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Powers and Abilities


  • His lure appeared to be invisible to Masaki (Bleach E8: 11:17)


Kurosaki Masaki (Agent of the Shinigami arc)

  • Killed Masaki off-screen (Bleach E8: 11:53)


Standard Equipment



Agent of the Shinigami arc



  • Left footprints in the concrete (Bleach E8: 18:47)
  • Broke a tree in half (Bleach E8: 18:52)

Powers and Abilities

Accelerated Development

  • Was stated to attack those with high spiritual power to increase his own power (Bleach E9: 03:40)

Bodily Weaponry

  • Strangled Yuzu with his tongue (Bleach E8: 20:21)
  • Shaped his hair into a long tendril before slamming it into Rukia (Bleach E9: 05:25)
  • Grew sharp talons from his fingertips before increasing their length and stabbing Ichigo (Bleach E9: 10:35)

Body Control

  • Grew sharp talons from his fingertips before increasing their length and stabbing Ichigo (Bleach E9: 10:35)

Enhanced Senses

  • Could see the ghost of Sora (Bleach E2: 11:11)

Hair Manipulation

  • Wrapped his hair around Ichigo (Bleach E9: 04:54)
  • Shaped his hair into a long tendril before slamming it into Rukia (Bleach E9: 05:25)


  • Wasn’t visible to Karin and Yuzu (Bleach E8: 18:42)

Large Size

  • Dwarfed Karin (Bleach E9: 02:28)

Non-Physical Interaction

  • Wrapped his hair around Ichigo, immobilizing him (Bleach E9: 04:54)


  • Regrew his hand after it was severed by Eikichiro (Bleach E9: 11:14)


  • Was stated to give the lure that grows out of his head the appearance of a human (Bleach E9: 03:32)
  • Disguised his lure as Ichigo’s mother (Bleach E9: 11:46)

Size Manipulation

  • Grew sharp talons from his fingertips before increasing their length and stabbing Ichigo (Bleach E9: 10:35)

Soul Manipulation

  • Was stated by Rukia to want to devour Ichigo’s Reiryoku (Bleach E3: 02:41)


  • Looked into Ichigo’s memories to determine his most loved one (Bleach E9: 11:46)
  • His lure was stated to have recorded Masaki’s throughs at the moment of her death (Bleach E9: 15:09)

Resistance to Paralysis Inducement

  • Moved to attack Rukia while under the effects of her Bakudo #9: Geki (Bleach E9: 05:25)


Kuchiki Rukia (Agent of the Shinigami arc)

  • Was stated to be powerful by Rukia (Bleach E3: 02:38)
  • His Reiatsu was stated to be quite big by Rukia (Bleach E8: 19:52)
  • Drew blood from Rukia with an attack (Bleach E9: 05:25)
  • Was stated to be strong by Rukia (Bleach E9: 08:10)

Kurosaki Ichigo (Agent of the Shinigami arc)

  • Dodged an attack from Ichigo (Bleach E9: 04:41)
  • Restrained Ichigo with his hair (Bleach E9: 04:54)
  • Dodged an attack from Ichigo (Bleach E9: 09:11)
  • Stated that Ichigo was slow (Bleach E9: 09:14)
  • Dodged an attack from Ichigo (Bleach E9: 10:13)
  • Impaled Ichigo with an attack (Bleach E9: 10:35)
  • Stated that Ichigo would just die while he toyed with him (Bleach E9: 11:11)
  • Impaled Ichigo with an attack (Bleach E9: 14:04)

Kurosaki Karin (Agent of the Shinigami arc)

  • Harmed Karin with an attack (Bleach E8: 20:11)
  • Harmed Karin with an attack (Bleach E8: 20:16)

Kurosaki Yuzu (Agent of the Shinigami arc)

  • Strangled Yuzu (Bleach E8:20:21)

Saido Eikichiro (Agent of the Shinigami arc)

  • Harmed Eikichiro with an attack (Bleach E9: 06:01)
  • Impaled Eikichiro with a series of hair tendrils (Bleach E9: 06:10)


Kurosaki Ichigo (Agent of the Shinigami arc)

  • Ichigo cut off Grand Fisher’s tongue with an attack (Bleach E9: 01:54)
  • Ichigo dodged an attack from Grand Fisher (Bleach E9: 04:49)
  • Ichigo cut through Grand Fisher’s hair with an attack (Bleach E9: 06:05)
  • Ichigo cut through Grand Fisher’s hair with an attack (Bleach E9: 06:06)
  • Ichigo cut through Grand Fisher’s hair with an attack (Bleach E9: 06:30)
  • Ichigo dodged a series of hair tendrils from Grand Fisher (Bleach E9: 09:18)
  • Ichigo dodged a series of hair tendrils from Grand Fisher (Bleach E9: 09:19)
  • Ichigo dodged a series of hair tendrils from Grand Fisher (Bleach E9: 09:22)
  • Ichigo blocked an attack from Grand Fisher (Bleach E9: 10:19)
  • Ichigo stabbed Grand Fisher with an attack (Bleach E9: 16:47)
  • Ichigo wounded Grand Fisher with an attack (Bleach E9: 17:27)

Saido Eikichiro (Agent of the Shinigami arc)

  • Eikichiro cut off Grand Fisher’s arm with an attack (Bleach E9: 05:56)
  • Eikichiro intercepted a series of hair tendrils from Grand Fisher (Bleach E9: 06:10)

Standard Equipment




  • Stated that he was toying with Ichigo (Bleach E9: 11:11)