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Syrup Village arc



  • Stated that his slingshot skills were far greater than one’s average pistol (OP E9: 10:19)

Powers and Abilities

Explosion Manipulation

  • Created an explosion with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E17: 04:51)

Weapon Mastery

  • Scattered caltrops across the ground with a Makibishi Jigoku (OP E12: 18:01)
  • Fired a lead ball straight into a pirate’s head with a Namari Boshi (OP E12: 18:55)


Black Cat Pirates (Syrup Village arc)

  • Harmed several Black Cat Pirates with a barrage of projectiles (OP E12: 13:05)
  • Pierced a group of Black Cat Pirates’ feet with caltrops (OP E12: 18:50)
  • Knocked a Black Cat Pirate unconscious with a Namari Boshi (OP E12: 18:55)
  • Withstood an attack from a Black Cat Pirate, though was bleeding (OP E12: 19:17)
  • Withstood a kick from a Black Cat Pirate (OP E12: 19:49)
  • Withstood a kick from a Black Cat Pirate (OP E12: 19:50)
  • Withstood a kick from a Black Cat Pirate (OP E12: 21:01)

Jango (Syrup Village arc)

  • Harmed Jango with a Namari Boshi (OP E15: 09:32)
  • Knocked Jango unconscious with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E17: 04:51)

Kaya (Syrup Village arc)

  • Withstood a slap from Kaya (OP E11: 15:54)

Kaya’s Guards (Syrup Village arc)

  • One-shot a guard with a projectile (OP E11: 15:32)
  • One-shot a guard with a projectile (OP E11: 15:34)
  • One-shot a guard with a projectile (OP E11: 15:36)

Kuro (Syrup Village arc)

  • Harmed Kuro with a punch (OP E10: 05:24)
  • Intercepted an attack from Kuro (OP E14: 16:33)
  • Withstood a kick from Kuro (OP E15: 05:44)

Nami (Syrup Village arc)

  • Withstood an attack from Nami (OP E12: 16:11)

Roronoa Zoro (Syrup Village arc)

  • Harmed Zoro with a Namari Boshi (OP E13: 20:24)


Jango (Syrup Village arc)

  • Kuro stated that Usopp would be no match for Jango (OP E15: 14:10)

Kuro (Syrup Village arc)

  • Kuro dodged a gunshot from Usopp with a Nukiashi (OP E14: 22:16)

Merry (Syrup Village arc)

  • Merry wounded Usopp with a gunshot (OP E11: 16:26)

Monkey D. Luffy (Syrup Village arc)

  • Luffy dodged a barrage of projectiles from Usopp (OP E9: 08:18)

Standard Equipment



Arlong Park arc


Powers and Abilities

Damage Boost

  • Increased the power of his Kaen Boshi after covering Chew with alcohol (OP E40: 19:46)

Explosion Manipulation

  • Created an explosion with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E32: 19:19)

Fire Manipulation

  • Set Chew on fire with a Kaen Boshi (OP E38: 18:36)

Smoke Manipulation

  • Created a smokescreen with a Kemuri Boshi (OP E33: 17:41)

Status Effect Inducement

  • Disoriented several Fish-Men with the smell of rotten eggs with a Tamago Boshi (OP E33: 04:30)

Weapon Mastery

  • Delivered a strike to Chew’s leg with an Usopp Hammer (OP E40: 17:57)
  • Fired a small lead ball from a slingshot with a Namari Boshi (OP E40: 18:20)


Arlong Pirates (Arlong Park arc)

  • Dodged an attack from an Arlong Pirate (OP E31: 17:01)

Chew (Arlong Park arc)

  • Harmed Chew with a Kaen Boshi (OP E38: 18:36)
  • His speed amazed Chew (OP E39: 11:24)
  • Withstood a punch from Chew, though was bleeding (OP E40: 17:27)
  • Withstood a kick from Chew (OP E40: 17:51)
  • Withstood a kick from Chew (OP E40: 17:52)
  • Withstood a kick from Chew (OP E40: 17:53)
  • Harmed Chew with an Usopp Hammer (OP E40: 17:57)
  • Burned Chew with a Kaen Boshi (OP E40: 19:46)
  • Harmed Chew with an Usopp Hammer (OP E40: 20:05)
  • Knocked Chew unconscious with a barrage of Usopp Hammers (OP E40: 20:31)

Marines (Arlong Park arc)

  • Defeated several Marines off-screen (OP E43: 17:50)

Nami (Arlong Park arc)

  • Withstood an attack from Nami, though was bleeding (OP E33: 16:14)

Nezumi (Arlong Park arc)

  • Drew blood from Nezumi off-screen (OP E43: 17:50)

Roronoa Zoro (Arlong Park arc)

  • Knocked Zoro unconscious with an attack alongside Johnny (OP E31: 12:58)


Arlong (Arlong Park arc)

  • Arlong tanked a Kayaku Boshi from Usopp (OP E32: 19:19)

Chew (Arlong Park arc)

  • Stated that he was going to be killed by Chew (OP E38: 23:02)
  • Chew tanked a Kayaku Boshi from Usopp (OP E40: 17:25)

Nojiko (Arlong Park arc)

  • Nojiko knocked Usopp unconscious with an attack (OP E31: 18:16)

Roronoa Zoro (Arlong Park arc)

  • Zoro knocked Usopp unconscious with an attack (OP E34: 15:57)

Sanji (Arlong Park arc)

  • Sanji knocked Usopp unconscious with a kick (OP E34: 15:57)

Standard Equipment



Loguetown arc



  • Withstood an explosion (OP E47: 05:06)
  • Tanked an explosion (OP CIA: 38:29)


  • Dodged a series of gunshots from several Marines (OP E53: 13:17)

Powers and Abilities


  • Crawled up the side of a building (OP CIA: 39:00)

Enhanced Senses

  • Shot a hole straight through the crown of a weathervane which could barely be perceived by the human eye (OP E50: 21:27)
  • Could see the Going Merry atop the Trump Castle (OP CIA: 15:03)

Explosion Manipulation

  • Created an explosion while working with chemicals (OP E47: 05:06)

Fire Manipulation

  • Set Skunk One’s Devil Gas on fire, detonating it, with a Kaen Boshi (OP CIA: 42:18)

Smoke Manipulation

  • Created a smokescreen with a smoke bomb (OP E50: 13:09)

Status Effect Inducement

  • Burned his eyes with a Tabasco Boshi (OP E45: 03:04)
  • Disoriented Skunk One with the smell of a rotten egg with a Tamago Boshi (OP CIA: 39:31)

Weapon Mastery

  • Fired a small lead ball bearing from his slingshot with a Namari Boshi (OP E53: 14:43)


Marines (Loguetown arc)

  • Dodged a series of gunshots from several Marines (OP E53: 13:17)
  • One-shot a Marine with a Namari Boshi (OP E53: 14:43)
  • One-shot a Marine with a Namari Boshi (OP E53: 14:44)

Monkey D. Luffy (Loguetown arc)

  • Withstood a Gomu Gomu no Rocket from Luffy (OP E53: 18:51)

Skunk One (Loguetown arc)

  • Withstood a kick from Skunk One (OP CIA: 28:12)
  • Dodged a punch from Skunk One (OP CIA: 38:59)
  • Dodged an attack from Skunk One (OP CIA: 39:40)
  • Withstood a punch from Skunk One (OP CIA: 41:56)
  • Withstood a kick from Skunk One (OP CIA: 41:58)
  • One-shot Skunk One with a Kaen Boshi (OP CIA: 42:18)


Skunk One (Loguetown arc)

  • Skunk One dodged a Namari Boshi from Usopp (OP CIA: 41:54)

Standard Equipment



Warship Island arc



  • Dodged a barrage of gunshots from several Marines (OP E56: 11:14)

Powers and Abilities

Non-Standard Breathing

  • Used a hollow tube to breathe while underwater (OP E56: 10:49)


Eric (Warship Island arc)

  • Intercepted a Kama Kama no Kamaitachi from Eric (OP E61: 05:24)

Marines (Warship Island arc)

  • Dodged a barrage of gunshots from several Marines (OP E56: 11:14)

Roronoa Zoro (Warship Island arc)

  • Traded blows with Zoro (OP E54: 11:21)


Apis (Warship Island arc)

  • Apis knocked Usopp unconscious with a headbutt (OP E54: 08:20)

Eric (Warship Island arc)

  • Zoro stated that Eric would take out Usopp with his technique (OP E59: 15:13)

Standard Equipment



Reverse Mountain arc


Powers and Abilities



Royal Squid (Reverse Mountain arc)

  • A Royal Squid intimidated Usopp (OP E62: 10:21)

Standard Equipment



Whiskey Peak arc


Powers and Abilities

Resistance to Cold

  • Stood on the deck of the Going Merry while it was snowing, with no issue (OP E64: 02:46)



Standard Equipment



Little Garden arc



  • Created an explosion with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E73: 20:54)


  • Ran across a forest and a lake within seconds (OP E73: 11:29)

Powers and Abilities

Explosion Manipulation

  • Created an explosion with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E73: 20:54)

Fire Manipulation

  • Set Luffy on fire with a Kaen Boshi (OP E76: 05:28)

Free Movement=

  • Seemingly ran across a lake (OP E73: 11:29)

Status Effect Inducement

  • Shot a pellet containing tabasco sauce into Mr. 5’s mouth with a Tokusei Tabasco Boshi (OP E76: 15:34)

Weapon Mastery

  • Launched a lead ball from his slingshot with a Namari Boshi (OP E75: 20:26)


Gem (Little Garden arc)

  • Withstood a Nose Fancy Cannon from Mr. 5 (OP E73: 21:05)
  • Dodged a Kick Bomb from Mr. 5 (OP E75: 14:39)
  • Withstood a Breeze Breath Bomb from Mr. 5, though was bleeding (OP E76: 06:03)
  • Withstood a Breeze Breath Bomb from Mr. 5 (OP E76: 11:18)
  • Burned Mr. 5 with a Tokusei Tabasco Boshi (OP E76: 15:34)

Mikita (Little Garden arc)

  • Withstood a punch from Miss Valentine (OP E76: 14:37)

Smilodon (Little Garden arc)

  • Outran a Smilodon (OP E71: 11:50)

T-Rex (Little Garden arc)

  • Outran a T-Rex (OP E71: 12:00)


Gem (Little Garden arc)

  • Mr. 5 tanked a Kayaku Boshi from Usopp (OP E73: 20:54)
  • Mr. 5 intercepted and tanked a Kayaku Boshi from Usopp (OP E75: 10:03)
  • Mr. 5 dodged a Namari Boshi from Usopp (OP E75: 20:26)
  • Mr. 5 stated that Usopp was a small fry (OP E75: 20:45)
  • Mr. 5 stated that there wouldn’t even be bone fragments left of Usopp after his Zenshin Kibaku (OP E76: 16:21)
  • Mr. 5 restrained Usopp (OP E76: 16:23)

Mikita (Little Garden arc)

  • Miss Valentine tanked a Kayaku Boshi from Usopp (OP E73: 20:54)
  • Miss Valentine knocked Usopp unconscious with an Ichiman Kilo Press (OP E73: 21:16)
  • Miss Valentine crushed Usopp with a Crescendo Stone (OP E76: 12:19)
  • Miss Valentine stated that she was going to shatter Usopp’s neck to pieces with an Ichiman Kilo Guillotine (OP E76: 14:45)

Monkey D. Luffy (Little Garden arc)

  • Luffy tanked a Kaen Boshi from Usopp (OP E76: 05:28)

Smilodon (Little Garden arc)

  • A Smilodon intimidated Usopp (OP E71: 11:40)

T-Rex (Little Garden arc)

  • A T-Rex intimidated Usopp (OP E71: 12:00)

Standard Equipment



Drum Island arc


Powers and Abilities

Resistance to Cold

  • Unaffected while standing out in the snow without any winter clothing (OP E79: 06:16)


Nefertari Vivi (Drum Island arc)

  • Withstood a barrage of attacks from Vivi (OP E83: 10:23)

Sanji (Drum Island arc)

  • Dodged an attack from Sanji (OP E79: 08:22)


Standard Equipment



Alabasta arc



  • Destroyed a pillar with an Uso-Cho Hammer Suisei (OP E115: 09:09)


  • Stood back up after taking numerous heavily damaging attacks from Miss Merry Christmas and having just had his skull cracked by Mr. 4 (OP E115: 06:22)
  • Remained conscious despite having shattered his femur, busting his nose, humeri, and clavicles, and losing a little more blood than should be fatal (OP E116: 07:45)


  • Pushed a piece of rubble off himself (OP E114: 17:33)

Powers and Abilities

Enhanced Senses

  • Zoomed in on a rock structure, that was invisible to the naked eye, by rotating his goggles (OP E97: 10:28)

Fire Manipulation

  • Fired a pellet from his slingshot that exploded into a blast of flames with a Kaen Boshi (OP E112: 09:32)

Smoke Manipulation

  • Fired a pellet that exploded into a smokescreen with a Kemuri Boshi (OP E115: 08:15)
  • Fired a column of red smoke into the air to signal the other Straw Hats with an Akahebi Boshi (OP E123: 19:49)

Sound Manipulation

  • Disoriented a group of Billions by scratching a chalkboard with his fingers with an Usopp Nosie (OP E124: 05:20)

Weapon Mastery

  • Slammed a paper-mâché mallet down on Mr. 4’s head, deceiving them into believing it was a 5-ton hammer, with a Usopp Pound (OP E114: 06:21)
  • Used Chopper’s antlers and a large rubber band to fire a small hammer into Mr. 4’s chest with an Uso-Cho Hammer Suisei (OP E115: 09:09)


Alabasta Royal Army (Alabasta arc)

  • Defeated a soldier off-screen (OP E123: 19:19)

Babe (Alabasta arc)

  • Withstood a Mogurazuka Yonban Kousaten from Mr. 4 and Hybrid Miss Merry Christmas, though cracked his skull (OP E115: 05:09)
  • Knocked Mr. 4 unconscious with an Uso-Cho Hammer Suisei (OP E115: 09:09)

Daz Bonez (Alabasta arc)

  • Burned Mr. 1’s hand with a Kaen Boshi (OP E112: 09:32)

Drophy (Alabasta arc)

  • Withstood a Mogura Banana from Hybrid Miss Merry Christmas, though was bleeding (OP E114: 11:03)
  • Dodged a Mogura Banana from Hybrid Miss Merry Christmas (OP E114: 15:14)
  • Dodged a barrage of Mogura Bananas from Hybrid Miss Merry Christmas (OP E114: 15:26)
  • Withstood a Mogu Mogu Impact from Hybrid Miss Merry Christmas (OP E114: 18:29)
  • Withstood a Mogu Mogu Impact from Hybrid Miss Merry Christmas (OP E114: 18:36)
  • Withstood a Mogu Mogu Impact from Hybrid Miss Merry Christmas, though was bleeding (OP E115: 04:45)
  • Withstood a Mogurazuka Yonban Kousaten from Mr. 4 and Hybrid Miss Merry Christmas, though cracked his skull (OP E115: 05:09)

Kung Fu Dugongs (Alabasta arc)

  • Withstood attacks from a Kung Fu Dugong off-screen, though was bleeding (OP E96: 09:56)

Lassoo (Alabasta arc)

  • Dodged a bomb from Hybrid Lassoo (OP E113: 16:06)
  • Dodged a bomb from Hybrid Lassoo (OP E113: 17:24)
  • Withstood an explosion from Hybrid Lassoo (OP E113: 17:32)
  • Dodged a series of bombs from Hybrid Lassoo (OP E114: 04:43)

Matsuge (Alabasta arc)

  • Harmed Matsuge with a barrage of attacks (OP E97: 20:54)
  • Harmed Matsuge with a barrage of attacks (OP E97: 20:59)
  • Harmed Matsuge with a barrage of attacks (OP E103: 16:25)
  • Harmed Matsuge with a barrage of attacks (OP E103: 16:30)

Monkey D. Luffy (Alabasta arc)

  • Traded blows with Luffy (OP E100: 04:03)

Nami (Alabasta arc)

  • Withstood a punch from Nami (OP E94: 04:40)
  • Withstood a punch from Nami (OP E106: 18:50)
  • Withstood an attack from Nami (OP E121: 17:03)
  • Withstood a Cyclone Tempo from Nami (OP E125: 07:22)

Roronoa Zoro (Alabasta arc)

  • Withstood a punch from Zoro (OP E123: 09:14)

Sanji (Alabasta arc)

  • Withstood an attack from Sanji (OP E96: 05:12)
  • Traded blows with Sanji (OP E100: 04:03)
  • Withstood a kick from Sanji (OP E101: 03:48)
  • Withstood a kick from Sanji (OP E101: 03:58)

Tony Tony Chopper (Alabasta arc)

  • Withstood a series of attacks from Chopper (OP E116: 08:37)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Chopper (OP E116: 08:38)
  • Harmed Chopper with a punch (OP E116: 08:57)


Babe (Alabasta arc)

  • Mr. 4 tanked an Usopp Pound from Usopp (OP E114: 06:21)
  • Stated that he was going to get killed by Mr. 4 (OP E114: 20:51)
  • Stated that there was no way they could beat Mr. 4 (OP E114: 20:55)

Bananawani (Alabasta arc)

  • The Bananawani were stated to be unstoppable by Usopp (OP E108: 12:16)

Bentham (Alabasta arc)

  • Mr. 2 one-shot Usopp off-screen (OP E112: 20:20)

Drophy (Alabasta arc)

  • Miss Merry Christmas dodged an Usopp Pound from Usopp while in her Hybrid Form (OP E114: 08:01)
  • Miss Merry Christmas dodged a barrage of Usopp Pounds from Usopp while in her Hybrid Form (OP E114: 08:11)
  • Stated that he was going to get killed by Hybrid Miss Merry Christmas (OP E114: 20:51)
  • Stated that there was no way they could beat Hybrid Miss Merry Christmas (OP E114: 20:55)
  • Miss Merry Christmas caught up to a fleeing Usopp while in her Hybrid Form (OP E114: 21:04)
  • Miss Merry Christmas stated that Usopp was weak while in her Hybrid Form (OP E115: 05:46)

Lassoo (Alabasta arc)

  • Stated that he was going to get killed by Hybrid Lassoo (OP E114: 20:51)
  • Stated that there was no way they could beat Hybrid Lassoo (OP E114: 20:55)

Monkey D. Luffy (Alabasta arc)

  • Luffy tanked a punch from Usopp (OP E105: 14:11)
  • Nami stated that Usopp was an ordinary human with no power in comparison to the other Straw Hats, who she stated were as strong as monsters (OP E117: 05:58)
  • Implied that if Luffy couldn’t beat Crocodile, then no one else among them could (OP E121: 18:27)

Roronoa Zoro (Alabasta arc)

  • Nami stated that Usopp was an ordinary human with no power in comparison to the other Straw Hats, who she stated were as strong as monsters (OP E117: 05:58)

Sanji (Alabasta arc)

  • Sanji tanked a series of kicks from Usopp (OP E101: 03:56)
  • Nami stated that Usopp was an ordinary human with no power in comparison to the other Straw Hats, who she stated were as strong as monsters (OP E117: 05:58)

Tony Tony Chopper (Alabasta arc)

  • Nami stated that Usopp was an ordinary human with no power in comparison to the other Straw Hats, who she stated were as strong as monsters (OP E117: 05:58)

Standard Equipment



  • Implied that he was incapable of carrying five tons (OP E114: 09:45)



  • Was stated to have fatal wounds (OP E121: 17:51)

Post-Alabasta arc


Powers and Abilities


Monkey D. Luffy (Post-Alabasta arc)

  • Harmed Luffy with a punch (OP E131: 05:34)

Odama (Post-Alabasta arc)

  • Dodged an attack from Odama (OP E134: 09:07)


Roronoa Zoro (Post-Alabasta arc)

  • Stated that there was no way he could stop Zoro (OP E132: 14:32)

Sanji (Post-Alabasta arc)

  • Stated that there was no way he could stop Sanji (OP E132: 14:32)

Standard Equipment



Goat Island arc


Powers and Abilities

Explosion Manipulation

  • Shot a pellet that exploded on impact with a Kayaku Boshi (OP DEA: 48:44)

Sleep Manipulation

  • Shot a pellet into the mouths of Bayan’s crew, putting them to sleep with a Nemuri Boshi (OP OUtGS!AFHHD: 34:59)

Smoke Manipulation

  • Shot a pellet that created a small cloud of smoke on impact with a Kemuri Boshi (OP E138: 11:32)

Status Effect Inducement

  • Shot a pellet containing tabasco sauce into Luffy’s eyes, burning them with a Tabasco Boshi (OP E136: 07:05)


Bayan (Goat Island arc)

  • One-shot Bayan with an Usopp Hammer alongside the other Straw Hats (OP OUtGS!AFHHD: 37:31)

Bigalo (Goat Island arc)

  • One-shot Bigalo with a Kayaku Boshi (OP DEA: 48:44)

Monkey D. Luffy (Goat Island arc)

  • Dodged an attack from Luffy (OP OUtGS!AFHHD: 04:55)
  • Harmed Luffy with a punch (OP DEA: 05:45)

Nami (Goat Island arc)

  • Withstood a punch from Nami (OP E136: 19:54)


Marines (Goat Island arc)

  • A Marine threatened to kill Usopp (OP E137: 20:08)

Standard Equipment



Ruluka Island arc


Powers and Abilities

Fire Manipulation

  • Shot a pellet from his slingshot that exploded into fire, burning through a rope, with a Kaen Boshi (OP E140: 06:41)


Rongo (Pre-BoS)

  • Withstood a kick from Rongo (OP E140: 07:06)

Roronoa Zoro (Ruluka Island arc)

  • Withstood a punch from Zoro (OP E141: 17:33)


Standard Equipment



Jaya arc



  • Created diving suits for Luffy, Zoro, and Sanij, which allowed them to dive to the bottom of the ocean to recover items from a sunken ship (OP E144: 09:40)

Powers and Abilities


Monkey D. Luffy (Jaya arc)

  • Harmed Luffy with a punch (OP E145: 14:31)

Mont Blanc Cricket (Jaya arc)

  • Withstood a punch from Cricket (OP E149: 10:42)

Nami (Jaya arc)

  • Withstood attacks from Nami off-screen (OP E149: 04:19)

Tony Tony Chopper (Jaya arc)

  • Harmed Chopper with a headbutt (OP E144: 03:08)


Masira (Jaya arc)

  • Stated that Masira had come to kill him (OP E148: 11:41)

Shoujou (Jaya arc)

  • Stated that Shoujou had come to kill him (OP E148: 11:41)

Standard Equipment



Skypiea arc



  • Dodged a blast of lightning from Enel (OP E185: 15:24)
  • Dodged a blast of lightning from Enel (OP E185: 15:29)
  • Dodged a blast of lightning from Enel (OP E185: 16:04)
  • Dodged a blast of lightning from Enel (OP E185: 16:29)
  • Dodged a blast of lightning from Enel (OP E185: 17:04)

Powers and Abilities


  • Was unaffected by the thin air in the White Sea (OP E153: 12:30)

Air Manipulation

  • Released gusts of wind from several Breath Dials to slow the Going Merry’s descent (OP E195: 19:40)

Explosion Manipulation

  • Shot a pellet from his slingshot that exploded on impact with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E185: 14:19)

Sound Manipulation

  • Recorded his words and replayed them with a Tone Dail (OP E194: 10:45)

Surface Scaling

  • Climbed up the side of the Ark Maxim with his Octopakutsu (OP E185: 05:18)

Vehicular Mastery

  • Maneuvered through a rain of wooden stakes while steering a boat (OP E159: 07:22)

Resistance to Electricity Manipulation

  • Survived a blast of lightning from Enel, though was knocked unconscious and badly burned (OP E171: 05:09)


Aisa (Skypiea arc)

  • Was stated to be scary by Aisa (OP E164: 05:12)

Enel (Skypiea arc)

  • Dodged a blast of lightning from Enel (OP E185: 15:24)
  • Dodged a blast of lightning from Enel (OP E185: 15:29)
  • Dodged a blast of lightning from Enel (OP E185: 16:04)
  • Dodged a blast of lightning from Enel (OP E185: 16:29)
  • Dodged a blast of lightning from Enel (OP E185: 17:04)
  • Withstood an attack from Enel (OP E185: 18:00)
  • Withstood an attack from Enel, though was bleeding (OP E185: 18:16)
  • Withstood an attack from Enel (OP E185: 18:18)
  • Withstood a blast of lightning from Enel (OP E185: 18:33)

Monkey D. Luffy (Skypiea arc)

  • Harmed Luffy with a barrage of kicks (OP E158: 06:04)
  • Withstood an attack from Luffy (OP E164: 06:36)

Nami (Skypiea arc)

  • Nami stated that she was the weakest among the Straw Hats (OP E161: 18:14)
  • Withstood an attack from Nami (OP E185: 15:44)

Pierre (Skypiea arc)

  • Withstood a bite from Hybrid Pierre, though was bleeding (OP E168: 08:26)
  • Withstood a bite from Hybrid Pierre, though was bleeding (OP E168: 10:15)

Sanji (Skypiea arc)

  • Withstood a kick from Sanji (OP E155: 20:28)
  • Withstood a barrage of kicks from Sanji, though was bleeding (OP E161: 12:28)
  • Withstood a kick from Sanji (OP E164: 06:36)
  • Withstood attacks from Sanji off-screen, though was bleeding (OP E164: 16:25)

Satori (Skypiea arc)

  • Dodged an attack from Satori’s Surprise Cloud (OP E160: 11:34)
  • Withstood an explosion from Satori’s Surprise Cloud (OP E160: 11:56)
  • Withstood an Impact from Satori (OP E160: 15:24)
  • Withstood a barrage of attacks from Satori’s Surprise Cloud Birds (OP E161: 07:43)
  • Knocked Satori’s Surprise Cloud Birds unconscious with a series of Usopp Hammers (OP E161: 08:50)
  • Intercepted a Tama Dragon from Satori (OP E163: 04:56)
  • Dodged a Tama Dragon from Satori (OP E163: 05:19)
  • Withstood an explosion from Satori’s Surprise Cloud (OP E163: 05:38)

Tony Tony Chopper (Skypiea arc)

  • Chopper stated that he was the weakest among the Straw Hats (OP E161: 18:30)


Enel (Skypiea arc)

  • Enel one-shot Usopp with a blast of lightning (OP E171: 05:09)
  • Stated that he and Sanji were goners if Enel or the Priests showed up (OP E185: 05:09)
  • Enel tanked a Kayaku Boshi from Usopp (OP E185: 14:19)
  • Stated that Enel’s lightning would end up turning them to sky dust if they stayed where they were (OP E186: 20:35)
  • Stated that he and the others would die to Enel’s lightning if they didn’t leave (OP E190: 04:39)

Giant Jack (Skypiea arc)

  • Giant Jack tanked a Kayaku Boshi from Usopp (OP E191: 15:35)
  • Giant Jack tanked a Kayaku Boshi from Usopp (OP E191: 15:52)
  • Giant Jack tanked a Kayaku Boshi from Usopp (OP E191: 15:55)

Gedatsu (Skypiea arc)

  • Stated that he and Sanji were goners if Enel or the Priests showed up (OP E185: 05:09)

Monkey D. Luffy (Skypiea arc)

  • Stated that he was the weakest among the Straw Hats (OP E161: 18:33)

Nami (Skypiea arc)

  • Stated that he was the weakest among the Straw Hats (OP E161: 18:33)

Nico Robin (Skypiea arc)

  • Stated that he was the weakest among the Straw Hats (OP E161: 18:33)

Ohm (Skypiea arc)

  • Stated that he and Sanji were goners if Enel or the Priests showed up (OP E185: 05:09)

Roronoa Zoro (Skypiea arc)

  • Stated that he was the weakest among the Straw Hats (OP E161: 18:33)

Sanji (Skypiea arc)

  • Sanji tanked a slap from Usopp (OP E157: 14:27)

Satori (Skypiea arc)

  • Satori knocked Usopp unconscious with an Impact (OP E161: 21:16)
  • Stated that he’d be blown to bits if he laid even on finger on Satori’s Tama Dragon (OP E163: 05:05)
  • Stated that he and Sanji were goners if Enel or the Priests showed up (OP E185: 05:09)

Shura (Skypiea arc)

  • Stated that he and Sanji were goners if Enel or the Priests showed up (OP E185: 05:09)

Sky Sharks (Skypiea arc)

  • Stated that he was going to be swallowed by several Sky Sharks (OP E165: 15:50)

Tony Tony Chopper (Skypiea arc)

  • Stated that he was the weakest among the Straw Hats (OP E161: 18:33)

White Berets (Skypiea arc)

  • Conis stated that the White Berets were beyond the Straw Hats’ power (OP E156: 18:23)

Standard Equipment



G-8 arc



  • Tanked an explosion (OP E200: 18:38)

Powers and Abilities


  • Absorbed the impact of a Marine’s sword strike with an Impact Dial (OP E201: 17:55)

Air Manipulation

  • Released a shockwave with an Impact (OP E205: 14:42)
  • Released a small jet of wind from a Breath Dial (OP E205: 15:30)

Explosion Manipulation

  • Created an explosion with a projectile (OP E202: 04:48)

Fire Manipulation

  • Released a small stream of fire from a Flame Dial (OP E205: 12:47)

Fragrance Manipulation

  • Released a fart that Luffy had stored, from a Flavor Dial (OP E200: 18:55)

Sound Manipulation

  • Recorded and replayed his voice through a Tone Dial (OP E200: 18:15)

Resistance to Status Effect Inducement

  • His goggles allowed him to see clearly through tear gas (OP E202: 04:51)


Marines (G-8 arc)

  • Dodged an attack from a Marine (OP E201: 17:49)
  • Blocked an attack from a Marine with an Impact Dial (OP E201: 17:55)
  • Blocked an attack from a Marine with an Impact Dial (OP E201: 18:07)
  • Blocked an attack from a Marine with an Impact Dial (OP E201: 18:08)
  • Blocked an attack from a Marine with an Impact Dial (OP E201: 18:09)
  • Blocked an attack from a Marine with an Impact Dial (OP E201: 18:14)
  • Blocked an attack from a Marine with an Impact Dial (OP E201: 20:03)
  • One-shot a Marine with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E202: 04:48)
  • Harmed a Marine with a Namari Boshi (OP E204: 18:47)

Seastone (G-8 arc)

  • Implied that he could break a set of Seastone bars with an Impact (OP E200: 17:41)

Shepherd (G-8 arc)

  • Harmed Shepherd with an attack (OP E205: 07:00)


Marines (G-8 arc)

  • Several marines threatened Usopp at sword point (OP E199: 16:24)

Roronoa Zoro (G-8 arc)

  • A Marine stated that Zoro was considered to be the strongest among the Straw Hats (OP E197: 09:12)

Standard Equipment



  • Robin stated that it would be instant death for Usopp if he were hit by a falling gear (OP E204: 19:44)


Long Ring Long Land arc



  • Tanked an explosion (OP E209: 11:24)


  • Reacted to Foxy’s Noro Noro Beam (OP E214: 19:59)

Powers and Abilities

Air Manipulation

  • Projected a shockwave from his palm with an Impact (OP E210: 07:16)

Explosion Manipulation

  • Created small explosions with a series of pellets (OP E210: 12:02)

Fire Manipulation

  • Shot a pellet form his slingshot that exploded into flames on impact with a Kaen Boshi (OP E209: 16:06)

Weapon Mastery

  • Slammed an oversized hammer into Kerojii’s back with an Usopp Pound (OP BOatSI: 40:47)


Big Pan (Long Ring Long Land arc)

  • Withstood an attack from Big Pan (OP E215: 10:40)

Governor (Long Ring Long Land arc)

  • Governor stated that the Straw Hats were too strong (OP P!TLGP: 38:04)

Kerojii (Long Ring Long Land arc)

  • Harmed Kerojii with an Usopp Pound (OP BOatSI: 40:47)

Keroko (Long Ring Long Land arc)

  • Dodged a barrage of attacks from Keroko (OP BOatSI: 25:09)

Nami (Long Ring Long Land arc)

  • Withstood a punch from Nami (OP E209: 19:16)
  • Withstood a punch from Nami (OP E209: 19:17)
  • Withstood a punch from Nami (OP E209: 19:18)
  • Withstood an attack from Nami (OP BOatSI: 33:38)
  • Withstood a slap from Nami (OP BOatSI: 41:07)
  • Withstood a slap from Nami (OP BOatSI: 41:18)


Big Pan (Long Ring Long Land arc)

  • Stated that whoever Big Pan hit would be a dead man (OP E215: 10:36)

Capote (Long Ring Long Land arc)

  • Capote tanked a Kaen Boshi from Usopp (OP E209: 16:06)

Chiqicheetah (Long Ring Long Land arc)

  • Chiqicheetah outran Usopp (OP E213: 20:31)
  • Chiqicheetah dodged a punch from Usopp (OP E213: 21:12)

DJ Gappa (Long Ring Long Land arc)

  • Gappa tanked a kick from Usopp (OP BOatSI: 45:59)

Foxy Pirates (Long Ring Long Land arc)

  • A Foxy Pirate stated that Usopp was weak (OP E215: 04:49)

Standard Equipment



Ocean's Dream arc


Powers and Abilities


Honki (Ocean’s Dream arc)

  • Withstood an attack from Honki (OP TGMSoKC: 30:39)
  • Ratchet stated that there was no way he and Honki could win if they fought the Straw Hats head-on (OP TGMSoKC: 57:03)

Nami (Ocean’s Dream arc)

  • Withstood an attack from Nami off-screen (OP TGMSoKC: 21:03)
  • Withstood an attack from Nami off-screen (OP TGMSoKC: 36:15)

Ratchet (Ocean’s Dream arc)

  • Ratchet stated that there was no way he and Honki could win if they fought the Straw Hats head-on (OP TGMSoKC: 57:03)

Sanji (Ocean’s Dream arc)

  • Withstood a kick from Sanji (OP E221: 13:43)

Tony Tony Chopper (Ocean’s Dream arc)

  • Withstood a punch from Heavy Point Chopper, though was bleeding (OP E220: 17:15)


Standard Equipment



Foxy's Return arc



  • Dodged a Noro Noro Beam from Foxy (OP E226: 05:59)

Powers and Abilities

Light Manipulation

  • Created a flash of light with a flash ball (OP E226: 08:16)


Foxy (Foxy’s Return arc)

  • Dodged a Noro Noro Beam from Foxy (OP E226: 05:59)

Kibagaeru Pirates (Foxy’s Return arc)

  • Withstood a punch from a Kibagaeru Pirate (OP E225: 19:31)
  • Harmed a Kibagaeru Pirate with a punch (OP E225: 19:45)
  • Withstood a punch from a Kibagaeru Pirate (OP E225: 19:56)

Kuzan (Foxy’s Return arc)

  • Intercepted a kick from Aokiji (OP E228: 04:36)

Monkey D. Luffy (Foxy’s Return arc)

  • Restrained Luffy alongside Sanji (OP E227: 06:32)
  • Restrained Luffy alongside Sanji (OP E227: 09:23)


Standard Equipment



Water 7 arc



  • Created a massive explosion with a Kaen Boshi and a Breath Dial (OP E236: 11:43)


  • Nami stated that Usopp improved her Clima Tact and made it stronger using dials, after they came back from the sky island (OP E258: 10:34)

Powers and Abilities


  • Absorbed the impact of Luffy’s Gomu Gomu no Bazooka with an Impact Dial (OP E236: 15:41)

Air Manipulation

  • Expelled a flammable gas from a Breath Dail, covering the area around Luffy with it (OP E236: 11:10)
  • Released the stored impact of Luffy’s Gomu Gomu no Bazooka back at him with an Impact Dial, sending a shockwave deep into his body (OP E236: 15:59)

Attack Reflection

  • Released the stored impact of Luffy’s Gomu Gomu no Bazooka back at him with an Impact Dial, sending a shockwave deep into his body (OP E236: 15:59)


  • Fired a chain of dozens of attached shuriken, which separated into a large spread to cover a wider radius, with a Shuriken Ryuseigun (OP E236: 10:34)
  • Fired a green pellet that exploded into dozens of cactus spines on impact with a Sakuretsu Saboten Boshi (OP E236: 14:57)

Durability Negation

  • Released the stored impact of Luffy’s Gomu Gomu no Bazooka back at him with an Impact Dial, sending a shockwave deep into his body (OP E236: 15:59)

Explosion Manipulation

  • Created an explosion with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E233: 20:23)
  • Ignited the flammable gas surrounding Luffy with a flaming pellet, creating a massive explosion (OP E236: 11:43)
  • Fired three explosive pellets at Luffy, creating a series of explosions, with a Sanren Kayaku Boshi (OP E236: 15:10)

Fire Manipulation

  • Fired a ball of tabasco sauce into Luffy’s mouth, burning him and forcing him to shoot out flames, with a Tabasco Boshi (OP E236: 09:21)
  • Shot a pellet at Luffy which erupted into flames, with a Kaen Boshi (OP E236: 11:43)

Fragrance Manipulation

  • Fired a rotten egg at Luffy, disorientating him with its horrible smell after it splattered on him, with a Tamago Boshi (OP E236: 08:58)

Light Manipulation

  • Created a flash of light, blinding Luffy, with a Flash Dial (OP E236: 08:51)

Smoke Manipulation

  • Threw a pellet onto the groud, which exploded into a cloud of smoke, with a Nemuri Boshi (OP E262: 14:18)

Status Effect Inducement

  • Fired a pellet of pepper into Luffy’s face, causing him to sneeze uncontrollably, with a Kosho Boshi (OP E236: 10:01)

Surface Scaling

  • Scaled the side of the Puffing Tom with his Octopakutsu (OP E259: 21:35)

Weapon Mastery

  • Laid out dozens of caltrops all around Luffy to pierce him after making him fall with a Makibishi Jigoku (OP E236: 09:34)
  • Fired a chain of dozens of attached shuriken, which separated into a large spread to cover a wider radius, with a Shuriken Ryuseigun (OP E236: 10:34)
  • Fired a green pellet that exploded into dozens of cactus spines on impact with a Sakuretsu Saboten Boshi (OP E236: 14:57)
  • Fired a lead ball into a Marine’s head with a Namari Boshi (OP E257: 21:25)


Cipher Pol (Water 7 arc)

  • Withstood an attack from a Cipher Pol agent (OP E252: 13:46)
  • One-shot a Cipher Pol agent with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E258: 16:21)

Corgi (Water 7 arc)

  • One-shot Corgi with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E262: 09:16)

Franky (Water 7 arc)

  • Withstood a kick from Franky, though was bleeding (OP E234: 04:30)
  • Harmed Franky with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E247: 07:46)
  • Withstood an attack from Franky (OP E247: 08:23)
  • Harmed Franky with an attack (OP E258: 17:44)

Franky Family (Water 7 arc)

  • Withstood a kick from a Franky Family member (OP E234: 06:10)
  • Withstood a kick from a Franky Family member (OP E234: 06:12)
  • Withstood a kick from a Franky Family member (OP E234: 06:13)
  • Withstood a series of kicks from several Franky Family members (OP E234: 06:14)
  • Withstood a series of kicks from several Franky Family members (OP E234: 06:15)
  • Withstood a series of kicks from several Franky Family members (OP E234: 06:16)
  • Withstood a series of kicks from several Franky Family members (OP E234: 06:17)
  • Withstood a series of kicks from several Franky Family members (OP E234: 06:18)

Kaku (Water 7 arc)

  • Withstood an attack from Kaku off-screen, though was bleeding (OP E251: 08:13)

Kalifa (Water 7 arc)

  • Withstood a series of kicks from Kalifa (OP E231: 19:34)
  • Withstood a series of kicks from Kalifa (OP E231: 19:35)

Marines (Water 7 arc)

  • Harmed a Marine with a Namari Boshi (OP E257: 21:25)

Monkey D. Luffy (Water 7 arc)

  • Harmed Luffy off-screen (OP E231: 09:19)
  • Pierced Luffy with a Makibishi Jigoku (OP E236: 09:38)
  • Pierced Luffy with a Makibishi Jigoku (OP E236: 10:04)
  • Pierced Luffy with a Makibishi Jigoku (OP E236: 10:07)
  • Pierced Luffy with a Makibishi Jigoku (OP E236: 10:10)
  • Pierced Luffy with a Makibishi Jigoku (OP E236: 10:11)
  • Harmed Luffy with an explosion (OP E236: 11:43)
  • Wounded Luffy with a Sakuretsu Saboten Boshi (OP E236: 14:57)
  • Withstood a Gomu Gomu no Pistol from Luffy, though was bleeding (OP E236: 15:26)
  • Intercepted a Gomu Gomu no Bazooka from Luffy (OP E236: 15:41)
  • Drew blood from Luffy with an Impact Dial (OP E236: 15:59)

Scholizo (Water 7 arc)

  • Withstood a series of kicks from Scholizo (OP E234: 06:14)
  • Withstood a series of kicks from Scholizo (OP E234: 06:15)
  • Withstood a series of kicks from Scholizo (OP E234: 06:16)
  • Withstood a series of kicks from Scholizo (OP E234: 06:17)
  • Withstood a series of kicks from Scholizo (OP E234: 06:18)

Wanze (Water 7 arc)

  • Dodged a Ramen Beam from Wanze (OP E259: 07:17)
  • Dodged a Ramen Beam from Wanze (OP E259: 07:23)

Zambai (Water 7 arc)

  • Withstood a punch from Zambai (OP E234: 05:41)


Blueno (Water 7 arc)

  • Blueno was stated to be dangerous by Usopp (OP E260: 08:33)
  • Blueno wounded Usopp with a Shigan off-screen (OP E263: 04:42)
  • Blueno wounded Usopp with a Shigan (OP E263: 04:57)
  • Blueno knocked Usopp unconscious with an attack (OP E263: 07:20)

Franky (Water 7 arc)

  • Franky intercepted an attack from Usopp (OP E233: 21:16)
  • Franky tanked a Kayaku Boshi from Usopp (OP E234: 04:52)

Franky Family (Water 7 arc)

  • The Franky Family knocked Usopp unconscious off-screen (OP E234: 10:57)

Kaku (Water 7 arc)

  • Kaku knocked Usopp unconscious with a punch (OP E252: 06:41)
  • Kaku was stated to be dangerous by Usopp (OP E260: 08:33)

Kalifa (Water 7 arc)

  • Kalifa pierced Usopp with an attack and restrained him (OP E251: 09:41)
  • Kalifa was stated to be dangerous by Usopp (OP E260: 08:33)

Kiev (Water 7 arc)

  • Kiev knocked Usopp unconscious off-screen (OP E233: 15:01)
  • Kiev restrained Usopp (OP E234: 05:16)

Monkey D. Luffy (Water 7 arc)

  • Stated that he couldn’t keep up with Luffy’s monstrous strength (OP E235: 13:27)
  • Luffy dodged a Shuriken Ryuseigun from Usopp (OP E236: 10:34)
  • Luffy dodged a Shuriken Ryuseigun from Usopp (OP E236: 10:42)
  • Luffy dodged a Shuriken Ryuseigun from Usopp (OP E236: 10:45)
  • Luffy dodged a Shuriken Ryuseigun from Usopp (OP E236: 10:47)
  • Luffy dodged a Shuriken Ryuseigun from Usopp (OP E236: 10:50)
  • Luffy dodged a Shuriken Ryuseigun from Usopp (OP E236: 10:54)
  • Luffy dodged a Sanren Kayaku Boshi from Usopp (OP E236: 15:10)
  • Luffy dodged a Sanren Kayaku Boshi from Usopp (OP E236: 15:16)
  • Luffy knocked Usopp unconscious with a Gomu Gomu no Bullet (OP E236: 17:17)
  • Luffy stated that there was no way that Usopp could defeat him (OP E236: 18:23)

Nico Robin (Water 7 arc)

  • Robin cracked Usopp’s back with an Ocho Fleur: Clutch (OP E262: 18:47)

Rob Lucci (Water 7 arc)

  • Lucci moved too fast for Usopp to see with a Soru (OP E248: 05:52)
  • Lucci was stated to be dangerous by Usopp (OP E260: 08:33)

Scholizo (Water 7 arc)

  • Scholizo stated that Usopp was so weak (OP E233: 21:09)
  • Scholizo restrained Usopp (OP E234: 05:16)

Tamagon (Water 7 arc)

  • Tamagon knocked Usopp unconscious off-screen (OP E233: 15:01)

Zambai (Water 7 arc)

  • Zambai knocked Usopp unconscious off-screen (OP E233: 15:01)
  • Zambai stated that Usopp was weak (OP E233: 20:43)
  • Zambai stated that Usopp was weak (OP E234: 15:07)
  • Zambai stated that Usopp was weak (OP E241: 17:15)

Standard Equipment




  • Was stated to be wounded quite badly (OP E236: 07:26)


  • Stated that he was very serious against Luffy (OP E236: 09:13)

Enies Lobby arc



  • Sniped dozens of Marines on the Bridge of Hesitation, from the top of the Tower of Law (OP E301: 17:21)

Powers and Abilities

Accelerated Development

  • Zoro stated that after surmounting each island, they had gotten stronger without knowing (OP E270: 07:02)

Body Control

  • Forced his heart to stop beating (OP E286: 13:51)

Enhanced Senses

  • Sniped dozens of Marines on the Bridge of Hesitation, from the top of the Tower of Law (OP E301: 17:21)

Explosion Manipulation

  • Fired a pellet from his Kabuto that split into five smaller pellets, with each exploding upon impact, creating one large explosion with a Himawari Boshi (OP E297: 13:11)
  • Fired a pellet from his Kabuto that exploded on impact with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E301: 14:50)
  • Fired a pellet from his Kabuto that exploded upon impact, creating a giant smokescreen that covered several Marines battleships, with a Cho Kemuri Boshi (OP E311: 17:54)

Fire Manipulation

  • Launched a large blast of flames in the shape of a phoenix from his Kabuto, with a Hi no Tori Boshi (OP E278: 19:14)
  • Fired three pellets from his Kabuto that ignited upon impact, with a Sanren Kaen Boshi (OP E311: 12:17)

Smoke Manipulation

  • Fired a pellet from his Kabuto that exploded upon impact, creating a giant smokescreen that covered several Marines battleships, with a Cho Kemuri Boshi (OP E311: 17:54)


Blueno (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)

Chimney (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)

Franky Family (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)
  • Was stated to be unstoppable by a Franky Family member (OP E297: 22:05)

Gomorrah (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)

Gonbe (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)

Jabra (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Withstood a punch from Jabra, though was bleeding (OP E286: 16:55)
  • Withstood an attack from Hybrid Jabra (OP E290: 07:12)
  • Deflected a Shigan from Hybrid Jabra (OP E295: 14:29)
  • Withstood an attack from Hybrid Jabra (OP E297: 12:30)
  • Withstood a kick from Hybrid Jabra (OP E297: 13:29)
  • Withstood an attack from Hybrid Jabra (OP E297: 13:38)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Hybrid Jabra (OP E297: 13:39)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Hybrid Jabra (OP E297: 13:40)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Hybrid Jabra (OP E297: 13:41)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Hybrid Jabra (OP E297: 13:42)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Hybrid Jabra (OP E297: 13:43)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Hybrid Jabra (OP E297: 13:44)
  • Withstood an attack from Jabra, though was bleeding (OP E297: 13:48)

Kaku (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)
  • Dodged a Rankyaku from Hybrid Kaku (OP E289: 16:40)
  • Withstood an attack from Hybrid Kaku (OP E290: 06:59)
  • Deflected a Rankyaku from Hybrid Kaku (OP E295: 14:28)

Kalifa (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)

Kairiki Destroyers (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)

Kiev (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)

Kiwi (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)

Kokoro (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)

Kop (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)

Marines (Enies Lobby arc)

  • One-shot a Marine with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E301: 15:10)
  • One-shot two Marines with a series of Kayaku Boshi (OP E301: 15:13)
  • One-shot a Marine with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E301: 15:15)
  • One-shot a Marine with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E301: 15:17)
  • One-shot a Marine with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E301: 15:19)
  • One-shot a Marine with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E301: 15:20)
  • One-shot a Marine with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E301: 15:24)
  • One-shot a Marine with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E301: 15:29)
  • One-shot a Marine with a Himawari Boshi (OP E308: 15:18)
  • Blocked an attack from a Marine (OP E308: 16:00)
  • Blocked a series of attacks from a Marine (OP E308: 16:04)
  • Blocked an attack from a Marine (OP E308: 16:05)
  • Blocked an attack from a Marine (OP E308: 16:06)
  • Blocked a series of attacks from a Marine (OP E308: 16:07)
  • Blocked an attack from a Marine (OP E308: 16:08)
  • Blocked an attack from a Marine (OP E308: 16:09)
  • Blocked a series of attacks from a Marine (OP E308: 16:10)
  • Blocked a series of attacks from a Marine (OP E308: 16:11)
  • Blocked an attack from a Marine (OP E308: 16:12)
  • Blocked a series of attacks from a Marine (OP E308: 16:13)
  • Blocked an attack from a Marine (OP E308: 16:14)
  • One-shot a Marine with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E308: 16:18)
  • Blocked an attack from a Marine (OP E308: 17;24)
  • Blocked an attack from a Marine (OP E308: 17:25)
  • Blocked a series of attacks from a Marine (OP E308: 17:26)
  • Blocked an attack from a Marine (OP E308: 17:27)
  • Blocked a series of attacks from a Marine (OP E308: 17:28)
  • Blocked a series of attacks from a Marine (OP E308: 17:29)
  • Blocked a series of attacks from a Marine (OP E308: 17:30)
  • Overpowered a series of cannonballs from a Marine battleship with a Sanren Kaen Boshi (OP E311: 12:17)
  • Overpowered a series of cannonballs from a Marine battleship with a Sanren Kaen Boshi (OP E311: 12:37)

Mozu (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)

Nami (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Withstood an attack from Nami (OP E266: 02:04)
  • Withstood an attack from Nami (OP E268: 10:29)

Paulie (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)

Peepley Lulu (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)

Rob Lucci (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)

Roronoa Zoro (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Dodged an attack from Zoro (OP E308: 17:39)

Scholizo (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)

Shu (Enies Lobby arc)

  • One-shot Shu with a Hi no Tori Boshi (OP E309: 17:49)

Sodom (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)

Spandam (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Harmed Spandam with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E301: 14:50)
  • Harmed Spandam with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E301: 18:07)

Tamagon (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)

Tilestone (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)

Yokozuna (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)

Zambai (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Paulie stated that the Straw Hats were the only ones among them who could defeat CP9 (OP E264: 16:35)


Jabra (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Jabra wounded Usopp with a Jusshigan while in his Hybrid Form (OP E297: 12:17)
  • Jabra tanked a Himawari Boshi from Usopp while in his Hybrid Form (OP E297: 13:11)
  • Jabra would have killed Usopp with an attack while in his Hybrid Form (OP E297: 14:44)

Marines (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Several Marines dodged an attack from Usopp (OP E309: 15:05)
  • Several Marines dodged a series of attacks from Usopp (OP E309: 15:07)
  • Several Marines dodged a series of attacks from Usopp (OP E309: 15:08)
  • Several Marines dodged a series of attacks from Usopp (OP E309: 15:09)
  • Several Marines dodged a series of attacks from Usopp (OP E309: 15:24)
  • Several Marines dodged a series of attacks from Usopp (OP E309: 15:25)
  • A Marine would’ve wounded Usopp with an attack (OP E309: 15:29)

Rob Lucci (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Luffy stated that Hybrid Lucci would kill his friends if he let him get away (OP E304: 14:44)
  • Franky stated that if Luffy hadn’t kept Lucci restrained, he didn’t know how many of the Straw Hats would’ve died (OP E308: 08:32)
  • Luffy stated that Kami-e Bushin Hybrid Lucci would kill Usopp (OP E309: 09:29)

Roronoa Zoro (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Stated that he didn’t have superhuman strength like Zoro (OP E302: 07:21)

Sanji (Enies Lobby arc)

  • Stated that he didn’t have superhuman strength like Sanji (OP E302: 07:21)

Standard Equipment



Ice Hunter arc


Powers and Abilities

Enhanced Senses

  • Got a close look of a ship in the distance with his goggles (OP E326: 10:31)

Explosion Manipulation

  • Fired a pellet from his Kabuto that exploded on impact, with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E331: 05:34)

Fire Manipulation

  • Launched a pellet from his Kabuto that exploded into flames, with a Kaen Boshi (OP E330: 16:31)


Arbell (Ice Hunter arc)

  • Dodged an attack from Arbell (OP E329: 15:28)
  • Withstood a Jump and Kick from Arbell (OP E330: 08:15)
  • Dodged a Love Throw from Arbell (OP E330: 09:23)
  • One-shot Arbell with a Kaen Boshi (OP E330: 16:31)
  • Withstood a High Jump Dai Kaiten Ultra Love Throw from Arbell, though was bleeding (OP E331: 11:56)

Domo Penguins (Ice Hunter arc)

  • Withstood a bite from a Domo Penguin (OP E329: 11:59)
  • Withstood a bite from a Domo Penguin (OP E331: 14:00)

Franky (Ice Hunter arc)

  • Withstood a punch from Franky (OP E332: 14:50)


  • Knocked himself unconscious with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E334: 19:11)

Lil (Ice Hunter arc)

  • One-shot Lil's plant with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E334: 19:11)

Nami (Ice Hunter arc)

  • Withstood a punch from Nami (OP E332: 14:50)

Salchow (Ice Hunter arc)

  • Withstood a Jump and Kick from Salchow (OP E330: 08:04)
  • Dodged a Love Throw from Salchow (OP E330: 09:23)
  • Dodged a kick from Salchow (OP E331: 05:29)
  • Harmed Salchow with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E331: 05:34)
  • Withstood a High Jump Dai Kaiten Ultra Love Throw from Salchow, though was bleeding (OP E331: 11:56)

Sanji (Ice Hunter arc)

  • Withstood a kick from Sanji (OP E332: 14:50)


Arbell (Ice Hunter arc)

  • Stated that he wasn't confident he would survive another High Jump Dai Kaiten Ultra Love Throw from Arbell (OP E331: 12:11)

Salchow (Ice Hunter arc)

  • Stated that he wasn't confident he would survive another High Jump Dai Kaiten Ultra Love Throw from Salchow (OP E331: 12:11)

Standard Equipment



Thriller Bark arc



  • Deduced that the Perona that was attacking him wasn't her real body, due to her having run away from him in fear earlier and her sudden boost of confidence after he lost sight of her (OP E360: 19:59)

Powers and Abilities


  • Absorbed the impact of Perona's Kamikaze Rap with an Impact Dial (OP E361: 16:27)

Adhesive Manipulation

  • Fired a pellet from his Kabuto that exploded into a sticky paste, preventing Perona from moving her body, with a Torimochi Boshi (OP E361: 16:43)

Air Manipulation

  • Implied that he could create a shockwave from his Kabuto, with an Impact Dial (OP E360: 09:00)
  • Created a shockwave, using the impact from Perona's Kamikaze Rap that he had absorbed earlier, with an Impact Dial (OP E361: 17:24)

Attack Reflection

  • Created a shockwave, using the impact from Perona's Kamikaze Rap that he had absorbed earlier, with an Impact Dial (OP E361: 17:24)

Electricity Manipulation

  • Implied that he could create a discharge of electricity from his Kabuto (OP E360: 09:00)

Empathic Manipulation

  • Forced Perona and her Negative Hollows to become negative and depressed after they passed through his body (OP E357: 06:32)

Enhanced Senses

  • Sensed Buhichuck's attack, aimed at his back (OP E341: 21:14)

Explosion Manipulation

  • Fired a pellet from his slingshot, creating an explosion on impact, with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E341: 08:49)
  • Fired six pellets from his Kabuto, creating a series of explosions on impact, with a Rokuren Mamushi Boshi (OP E351: 18:42)
  • Fired a large pellet from his Kabuto, that exploded on impact, with a Ageha Ryusei (OP E360: 09:44)
  • Fired a large pellet from his Kabuto, creating a green explosion on impact, with a Kamakiri Ryusei (OP E360: 09:58)
  • Fired a large pellet from his Kabuto, which split into four smaller pellets that spiraled towards a single point and exploded on impact, with an Atlas Suisei (OP E360: 22:15)

Fire Manipulation

  • Fired a pellet from his slingshot, that exploded into flames, with a Kaen Boshi (OP E340: 13:16)
  • Fired a pellet from his Kabuto that ignited into a large blast of fire in the shape of a phoenix, with a Hi no Tori Boshi (OP E358: 10:24)
  • Threw a pellet towards Kumashi, which exploded into flames on impact, with a Kaen Dama (OP E359: 21:28)
  • Poured oil along the ground, before igniting it with a Kaen Dama and creating a small trail of fire to block Kumashi's path, with a Kokkara Koko Made Hairu na no Jutsu (OP E359: 21:43)
  • Fired a pellet towards Oars that exploded into oil with a Tokuyo Abura Boshi, before having Franky ignite the oil with a Fresh Fire, resulting in a giant blast of fire in the shape of a phoenix, with a Super Size Hi no Tori Boshi (OP E370: 06:58)

Light Manipulation

  • Implied that he could create a flash of light from his Kabuto, with a Flash Dial (OP E360: 09:00)

Organic Manipulation

  • Poured oil along the ground, before igniting it with a Kaen Dama and creating a small trail of fire to block Kumashi's path, with a Kokkara Koko Made Hairu na no Jutsu (OP E359: 21:43)
  • Fhot three pellets that exploded into oil on impact, causing Oars' hand to slip, with a Tokuyo Abura Boshi (OP E367: 17:16)
  • Fired a pellet towards Oars that exploded into oil with a Tokuyo Abura Boshi, before having Franky ignite the oil with a Fresh Fire, resulting in a giant blast of fire in the shape of a phoenix, with a Super Size Hi no Tori Boshi (OP E370: 06:58)

Smoke Manipulation

  • Fired a pellet from his slingshot, creating a smokescreen on impact, with a Kemuri Boshi (OP E339: 21:18)

Social Influencing

  • Fired a gigantic hollow pellet from his Kabuto, that split apart on impact and released several toy cockroaches, terrifying Perona, with a Gokiburi Boshi (OP E361: 18:10)
  • Slammed a fake ten-ton hammer down on Perona's head, with it actually being a balloon, forcing her to faint out of fear, with an Usopp Golden Pound (OP E361: 20:22)

Status Effect Inducement

  • Fired a series of pellets from his Kabuto into the faces of several zombies, with each one exploding into a cloud of pepper on impact and forcing the zombies to sneeze uncontrollably, with a Kosho Boshi (OP E358: 09:54)

Weapon Mastery

  • Fired a lead ball from his slingshot, striking a zombie in mid-air, with a Namari Boshi (OP E345: 19:48)

Resistance to Empathic Manipulation

  • Was unaffected by Perona's Negative Hollow, due to already being negative (OP E356: 18:43)


Buhichuck (Thriller Bark arc)

  • Dodged an attack from Buhichuck (OP E341: 21:16)


  • Drew blood from himself after running into a pillar (OP E360: 15:14)
  • Burned himself with a Hi no Tori Boshi (OP E376: 14:29)

Hippo Gentleman (Thriller Bark arc)

  • One-shot Hippo Gentleman with an Impact Dial (OP E361: 17:24)

Kumashi (Thriller Bark arc)

  • Dodged an attack from Kumashi (OP E358: 11:43)
  • Dodged an attack from Kumashi (OP E358: 20:18)
  • Dodged an attack from Kumashi (OP E358: 20:27)
  • Dodged an attack from Kumashi (OP E358: 20:33)
  • Dodged an attack from Kumashi (OP E358: 20:36)
  • Dodged an attack from Kumashi (OP E358: 20:38)
  • Dodged an attack from Kumashi (OP E358: 20:41)
  • Withstood an attack from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:10)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:34)
  • Withstood an attack from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:35)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:36)
  • Withstood an attack from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:37)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:38)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:39)
  • Withstood an attack from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:40)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:41)
  • Withstood an attack from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:42)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:43)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:44)
  • Withstood an attack from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:45)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:46)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:47)
  • Withstood an attack from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:48)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:49)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:50)
  • Withstood an attack from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:51)
  • Withstood an attack from Kumashi (OP E360: 17:52)
  • Withstood an attack from Kumashi (OP E360: 18:12)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Kumashi (OP E360: 18:13)
  • Withstood an attack from Kumashi (OP E360: 18:14)
  • Withstood an attack from Kumashi (OP E360: 18:15)

Monkey D. Luffy (Thriller Bark arc)

  • Withstood a Gomu Gomu no Gatling from Luffy (OP E337: 08:40)
  • Withstood a Gomu Gomu no Gatling from Luffy (OP E337: 08:41)
  • Withstood a Gomu Gomu no Gatling from Luffy (OP E337: 08:42)

Moria’s Zombies (Thriller Bark arc)

  • Withstood a bite from one of Moria’s zombies (OP E340: 12:18)
  • Dodged a punch from Moria's zombie (OP E342: 05:25)
  • One-shot one of Moria's zombies with an attack (OP E345: 16:47)
  • One-shot one of Moria's zombies with a kick (OP E345: 16:49)
  • Withstood a series of punches from Moria’s zombies (OP E345: 17:33)
  • Withstood a series of punches from Moria’s zombies (OP E345: 17:34)
  • Harmed one of Moria's zombies with a Namari Boshi (OP E345: 19:48)
  • Withstood a kick from two of Moria’s zombies (OP E345: 21:29)
  • Dodged an attack from a General zombie (OP E351: 19:04)
  • Harmed one of Moria's zombies with a Namari Boshi (OP E355: 20:20)
  • Harmed several of Moria's zombies with a series of Namari Boshi (OP E355: 20:22)
  • Stated that he couldn't defeat several of Moria's zombies (OP E357: 05:15)
  • Stated that it was obvious that several of Moria's zombies would take him out (OP E357: 05:26)
  • Withstood an attack from one of Moria’s zombies (OP E358: 09:33)
  • Withstood an attack from one of Moria’s zombies (OP E358: 10:41)

Nami (Thriller Bark arc)

  • Withstood an attack from Nami (OP E341: 05:55)
  • Withstood a punch from Nami (OP E347: 15:56)

Oars (Zombie) (Thriller Bark arc)

  • Was stated to be tough by Oars (OP E367: 07:33)
  • Dodged a Gomu Gomu no Shirimochi from Oars (OP E367: 08:55)
  • Withstood an attack from Oars (OP E367: 11:45)
  • Drew blood from Oars with a series of attacks off-screen, alongside the other Straw Hats (OP E368: 08:23)

Perona (Thriller Bark arc)

  • Stated that Perona would be a pushover (OP E359: 22:00)
  • Stated that Perona was weaker than himself (OP E359: 22:16)
  • Withstood a Ghost Rap from Perona (OP E360: 14:33)
  • Withstood a series of Ghost Raps from Perona, though was bleeding (OP E360: 15:31)
  • Withstood a series of Ghost Raps from Perona (OP E360: 20:32)

Victoria Cindry (Thriller Bark arc)

  • Withstood a series of attacks from Cindry (OP E340: 17:37)
  • Withstood an attack from Cindry (OP E340: 17:39)
  • Withstood an attack from Cindry (OP E340: 17:40)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Cindry (OP E340: 17:44)
  • Withstood a series of attacks from Cindry (OP E340: 17:59)
  • Withstood an attack from Cindry (OP E340: 18:45)


Absalom (Thriller Bark arc)

  • Absalom burned Usopp with a Shisha no Te (OP E351: 17:09)
  • Absalom tanked a Rokuren Mamushi Boshi from Usopp (OP E351: 18:42)

Bartholomew Kuma (Thriller Bark arc)

  • Kuma blitzed Usopp (OP E375: 21:39)
  • Kuma blitzed Usopp (OP E375: 22:49)
  • A Rolling Pirate stated that the Straw Hats were dead meat against Kuma (OP E376: 15:16)
  • Kuma stated that the Straw Hats were weaklings (OP E376: 16:44)
  • Kuma knocked Usopp unconscious with an Ursus Shock (OP E376: 21:17)

Cerberus (Thriller Bark arc)

  • Stated that Cerberus would eat him if he stopped (OP E339: 20:01)

Moria’s Zombies (Thriller Bark arc)

  • Moria's zombies restrained Usopp (OP E340: 12:39)
  • Moria's zombie stated that Usopp was a weakling (OP E344: 13:31)
  • One of Moria's zombies stabbed Usopp with an attack (OP E345: 16:51)
  • One of Moria's zombies dodged a punch from Usopp (OP E345: 17:29)
  • Two of Moria's zombies dodged a Kaen Boshi from Usopp (OP E345: 21:23)
  • Several of Moria's zombies dodged a Hi no Tori Boshi from Usopp (OP E358: 10:24)

Nami (Thriller Bark arc)

  • Nami dodged a Hi no Tori Boshi from Usopp (OP E376: 14:29)

Oars (Zombie) (Thriller Bark arc)

  • Oars overpowered Usopp with his voice (OP E351: 13:29)
  • Oars overpowered Usopp with his voice (OP E351: 14:03)
  • Franky wondered if he and the rest of the Straw Hats could take Oars down (OP E364: 23:02)
  • Oars tanked a Hi no Tori Boshi from Usopp (OP E365: 18:48)
  • Oars one-shot Usopp with an attack (OP E365: 21:59)
  • Oars was stated to be super scary by Usopp (OP E367: 08:46)
  • Franky implied that he and the other Straw Hats didn't stand a chance against Oars (OP E368: 09:06)
  • Oars tanked a Super Size Hi no Tori Boshi from Usopp (OP E370: 06:58)
  • Oars tanked an Atlas Suisei from Usopp (OP E371: 12:18)
  • Implied that he would be killed by a Gomu Gomu no Bazooka from Oars (OP E371: 12:45)
  • Nami stated that it was impossible for her, Zoro, and Usopp to take Oars down (OP E372: 05:17)

Perona (Thriller Bark arc)

  • Perona caught a fleeing Usopp with a Negative Hollow (OP E356: 16:40)
  • Stated that there was no way he could beat Perona (OP E360: 18:00)
  • Stated that Perona was going to kill him (OP E360: 18:06)
  • Stated that there was no way he could beat Perona (OP E360: 19:44)
  • Stated that his body would get blown to pieces by Perona's Kamikaze Rap (OP E361: 07:35)
  • Perona stated that Usopp's body would be blown to smithereens by her Kamikaze Rap (OP E361: 16:10)

Ryuma (Thriller Bark arc)

  • Ryuma blitzed Usopp and one-shot him with a Hanauta Sancho: Yahazu Giri (OP E344: 09:39)

Tony Tony Chopper (Thriller Bark arc)

  • Chopper dodged a Hi no Tori Boshi from Usopp (OP E376: 14:29)

Standard Equipment



Spa Island arc


Powers and Abilities

Fire Manipulation

  • Fired a series of pellets containing Tabasco into the faces and mouths of Doran's men, burning their mouths and causing them to spit out fire, with a Tabasco Boshi (OP E383: 06:43)


Lina (Spa Island arc)

  • Was stated to be strong by Lina (OP E382: 16:17)
  • Was stated to be strong by Lina (OP E383: 06:59)

Monkey D. Luffy (Spa Island arc)

  • Harmed Luffy with a kick (OP RDS: 27:08)


Standard Equipment



Little East Blue arc


Powers and Abilities

Electricity Manipulation

  • Shot a pellet from his Kabuto, which burst into a blast of lighting in the shape of a dragon, with a Tenryu Boshi (OP SW: 1:39:31)

Explosion Manipulation

  • Fired several pellets from his Kabuto that spiraled towards Shiki, before exploding upon impact, with an Atlas Suisei (OP SW: 55:03)
  • Created explosions with a series of gunshots (OP SW: 1:18:49)

Fire Manipulation

  • Fired a large pellet from his Kabuto, which instantly ignited into a giant phoenix made of fire, with a Hi no Tori Boshi (OP SW: 52:30)
  • Fired several pellets from his Kabuto, which burst into flames on contact, with a Renpatsu Kaen Boshi (OP SW: 1:21:22)

Status Effect Inducement

  • Fired a rotten egg from his Kabuto, breaking it on the face of an Amigo Pirate and disorientating him with its smell, with a Tamago Boshi (OP E429: 11:01)


Golden Lion Pirates (Little East Blue arc)

  • One-shot several Golden Lion Pirates with a Renpatsu Kaen Boshi (OP SW: 1:21:22)

Shiki (Little East Blue arc)

  • Withstood an attack from Shiki (OP SW: 24:29)


Shiki (Little East Blue arc)

  • Shiki dodged a Hi no Tori Boshi from Usopp (OP SW: 52:30)
  • Shiki dodged an Atlas Suisei from Usopp (OP SW: 55:03)
  • Shiki one-shot Usopp with a Shishi Odoshi: Chimaki (OP SW: 55:26)
  • Shiki knocked Usopp unconscious with an attack (OP SW: 58:53)
  • Nami stated that Shiki was a legendary pirate whom Usopp, and the other Straw Hats, couldn't oppose (OP SW: 1:07:56)
  • Shiki dodged a Tenryu Boshi from Usopp (OP SW: 1:39:31)

Standard Equipment



Sabaody Archipelago arc



  • Dodged a series of harpoons from Duval (OP E388: 20:42)
  • Dodged a beam of light from a Pacifista (OP E402: 07:31)
  • Dodged a beam of light from a Pacifista (OP E403: 19:53)

Powers and Abilities

Enhanced Senses

  • Zoomed in on a school of fish with his goggles (OP E385: 06:19)

Explosion Manipulation

  • Created an explosion with a cannonball (OP E388: 09:38)
  • Fired a pellet from his Kabuto, creating an explosion in the distance, with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E388: 17:59)
  • Fired a large pellet from his Kabuto, that split off into four smaller pellets that spiraled towards a Pacifista and exploded on contact, with an Atlas Suisei (OP E403: 10:28)

Fire Manipulation

  • Fired a pellet from his Kabuto, which exploded into a blast of flames on impact, with a Kaen Boshi (OP E399: 16:28)

Smoke Manipulation

  • Fired a pellet from his Kabuto, that exploded into a giant smokescreen on impact, with a Cho Kemuri Boshi (OP E403: 20:37)

Supernatural Willpower

  • Was unaffected by Rayleigh's Haoshoku Haki (OP E397: 22:34)


Brook (Sabaody Archipelago arc)

  • Harmed Brook with a punch (OP E394: 09:05)

Camie (Sabaody Archipelago arc)

  • Was stated to be strong by Camie (OP E388: 17:47)

Duval (Sabaody Archipelago arc)

  • Dodged a series of harpoons from Duval (OP E388: 20:42)

Flying Fish (Sabaody Archipelago arc)

  • One-shot several Flying Fish with a cannonball (OP E388: 09:38)

Hatchan (Sabaody Archipelago arc)

  • The Straw Hats were stated to be terribly powerful by Hatchan (OP E387: 10:12)

Marines (Sabaody Archipelago arc)

  • One-shot several Marines with a Kaen Boshi (OP E399: 16:28)
  • One-shot several Marines with a Kaen Boshi (OP E399: 16:32)

Pacifista (Sabaody Archipelago arc)

  • Dodged a beam of light from a Pacifista (OP E402: 07:31)
  • Dodged a beam of light from a Pacifista (OP E403: 19:53)

Pappag (Sabaody Archipelago arc)

  • Was stated to be tough by Pappag (OP E388: 17:51)

Rosy Life Riders (Sabaody Archipelago arc)

Hatchan stated that the Rosy Life Riders didn't stand a chance against the Straw Hats (OP E387: 10:12)

  • One-shot several Rosy Life Riders with a cannonball (OP E388: 09:38)

Saint Rosward (Sabaody Archipelago arc)

  • Knocked Rosward unconscious with an attack (OP E397: 16:03)

Tony Tony Chopper (Sabaody Archipelago arc)

  • Harmed Chopper with a punch (OP E394: 09:05)


Bartholomew Kuma (Sabaody Archipelago arc)

  • Kuma tanked a Kaen Boshi from Usopp (OP E405: 10:48)
  • Kuma tanked a Kaen Boshi from Usopp (OP E405: 10:56)
  • Kuma tanked a Kaen Boshi from Usopp (OP E405: 10:57)

Borsalino (Sabaody Archipelago arc)

  • Luffy stated that Usopp couldn't beat Borsalino as he was at that point (OP E404: 13:30)

Flying Fish (Sabaody Archipelago arc)

  • Two Flying Fish dodged a Kayaku Boshi from Usopp (OP E388: 17:59)

Pacifista (Sabaody Archipelago arc)

  • A Pacifista tanked an Atlas Suisei from Usopp (OP E403: 10:28)
  • Luffy stated that Usopp couldn't beat a Pacifista as he was at that point (OP E404: 13:30)

Sentomaru (Sabaody Archipelago arc)

  • Luffy stated that Usopp couldn't beat Sentomaru as he was at that point (OP E404: 13:30)

Standard Equipment



Amazon Lily arc


Powers and Abilities


Boin Archipelago Creatures (Amazon Lily arc)

  • Dodged an attack from a Boin Archipelago beetle (OP E420: 21:05)
  • Dodged an attack from a Boin Archipelago beetle (OP E420: 21:07)
  • Dodged an attack from a Boin Archipelago beetle (OP E420: 21:09)

Hatchan (Amazon Lily arc)

  • Was stated to be strong by Hatchan (OP E408: 08:01)

Heracles (Amazon Lily arc)

  • Barely dodged an attack from Heracles (OP E420: 21:11)

Monkey D. Luffy (Amazon Lily arc)

  • Was stated to be tough by Luffy (OP E409: 21:12)

Pappag (Amazon Lily arc)

  • Was stated to be strong by Pappag (OP E408: 08:10)


Borsalino (Amazon Lily arc)

  • Shakky stated that not even Usopp, alongside the other Straw Hats, stood a chance strength-wise against Borsalino (OP E408: 08:20)

Standard Equipment



Impel Down arc


Powers and Abilities


Heracles (Impel Down arc)

  • Withstood a punch from Heracles (OP E455: 17:52)


Boin Archipelago Creatures (Impel Down arc)

  • Heracles implied that Usopp was weaker than the Boin Archipelago creatures (OP E455: 18:56)

Heracles (Impel Down arc)

  • Heracles implied that Usopp was weaker than himself (OP E455: 18:56)

Standard Equipment



Post-War arc


Powers and Abilities


  • Flipped into the air (OP E516: 22:36)

Explosion Manipulation

  • Fired a pellet from his Kabuto, creating an explosion on impact, with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E507: 20:37)


Boin Archipelago Creatures (Post-War arc)

  • Withstood an attack from a Boin Archipelago giant beetle (OP E507: 18:48)
  • One-shot a Boin Archipleago man-eating plant with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E507: 20:37)
  • One-shot a Boin Archipleago man-eating plant with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E507: 20:57)
  • One-shot a Boin Archipleago man-eating plant with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E507: 20:59)
  • Dodged an attack from a Boin Archipelago man-eating plant (OP E507: 21:01)
  • One-shot a Boin Archipleago man-eating plant with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E507: 21:02)
  • One-shot a Boin Archipleago man-eating plant with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E507: 21:03)
  • One-shot a Boin Archipleago man-eating plant with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E507: 21:04)
  • One-shot a Boin Archipleago man-eating plant with a Kayaku Boshi (OP E507: 21:06)
  • Dodged an attack from a Boin Archipelago man-eating plant (OP E516: 22:36)

Heracles (Post-War arc)

  • Harmed Heracles with an attack (OP E506: 17:56)
  • Withstood a kick from Heracles (OP E506: 18:13)


Standard Equipment

