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Season 1
- Tanked a building collapsing on him after shielding himself with his bugs (B10 E12: 13:14)
Powers and Abilities
Animal Manipulation
- Shot out swarms of bugs from his sleeves, surrounding a construction worker and lifting him into the air (B10 E12: 00:36)
- Controlled termites to eat the floor underneath Gwen (B10 E12: 12:14)
- Covered Four Arms with ants (B10 E12: 12:29)
- Covered the sky with wasps (B10 E12: 13:58)
- Levitated in the air while standing on a swarm of bugs (B10 E12: 05:56)
Forcefield Creation
- Created a sphere of bugs around him to protect himself from a crumbling building (B10 E12: 13:02)
Pain Manipulation
- Covered Liang with black widows (B10 E12: 09:19)
Poison Manipulation
- Covered Liang with black widows (B10 E12: 09:19)
- Regenerated the arm of his cockroach exoskeleton by adding more cockroaches to it (B10 E12: 18:32)
Statistics Amplification
- Created a cockroach exoskeleton around himself (B10 E12: 16:26)
Statistics Reduction
- Covered Liang with black widows (B10 E12: 09:19)
Status Effect Inducement
- Covered Liang with black widows (B10 E12: 09:19)
Resistance to Radiation Manipulation
- Implied that he would survive a nuclear reactor meltdown while wearing his Cockroach Armor (B10 E12: 16:33)
- His bugs harmed Four Arms with an attack (B10 E12: 11:59)
- Harmed Heatblast with an attack while wearing his Cockroach Armor (B10 E12: 17:13)
- Harmed Heatblast with a punch while wearing his Cockroach Armor (B10 E12: 17:44)
- Harmed Heatblast with an attack while wearing his Cockroach Armor (B10 E12: 18:11)
- Harmed Heatblast with an attack while wearing his Cockroach Armor (B10 E12: 18:39)
- Dodged a punch from Max while wearing his Cockroach Armor (B10 E12: 20:38)
- Harmed Max with an attack while wearing his Cockroach Armor (B10 E12: 20:40)
- Overpowered Max while wearing his Cockroach Armor (B10 E12: 21:05)
- Ben froze a Cockroach Armor-equipped Clancy’s arm with a blast of ice while in his Heatblast Form (B10 E12: 18:32)
- Ben froze a Cockroach Armor-equipped Clancy with a blast of ice while in his Heatblast Form (B10 E12: 19:15)
- Max dodged an attack from Clancy’s bugs (B10 E12: 12:11)
- Max knocked Clancy unconscious with a punch (B10 E12: 21:29)
Standard Equipment