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Articles about Tien Shinhan
Dragon Ball AnimeMystical Adventure



Powers and Abilities


Tao Pai Pai (Pre-BoS)

  • Withstood an attack from Tao Pai Pai (DB E136: 04:49)
  • Withstood an attack from Tao Pai Pai (DB E136: 04:58)
  • Withstood a Dodonpa from Tao Pai Pai (DB E136: 05:16)


Standard Equipment



Fortuneteller Baba Saga


Powers and Abilities


InoShikaCho (Fortuneteller Baba Saga)

  • Dodged an attack from InoShikaCho (DB E82: 06:33)
  • Harmed InoShikaCho with a kick (DB E82: 06:35)

Son Goku (Fortuneteller Baba Saga)

  • Was stated to be really fast by Goku (DB E82: 06:40)


Son Goku (Fortuneteller Baba Saga)

  • Goku dodged a barrage of attacks from Tien (DB E82: 09:14)
  • Goku dodged a kick from Tien (DB E82: 09:38)

Standard Equipment



Tien Shinhan Saga



  • Vaporized the tournament stage with a Kikoho (DB E100: 18:23)

Powers and Abilities

Accelerated Development

  • Performed the Kamehameha after it was used against him by Yamcha (DB E94: 16:39)
  • Stated that he could use techniques such as the Kamehameha after seeing them only once (DB E94: 17:51)


  • Flipped over Yamcha (DB E87: 18:50)

Additional Limbs

  • Grew two extra arms from his back with a Shiyoken (DB E99: 19:44)

Afterimage Creation

  • Created an afterimage of himself (DB E98: 13:04)

Attack Reflection

  • Reflected Yamcha’s Kamehameha back at him (DB E88: 09:28)
  • Roshi stated that the Kamehameha itself doesn’t work on Tien regardless of size (DB E101: 05:40)


  • Created an aura of ki around his body (DB E88: 10:15)
  • Caused the furniture within a room to shake with his aura (DB E97: 08:54)

Damage Boost

  • Concentrated all of the energy within his body into his hands to fire his Kikoho (DB E100: 17:56)


  • Grew two extra arms from his back with a Shiyoken (DB E99: 19:44)

Electricity Manipulation

  • Created sparks of electricity while charging his Kikoho (DB E100: 17:52)

Energy Projection

  • Projected a wave of energy from his hands with a Kamehameha (DB E94: 16:39)
  • Projected a beam of energy from his fingertip with a Dodonpa (DB E97: 18:01)
  • Projected a blast of energy from his hands with a Kikoho (DB E100: 18:23)

Enhanced Senses

  • Scanned three different directions simultaneously with his eyes (DB E93: 16:25)

Extrasensory Perception

  • Sensed the enormous energy of Yamcha’s Kamehameha (DB E88: 09:16)


  • Levitated in the air with Bukujutsu (DB E89: 06:45)

Light Manipulation

  • Created a flash of light with a Taiyoken, blinding Roshi (DB E94: 08:30)

Martial Arts

  • Moved his arms fast enough that they disappeared before delivering 20 blows per breath with a Rekka Kosokuken (DB E99: 05:15)

Power Mimicry

  • Performed the Kamehameha after it was used against him by Yamcha (DB E94: 16:39)
  • Stated that he could use techniques such as the Kamehameha after seeing them only once (DB E94: 17:51)

Pressure Points

  • Landed 20 punches per breath to Goku’s vital points with a Rekka Kosokuken (DB E99: 06:31)


  • Spoke to Chiaotzu telepathically (DB E99: 10:55)


Crane Hermit (Tien Shinhan Saga)

  • Was stated to be amazing by the Crane Hermit (DB E88: 14:35)
  • Blocked an attack from the Crane Hermit (DB E91: 19:06)

Krillin (Tien Shinhan Saga)

  • Stated that fighting Krillin would be a piece of cake (DB E96: 10:22)

Muten Roshi (Tien Shinhan Saga)

  • Withstood an attack from Roshi (DB E93: 13:12)
  • Blocked an attack from Roshi (DB E93: 13:14)
  • Traded blows with Roshi (DB E93: 14:33)
  • Withstood a barrage of attacks from Roshi (DB E93: 15:54)
  • Harmed Roshi with a kick (DB E93: 16:58)
  • Withstood an attack from Roshi (DB E93: 18:08)
  • Withstood a kick from Roshi (DB E93: 18:12)
  • Harmed Roshi with a barrage of kicks (DB E93: 18:35)
  • Strangled Roshi (DB E93: 18:40)
  • Withstood an attack from Roshi (DB E93: 18:50)
  • Harmed Roshi with a punch (DB E93: 19:00)
  • Drew blood from Roshi with a punch (DB E93: 19:02)
  • Withstood a punch from Roshi (DB E93: 19:08)
  • Traded blows with Roshi (DB E93: 19:13)
  • Was stated to possess unimaginable strength by Roshi (DB E93: 20:13)
  • Matched a kick from Roshi with an attack (DB E94: 03:25)
  • Caught an attack from Roshi (DB E94: 03:30)
  • Dodged an attack from Roshi (DB E94: 03:37)
  • Harmed Roshi with a kick (DB E94: 04:01)
  • Harmed Roshi with a kick (DB E94: 04:10)
  • Harmed Roshi with a headbutt (DB E94: 06:26)
  • Harmed Roshi with a headbutt (DB E94: 06:27)
  • Harmed Roshi with a headbutt (DB E94: 06:28)
  • Harmed Roshi with a headbutt (DB E94: 06:29)
  • Harmed Roshi with a headbutt (DB E94: 06:36)
  • Harmed Roshi with a headbutt (DB E94: 06:37)
  • Harmed Roshi with a headbutt (DB E94: 06:38)
  • Harmed Roshi with a headbutt (DB E94: 06:39)
  • Harmed Roshi with a headbutt (DB E94: 06:40)
  • Harmed Roshi with a headbutt (DB E94: 06:41)
  • Withstood a headbutt from Roshi (DB E94: 06:58)
  • Knocked Roshi unconscious with an attack (DB E94: 09:16)
  • Blocked a kick from Roshi (DB E94: 13:05)
  • Blocked a kick from Roshi (DB E94: 13:11)
  • Traded blows with Roshi (DB E94: 13:13)
  • Harmed Roshi with a series of attacks (DB E94: 13:55)
  • Roshi stated that he might have lost if he continued to fight Tien (DB E95: 15:38)
  • His Kikoho was stated to be many times more destructive than the Kamehameha by Roshi (DB E100: 15:44)
  • Roshi stated that the Kamehameha pales in comparison to Tien’s Kikoho (DB E100: 19:38)

Nam (Tien Shinhan Saga)

  • Defeated Nam off-screen (DB E86: 17:49)

Son Goku (Tien Shinhan Saga)

  • Was stated to be really good by Goku (DB E85: 16:07)
  • Was stated to be strong by Goku (DB E87: 17:36)
  • Was stated to be really good by Goku (DB E87: 19:45)
  • Was stated to be incredible by Goku (DB E88: 03:40)
  • Blocked a kick from Goku (DB E91: 19:06)
  • Was stated to be really super strong by Goku (DB E93: 12:28)
  • Was stated to be fast by Goku (DB E93: 14:13)
  • Blocked an attack from Goku (DB E97: 17:35)
  • Withstood a punch from Goku (DB E97: 17:40)
  • Harmed Goku with a Dodonpa (DB E97: 18:01)
  • Harmed Goku with an attack (DB E97: 19:18)
  • Harmed Goku with an attack (DB E97: 19:28)
  • Harmed Goku with a barrage of attacks (DB E97: 19:30)
  • Harmed Goku with an attack (DB E97: 20:00)
  • Harmed Goku with a Haikyuken (DB E98: 03:02)
  • Was stated to be really strong by Goku (DB E98: 04:17)
  • Withstood a barrage of punches from Goku (DB E98: 05:09)
  • Withstood a kick from Goku (DB E98: 05:15)
  • Withstood a kick from Goku (DB E98: 05:30)
  • Blocked a punch from Goku (DB E98: 08:35)
  • Blocked an attack from Goku (DB E98: 08:36)
  • Blocked a kick from Goku (DB E98: 08:37)
  • Blocked a punch from Goku (DB E98: 08:38)
  • Blocked a punch from Goku (DB E98: 08:39)
  • Dodged a kick from Goku and withstood a swipe of his tail (DB E98: 08:40)
  • Blocked a punch from Goku (DB E98: 08:47)
  • Withstood a kick from Goku (DB E98: 08:49)
  • Blocked a kick from Goku (DB E98: 08:51)
  • Blocked a kick from Goku (DB E98: 08:52)
  • Blocked a series of punches from Goku (DB E98: 08:53)
  • Harmed Goku with a series of attacks (DB E98: 09:16)
  • Traded blows with Goku (DB E98: 10:42)
  • Harmed Goku with a kick (DB E98: 11:47)
  • Withstood an attack from Goku (DB E98: 12:10)
  • Withstood a punch from Goku (DB E98: 12:11)
  • Harmed Goku with an attack (DB E98: 12:12)
  • Withstood a kick from Goku (DB E98: 12:13)
  • Withstood a kick from Goku (DB E98: 13:17)
  • Was stated to be tough by Goku (DB E98: 14:35)
  • Withstood a punch from Goku (DB E98: 16:07)
  • Harmed Goku with a kick (DB E98: 17:56)
  • Harmed Goku with an attack (DB E98: 19:44)
  • Blocked a barrage of punches from Goku (DB E99: 02:25)
  • Harmed Goku with a kick (DB E99: 02:53)
  • Harmed Goku with a punch (DB E99: 04:12)
  • Harmed Goku with a punch (DB E99: 04:13)
  • Harmed Goku with a Rekka Kosokuken (DB E99: 05:15)
  • Withstood a kick from Goku (DB E99: 06:45)
  • Harmed Goku with a barrage of punches (DB E99: 07:28)
  • Harmed Goku with a punch (DB E99: 07:55)
  • Harmed Goku with a barrage of attacks (DB E99: 08:10)
  • Harmed Goku with a series of attacks (DB E99: 08:24)
  • Harmed Goku with a barrage of kicks (DB E99: 08:54)
  • Harmed Goku with a punch (DB E99: 08:58)
  • Withstood a kick from Goku (DB E99: 17:28)
  • Withstood a kick from Goku (DB E99: 17:33)
  • Withstood a barrage of attacks from Goku (DB E99: 17:38)
  • Withstood a kick from Goku (DB E99: 17:58)
  • Harmed Goku with an attack (DB E100: 03:06)
  • Harmed Goku with a punch (DB E100: 03:33)
  • Restrained Goku (DB E100: 04:03)
  • Harmed Goku with a headbutt (DB E100: 04:21)
  • Harmed Goku with a headbutt (DB E100: 04:27)
  • Harmed Goku with a headbutt (DB E100: 04:41)
  • Harmed Goku with a headbutt (DB E100: 04:47)
  • Harmed Goku with a headbutt (DB E100: 04:51)
  • Withstood an attack from Goku (DB E100: 05:03)
  • Withstood a swipe of Goku’s tail (DB E100: 05:14)
  • Withstood a barrage of attacks from Goku (DB E100: 05:18)
  • Blocked a barrage of attacks from Goku (DB E100: 06:46)
  • Withstood a punch from Goku (DB E100: 06:52)
  • Withstood a kick from Goku (DB E100: 06:53)
  • Withstood a punch from Goku (DB E100: 06:54)
  • Withstood a kick from Goku (DB E100: 06:55)
  • Withstood a kick from Goku and harmed him with an attack (DB E100: 07:16)
  • Withstood a kick from Goku (DB E100: 11:08)
  • Harmed Goku with an attack (DB E100: 13:51)
  • Stated that his Kikoho would kill Goku if it hit him head-on (DB E100: 15:05)
  • Withstood a headbutt from Goku (DB E101: 06:07)

Tournament Fighters (Tien Shinhan Saga)

  • Knocked a fighter unconscious with a barrage of attacks (DB E85: 17:46)

Yamcha (Tien Shinhan Saga)

  • Stated that Yamcha was no match for him (DB E86: 09:56)
  • Blocked a kick from Yamcha (DB E87: 18:23)
  • Blocked a kick from Yamcha (DB E87: 18:41)
  • Blocked an attack from Yamcha (DB E87: 18:52)
  • Dodged a kick from Yamcha (DB E87: 18:53)
  • Withstood a series of punches from Yamcha (DB E87: 18:57)
  • Dodged a punch from Yamcha (DB E87: 18:59)
  • Withstood an attack from Yamcha (DB E87: 19:00)
  • Withstood an attack from Yamcha (DB E87: 19:01)
  • Dodged a barrage of attacks from Yamcha (DB E87: 19:02)
  • Withstood a kick from Yamcha (DB E87: 19:06)
  • Harmed Yamcha with an attack (DB E87: 19:10)
  • Withstood a kick from Yamcha (DB E87: 19:17)
  • Harmed Yamcha with a kick (DB E87: 19:19)
  • Withstood an attack from Yamcha (DB E87: 19:31)
  • Was stated to be better than Yamcha ever imagined (DB E87: 19:58)
  • Matched a Shin Rogafufuken from Yamcha with a barrage of attacks (DB E88: 02:37)
  • Cut Yamcha’s cheek with an attack (DB E88: 03:18)
  • Caught a punch from Yamcha (DB E88: 03:26)
  • Traded blows with Yamcha (DB E88: 03:27)
  • Withstood an attack from Yamcha and harmed him with an attack (DB E88: 03:54)
  • Blocked a kick from Yamcha (DB E88: 04:53)
  • Withstood a barrage of kicks from Yamcha (DB E88: 04:55)
  • Tanked a barrage of kicks from Yamcha (DB E88: 06:09)
  • Stated that Yamcha’s attacks barely affected him at all (DB E88: 06:28)
  • Traded blows with Yamcha (DB E88: 06:39)
  • Harmed Yamcha with an attack (DB E88: 06:58)
  • Harmed Yamcha with a barrage of attacks (DB E88: 06:59)
  • Harmed Yamcha with a kick (DB E88: 07:02)
  • Harmed Yamcha with a punch (DB E88: 07:41)
  • Harmed Yamcha with a kick (DB E88: 07:48)
  • Reflected Yamcha’s Kamehameha back at him (DB E88: 09:28)
  • Knocked Yamcha unconscious with a kick (DB E88: 11:13)
  • Broke Yamcha’s leg with an attack (DB E88: 11:41)
  • Was stated to be strong by Yamcha (DB E88: 16:20)
  • Was stated to have unfathomable power by Yamcha (DB E93: 07:19)


Muten Roshi (Tien Shinhan Saga)

  • Roshi blocked a punch from Tien (DB E93: 13:05)
  • Roshi dodged a barrage of attacks from Tien (DB E93: 13:09)
  • Roshi dodged a kick from Tien (DB E93: 13:15)
  • Roshi caught a kick from Tien (DB E93: 13:16)
  • Roshi dodged an attack from Tien (DB E93: 14:18)
  • Roshi caught a series of attacks from Tien (DB E93: 17:54)
  • Roshi dodged a kick from Tien (DB E94: 03:26)
  • Roshi caught a punch from Tien (DB E94: 03:27)
  • Roshi blocked a punch from Tien (DB E94: 03:36)
  • Roshi blocked a kick from Tien (DB E94: 03:40)
  • Roshi caught an attack from Tien (DB E94: 04:59)
  • Roshi dodged a headbutt from Tien (DB E94: 06:44)
  • Roshi blocked a punch from Tien (DB E94: 13:03)
  • Roshi blocked a punch from Tien (DB E94: 13:04)
  • Roshi blocked an attack from Tien (DB E94: 13:05)
  • Roshi blocked a series of punches from Tien (DB E94: 13:06)
  • Roshi blocked a barrage of punches from Tien (DB E94: 13:07)
  • Roshi blocked an attack from Tien (DB E94: 13:11)
  • Roshi blocked an attack from Tien (DB E94: 13:53)
  • Roshi deflected a Kamehameha from Tien (DB E94: 16:39)

Son Goku (Tien Shinhan Saga)

  • Goku dodged a kick from Tien (DB E97: 17:38)
  • Goku blocked an attack from Tien (DB E98: 08:42)
  • Goku blocked an attack from Tien (DB E98: 08:45)
  • Goku blocked an attack from Tien (DB E98: 08:46)
  • Goku blocked an attack from Tien (DB E98: 08:47)
  • Goku blocked a punch from Tien (DB E98: 08:48)
  • Goku blocked an attack from Tien (DB E98: 08:50)
  • Goku blocked an attack from Tien (DB E98: 08:54)
  • Goku blocked an attack from Tien (DB E98: 09:12)
  • Goku blocked an attack from Tien (DB E98: 09:13)
  • Goku blocked an attack from Tien (DB E98: 10:40)
  • Goku dodged a barrage of punches from Tien (DB E98: 11:48)
  • Goku dodged a series of attacks from Tien (DB E98: 12:08)
  • Goku blocked a punch from Tien (DB E98: 12:09)
  • Goku dodged a punch from Tien (DB E98: 12:11)
  • Goku dodged a series of attacks from Tien (DB E98: 12:14)
  • Goku caught a punch from Tien (DB E98: 15:56)
  • Goku dodged a barrage of kicks from Tien (DB E99: 02:19)
  • Goku blocked an attack from Tien (DB E100: 02:45)
  • Goku dodged a punch from Tien (DB E100: 03:09)
  • Goku dodged a barrage of attacks from Tien (DB E100: 03:20)
  • Goku dodged an attack from Tien (DB E100: 11:04)
  • Goku dodged a Kikoho from Tien (DB E100: 18:23)

Yamcha (Tien Shinhan Saga)

  • Yamcha dodged an attack from Tien (DB E87: 18:25)
  • Yamcha dodged a barrage of attacks from Tien (DB E87: 18:27)
  • Yamcha blocked a barrage of attacks from Tien (DB E87: 18:29)
  • Yamcha dodged a kick from Tien (DB E87: 18:31)
  • Yamcha dodged a barrage of attacks from Tien (DB E87: 18:32)
  • Yamcha blocked a barrage of attacks from Tien (DB E87: 18:33)
  • Yamcha dodged a kick from Tien (DB E87: 18:34)
  • Yamcha blocked a barrage of attacks from Tien (DB E87: 18:35)
  • Yamcha dodged a kick from Tien (DB E87: 18:37)
  • Yamcha dodged a punch from Tien (DB E87: 18:55)
  • Yamcha dodged a punch from Tien (DB E87: 18:56)
  • Yamcha dodged a punch from Tien (DB E87: 18:59)
  • Yamcha dodged a punch from Tien (DB E87: 19:04)
  • Yamcha blocked a punch from Tien (DB E87: 19:05)
  • Yamcha caught a punch from Tien (DB E87: 19:08)
  • Yamcha dodged a barrage of punches from Tien (DB E87: 19:15)
  • Yamcha dodged an attack from Tien (DB E87: 19:23)
  • Yamcha dodged a punch from Tien (DB E88: 03:06)
  • Yamcha cut Tien’s cheek with an attack (DB E88: 03:16)

Standard Equipment



  • Because his Kikoho is so powerful, he can die due to intense energy loss, and even if he doesn’t die, his lifespan will be shortened (DB E100: 15:50)



  • The Crane Hermit stated that Tien hadn’t even begun to show how amazing he is during his fight against Yamcha (DB E88: 14:35)
  • Implied that he was initially playing around against Roshi (DB E93: 13:57)
  • Stated that he wouldn’t hold back against Roshi (DB E93: 17:48)
  • His fight against Goku was stated to be the first time he was fighting hard (DB E99: 15:03)
  • Stated that he wouldn’t use his Kikoho at full strength against Goku (DB E100: 16:12)

King Piccolo Saga



  • Survived while in close proximity to Piccolo’s Bakurikimaha (DB E121: 13:01)
  • Survived while in close proximity to Piccolo’s Bakurikimaha (DB E121: 18:37)


  • Destroyed an iceberg with a Kikoho (DB E106: 18:56)

Powers and Abilities


  • Propelled himself to his feet off of his hand (DB E119: 05:58)


  • Created an aura of ki around his hands while charging a Kikoho (DB E106: 18:56)

Energy Projection

  • Projected a blast of energy from his hands with a Kikoho (DB E106: 18:56)

Enhanced Senses

  • Could see Piccolo from afar (DB E110: 17:17)


  • Levitated to the ground with the Bukujutsu (DB E118: 18:07)


  • Stated that he mastered the Mafuba (DB E117: 12:22)


Drum (King Piccolo Saga)

  • Caught a punch from Drum (DB E119: 05:38)
  • Withstood a punch from Drum (DB E119: 05:43)
  • Withstood an attack from Drum (DB E119: 05:47)
  • Withstood a kick from Drum (DB E119: 05:49)
  • Withstood an attack from Drum (DB E119: 05:58)
  • Harmed Drum with an attack (DB E119: 06:05)
  • Blocked a barrage of punches from Drum (DB E119: 13:23)
  • Withstood a kick from Drum, though was bleeding (DB E119: 13:27)
  • Withstood a punch from Drum (DB E119: 13:54)
  • Withstood a kick from Drum (DB E119: 13:56)
  • Withstood a punch from Drum (DB E119: 13:58)
  • Withstood a punch from Drum (DB E119: 14:20)
  • Drew blood from Drum with a punch (DB E119: 14:51)
  • Harmed Drum with a kick (DB E119: 15:03)
  • Harmed Drum with a headbutt (DB E119: 15:07)
  • Restrained Drum (DB E119: 15:11)
  • Withstood a punch from Drum (DB E119: 15:52)
  • Withstood a punch from Drum (DB E119: 15:53)
  • Withstood a punch from Drum (DB E119: 15:57)
  • Withstood a kick from Drum (DB E119: 16:02)

Great Demon King Piccolo (King Piccolo Saga)

  • Intercepted a Bakurikimaha from Piccolo (DB E121: 13:01)


Drum (King Piccolo Saga)

  • Drum dodged a punch from Tien (DB E119: 05:37)
  • Drum dodged a kick from Tien (DB E119: 05:41)
  • Drum blocked an attack from Tien (DB E119: 15:51)

Great Demon King Piccolo (King Piccolo Saga)

  • Was implied to not be able to stand up to Piccolo at all (DB E104: 11:54)
  • Roshi stated that Piccolo’s strength was greater than Tien could even imagine (DB E106: 10:38)
  • Roshi stated that he, Tien, and Chiaotzu couldn’t do a thing to Piccolo even if they all attacked him at once (DB E106: 10:42)
  • Roshi stated that Piccolo’s strength was far beyond anything he, Tien, or Chiaotzu could imagine (DB E108: 17:25)
  • Roshi stated that even if he, Tien, and Chiaotzu all attacked Piccolo simultaneously, they still wouldn’t stand a chance (DB E108: 17:28)
  • Roshi stated that he, Tien, and Chiaotzu would stand no chance whatsoever against Piccolo (DB E110: 11:05)
  • Was stated to stand no chance at all against Piccolo (DB E110: 18:59)
  • Stated that he couldn’t beat Piccolo (DB E112: 15:01)
  • Piccolo threatened to crush Tien’s head into little pieces (DB E122: 03:06)

Son Goku (King Piccolo Saga)

  • Goku moved too fast for Tien to see (DB E120: 10:47)
  • Stated that Goku was so much stronger than him (DB E122: 19:04)

Standard Equipment



Heavenly Training Saga



  • Destroyed a hill with a Dodonpa (DB E132: 08:45)
  • Destroyed a hill with a Dodonpa alongside Yamcha (DB E132: 19:03)


  • Outran a speeding car (DB E130: 05:04)


  • Lifted a boulder (DB E129: 03:39)

Powers and Abilities


  • Propelled himself to his feet off of his hands (DB E127: 02:45)

Chi Manipulation

  • Used his ki to fire a Dodonpa (DB E132: 08:45)

Energy Projection

  • Projected a beam of energy from his fingertip with a Dodonpa (DB E132: 08:45)

Enhanced Senses

  • Heard drums and people singing, which Krillin, Yamcha, and Chiaotzu were unable to hear (DB E131: 02:45)

Explosion Manipulation

  • Created an explosion with a Kamehameha (DB E132: 19:03)


  • Levitated in the air (DB E132: 05:59)

Light Manipulation

  • Created a flash of light with a Dodonpa (DB E132: 08:45)


  • Was stated to heal up fast by Launch (DB E124: 05:08)


Krillin (Heavenly Training Saga)

  • Dodged a kick from Krillin (DB E127: 02:45)
  • Blocked a punch from Krillin (DB E127: 02:51)
  • Harmed Krillin with a punch (DB E127: 02:52)


Krillin (Heavenly Training Saga)

  • Krillin dodged a punch from Tien (DB E127: 02:42)

Son Goku (Heavenly Training Saga)

  • Stated that Goku was at a level to where he couldn’t even hope of contending with him (DB E123: 05:45)
  • Stated that Goku was surely the strongest person the world has ever seen (DB E123: 05:48)
  • Stated that Goku was so much stronger than him (DB E125: 05:09)

Standard Equipment



Piccolo Jr. Saga



  • Crushed part of the stage underneath his foot while grappling with Goku (DB E140: 03:37)

Powers and Abilities


  • Flipped onto the stage (DB E139: 14:35)

Air Manipulation

  • Overpowered Tao Pai Pai’s Super Dodonpa with a shout (DB E136: 14:33)


  • Created an aura of ki around himself (DB E140: 03:23)

Chi Manipulation

  • Used his ki to fire an energy blast from his hand (DB E139: 16:02)


  • Created three duplicates of himself with a Shishin no Ken (DB E141: 02:29)

Electricity Manipulation

  • Created sparks of electricity while concentrating his ki (DB E141: 08:09)

Energy Projection

  • Projected a blast of energy from his hand (DB E139: 16:02)
  • Released a blast of energy from his body (DB E140: 03:42)

Enhanced Senses

  • Sensed Piccolo’s presence (DB E133: 20:05)
  • Could see Piccolo’s ki with his third eye, which was seemingly invisible to everyone else (DB E138: 02:59)
  • Saw Goku from afar (DB E141: 09:12)

Explosion Manipulation

  • Created an explosion with a blast of energy (DB E141: 08:09)

Extrasensory Perception

  • Stated that Goku’s ki was gone implying that he should be able to sense it (DB E134: 12:58)


  • Levitated in the air (DB E133: 15:11)


  • The wound he received from Tao Pai Pai scarred over within a short period of time (DB E139: 14:08)


  • Spoke to Chiaotzu telepathically (DB E134: 07:04)


Chi-Chi (Piccolo Jr. Saga)

  • Vanished from Chi-Chi’s sight (DB E139: 16:59)

Himself (King Piccolo Saga)

  • Was stated to have grown a lot stronger (DB E140: 04:22)

Himself (Piccolo Jr. Saga)

  • Deflected his own energy blast (DB E139: 16:06)

Krillin (Piccolo Jr. Saga)

  • Was stated to be a little too strong by Krillin (DB E136: 18:16)
  • Was stated to be unbelievable and amazing by Krillin (DB E141: 10:10)

Muten Roshi (Piccolo Jr. Saga)

  • Roshi stated that he no longer stood a chance against Tien (DB E133: 12:49)
  • Was stated to have surpassed Roshi (DB E135: 14:23)
  • Roshi stated that Tien might be one 4 best fighters in the world (DB E139: 12:21)
  • Vanished from Roshi’s sight (DB E139: 16:59)

Son Goku (Piccolo Jr. Saga)

  • Clashed with Goku (DB E139: 15:25)
  • Traded blows with Goku (DB E139: 16:20)
  • Traded blows with Goku (DB E139: 17:15)
  • Was stated to be fighting at exactly the same level as Goku (DB E139: 17:44)
  • Matched Goku (DB E139: 18:01)
  • Withstood a kick from Goku (DB E139: 18:42)
  • Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Goku (DB E140: 01:52)
  • Withstood a headbutt from Goku (DB E140: 02:03)
  • Harmed Goku with a headbutt (DB E140: 02:14)
  • Was stated to have a really hard head by Goku (DB E140: 02:22)
  • Grappled with Goku (DB E140: 02:44)
  • Was stated to have amazing power by Goku (DB E140: 04:25)
  • Dodged a kick from Goku (DB E140: 05:33)
  • Harmed Goku with an attack (DB E140: 05:58)
  • Dodged an attack from Goku (DB E140: 06:23)
  • Dodged a punch from Goku (DB E140: 06:24)
  • Harmed Goku with a kick (DB E140: 06:25)
  • Dodged a kick from Goku (DB E140: 06:59)
  • Dodged a punch from Goku (DB E140: 07:25)
  • Harmed Goku with a kick (DB E140: 07:29)
  • Clashed with Goku (DB E140: 19:17)
  • Harmed Goku with a punch (DB E141: 04:14)
  • Harmed Goku with a kick (DB E141: 04:19)
  • Harmed Goku with a punch (DB E141: 05:49)
  • Harmed Goku with a kick (DB E141: 05:54)
  • Withstood a kick from Goku (DB E141: 07:03)
  • Harmed Goku with a beam of energy alongside his three clones (DB E141: 09:19)
  • Withstood a punch from Goku (DB E141: 17:44)
  • Withstood a series of kicks from Goku (DB E141: 17:49)
  • Withstood a kick from Goku (DB E141: 17:57)
  • Withstood a punch from Goku (DB E141: 18:00)

Tao Pai Pai (Piccolo Jr. Saga)

  • Tao Pai Pai was stated to not stand a chance against Tien (DB E135: 13:50)
  • Was stated to be way better than Tao Pai Pai (DB E135: 17:09)
  • Dodged an attack from Tao Pai Pai (DB E136: 06:04)
  • Harmed Tao Pai Pai with an attack (DB E136: 06:10)
  • Deflected a kick from Tao Pai Pai (DB E136: 06:50)
  • Vanished from Tao Pai Pai’s sight (DB E136: 07:35)
  • Dodged a barrage of attacks from Tao Pai Pai (DB E136: 08:08)
  • Caught an attack from Tao Pai Pai (DB E136: 08:36)
  • Caught an attack from Tao Pai Pai (DB E136: 11:58)
  • Broke Tao Pai Pai’s blade in half (DB E136: 12:20)
  • Overpowered a Super Dodonpa from Tao Pai Pai with a shout (DB E136: 14:33)
  • Knocked Tao Pai Pai unconscious with a punch (DB E136: 15:46)

Tournament Fighters (Piccolo Jr. Saga)

  • One-shot a Fighter with an attack (DB E134: 15:45)

Yamcha (Piccolo Jr. Saga)

  • Was stated to be unbelievably strong by Yamcha (DB E139: 14:59)
  • Was stated to be outputting tremendous energy by Yamcha (DB E141: 02:22)


Kami (Piccolo Jr. Saga)

  • Stated that a Kami-possessed Shen was at a level far beyond what seems logically possible (DB E142: 13:53)

Piccolo (Piccolo Jr. Saga)

  • Stated that Piccolo was at a level far beyond what seems logically possible (DB E142: 13:53)
  • Tien stated that he, Yamcha, and Krillin wouldn’t stand a chance against Piccolo even if they attacked him all at once (DB E143: 14:02)
  • Piccolo stated that he was on a completely different level than Tien (DB E146: 13:09)

Son Goku (Piccolo Jr. Saga)

  • Goku dodged a barrage of attacks from Tien (DB E139: 15:32)
  • Goku deflected an energy blast from TIen (DB E139: 16:02)
  • Goku dodged an attack from Tien (DB E139: 18:52)
  • Goku dodged an attack from Tien (DB E139: 19:04)
  • Goku dodged a series of attacks from Tien (DB E140: 01:57)
  • Goku dodged a punch from Tien (DB E140: 02:30)
  • Goku dodged an attack from Tien (DB E140: 02:42)
  • Goku dodged an attack from Tien (DB E140: 06:35)
  • Goku dodged a punch from Tien (DB E140: 06:42)
  • Goku blocked a barrage of attacks from Tien (DB E140: 06:47)
  • Goku blocked a barrage of attacks from Tien (DB E140: 06:55)
  • Goku dodged and blocked a barrage of attacks from Tien (DB E140: 07:05)
  • Goku dodged an attack from Tien and blitzed him (DB E140: 16:22)
  • Goku blocked an attack from Tien (DB E140: 16:31)
  • Goku dodged a series of kicks from Tien (DB E140: 16:32)
  • Goku blocked an attack from Tien (DB E140: 16:33)
  • Goku dodged an attack from Tien (DB E141: 04:02)
  • Goku dodged an attack from Tien (DB E141: 04:05)
  • Goku caught a punch from Tien (DB E141: 04:06)
  • Goku dodged a series of attacks from Tien (DB E141: 04:08)
  • Goku dodged a kick from Tien (DB E141: 04:10)
  • Goku dodged a series of punches from Tien (DB E141: 04:13)
  • Goku blocked a kick from Tien (DB E141: 04:17)
  • Goku blocked a kick from Tien (DB E141: 05:42)
  • Goku dodged a kick from Tien (DB E141: 05:43)
  • Goku dodged a punch from Tien (DB E141: 06:56)
  • Goku dodged a blast of energy from Tien and his three clones (DB E141: 08:09)
  • Goku dodged a blast of energy from Tien and his three clones (DB E141: 14:33)
  • Goku dodged an attack from Tien (DB E141: 16:17)
  • Goku dodged a punch from Tien (DB E141: 16:20)
  • Goku dodged an attack from Tien (DB E141: 16:21)
  • Goku dodged an attack from Tien (DB E141: 16:22)
  • Goku dodged an attack from Tien (DB E141: 16:23)
  • Goku blocked a series of kicks from Tien (DB E141: 16:25)
  • Goku dodged an attack from Tien (DB E141: 17:54)
  • Stated that Goku’s strength was on a completely different level than his own (DB E142: 02:27)

Tao Pai Pai (Piccolo Jr. Saga)

  • Tao Pai Pai cut Tien’s chest with an attack (DB E136: 09:47)

Standard Equipment


Shishin no Ken

  • Splitting into four people with his Shishin no Ken meant his attacks, defense, and speed were all one-fourth of their normal amount (DB E141: 18:42)



  • Stated that he was going to go all out against Goku from the beginning (DB E139: 14:24)
  • Initially held back his speed against Goku (DB E140: 07:51)

Vegeta Saga


Powers and Abilities


  • Created an aura of ki around himself (DBZ E25: 17:23)


  • Split himself into four with a Shishin no Ken (DBZ E17: 05:39)

Electricity Manipulation

  • Created sparks of electricity while charging a Kikoho (DBZ E17: 11:11)

Energy Projection

  • Projected a blast of energy with a Kikoho (DBZ E17: 13:16)

Explosion Manipulation

  • Created an explosion with a Kikoho (DBZ E17: 13:16)


  • Flew into the air with the Bukujutsu (DBZ E12: 12:26)

Light Manipulation

  • Generated light with a Kikoho (DBZ E20: 11:19)

Extrasensory Perception

  • Sensed the arrival of the Saiyans (DBZ E21: 21:41)


  • Stopped the flow of a waterfall (DBZ E12: 06:31)


Brocco (Vegeta Saga)

  • Withstood an attack from Brocco, though was bleeding (DBZ E17: 12:20)

Kami (Vegeta Saga)

  • Was stated to have far surpassed Kami (DBZ E20: 18:37)

Krillin (Vegeta Saga)

  • Blocked a series of attacks from Krillin (DBZ E14: 21:14)

Nappa (Vegeta Saga)

  • Dodged a punch from Nappa (DBZ E24: 14:54)
  • Blocked an attack from Nappa (DBZ E24: 14:56)
  • Dodged an attack from Nappa (DBZ E24: 15:28)
  • Withstood a kick from Nappa (DBZ E24: 15:38)
  • Was stated to be tough by Nappa (DBZ E24: 16:01)
  • Withstood an attack from Nappa (DBZ E25: 06:10)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Nappa (DBZ E25: 07:29)
  • Withstood a punch from Nappa (DBZ E25: 08:26)
  • Damaged Nappa’s armor with a Kikoho (DBZ E25: 17:35)

Pumpkin (Vegeta Saga)

  • Withstood a beam of energy from Pumpkin (DBZ E17: 11:13)
  • Withstood a punch from Pumpkin (DBZ E17: 12:23)
  • Withstood a headbutt from Pumpkin (DBZ E17: 18:38)
  • Withstood an attack from Pumpkin (DBZ E17: 18:40)

Saibamen (Vegeta Saga)

  • Harmed a Saibaman with an attack (DB E23: 09:40)
  • Dodged a stream of acid from a Saibaman (DB E23: 09:51)
  • Harmed a Saibaman with an attack (DB E23: 10:07)
  • Vegeta stated that a Saibaman couldn’t win against Tien (DB E23: 12:07)

Yamcha (Vegeta Saga)

  • Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Yamcha (DBZ E20: 11:07)
  • Matched a beam of energy from Yamcha with a Kikoho (DBZ E20: 11:19)
  • Matched Yamcha (DBZ E20: 11:24)


Brocco (Vegeta Saga)

  • Brocco dodged an attack from Tien (DBZ E17: 12:13)
  • Brocco dodged an attack from Tien (DBZ E17: 12:14)
  • Brocco dodged an attack from Tien (DBZ E17: 12:17)
  • Brocco blocked a kick from Tien (DBZ E17: 12:18)
  • Brocco dodged an attack from Tien (DBZ E17: 12:19)
  • Brocco tanked a Kamehameha from Krillin, a Kikoho from Tien, and a Soukidan from Yamcha (DBZ E17: 13:16)
  • Brocco vanished from Tien’s sight (DBZ E17: 14:33)
  • Stated that Brocco was invulnerable (DBZ E17: 14:45)

Krillin (Vegeta Saga)

  • Krillin dodged a punch from Tien (DBZ E14: 21:15)
  • Krillin dodged a kick from Tien (DBZ E14: 21:16)

Nappa (Vegeta Saga)

  • Nappa burned Tien with his ki (DBZ E24: 14:56)
  • Nappa ripped off Tien’s arm with a punch (DBZ E24: 15:06)
  • Nappa blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Tien (DBZ E25: 05:41)
  • Nappa blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Tien (DBZ E25: 06:15)
  • Nappa blocked a barrage of attacks from Tien (DBZ E25: 07:26)
  • Krillin stated that Tien was going to be done in by Nappa (DBZ E25: 07:34)
  • Nappa tanked a Kikoho from Tien (DBZ E25: 17:35)

Pumpkin (Vegeta Saga)

  • Pumpkin dodged a kick from Tien (DBZ E17: 12:26)
  • Pumpkin restrained Tien (DBZ E17: 12:28)
  • Pumpkin tanked a Kamehameha from Krillin, a Kikoho from Tien, and a Soukidan from Yamcha (DBZ E17: 13:16)
  • Stated that Pumpkin was invulnerable (DBZ E17: 14:45)
  • Pumpkin killed Tien with a beam of energy (DBZ E17: 18:43)

Vegeta (Vegeta Saga)

  • Vegeta stated that Tien was fragile (DBZ E24: 15:26)

Yamcha (Vegeta Saga)

  • Yamcha blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Tien (DBZ E20: 11:07)

Standard Equipment

Weighted Clothing

  • Wore weighted clothing during his training with Kami (DBZ E20: 18:55)




  • His battle power combined with Chiaotzu, Krillin, and Yamcha’s is 1507 (DBZ E17: 10:11)
  • His battle power was stated to be higher than 1200 (DB E23: 10:31)

Namek Saga



  • Traveled to the end of Serpent Road in far less time than Goku did (DBZ E51: 20:26)

Powers and Abilities


  • King Kai stated that he didn’t need to panic about getting hurt because he was already dead (DBZ E55: 17:09)


Bubbles (Namek Saga)

  • Caught Bubbles (DBZ E55: 08:20)


  • Was implied to have become much faster while undergoing King Kai’s training (DBZ E55: 17:45)

Piccolo (Namek Saga)

  • Dodged a kick from Piccolo (DBZ E55: 16:26)
  • Withstood an attack from Piccolo (DBZ E55: 16:46)
  • Harmed Piccolo with a kick (DBZ E55: 16:49)
  • Withstood an attack from Piccolo (DBZ E55: 18:04)
  • Harmed Piccolo with a punch (DBZ E55: 18:08)


Bubbles (Namek Saga)

  • Bubbles dodged an attack from Tien (DBZ E53: 10:03)

Piccolo (Namek Saga)

  • King Kai stated that a one-on-one fight between Tien and Piccolo would be absurd (DBZ E55: 15:40)
  • Piccolo dodged a barrage of attacks from Tien (DBZ E55: 16:17)
  • Piccolo dodged a punch from Tien (DBZ E55: 16:44)
  • Piccolo dodged a barrage of attacks from Tien (DBZ E55: 17:56)

Standard Equipment



Frieza Saga


Powers and Abilities


  • Split himself into two with the Shishin no Ken (DBZ E94: 11:40)


  • Flew into the air (DBZ E95: 08:55)


Burter (Frieza Saga)

  • Dodged a beam of energy from Burter (DBZ E94: 08:45)
  • Blocked an attack from Burter (DBZ E94: 09:07)
  • Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Burter (DBZ E94: 09:08)
  • Traded blows with Burter (DBZ E94: 11:42)
  • Tanked a barrage of energy blasts from Burter (DBZ E95: 08:18)
  • Dodged a Purple Comet Z-Crush from Burter and Jeice (DBZ E95: 08:37)
  • Overpowered a Purple Comet Z-Crush from Burter and Jeice (DBZ E95: 08:55)


  • Was stated to have powered up several levels after King Kai’s training (DBZ E76: 05:52)

Jeice (Frieza Saga)

  • Dodged a beam of energy from Jeice (DBZ E94: 08:18)
  • Blocked an attack from Jeice (DBZ E94: 09:07)
  • Blocked and dodged a barrage of attacks from Jeice (DBZ E94: 09:08)
  • Harmed Jeice with a punch (DBZ E94: 09:45)
  • Traded blows with Jeice (DBZ E94: 11:42)
  • Tanked a barrage of energy blasts from Jeice (DBZ E95: 08:18)
  • Dodged a Purple Comet Z-Crush from Jeice and Burter (DBZ E95: 08:37)
  • Overpowered a Purple Comet Z-Crush from Jeice and Burter (DBZ E95: 08:55)

King Kai (Frieza Saga)

  • Restrained King Kai alongside Yamcha (DBZ E76: 08:29)

Yamcha (Frieza Saga)

  • Blocked an attack from Yamcha (DBZ E84: 04:29)


Yamcha (Frieza Saga)

  • Yamcha blocked an attack from Tien (DBZ E84: 04:29)

Standard Equipment



Trunks Saga


Powers and Abilities

Chi Manipulation

  • Used hi ki to fire a barrage of energy blasts (DBZ E123: 18:41)

Energy Projection

  • Projected a barrage of energy blasts from his hands (DBZ E123: 18:41)

Enhanced Senses

  • Could make out Trunks fight against Frieza from a far distance (DBZ E121: 04:18)

Extrasensory Perception

  • Sensed Frieza and Cold’s ki (DBZ E118: 19:58)


  • Flew through the sky (DBZ E119: 06:03)

Stealth Mastery

  • Was implied to be able to mask his ki (DBZ E119: 08:38)



Frieza (Trunks Saga)

  • Frieza was stated to have an impossibly large ki by Tien while in his Final Form (DBZ E118: 19:58)
  • Was stated to be able to do nothing against Final Form Frieza (DBZ E119: 13:35)

Great King Cold (Trunks Saga)

  • Cold was stated to have an impossibly large ki by Tien (DBZ E118: 19:58)

Standard Equipment



Androids Saga


Powers and Abilities

Enhanced Senses

  • Simultaneously searched in two different directions with his eyes (DBZ E131: 05:17)

Extrasensory Perception

  • Sensed Yamcha’s ki in distress (DBZ E127: 04:26)


  • Flew through the sky (DBZ E127: 04:48)

Stealth Mastery

  • Was stated to be suppressing his ki (DBZ E127: 19:45)

Resistance to Cold

  • Was unaffected by the northern wind that was freezing Krillin (DBZ E133: 10:11)


Doctor Gero (Androids Saga)

  • Dodged a beam of energy from Gero (DBZ E127: 07:54)

Krillin (Androids Saga)

  • His ki was stated to be large by Krillin (DBZ E126: 05:17)

Yamcha (Androids Saga)

  • Yamcha stated that he was the least use to anyone in the area (DBZ E129: 10:17)


Android 17 (Androids Saga)

  • Android 17 dodged a punch from Tien (DBZ E136: 05:42)
  • Android 17 strangled Tien (DBZ E136: 05:48)

Doctor Gero (Androids Saga)

  • Gero was stated to more than Tien could handle (DBZ E130: 16:00)

Gero's Laboratory (Androids Saga)

  • The door to Gero’s lab tanked an attack from Tien (DBZ E133: 19:49)

Piccolo (Androids Saga)

  • Piccolo was implied to be stronger than Tien by Gero (DBZ E131: 06:27)

Son Goku (Androids Saga)

  • Goku was stated to be in a whole different dimension from Tien while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBZ E128: 14:56)

Standard Equipment



Imperfect Cell Saga


Powers and Abilities

Chi Manipulation

  • Used his ki to fire a Shin Kikoho (DBZ E152: 19:12)

Electricity Manipulation

  • Created sparks of electricity while charging a Shin Kikoho (DBZ E152: 19:12)

Energy Projection

  • Projected a blast of energy from his hands with a Shin Kikoho (DBZ E152: 19:12)

Extrasensory Perception

  • Sensed a slight ki disturbance coming from Nicky Town (DBZ E145: 19:02)


  • Flew through the air (DBZ E144: 19:07)

Light Manipulation

  • Generated light with a Shin Kikoho (DBZ E152: 19:12)


Cell (Imperfect Cell Saga)

  • Staggered Semi-Perfect Cell with a Shin Kikoho (DBZ E152: 19:12)
  • Staggered Semi-Perfect Cell with a Shin Kikoho (DBZ E152: 20:36)
  • Staggered Semi-Perfect Cell with a Shin Kikoho (DBZ E152: 20:53)
  • Staggered Semi-Perfect Cell with a Shin Kikoho (DBZ E152: 21:03)
  • Staggered Semi-Perfect Cell with a Shin Kikoho (DBZ E152: 21:08)
  • Staggered Semi-Perfect Cell with a barrage of Shin Kikoho (DBZ E152: 21:13)
  • Staggered Semi-Perfect Cell with a barrage of Shin Kikoho (DBZ E152: 21:34)
  • Staggered Semi-Perfect Cell with a Shin Kikoho (DBZ E152: 22:09)


Cell (Imperfect Cell Saga)

  • His Shin Kikoho was stated to have not had an effect on Semi-Perfect Cell (DBZ E152: 22:16)

Standard Equipment



Perfect Cell Saga


Powers and Abilities

Chi Manipulation

  • Used his ki to fire a Shin Kikoho (DBZ E153: 03:54)

Energy Projection

  • Projected a blast of energy from his hands with a Shin Kikoho (DBZ E153: 03:54)

Extrasensory Perception

  • Sensed Vegeta’s ki (DBZ E155: 16:18)


  • Levitated in the air (DBZ E153: 03:55)

Light Manipulation

  • Generated light with a Shin Kikoho (DBZ E153: 03:54)


Cell (Perfect Cell Saga)

  • Staggered Semi-Perfect Cell with a Shin Kikoho (DBZ E153: 03:54)
  • Staggered Semi-Perfect Cell with a barrage of Shin Kikoho (DBZ E153: 03:58)
  • Staggered Semi-Perfect Cell with a barrage of Shin Kikoho (DBZ E153: 04:32)
  • Staggered Semi-Perfect Cell with a Shin Kikoho (DBZ E153: 05:18)
  • Staggered Semi-Perfect Cell with a barrage of Shin Kikoho (DBZ E153: 05:39)
  • Staggered Semi-Perfect Cell with a Shin Kikoho (DBZ E153: 06:58)
  • Staggered Semi-Perfect Cell with a barrage of Shin Kikoho (DBZ E153: 09:01)
  • Staggered Semi-Perfect Cell with a Shin Kikoho (DBZ E153: 09:43)
  • Withstood a kick from Semi-Perfect Cell (DBZ E153: 11:27)


Cell (Perfect Cell Saga)

  • Piccolo stated that no one would be able to beat Semi-Perfect Cell (DBZ E153: 20:46)

Standard Equipment



Cell Games Saga


Powers and Abilities

Chi Manipulation

  • Used his ki to fire a Kikoho (DBZ E191: 14:02)

Energy Projection

  • Projected a blast of energy from his hands with a Kikoho (DBZ E191: 14:02)

Extrasensory Perception

  • Sensed Goku and Gohan’s ki (DBZ E168: 06:52)


  • Levitated in the air (DBZ E175: 11:16)


  • Healed his wounds after eating a Senzu Bean (DBZ E186: 05:16)

Light Manipulation

  • Generated light with a Kikoho (DBZ E191: 14:02)


Bujin (Cell Games Saga)

  • Withstood a kick from Bujin (DBZ BU: 31:15)

Cell Juniors (Cell Games Saga)

  • Blocked a series of attacks from a Cell Junior (DBZ E184: 04:59)
  • Blocked and dodged a series of attacks from a Cell Junior (DBZ E184: 06:52)
  • Harmed a Cell Junior with an attack alongside Yamcha (DBZ E184: 08:02)
  • Withstood a kick from a Cell Junior (DBZ E184: 09:33)
  • Withstood a kick from a Cell Junior (DBZ E184: 10:36)
  • Withstood a kick from a Cell Junior (DBZ E184: 12:25)

Trunks (Future) (Cell Games Saga)

  • Blocked and dodged a series of attacks from Trunks (DBZ BU: 12:03)
  • Withstood a kick from Trunks (DBZ BU: 12:07)
  • Blocked a kick from Trunks (DBZ BU: 12:32)
  • Harmed Trunks with a punch (DBZ BU: 12:33)
  • Withstood an attack from Super Saiyan Trunks (DBZ BU: 13:27)


Bujin (Cell Games Saga)

  • Bujin dodged a kick from Tien (DBZ BU: 31:13)
  • Bujin knocked Tien unconscious with a kick (DBZ BU: 31:17)

Cell (Cell Games Saga)

  • Cell was stated to not be the kind of opponent that Tien could match up against while in his Perfect Form (DBZ E168: 21:49)
  • Cell tanked a Kikoho from Tien while in his Super Perfect Form (DBZ E191: 14:02)

Cell Juniors (Cell Games Saga)

  • Cell stated that there was absolutely no way Tien would beat the Cell Juniors (DBZ E183: 21:37)
  • A Cell Junior dodged a series of punches from Tien (DBZ E184: 05:11)

Krillin (Cell Games Saga)

  • Krillin believed he could have defeated Tien (DBZ BU: 06:46)

Son Gohan (Cell Games Saga)

  • Goku stated that if Gohan lost to Cell then there wouldn’t be anyone else around who could beat him (DBZ E181: 07:00)

Son Goku (Cell Games Saga)

  • Goku was stated to be one or two paces removed from the others while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBZ E177: 20:53)

Trunks (Future) (Cell Games Saga)

  • Trunks blocked and dodged a series of attacks from Tien (DBZ BU: 12:03)
  • Trunks dodged a series of punches from Tien (DBZ BU: 12:06)
  • Trunks blocked a kick from Tien (DBZ BU: 12:32)
  • Trunks tanked a blast of energy from Tien while in his Super Saiyan Form (DBZ BU: 13:18)

Standard Equipment



Fusion Saga


Powers and Abilities

Chi Manipulation

  • Used his ki to fire a Kikoho (DBZ E267: 09:20)

Energy Projection

  • Projected a blast of energy from his hands with a Kikoho (DBZ E267: 09:20)


  • Levitated in the air with the Bukujutsu (DBZ E267: 10:48)

Light Manipulation

  • Generated light with a Kikoho (DBZ E267: 09:20)


Majin Buu (Fusion Saga)

  • Dodged a barrage of energy blasts from Super Buu (DBZ E256: 15:37)
  • Overpowered a blast of energy from a Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks and Piccolo-absorbed Super Buu with a Kikoho (DBZ E267: 09:20)
  • Dodged a blast of energy from a Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks and Piccolo-absorbed Super Buu (DBZ E267: 10:28)


Majin Buu (Fusion Saga)

  • Buu stated that Tien was a small fry while in his Super Form and after absorbing Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks and Piccolo (DBZ E267: 10:21)
  • Buu tanked a Kikoho from Tien while in his Super Form and after absorbing Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks and Piccolo (DBZ E267: 11:03)
  • Stated that his and a Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks and Piccolo-absorbed Super Buu’s dimensions were too different and that he would be any help at all against him (DBZ E267: 11:33)
  • Buu one-shot Tien with a kick while in his Super Form and after absorbing Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks and Piccolo (DBZ E267: 15:16)

Standard Equipment



God of Destruction Beerus Saga


Powers and Abilities


  • Flew through the air (DBS E3: 15:25)


Beerus (God of Destruction Beerus Saga)

  • Withstood a blast of air pressure from Beerus (DBS E7: 09:53)


Beerus (God of Destruction Beerus Saga)

  • Beerus dodged a barrage of attacks from Tien (DBS E7: 09:33)

Standard Equipment



Golden Frieza Saga


Powers and Abilities

Energy Projection

  • Projected a wave of energy from his hands with a Kikoho (DBS E21: 15:53)

Extrasensory Perception

  • Sensed Frieza’s arrival (DBS E20: 20:29)


  • Flew through the air (DBS E20: 20:03)

Light Manipulation

  • Generated light with a Kikoho (DBS E21: 15:53)


Frieza Soldiers (Golden Frieza Saga)

  • Gohan stated that the Frieza Soldiers were weaker than them (DBS E21: 07:54)
  • One-shot a Frieza Soldier with a punch (DBS E21: 08:22)
  • One-shot a Frieza Soldier with a punch (DBS E21: 08:23)
  • One-shot a Frieza Soldier with a kick (DBS E21: 08:24)
  • One-shot a Frieza Soldier with an attack (DBS E21: 08:40)
  • One-shot a Frieza Soldier with a kick (DBS E21: 08:41)
  • Caught a punch from a Frieza Soldier (DBS E21: 10:00)
  • One-shot a Frieza Soldier with a kick (DBS E21: 10:05)
  • One-shot a Frieza Soldier with a kick (DBS E21: 11:01)
  • One-shot several Frieza Soldiers with a Kikoho (DBS E21: 15:53)

Ginyu (Golden Frieza Saga)

  • Withstood a punch from Ginyu in Tagoma’s body (DBS E22: 12:08)


Ginyu (Golden Frieza Saga)

  • Ginyu blitzed Tien while in Tagoma’s body (DBS E22: 12:08)
  • Was stated to be unable to help in the fight against Ginyu in Tagoma’s body (DBS E22: 13:09)

Standard Equipment



Universe Survival Saga


Powers and Abilities

Body Control

  • Grew two extra arms from his back with a Shiyoken (DBS E89: 16:34)


  • Split himself into 4 with a Shishin no Ken (DBS E106: 14:33)

Energy Projection

  • Projected a blast of energy from his hands with a Shin Kikoho (DBS E101: 07:19)

Enhanced Senses

  • Was stated to have very good vision by Krillin, enough to easily see Harmira’s energy beams from far away (DBS E106: 15:41)

Explosion Manipulation

  • Created an explosion with a Shin Kikoho (DBS E101: 07:19)

Extrasensory Perception

  • Sensed Vegeta’s ki (DBS E92: 12:15)


  • Flew into the air (DBS E89: 15:59)

Light Manipulation

  • Generated light with a Kikoho (DBS E90: 08:22)
  • Created a flash of light with a Taiyoken (DBS E97: 15:13)

Multiple Limbs

  • Grew two extra arms from his back with a Shiyoken (DBS E89: 16:34)

Resistance to Empathic Manipulation

  • Unaffected by the Kamikaze Fireball’s Ai no Hikari (DBS E102: 10:09)


Dium (Universe Survival Saga)

  • Dodged a blast of energy from Dium (DBS E99: 10:07)

Harmira (Universe Survival Saga)

  • Harmed Harmira with a Shin Kikoho (DBS E106: 17:16)
  • His copies restrained Harmira (DBS E106: 18:32)

Kachi Katchin (Universe Survival Saga)

  • Damaged the Kachi Katchin stage with a Shin Kikoho (DBS E106: 17:16)

Muten Roshi (Universe Survival Saga)

  • Harmed Roshi with a punch (DBS E89: 16:03)
  • Dodged a punch from Roshi and harmed him with a series of attacks (DBS E89: 16:05)
  • Withstood a punch from Roshi (DBS E89: 16:06)
  • Withstood a Bankoku Bikkuri Sho from MAX Power Roshi (DBS E89: 16:52)

Son Gohan (Universe Survival Saga)

  • Withstood a punch from Gohan (DBS E90: 07:08)
  • Withstood an attack from Gohan (DBS E90: 08:32)

Universe 7 Residents (Universe Survival Saga)

  • Was stated to be one of the ten mightiest warriors in Universe 7 (DBS E89: 20:45)

Za Priccio (Universe Survival Saga)

  • Harmed Za Priccio with a Shin Kikoho (DBS E101: 07:19)


Harmira (Universe Survival Saga)

  • Harmira one-shot Tien’s copy with a concentrated beam of energy (DBS E106: 15:05)
  • Harmira one-shot Tien’s copy with a concentrated beam of energy (DBS E106: 15:27)
  • Krillin stated that Tien, with his power divided, didn’t have enough energy to deflect concentrated beams of energy from Harmira (DBS E106: 15:46)
  • Harmira one-shot Tien’s copy with a concentrated beam of energy (DBS E106: 17:01)

Standard Equipment


Shishin no Ken

  • His Shishin no Ken divides his speed and power among his copies (DBS E106: 14:58)
