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Powers and Abilities


Divine Squad (Pre-BoS)

  • One-shot a Divine Squad member with a punch (OP E168: 16:30)
  • One-shot a Divine Squad member with a punch (OP E168: 16:31)
  • One-shot a Divine Squad member with a kick (OP E168: 16:33)

Raki (Pre-BoS)

  • Raki stated that she was afraid of Wyper (OP E168: 16:51)


Standard Equipment



Skypiea arc



  • Created an explosion with a bazooka (OP E155: 15:22)
  • Created a large explosion with a bazooka (OP E164: 10:31)
  • Created a crater with a Burn Bazooka (OP E176: 06:07)
  • Blew a hole through Giant Jack with a Reject (OP E191: 18:08)


  • Offered no reaction after being stabbed in the shoulder by Shura’s Heat Javelin (OP E169: 14:47)


  • Intercepted a blast of lightning from Enel (OP E191: 11:48)

Powers and Abilities


  • Flipped into the air (OP E153: 10:27)
  • Skated up the side of Giant Jack with his Shooters (OP E175: 18:25)

Air Manipulation

  • Projected a shockwave from his palm with a Reject (OP E169: 15:17)
  • Projected a stream of flammable gas from his bazooka, before igniting it and creating a column of blue flames with a Burn Bazooka (OP E171: 09:42)

Durability Negation

  • Sent a shockwave through Shura’s chest with a Reject (OP E169: 15:17)

Explosion Manipulation

  • Created an explosion with a bazooka (OP E155: 15:22)

Fire Manipulation

  • Projected a stream of flammable gas from his bazooka, before igniting it and creating a column of blue flames with a Burn Bazooka (OP E171: 09:42)
  • Stated that the flames of his Burn Bazooka burn prey to a crisp (OP E171: 10:01)

Free Movement

  • Skated on the surface of the White Sea (OP E153: 10:09)

Instinctive Action

  • Stood back up to fight Enel despite not being completely conscious (OP E181: 09:39)

Light Manipulation

  • Generated light with a Burn Bazooka (OP E171: 10:07)

Platform Creation

  • Created a trail of clouds in mid-air with his Shooters (OP E177: 21:06)

Power Nullification

  • Used Seastone to take away Enel’s Devil Fruit powers (OP E180: 20:35)

Statistics Reduction

  • Used Seastone to drain Enel of his strength (OP E180: 20:52)

Water Manipulation

  • Created a trail of clouds in mid-air with his Shooters (OP E177: 21:06)

Resistance to Electricity Manipulation

  • Survived a 30,000,000 Volt Hino from Enel, though was knocked unconscious and badly burned (OP E181: 07:53)

Resistance to Heat

  • Unaffected by the heat from Shura’s Heat Javelin (OP E169: 14:47)


Aisa (Skypiea arc)

  • Was stated to be scary by Aisa (OP E163: 09:23)

Divine Soldiers (Skypiea arc)

  • One-shot a Divine Soldier with a kick (OP E176: 20:26)
  • Harmed a Divine Soldier with a kick (OP E177: 05:44)
  • One-shot a Divine Soldier with an attack (OP E177: 12:49)
  • Blocked an Axe Dial from a Divine Soldier (OP E177: 14:32)
  • One-shot a Divine Soldier with an attack (OP E177: 14:33)

Enel (Skypiea arc)

  • One-shot Enel with a Reject (OP E180: 21:33)
  • Intercepted a blast of lightning from Enel (OP E191: 11:48)

Gan Fall (Skypiea arc)

  • Blocked an attack from Gan Fall (OP E153: 10:48)

Gedatsu (Skypiea arc)

  • Gode stated that the Shandia’s main forces were strong enough to compete with the Priests (OP E169: 11:01)

Giant Jack (Skypiea arc)

  • Blew a hole through Giant Jack with a Reject (OP E191: 18:08)

Holy (Skypiea arc)

  • Withstood a punch from Holy, though was bleeding (OP E176: 21:28)
  • Dodged a punch from Holy (OP E177: 14:25)

Monkey D. Luffy (Skypiea arc)

  • Harmed Luffy with a kick (OP E153: 10:27)
  • Deflected a Gomu Gomu no Pistol from Luffy (OP E171: 10:47)
  • Blocked a Gomu Gomu no Stamp from Luffy (OP E171: 10:58)
  • Dodged a punch from Luffy (OP E171: 11:06)
  • Dodged a Gomu Gomu no Pistol from Luffy (OP E171: 11:12)
  • Dodged a Gomu Gomu no Stamp from Luffy (OP E171: 11:13)
  • Dodged a series of Gomu Gomu no Pistols from Luffy (OP E171: 11:14)
  • Dodged and deflected a series of Gomu Gomu no Stamps and dodged a Gomu Gomu no Pistol from Luffy (OP E171: 11:15)
  • Deflected and dodged a series of Gomu Gomu no Pistols and deflected a Gomu Gomu no Stamp from Luffy (OP E171: 11:16)
  • Dodged a Gomu Gomu no Yari from Luffy (OP E171: 11:26)
  • Harmed Luffy with an attack (OP E171: 11:37)
  • Harmed Luffy with a Burn Bazooka and withstood a Gomu Gomu no Bazooka from him, though was bleeding (OP E171: 11:50)
  • Was stated to be really strong by Luffy (OP E181: 19:57)

Nola (Skypiea arc)

  • Dodged an attack from Nola (OP E176: 07:20)
  • Dodged an attack from Nola (OP E176: 16:42)
  • Dodged an attack from Nola (OP E176: 17:07)
  • Dodged an attack from Nola (OP E177: 21:06)
  • Burned Nola’s tongue with a Burn Bazooka (OP E177: 21:22)
  • Dodged an attack from Nola (OP E178: 03:00)
  • Dodged an attack from Nola (OP E178: 03:16)
  • Dodged an attack from Nola (OP E179: 07:10)
  • Dodged an attack from Nola (OP E179: 07:23)

Ohm (Skypiea arc)

  • Gode stated that the Shandia’s main forces were strong enough to compete with the Priests (OP E169: 11:01)
  • Dodged an attack from Ohm (OP E175: 18:53)

Roronoa Zoro (Skypiea arc)

  • Harmed Zoro with a kick (OP E153: 10:25)
  • Clashed with Zoro (OP E176: 06:40)
  • Dodged an attack from Zoro (OP E176: 06:46)
  • Zoro stated that Wyper was tougher than he thought (OP E176: 06:58)
  • Blocked an attack from Zoro (OP E176: 07:10)

Sanji (Skypiea arc)

  • Harmed Sanji with a kick (OP E153: 10:23)

Shura (Skypiea arc)

  • Gode stated that the Shandia’s main forces were strong enough to compete with the Priests (OP E169: 11:01)
  • One-shot Shura with a Reject (OP E169: 15:17)

Zabo (Skypiea arc)

  • Drew blood from Zabo with an explosion (OP E155: 15:22)


Divine Soldiers (Skypiea arc)

  • A Divine Soldier wounded Wyper with an Axe Dial (OP E177: 11:52)

Enel (Skypiea arc)

  • Kamakiri stated that Wyper would only die in vain against Enel (OP E173: 18:59)
  • Raki stated the Shandia could never defeat Enel (OP E176: 15:26)
  • Ohm stated that Wyper was but a speck in Enel’s eyes (OP E177: 03:40)
  • Raki stated that there was no way she or Wyper could defeat Enel (OP E177: 10:09)
  • Enel dodged a Burn Bazooka from Wyper (OP E179: 18:58)
  • Enel dodged a Burn Bazooka from Wyper (OP E179: 19:03)
  • Enel overpowered a Burn Bazooka from Wyper with a Kari (OP E180: 17:37)
  • Enel stated that the energy Wyper could handle was nothing to him (OP E180: 18:10)
  • Nami stated that the scale of Enel’s energy was so different from theirs (OP E180: 18:21)
  • Enel shattered Wyper’s skate with an attack (OP E181: 07:19)
  • Enel stated that Wyper was no match for him (OP E181: 07:50)
  • Enel knocked Wyper unconscious with a 30,000,000 Volt Hino (OP E181: 07:53)
  • Enel knocked Wyper unconscious with an El Thor (OP E181: 10:50)
  • Usopp stated that Enel’s lightning would end up turning them to sky dust if they stayed where they were (OP E186: 20:35)
  • Usopp stated that he and the others would die to Enel’s lightning if they didn’t leave (OP E190: 04:39)

Fuza (Skypiea arc)

  • Fuza dodged a cannonball from Wyper (OP E169: 14:32)

Gedatsu (Skypiea arc)

  • Gedatsu blocked a kick from Wyper (OP E165: 13:44)
  • Stated that the Priests couldn’t be beaten without sacrifices (OP E169: 17:53)

Monkey D. Luffy (Skypiea arc)

  • Luffy overpowered a cannonball from Wyper with a Gomu Gomu no Fusen (OP E165: 07:17)
  • Luffy overpowered a cannonball from Wyper with a Gomu Gomu no Fusen (OP E170: 19:57)
  • Luffy overpowered a series of cannonballs from Wyper with a Gomu Gomu no Fusen (OP E170: 20:21)
  • Luffy overpowered a cannonball from Wyper with a Gomu Gomu no Fusen (OP E171: 08:55)
  • Luffy dodged a Burn Bazooka from Wyper (OP E171: 10:07)
  • Luffy dodged a kick from Wyper (OP E171: 10:38)
  • Luffy dodged a Burn Bazooka from Wyper (OP E171: 11:19)
  • Luffy dodged a Burn Bazooka from Wyper (OP E171: 11:41)
  • Luffy shattered Wyper’s shield with a Gomu Gomu no Bazooka (OP E171: 11:50)

Nola (Skypiea arc)

  • Nola tanked a Burn Bazooka from Wyper (OP E176: 16:47)
  • Nola tanked a Burn Bazooka from Wyper (OP E177: 21:14)
  • Nola tanked a barrage of Burn Bazookas from Wyper (OP E178: 03:01)
  • Nola tanked a barrage of Burn Bazookas from Wyper (OP E178: 03:26)
  • Nola tanked a Burn Bazooka from Wyper (OP E178: 03:52)
  • Nola tanked a Burn Bazooka from Wyper (OP E179: 07:14)

Pierre (Skypiea arc)

  • Pierre dodged a Burn Bazooka from Wyper (OP E176: 16:19)
  • Pierre intercepted a Burn Bazooka from Wyper (OP E176: 20:53)

Roronoa Zoro (Skypiea arc)

  • Zoro dodged a Burn Bazooka from Wyper (OP E176: 06:07)
  • Zoro dodged a Burn Bazooka from Wyper (OP E176: 06:50)
  • Zoro dodged a Burn Bazooka from Wyper (OP E177: 14:20)

Ohm (Skypiea arc)

  • Stated that the Priests couldn’t be beaten without sacrifices (OP E169: 17:53)

Satori (Skypiea arc)

  • Stated that the Priests couldn’t be beaten without sacrifices (OP E169: 17:53)

Shura (Skypiea arc)

  • Shura stabbed Wyper with an attack (OP E169: 14:47)
  • Stated that the Priests couldn’t be beaten without sacrifices (OP E169: 17:53)

Standard Equipment

