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This template can be used as it is to display tabs in the subpages of an article, but it's recommended to create another template to easily modify it if necessary.

|minwidth = 
|maxwidth = 
|tab1     = 
|tab2     =            |title2 = 
|tab3     =            |title3 = 
|tab4     =            |title4 = 
|tab5     =            |title5 = 
|tab6     =            |title6 = 
|tab7     =            |title7 = 
|tab8     =            |title8 = 
|tab9     =            |title9 = 
|tab10    =            |title10 =
|tab11    =            |title11 =
|tab12    =            |title12 =
|tab13    =            |title13 =
|tab14    =            |title14 =
|tab15    =            |title15 =
|tab16    =            |title16 =
|tab17    =            |title17 =
|tab18    =            |title18 =

All parameters, except tab1, are optional.
minwidth - min. width of tabs, in em; default: 5.0em;
maxwidth - max. width of tabs, in em; default: 12.0em;
tab1 - an arbitrary title of the first tab;
tab2 - title of the second tab; it must correspond to the part after "/" of the name of the page, to which it links
tab3, tab4, tab5, tab6, tab7, tab8, tab9 - like tab2
title2 - the title you want to display in the tab. title3, title4, title5, title6, title7, title8, title9 - like title2