichi stated that the members of Ichigo’s group should not think and just run, if they encountered any Captains (Bleach E25: 10:40)
- Yoruichi stated that the members of Ichigo’s group should not think and just run, if they encountered any Captains (Bleach E25: 10:40)
- Yoruichi stated that the members of Ichigo’s group should not think and just run, if they encountered any Captains (Bleach E25: 10:40)
- Kenpachi’s Reiatsu was stated to be impossibly powerful by Ganju (Bleach E35: 21:12)
Standard Equipment
- Was shown to be 182cm tall (Bleach E28: 03:02)
Soul Society: The Rescue arc
Powers and Abilities
Enhanced Senses
- Could see Uryu (Bleach E51: 04:50)
- Withstood a kick from Kukaku (Bleach E63: 11:12)
- Withstood a kick from Kukaku (Bleach E63: 11:14)
- Withstood a kick from Kukaku (Bleach E63: 11:34)
- Withstood a kick from Kukaku (Bleach E63: 11:35)
- Withstood a series of kicks from Kukaku (Bleach E63: 11:36)
- Withstood a kick from Kukaku (Bleach E63: 11:37)
- Yoruichi stated that no one back at the Senzaikyu had any chance against Byakuya (Bleach E42: 17:21)
- Yoruichi stated that back at the Senzaikyu, no one there had any chance of defeating Byakuya (Bleach E42: 17:55)
- Uryu stated that there wasn’t much they could do to help a Tensa Zangetsu-released Ichigo against a Senbonzakura Kageyoshi-released Byakuya (Bleach E59: 07:13)
- Uryu stated that there wasn’t much they could do to help a Tensa Zangetsu-released Ichigo against a Senbonzakura Kageyoshi-released Byakuya (Bleach E59: 07:13)
Standard Equipment
The Bount arc
Powers and Abilities
Astral Projection
- Ejected his soul from his Gigai with a Gikongan (Bleach E78: 11:12)
Enhanced Senses
- Could see Ichigo (Bleach E73: 19:08)
Explosion Manipulation
- Created an explosion with a firework (Bleach E73: 20:01)
- Threw a handful of fireworks at Ichigo, creating a series of explosions with a Senpen Banka (Bleach E78: 16:32)
- Stated that he sensed a gloomy Reiatsu coming from somewhere in Karakura Town (Bleach E78: 10:16)
Non-Physical Interaction
- Grabbed Ichigo (Bleach E78: 15:30)
Sand Manipulation
- Created a hole in a wall turning it into sand with a Seppa (Bleach E73: 18:54)
- Created a hole in a wall turning it into sand with a Seppa (Bleach E73: 18:54)
- Stated that with the state that Ichigo was in, even he could easily take him on (Bleach E78: 16:10)
- Harmed Ichigo with a Senpen Banka (Bleach E78: 16:32)
Standard Equipment